Example #1
def _validate_rrsig_dsa(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_dsa(key)

    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B', sig[0])
    offset = 1

    # get R
    new_offset = offset + 20
    r = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        r += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset + 20
    s = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        s += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #2
def _dnskey_to_rsa(key):
        # get the exponent length
        e_len, = struct.unpack(b'B', key[0])
    except IndexError:
        return None

    offset = 1
    if e_len == 0:
        e_len, = struct.unpack(b'!H', key[1:3])
        offset = 3

    # get the exponent
    e = b''
    for c in key[offset:offset + e_len]:
        e += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    e = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(e))
    offset += e_len

    # get the modulus
    n = b''
    for c in key[offset:]:
        n += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    n = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(n))

    # create the RSA public key
    rsa = RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))
    pubkey = EVP.PKey()

    return pubkey
Example #3
def _dnskey_to_rsa(key):
        # get the exponent length
        e_len, = struct.unpack(b'B',key[0])
    except IndexError:
        return None

    offset = 1
    if e_len == 0:
        e_len, = struct.unpack(b'!H',key[1:3])
        offset = 3

    # get the exponent
    e = b''
    for c in key[offset:offset+e_len]:
        e += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    e = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(e))
    offset += e_len

    # get the modulus
    n = b''
    for c in key[offset:]:
        n += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    n = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(n))

    # create the RSA public key
    rsa = RSA.new_pub_key((e,n))
    pubkey = EVP.PKey()

    return pubkey
Example #4
def _validate_rrsig_dsa(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_dsa(key)

    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B',sig[0])
    offset = 1

    # get R
    new_offset = offset+20
    r = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        r += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset+20
    s = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        s += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #5
def _dnskey_to_rsa(key):
        # get the exponent length
        e_len = key[0]
    except IndexError:
        return None
    # python3/python2 dual compatibility
    if not isinstance(e_len, int):
        e_len = ord(e_len)

    offset = 1
    if e_len == 0:
        e_len, = struct.unpack(b'!H', key[1:3])
        offset = 3

    # get the exponent
    e = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:offset + e_len])))
    offset += e_len

    # get the modulus
    n = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:])))

    # create the RSA public key
    rsa = RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))
    pubkey = EVP.PKey()

    return pubkey
Example #6
def _dnskey_to_dsa(key):
    # get T
    t = key[0]
    # python3/python2 dual compatibility
    if not isinstance(t, int):
        t = ord(t)
    offset = 1

    # get Q
    new_offset = offset + 20
    q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get P
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get G
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get Y
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # create the DSA public key
    return DSA.pub_key_from_params(p, q, g, y)
Example #7
def _validate_rrsig_dsa(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_dsa(key)

    # get T
    t = sig[0]
    # python3/python2 dual compatibility
    if not isinstance(t, int):
        t = ord(t)
    offset = 1

    # get R
    new_offset = offset + 20
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset + 20
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #8
def generate_challenge(context, ekcert, aikpub, secret, ek=None):
    """ Generate a challenge to verify that the AIK is under the control of
    the TPM we're talking to.

    :param context: The TSS context to use
    :param ekcert: The Endorsement Key certificate
    :param aikpub: The public Attestation Identity Key blob
    :param secret: The secret to challenge the TPM with
    :param ek: TspiKey representing ek. ekcert is ignored if ek is provided.

    :returns: a tuple containing the asymmetric and symmetric components of
    the challenge

    aeskey = bytearray(os.urandom(16))
    iv = bytearray(os.urandom(16))

    if ek is None:
        # Replace rsaesOaep OID with rsaEncryption
        ekcert = ekcert.replace('\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x07',

        x509 = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(ekcert, M2Crypto.X509.FORMAT_DER)
        pubkey = x509.get_pubkey()
        rsakey = pubkey.get_rsa()
        pubkey = ek.get_pubkey()
        n = m2.bin_to_bn(pubkey)
        n = m2.bn_to_mpi(n)
        e = m2.hex_to_bn("010001")
        e = m2.bn_to_mpi(e)
        rsakey = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))

