Example #1
    def _get_contact_geometry_data(self, q):
        Function calculates a vector - point of contact from global coordinates to local coordinates of each body
        #   evaluate normal for each body in contact
        #   in GCS
        self._n_GCS_list = [+self._n_GCS, -self._n_GCS]

        #   in LCS
        #   list of normals in LCS
        self._n_LCS_list = []
        for body_id, n_i in zip(self.body_id_list, self._n_GCS_list):
            #   normal in LCS
            _theta = q2theta_i(q, body_id)
            _normal_LCS = uP_gcs2lcs(u_P=n_i, theta=_theta)
            #   append normal to list

        # print "self._n_list_GCS =", self._n_list_GCS
        #   evaluate tangent
        #   tangent is calculated from rotation of normal for 90deg in CCW direction
        self._t_GCS = np.dot(A_matrix(np.pi/2), self._n_GCS)
        self._t_GCS_list = [self._t_GCS, -self._t_GCS]

        #   contact point on body j in GCS
        self.r_jP_GCS = q2R_i(q, self.body_id_j) + self.R0_j * self._n_GCS_list[1]

        #   contact point on body i in GCS
        u_iP_LCS = self._distance_obj.contact_point_on_line() + self.u_iP_LCS
        self.r_iP_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_iP_LCS, q, self. body_id_i)

        #   list of contact point in GCS
        self.u_P_GCS_list = [self.r_iP_GCS, self.r_jP_GCS]
Example #2
    def _create_markers(self):
        Function creates markers
        markers = []
        #   create markers for joint centers
        for i, u_P in enumerate(self.u_CP_LCS_list):
            #   get correct body object
            body_id = body = None
            if i == 0 or i == 1:
                body = self.body_list[0]
                body_id = self.body_id_list[0]
            if i == 2:
                body = self.body_list[1]
                body_id = self.body_id_list[1]

            #   node coordinates in GCS
            rP = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_P, self.q0, body_id)

            #   add 3rd dimension for visualization
            rP = np.array(np.append(rP, self.z_dim), dtype="float32")

            if body is not None:
                #   create marker object
                marker = Marker(rP, parent=self)

                #   append marker to list of contact markers

        return markers
Example #3
    def update_F(self,

        :param step:
        :param Fx:
        :param Fy:
        :param Mz:
        if step is None:

        #    update applied force vector

        #    update position vector of applied force
        #   LCS
        if (u_P == np.zeros(2)).all():
            u_P = self.u_iP_f


        #   GCS
        if (r_P == np.zeros(2)).all() and hasattr(q, "__len__"):
            r_P = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_P, q, self.body_id)

Example #4
 def reset(self, q):
     Function defined in subclass
     for i, (body_id, uP, node_id) in enumerate(
             zip(self.body_id_list, self.u_P_LCS_list, self.node_id_list)):
         self.r_P_list[i] = u_P_lcs2gcs(uP, q, body_id, node_id=node_id)
Example #5
 def _pin_GCS(self, q):
     Function updates and calculates position of a pin center in global coordinates - GCS
     :param q:
     CP_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(self.u_jP, q, self.body_id_j)
     return CP_GCS
Example #6
    def _contact_geometry_P_GCS(self, q):
        Function evaluates position of body points (sphere center) and points that define edge - line
        r_i_list_GCS = []
        for i, body_id in enumerate(self.body_id_list):
            #   geometry points of line
            if i == 0:
                for u_iP in self.u_i_list_LCS:
                    if u_iP is not None:
                        r_iP = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_iP, q, body_id)
            #   circle center
            if i == 1:
                r_jP_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(self.u_jP_LCS, q, body_id)

        return r_i_list_GCS, r_jP_GCS
 def _pin_GCS(self, q):
     Function updates and calculates position of a pin center in global coordinates - GCS
     :param q:
     # CP_GCS = q2R_i(q, self.body_id_i) + Ai_ui_P_vector(self.u_iP, q2theta_i(q, self.body_id_i))
     CP_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(self.u_iP, q, self.body_id_i)
     return CP_GCS
    def evaluate_C(self, q, t=0.):
        Function is defined in subclass
        :param q:
        :param t:
        self.C = np.zeros(self.n_CNC)
        #   node on rigid body in GCS
        rP_i = u_P_lcs2gcs(
            self.u_P_LCS_list[self.body_id_list.index(self.body_id_i)], q,

