def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) psyco.full() self.laserscanner = HokuyoLaserScanner() self.localisation = Localisation(400) self.naofinder = NAOFinder(self.localisation) = Network() ## control variables self.control = numpy.zeros(3) # automatic self.state = 'init' # states: init, chase, position, lost self.statecount = 0 self.targetnumber = 0 #self.targets = [[250, -100], [250, 100], [50, 100], [50, -100]] #self.targets = [[275, -10], [275, 10], [50, 10], [50, -10]] self.targets = [[275, 0], [50, 0]] # manual self.up = False # set these to true when the key is pressed! self.down = False self.left = False self.right = False self.distance = 0 self.bearing = 0 self.orientation = 0 self.CartesianPanel.setNaoFinder(self.naofinder) self.NaoPanel.setNaoFinder(self.naofinder) self.NaoPanel.setLocalisation(self.localisation) self.closed = False
class MainFrame(wx.Frame): _custom_classes = {'wx.Panel': ['CartesianPanel', 'VelocityPanel']} def _init_ctrls(self, prnt): wx.Frame.__init__(self, id=wxID_MAINFRAME, name='MainFrame', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(150, 80), size=wx.Size(1016, 674), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='Laser Scanner GUI') self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(1016, 674)) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 255)) self.CartesianPanel = CartesianPanel(id=wxID_MAINFRAMEPANEL1, name='CartesianPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(8, 8), size=wx.Size(200, 400), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.NaoPanel = NaoPanel(id=wxID_MAINFRAMEPANEL1, name='NaoPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(208, 8), size=wx.Size(800, 400), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.VelocityPanel = VelocityPanel(id=wxID_MAINFRAMEPANEL2, name='VelocityPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(8, 416), size=wx.Size(1008, 250), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnMainFrameClose) self.NumUpdates = 0 self.StartTime = time.time() def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) psyco.full() self.laserscanner = HokuyoLaserScanner() self.localisation = Localisation(400) self.naofinder = NAOFinder(self.localisation) = Network() ## control variables self.control = numpy.zeros(3) # automatic self.state = 'init' # states: init, chase, position, lost self.statecount = 0 self.targetnumber = 0 #self.targets = [[250, -100], [250, 100], [50, 100], [50, -100]] #self.targets = [[275, -10], [275, 10], [50, 10], [50, -10]] self.targets = [[275, 0], [50, 0]] # manual self.up = False # set these to true when the key is pressed! self.down = False self.left = False self.right = False self.distance = 0 self.bearing = 0 self.orientation = 0 self.CartesianPanel.setNaoFinder(self.naofinder) self.NaoPanel.setNaoFinder(self.naofinder) self.NaoPanel.setLocalisation(self.localisation) self.closed = False def updateData(self): if self.closed == False: polardata, cartesiandata = self.laserscanner.getRangeData() self.measurement = self.naofinder.findNAO(polardata, cartesiandata) self.localisation.update(self.control, self.measurement) if self.keyPressed() or self.distance != 0 or self.bearing != 0: self.calculateWalkControl() else: self.automaticWalk(), self.localisation.VY, self.localisation.V, self.control[0], self.control[1], self.control[2]) self.CartesianPanel.updateData(cartesiandata, self.localisation.X, self.localisation.Y) self.NaoPanel.updateData(cartesiandata) self.VelocityPanel.updateData(self.localisation.VX, self.localisation.VY, self.localisation.V) self.NumUpdates = self.NumUpdates + 1 #print self.NumUpdates/(time.time() - self.StartTime) def automaticWalk(self): """ """ # do state transitions if close then then switch to away, if far switch to toward if self.state == 'init': self.statecount += 1 if self.statecount > 20: print "automaticWalk: init->chase" self.state = 'chase' self.statecount = 