    # TPM_ALG_AES, TPM_ES_SYM_CBC_PKCS5PAD, key length
    asymplain = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x10])
    asymplain += aeskey

    m = hashlib.sha1()
    asymplain += m.digest()

    # Pad with the TCG varient of OAEP
    asymplain = tpm_oaep(asymplain, len(rsakey)/8)

    # Generate the EKpub-encrypted asymmetric buffer containing the aes key
    asymenc = bytearray(rsakey.public_encrypt(asymplain,

    # And symmetrically encrypt the secret with AES
    cipher = M2Crypto.EVP.Cipher('aes_128_cbc', aeskey, iv, 1)
    symenc = cipher.final()

    symheader = struct.pack('!llhhllll', len(symenc) + len(iv),
                            TPM_ALG_AES, TPM_ES_SYM_CBC_PKCS5PAD,
                            TPM_SS_NONE, 12, 128, len(iv), 0)

    symenc = symheader + iv + symenc

    return (asymenc, symenc)
Example #9
def generate_challenge(context, ekcert, aikpub, secret, ek=None):
    """ Generate a challenge to verify that the AIK is under the control of
    the TPM we're talking to.

    :param context: The TSS context to use
    :param ekcert: The Endorsement Key certificate
    :param aikpub: The public Attestation Identity Key blob
    :param secret: The secret to challenge the TPM with
    :param ek: TspiKey representing ek. ekcert is ignored if ek is provided.

    :returns: a tuple containing the asymmetric and symmetric components of
    the challenge

    aeskey = bytearray(os.urandom(16))
    iv = bytearray(os.urandom(16))

    if ek is None:
        # Replace rsaesOaep OID with rsaEncryption
        ekcert = ekcert.replace(b'\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x07',

        x509 = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(ekcert, M2Crypto.X509.FORMAT_DER)
        pubkey = x509.get_pubkey()
        rsakey = pubkey.get_rsa()
        pubkey = ek.get_pubkey()
        n = m2.bin_to_bn(pubkey)
        n = m2.bn_to_mpi(n)
        e = m2.hex_to_bn("010001")
        e = m2.bn_to_mpi(e)
        rsakey = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))

    # TPM_ALG_AES, TPM_ES_SYM_CBC_PKCS5PAD, key length
    asymplain = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x10])
    asymplain += aeskey

    m = hashlib.sha1()
    asymplain += m.digest()

    # Pad with the TCG varient of OAEP
    asymplain = tpm_oaep(asymplain, len(rsakey)//8)

    # Generate the EKpub-encrypted asymmetric buffer containing the aes key
    asymenc = bytearray(rsakey.public_encrypt(asymplain,

    # And symmetrically encrypt the secret with AES
    cipher = M2Crypto.EVP.Cipher('aes_128_cbc', aeskey, iv, 1)
    symenc = cipher.update(secret)
    symenc = symenc + cipher.final()

    symheader = struct.pack('!llhhllll', len(symenc) + len(iv),
                            TPM_ALG_AES, TPM_ES_SYM_CBC_PKCS5PAD,
                            TPM_SS_NONE, 12, 128, len(iv), 0)

    symenc = symheader + iv + symenc

    return (asymenc, symenc)
Example #10
def _dnskey_to_dsa(key):
    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B', key[0])
    offset = 1

    # get Q
    new_offset = offset + 20
    q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get P
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get G
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get Y
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # create the DSA public key
    return DSA.pub_key_from_params(p, q, g, y)
Example #11
def _dnskey_to_dsa(key):
    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B',key[0])
    offset = 1

    # get Q
    new_offset = offset+20
    q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get P
    new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
    p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get G
    new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
    g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get Y
    new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
    y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # create the DSA public key
    return DSA.pub_key_from_params(p,q,g,y)
Example #12
def quote_verify(data, validation, aik, pcrvalues):
    """Verify that a generated quote came from a trusted TPM and matches the
    previously obtained PCR values

    :param data: The TPM_QUOTE_INFO structure provided by the TPM
    :param validation: The validation information provided by the TPM
    :param aik: The object representing the Attestation Identity Key
    :param pcrvalues: A dictionary containing the PCRs read from the TPM
    :returns: True if the quote can be verified, False otherwise
    select = 0
    maxpcr = 0

