Example #1
class Core:
        Initializes all the submodules and serves as a connection point between different modules.
    def __init__(self, justPlots = False):
        self.__name__ = "Core"
        self.configManager = ConfigurationManager()
        # These return True of False depending on whether loading the conf was a success.
        # It should be checked if the conf was loaded successfully and failures should be logged.
        self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_CORE, True)
        self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_SETTINGS, True)
        self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_FORMS, True)
        self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_URLMAP, True)
        self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_MESSAGES, True)
        self.moduleManager = ModuleManager(self)
        self.settingsManager = SettingsManager(self)
        self.clientManager = ClientManager(self)
        self.sensorManager = SensorManager(self)
        self.deviceManager = DeviceManager(self)
        self.taskManager = TaskManager(self)
        self.messageManager = MessageManager(self)
        self.logging = Logging(self)

        if self.settingsManager.equals("plottype", "matplotlib"):
            from Plot import Plot
            self.plot = Plot(self)

        self.protocol = Protocol(self)
        if not justPlots: self.connection = Connection(self)
        if not justPlots: self.scheduler = Scheduler()
        if not justPlots: self.webServer = WebServer(self.connection.getLocalIP(), self.settingsManager.getValueByName("listenport")) # Currently binds to localhost. But this needs to be fixed so other connections can be listened to too.

    def initialize(self):
        self.logging.logDebug(self.__name__ + "." + "initialize")
        startup = Startup(self)

        #modules = []

        #for moduleList in self.configManager.getConf(CONFIG_FORMS).getItem("modules", ""):
        #    modules.append(moduleList["module"])

        self.moduleManager.loadModules(self.configManager.getConf(CONFIG_FORMS).getItem("modules", ""))

    def quit(self):
            Gives threads a signal to shut down, gives them some time to do so and then exits the program
        self.logging.logEvent("Core: Shutting down", "orange")
        self.connection.running = False
        from os import _exit