0 elif self._robotLost(): self.state = 'lost' elif self.state == 'chase': self.statecount += 1 if self.statecount > 30 and self._limitReached(): print "automaticWalk: chase->position" self.state = 'position' self.targetnumber = (self.targetnumber + 1) % len(self.targets) self.statecount = 0 elif self.state == 'position': self.statecount += 1 if self.statecount > 5 and self._facingTarget(): print "automaticWalk: position->chase" self.state = 'chase' self.statecount = 0 elif self.state == 'lost': if self._robotLost() == False: self.state = 'position' if self.state == 'init' or self.state == 'chase': self.control = [-1, 0, 0] elif self.state == 'position': x, y = self.calculateRelativeTarget( self.targets[self.targetnumber]) bearing = numpy.arctan2(y, x) self.control = [-1, bearing, 0] elif self.state == 'lost': self.control = [0, 0, 0] else: print "automaticWalk: ERROR. Unknown state", self.state self.control = numpy.array(self.control) if abs(self.control[1]) > 2.59: self.control[1] = (self.control[1] / abs(self.control[1])) * 2.59 def _limitReached(self): """ Returns true if the robot has reached the border of its play area """ innerlimit = 50 sidelimit = 150 outerlimit = 275 if self.localisation.X < innerlimit: return True if math.fabs(self.localisation.Y) > sidelimit: return True if numpy.sqrt(self.localisation.X**2 + self.localisation.Y**2) > outerlimit: return True return False def _targetReached(self): """ Returns true if the current target (self.targets[self.targetnumber]) has been reached""" target = self.targets[self.targetnumber] if numpy.sqrt((target[0] - self.localisation.X)**2 + (target[1] - self.localisation.Y)**2) < 20: return True else: return False def _facingTarget(self): """ Returns true if we are facing the target """ target = self.targets[self.targetnumber] x, y = self.calculateRelativeTarget(target) bearing = numpy.arctan2(y, x) if math.fabs(bearing) < 0.25: return True else: return False def _robotLost(self): """ Returns true if the robot has gone beyond the border of its play area """ if self.localisation.X < 20: return True if numpy.sqrt(self.localisation.X**2 + self.localisation.Y**2) > 350: return True return False def calculateRelativeTarget(self, target): """ """ x = target[0] y = target[1] relativeX = (x - self.localisation.X) * math.cos( self.localisation.Orientation ) + (y - self.localisation.Y) * math.sin(self.localisation.Orientation) relativeY = -(x - self.localisation.X) * math.sin( self.localisation.Orientation ) + (y - self.localisation.Y) * math.cos(self.localisation.Orientation) return [relativeX, relativeY] def calculateWalkControl(self): deltadistance = 4 deltabearing = 0.1 if self.up == True: if self.distance < 0: self.distance = 0 self.distance += deltadistance if self.distance > 100: self.distance = 100 elif self.down == True: if self.distance > 0: self.distance = 0 self.distance -= deltadistance if self.distance < -30: self.distance = -30 else: if self.distance > 0: self.distance -= deltadistance if self.distance < 0: self.distance = 0 elif self.distance < 0: self.distance += deltadistance if self.distance > 0: self.distance = 0 if self.left == True: if self.bearing < 0: self.bearing += 3 * deltabearing else: self.bearing += deltabearing if self.bearing > 3: self.bearing = 3 elif self.right == True: if self.bearing > 0: self.bearing = 0 self.bearing -= deltabearing if self.bearing < -3: self.bearing = -3 else: if self.bearing > 0: self.bearing -= deltabearing if self.bearing < 0: self.bearing = 0 elif self.bearing < 0: self.bearing += deltabearing if self.bearing > 0: self.bearing = 0 if self.distance == 0: # then I want to turn on the spot self.control = [0, 0, self.bearing] elif self.distance < 0: ## then I want to walk backwards self.control = [-1 * self.distance, math.pi, 0] else: self.control = [-1, self.bearing, 1001] self.control = numpy.array(self.control) def keyPressed(self): """ Returns True if we are manually