    # Verify that the validation blob was generated by a trusted TPM
    pubkey = aik.get_pubkey()

    n = m2.bin_to_bn(pubkey)
    n = m2.bn_to_mpi(n)
    e = m2.hex_to_bn("010001")
    e = m2.bn_to_mpi(e)
    rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))

    m = hashlib.sha1()
    md = m.digest()

        ret = rsa.verify(md, str(validation), algo='sha1')
    except M2Crypto.RSA.RSAError:
        return False

    # And then verify that the validation blob corresponds to the PCR
    # values we have
    values = bytearray()

    for pcr in sorted(pcrvalues):
        values += pcrvalues[pcr]
        select |= (1 << pcr)
        maxpcr = pcr

    if maxpcr < 16:
        header = struct.pack('!H', 2)
        header += struct.pack('@H', select)
        header += struct.pack('!I', len(values))
        header = struct.pack('!H', 4)
        header += struct.pack('@I', select)
        header += struct.pack('!I', len(values))

    pcr_blob = header + values

    m = hashlib.sha1()
    pcr_hash = m.digest()

    if pcr_hash == data[8:28]:
        return True
        return False
Example #13
def quote_verify(data, validation, aik, pcrvalues):
    """Verify that a generated quote came from a trusted TPM and matches the
    previously obtained PCR values

    :param data: The TPM_QUOTE_INFO structure provided by the TPM
    :param validation: The validation information provided by the TPM
    :param aik: The object representing the Attestation Identity Key
    :param pcrvalues: A dictionary containing the PCRs read from the TPM
    :returns: True if the quote can be verified, False otherwise
    select = 0
    maxpcr = 0

    # Verify that the validation blob was generated by a trusted TPM
    pubkey = aik.get_pubkey()

    n = m2.bin_to_bn(pubkey)
    n = m2.bn_to_mpi(n)
    e = m2.hex_to_bn("010001")
    e = m2.bn_to_mpi(e)
    rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))

    m = hashlib.sha1()
    md = m.digest()

        ret = rsa.verify(md, str(validation), algo='sha1')
    except M2Crypto.RSA.RSAError:
        return False

    # And then verify that the validation blob corresponds to the PCR
    # values we have
    values = bytearray()

    for pcr in sorted(pcrvalues):
        values += pcrvalues[pcr]
        select |= (1 << pcr)
        maxpcr = pcr

    if maxpcr < 16:
        header = struct.pack('!H', 2)
        header += struct.pack('@H', select)
        header += struct.pack('!I', len(values))
        header = struct.pack('!H', 4)
        header += struct.pack('@I', select)
        header += struct.pack('!I', len(values))

    pcr_blob = header + values

    m = hashlib.sha1()
    pcr_hash = m.digest()

    if pcr_hash == data[8:28]:
        return True
        return False
Example #14
    def verify_ek(self, ekcert, ekpem):
        """Verify that the provided EK certificate is signed by a trusted root
        :param ekcert: The Endorsement Key certificate in DER format
        :param ekpem: the endorsement public key in PEM format
        :returns: True if the certificate can be verified, false otherwise
        #openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.cer -out certificate.pem
            pubekmod = base64.b64decode(self.__get_mod_from_pem(ekpem))

            ek509 = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_der_string(ekcert)

            # locate the region where the pub ek should be and then brute force looking for it.  this is awful!
            # Sadly TPM ek certificates are corrupted in a way that openssl and most other utilities can't read them.
            # sigh TCG
            # search for first 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 (OID for sha1WithRSAEncryption (PKCS #1))
            start = ekcert.index(
                codecs.decode('2a864886f70d010107', 'hex_codec'))
            # now locate the next 1.2.840.113549.1.1.7 (OID for rsaOAEP (PKCS #1)) afterwards
            end = ekcert.index(codecs.decode('2a864886f70d010105',

            if str(pubekmod) not in str(ekcert[start:end]):
                logger.error("Public EK does not match EK certificate")
                return False