        #   node on flexible body
        rP_j = self._parent._parent.bodies[self.body_id_j].evaluate_r(
            q, node_id=self.node_id_j)

        #   list of coordinates vectors
        self.r_P_GCS_list = [rP_i, rP_j]

        #   vector C
        self.C[0:2] = rP_i - rP_j

        #   vector perpendicular to gradient vector
        # theta_i = q2theta_i(q, self.body_id_i)
        # rR_i = Ai_ui_P_vector(self.u_iR, theta_i)

        #   gradient vector at node of a joint
        # self.e_j_grad = self._parent._parent.bodies[self.body_id_j].e_node(q, self.node_id_j)[2:4]
        # self.e_j_grad = q2e_x_jk(q, self.body_id_j, self.node_id_j)
        # e_j_grad_unit = e_j_grad / np.linalg.norm(e_j_grad)
        #   scalar product of two vectors

        # rR_i_scaled = rR_i * np.linalg.norm(self.e_j_grad)
        # print "rR_i =", rR_i
        # print "self.e_j_grad =", self.e_j_grad
        # print "np.dot() =", np.dot(rR_i, self.e_j_grad)
        # print "fi =", np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(rR_i, self.e_j_grad) / (np.linalg.norm(rR_i) * np.linalg.norm(self.e_j_grad))))

        # plt.plot([0, rR_i[0]], [0, rR_i[1]], color="blue")
        # plt.plot([0, self.e_j_grad[0]], [0, self.e_j_grad[1]], color="green")
        # plt.show()

        # C[2] = np.dot(rR_i, e_j_grad)
        #   vector C
        # self.C[2] = np.dot(rR_i, self.e_j_grad)
        #   override for constraint check - this equations is not explicitly used at each integration time step
        # self.C[2] = 0.
        # C[2] = rR_i_scaled - self.e_j_grad

        # print "test =", np.dot(self.e_j_grad, Ai_ui_P_vector(self.u_iR, theta_i + np.deg2rad(90.)))

        # print "rR_i =", rR_i, "e_j_grad =", e_j_grad, "C[2:4] =", C[2:4], "rR_i - e_j_grad =", rR_i - e_j_grad, "dfi =", np.arccos(np.dot(rR_i, e_j_grad) / (np.linalg.norm(rR_i) * np.linalg.norm(e_j_grad))), np.linalg.norm(rR_i), np.linalg.norm(e_j_grad)

        # print "dfi =", np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(rR_i, e_j_grad_unit) / (np.linalg.norm(rR_i) * np.linalg.norm(e_j_grad_unit))))
        return self.C
Example #9
    def _slot_GCS(self, q):

        :param q:
        slot_CP_GCS = []
        for CP in self.u_CP_slot_LCS:
            _uP_gcs = u_P_lcs2gcs(CP, q, self.body_id_i)
        return slot_CP_GCS
Example #10
    def evaluate_rijP(self, q):
        Length of spring at time when vector of absolute coordinates is equal to q
        for i, (body_id,
                uP) in enumerate(zip(self.body_id_list, self.u_P_LCS_list)):
            self.r_P_list[i] = u_P_lcs2gcs(uP, q, body_id)

        r_ij_P = self.r_P_list[0] - self.r_P_list[1]

        return r_ij_P
    def _slot_GCS(self, q):

        :param q:
        slot_CP_GCS = []
        for CP in self.u_CP_slot_LCS:
            _uP_gcs = u_P_lcs2gcs(CP, q, self.body_id_j)
        return slot_CP_GCS
Example #12
    def _contact_geometry_CP_GCS(self, q):
        Function calculates position of centers (CP - Center Points) of revolute joint pin/hole in GCS
        :param q:               a vector of coordinates of the system (numpy array)
        :return u_CP_list_GCS:  a list of two arrays (vectors) of
        #   calculate position of pin/hole centers of each body in GCS
        for i, (body_id, u_P) in enumerate(zip(self.body_id_list, self.u_CP_LCS_list)):
            #   axis center of revolute joint of each body in GCS
            self.r_CP_GCS_list[i] = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_P, q, body_id)