            for signer in trusted_certs:
                signcert = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(
                signkey = signcert.get_pubkey()
                if ek509.verify(signkey) == 1:
                    logger.debug("EK cert matched signer %s" % signer)
                    return True

            for key in atmel_trusted_keys:
                e = m2.bn_to_mpi(
                n = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(atmel_trusted_keys[key]['key']))
                rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))
                pubkey = M2Crypto.EVP.PKey()

                if ek509.verify(pubkey) == 1:
                    logger.debug("EK cert matched trusted key %s" % key)
                    return True
        except Exception as e:
            # Log the exception so we don't lose the raw message
            raise Exception(
                "Error processing ek/ekcert. Does this TPM have a valid EK?"

        logger.error("No Root CA matched EK Certificate")
        return False
Example #15
def verify_ek(ekcert, ekpem):
    """Verify that the provided EK certificate is signed by a trusted root
    :param ekcert: The Endorsement Key certificate in DER format
    :param ekpem: the endorsement public key in PEM format
    :returns: True if the certificate can be verified, false otherwise
    tmppath = None
        # write out key blob
        tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp()
        ekFile = open(tmppath, "wb")
        pubekmod = base64.b64decode(get_mod_from_pem(tmppath))
        if tmppath is not None:

    ek509 = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_der_string(ekcert)

    if str(pubekmod) not in str(ekcert):
        logger.error("Public EK does not match EK certificate")
        return False

    for signer in trusted_certs:
        signcert = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(trusted_certs[signer])
        signkey = signcert.get_pubkey()
        if ek509.verify(signkey) == 1:
            logger.debug("EK cert matched signer %s" % signer)
            return True

    for key in atmel_trusted_keys:
        e = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(atmel_trusted_keys[key]['exponent']))
        n = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(atmel_trusted_keys[key]['key']))
        rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))
        pubkey = M2Crypto.EVP.PKey()
        if ek509.verify(pubkey) == 1:
            logger.debug("EK cert matched trusted key %s" % key)
            return True
    logger.errror("No Root CA matched EK Certificate")
    return False
Example #16
def _validate_rrsig_ec(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_ec(alg, key)

    # if the key is invalid, then the signature is also invalid
    if pubkey is None:
        return False

    if alg in (13,):
        sigsize = 64
    elif alg in (14,):
        sigsize = 96
        raise ValueError('EC hash algorithm unknown!')

    if sigsize != len(sig):
        return False

    offset = 0

    # get R
    new_offset = offset+sigsize//2
    r = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        r += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset+sigsize//2
    s = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        s += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest(alg)
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify_dsa(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #17
def _validate_rrsig_ec(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_ec(alg, key)

    # if the key is invalid, then the signature is also invalid
    if pubkey is None:
        return False

    if alg in (13, ):
        alg = 'sha256'
        sigsize = 64
    elif alg in (14, ):
        alg = 'sha384'
        sigsize = 96
        raise ValueError('EC hash algorithm unknown!')

    if sigsize != len(sig):
        return False

    offset = 0

    # get R
    new_offset = offset + sigsize // 2
    r = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        r += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset + sigsize // 2
    s = b''
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        s += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest(alg)
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify_dsa(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #18
 def handle14(self, msg):
   #print "r : %x" % msg.data["r"]
   #print "s : %x" % msg.data["s"]
   sync = msg.data["sync"]
   addr = msg.data["addr"]
   key = msg.data["key"]
   r=m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn("%x" % msg.data["r"]))
   s=m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn("%x" % msg.data["s"]))
   data= msg.data["data"]
   data_sha =hashlib.sha1(self.to_bytes(data,(data.bit_length()/8)+1,endianess='big')).digest()
   #print "Data sha :"
   #print hashlib.sha1(self.to_bytes(data,(data.bit_length()/8)+1,endianess='big')).hexdigest()
   text="Wrong signature !"
   if self.pub_key.verify_dsa(data_sha,r,s):
     text="Signature verified."
     self.last_key="%x" % key
   retstr = output_print.prefix(msg)
   retstr += "Type 14 : Signature with sync = %i and addr=%x . " %(sync, addr)
Example #19
def _validate_rrsig_dsa(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_dsa(key)