        #   convert to 32bit float to display in opengl scene
        return np.array(self.r_CP_GCS_list, dtype="float32")
Example #13
    def _reset(self, q):

        #   node on rigid body in GCS
        rP_i = u_P_lcs2gcs(self.u_P_LCS_list[self.body_id_list.index(self.body_id_i)], q, self.body_id_i)

        #   node on flexible body
        rP_j = self._parent._parent.bodies[self.body_id_j].evaluate_r(q, node_id=self.node_id_j)

        #   list of coordinates vectors
        self.r_P_GCS_list = [rP_i, rP_j]
    def _contact_geometry_CP_GCS(self, q):
        Function calculates position of centers (CP - Center Points) of revolute joint pin/hole in GCS
        :param q:               a vector of coordinates of the system (numpy array)
        :return u_CP_list_GCS:  a list of two arrays (vectors) of
        #   calculate position of pin/hole centers of each body in GCS
        u_CP_GCS_list = []
        print "q =", q
        for body_id, u_P in zip(self.body_id_list, self.u_CP_LCS_list):
            print "u_P =", u_P
            #   axis center of revolute joint of each body in GCS
            u_P_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_P, q, body_id)
            print "u_P_GCS =", u_P_GCS

        #   reformat to 32bit float to display in opengl scene
        return np.array(u_CP_GCS_list, dtype="float32")
Example #15
    def _evaluate_Q_e_rigid(self, t, q, F):
        Evaluate generalized external force for rigid body
        :param t:
        :param q:
        #   position of force in GCS
        self.r_P_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(self.u_P_LCS, q, self.body_id)

        #   get theta of body from q vector
        theta = q2theta_i(q, self.body_id)

        #   construct a matrix (function of vector q)
        matrix = Force_Q_e_matrix(self.body_id, self.u_iP_f, theta)

        #   form a vector
        Q_e = np.dot(matrix.matrix, F)

        return Q_e
Example #16
    def reset(self, q0):

        #   set q0
        self.q0 = q0

        self.Fx = 0.
        self.Fy = 0.
        self.Mz = 0.

        if self._body.body_type == "rigid body":
            self.r_P_GCS = u_P_lcs2gcs(self.u_P_LCS, self.q0, self.body_id)

        if self._body.body_type == "flexible body":
            self.r_P_GCS = self.q0

        self.F = self._evaluate_F(0.)

Example #17
    def _create_markers(self):
        Function create markers
        markers = []
        self.r_P_list = []
        for body_id, u_P in zip(self.body_id_list, self.u_P_LCS_list):
            if body_id == "ground" or body_id == -1:
                #   pointer to body object
                body = self._parent._parent.ground
                r_P = u_P

                r_P = u_P_lcs2gcs(u_P, self.q0, body_id)

                #   pointer to body object
                if self._parent is not None:
                    body = self._parent._parent.bodies[body_id]
                    body = None


            if body is not None:
                #   create marker object
                r_node = np.array(np.append(r_P, self.z_dim), dtype="float32")
                u_node = np.array(np.append(u_P, self.z_dim), dtype="float32")
                marker = Marker(r_node, uP=u_node, body_id=body, parent=body)
                #   append marker object
                #   to body list of markers
                #   to markers list


        return markers
    def evaluate_C(self, q, t=None):
        Function evaluates C for the joint
        :param q:
        :param t:
        #   node on rigid body in GCS
        rP_i = u_P_lcs2gcs(
            self.u_P_LCS_list[self.body_id_list.index(self.body_id_i)], q,

        #   node on flexible body
        rP_j = self._parent._parent.bodies[self.body_id_j].evaluate_r(
            q, node_id=self.node_id_j)

        #   list of coordinates vectors
        self.r_P_GCS_list = [rP_i, rP_j]

        #   vector C
        self.C = rP_i - rP_j

        return self.C