    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B', sig[0])
    offset = 1

    # get R
    new_offset = offset + 20
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset + 20
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #20
def _dnskey_to_dsa(key):
    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B',key[0])
    offset = 1

    # get Q
    new_offset = offset+20
    q = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        q += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(q))
    offset = new_offset

    # get P
    new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
    p = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        p += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(p))
    offset = new_offset

    # get G
    new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
    g = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        g += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(g))
    offset = new_offset

    # get Y
    new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
    y = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        y += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
    y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(y))
    offset = new_offset

    # create the DSA public key
    return DSA.pub_key_from_params(p,q,g,y)
Example #21
def _dnskey_to_dsa(key):
    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B', key[0])
    offset = 1

    # get Q
    new_offset = offset + 20
    q = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        q += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(q))
    offset = new_offset

    # get P
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    p = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        p += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(p))
    offset = new_offset

    # get G
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    g = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        g += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(g))
    offset = new_offset

    # get Y
    new_offset = offset + 64 + (t << 3)
    y = b''
    for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
        y += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B', c)[0]
    y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(y))
    offset = new_offset

    # create the DSA public key
    return DSA.pub_key_from_params(p, q, g, y)
Example #22
def _validate_rrsig_dsa(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_dsa(key)

    # get T
    t, = struct.unpack(b'B',sig[0])
    offset = 1

    # get R
    new_offset = offset+20
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset+20
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #23
def _validate_rrsig_ec(alg, sig, msg, key):
    pubkey = _dnskey_to_ec(alg, key)

    if alg in (13,):
        alg = "sha256"
        sigsize = 64
    elif alg in (14,):
        alg = "sha384"
        sigsize = 96
        raise ValueError("EC hash algorithm unknown!")

    if sigsize != len(sig):
        return False

    offset = 0

    # get R
    new_offset = offset + sigsize / 2
    r = ""
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        r += "%02x" % struct.unpack("B", c)[0]
    r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
    offset = new_offset

    # get S
    new_offset = offset + sigsize / 2
    s = ""
    for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
        s += "%02x" % struct.unpack("B", c)[0]
    s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
    offset = new_offset

    md = EVP.MessageDigest(alg)
    digest = md.final()

    return pubkey.verify_dsa(digest, r, s) == 1
Example #24
def verify_ek(context, ekcert):
    """Verify that the provided EK certificate is signed by a trusted root

    :param context: The TSS context to use
    :param ekcert: The Endorsement Key certificate
    :returns: True if the certificate can be verified, false otherwise
    ek509 = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_der_string(ekcert)
    for signer in trusted_certs:
        signcert = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(trusted_certs[signer])
        signkey = signcert.get_pubkey()
        if ek509.verify(signkey) == 1:
            return True

    for key in trusted_keys:
        e = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(trusted_keys[key]['exponent']))
        n = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(trusted_keys[key]['key']))
        rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))
        pubkey = M2Crypto.EVP.PKey()
        if ek509.verify(pubkey) == 1:
            return True

    return False
Example #25
def verify_ek(context, ekcert):
    """Verify that the provided EK certificate is signed by a trusted root

    :param context: The TSS context to use
    :param ekcert: The Endorsement Key certificate
    :returns: True if the certificate can be verified, false otherwise
    ek509 = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_der_string(ekcert)
    for signer in trusted_certs:
        signcert = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(trusted_certs[signer])
        signkey = signcert.get_pubkey()
        if ek509.verify(signkey) == 1:
            return True

    for key in trusted_keys:
        e = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(trusted_keys[key]['exponent']))
        n = m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.hex_to_bn(trusted_keys[key]['key']))
        rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.new_pub_key((e, n))
        pubkey = M2Crypto.EVP.PKey()
        if ek509.verify(pubkey) == 1:
            return True

    return False
Example #26
def num_to_mpi(num):
    return m2.bn_to_mpi(m2.dec_to_bn(str(num)))