controlling the robot """ return self.up or self.down or self.left or self.right def OnMainKeyDown(self, event): code = event.GetKeyCode() if code == wx.WXK_UP: self.up = True elif code == wx.WXK_DOWN: self.down = True elif code == wx.WXK_LEFT: self.left = True elif code == wx.WXK_RIGHT: self.right = True event.Skip() def OnMainKeyUp(self, event): code = event.GetKeyCode() if code == wx.WXK_UP: self.up = False elif code == wx.WXK_DOWN: self.down = False elif code == wx.WXK_LEFT: self.left = False elif code == wx.WXK_RIGHT: self.right = False event.Skip() def OnMainFrameClose(self, event): self.laserscanner.stop() self.closed = True event.Skip()
class MainFrame(wx.Frame): _custom_classes = {'wx.Panel' : ['CartesianPanel','VelocityPanel']} def _init_ctrls(self, prnt): wx.Frame.__init__(self, id=wxID_MAINFRAME, name='MainFrame', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(150, 80), size=wx.Size(1016, 674), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='Laser Scanner GUI') self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(1016, 674)) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 255)) self.CartesianPanel = CartesianPanel(id=wxID_MAINFRAMEPANEL1, name='CartesianPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(8, 8), size=wx.Size(200, 400), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.NaoPanel = NaoPanel(id=wxID_MAINFRAMEPANEL1, name='NaoPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(208, 8), size=wx.Size(800, 400), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.VelocityPanel = VelocityPanel(id=wxID_MAINFRAMEPANEL2, name='VelocityPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(8, 416), size=wx.Size(1008, 250), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnMainFrameClose) self.NumUpdates = 0 self.StartTime = time.time() def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) psyco.full() self.laserscanner = HokuyoLaserScanner() self.localisation = Localisation(400) self.naofinder = NAOFinder(self.localisation) = Network() ## control variables self.control = numpy.zeros(3) # automatic self.state = 'init' # states: init, chase, position, lost self.statecount = 0 self.targetnumber = 0 #self.targets = [[250, -100], [250, 100], [50, 100], [50, -100]] #self.targets = [[275, -10], [275, 10], [50, 10], [50, -10]] self.targets = [[275, 0], [50, 0]] # manual self.up = False # set these to true when the key is pressed! self.down = False self.left = False self.right = False self.distance = 0 self.bearing = 0 self.orientation = 0 self.CartesianPanel.setNaoFinder(self.naofinder) self.NaoPanel.setNaoFinder(self.naofinder) self.NaoPanel.setLocalisation(self.localisation) self.closed = False def updateData(self): if self.closed == False: polardata, cartesiandata = self.laserscanner.getRangeData() self.measurement = self.naofinder.findNAO(polardata, cartesiandata) self.localisation.update(self.control, self.measurement) if self.keyPressed() or self.distance != 0 or self.bearing != 0: self.calculateWalkControl() else: self.automaticWalk(), self.localisation.VY, self.localisation.V, self.control[0], self.control[1], self.control[2]) self.CartesianPanel.updateData(cartesiandata, self.localisation.X, self.localisation.Y) self.NaoPanel.updateData(cartesiandata) self.VelocityPanel.updateData(self.localisation.VX, self.localisation.VY, self.localisation.V) self.NumUpdates = self.NumUpdates + 1 #print self.NumUpdates/(time.time() - self.StartTime) def automaticWalk(self): """ """ # do state transitions if close then then switch to away, if far switch to toward if self.state == 'init': self.statecount += 1 if self.statecount > 20: print "automaticWalk: init->chase" self.state = 'chase' self.statecount = 0 elif self._robotLost(): self.state = 'lost' elif self.state == 'chase': self.statecount += 1 if self.statecount > 30 and self._limitReached(): print "automaticWalk: chase->position" self.state = 'position' self.targetnumber = (self.targetnumber + 1)%len(self.targets) self.statecount = 0 elif self.state == 'position': self.statecount += 1 if self.statecount > 5 and self._facingTarget(): print "automaticWalk: position->chase" self.state = 'chase' self.statecount = 0 elif self.state == 'lost': if self._robotLost() == False: self.state = 'position' if self.state == 'init' or self.state == 'chase': self.control = [-1, 0, 0] elif self.state == 'position': x, y = self.calculateRelativeTarget(self.targets[self.targetnumber]) bearing = numpy.arctan2(y,x) self.control = [-1, bearing, 0] elif self.state == 'lost': self.control = [0, 0, 0] else: print "automaticWalk: ERROR. Unknown state", self.state self.control = numpy.array(self.control) if abs(self.control[1]) > 2.59: self.control[1] = (self.control[1]/abs(self.control[1]))*2.59 def _limitReached(self): """ Returns true if the robot has reached the border of its play area """ innerlimit = 50 sidelimit = 150 outerlimit = 275 if self.localisation.X < innerlimit: return True if math.fabs(self.localisation.Y) > sidelimit: return True if numpy.sqrt(self.localisation.X**2 + self.localisation.Y**2) > outerlimit: return True return False def _targetReached(self): """ Returns true if the current target (self.targets[self.targetnumber]) has been reached""" target = self.targets[self.targetnumber] if numpy.sqrt((target[0] - self.localisation.X)**2 + (target[1] - self.localisation.Y)**2) < 20: return True else: return False def _facingTarget(self): """ Returns true if we are facing the target """ target = self.targets[self.targetnumber] x, y = self.calculateRelativeTarget(target) bearing = numpy.arctan2(y,x) if math.fabs(bearing) < 0.25: return True else: return False def _robotLost(self): """ Returns true if the robot has gone beyond the border of its play area """ if self.localisation.X < 20: return True if numpy.sqrt(self.localisation.X**2 + self.localisation.Y**2) > 350: return True return False def calculateRelativeTarget(self, target): """ """ x = target[0] y = target[1] relativeX = (x - self.localisation.X)*math.cos(self.localisation.Orientation) + (y - self.localisation.Y)*math.sin(self.localisation.Orientation) relativeY = -(x - self.localisation.X)*math.sin(self.localisation.Orientation) + (y - self.localisation.Y)*math.cos(self.localisation.Orientation) return [relativeX, relativeY] def calculateWalkControl(self): deltadistance = 4 deltabearing = 0.1 if self.up == True: if self.distance < 0: self.distance = 0 self.distance += deltadistance if self.distance > 100: self.distance = 100 elif self.down == True: if self.distance > 0: self.distance = 0 self.distance -= deltadistance if self.distance < -30: self.distance = -30 else: if self.distance > 0: self.distance -= deltadistance if self.distance < 0: self.distance = 0 elif self.distance < 0: self.distance += deltadistance if self.distance > 0: self.distance = 0 if self.left == True: if self.bearing < 0: self.bearing += 3*deltabearing else: self.bearing += deltabearing if self.bearing > 3: self.bearing = 3; elif self.right == True: if self.bearing > 0: self.bearing = 0 self.bearing -= deltabearing if self.bearing < -3: self.bearing = -3; else: if self.bearing > 0: self.bearing -= deltabearing if self.bearing < 0: self.bearing = 0 elif self.bearing < 0: self.bearing += deltabearing if self.bearing > 0: self.bearing = 0 if self.distance == 0: # then I want to turn on the spot self.control = [0, 0, self.bearing] elif self.distance < 0: ## then I want to walk backwards self.control = [-1*self.distance, math.pi, 0] else: self.control = [-1, self.bearing, 1001] self.control = numpy.array(self.control) def keyPressed(self): """ Returns True if we are manually controlling the robot """ return self.up or self.down or self.left or self.right def OnMainKeyDown(self, event): code = event.GetKeyCode() if code == wx.WXK_UP: self.up = True elif code == wx.WXK_DOWN: self.down = True elif code == wx.WXK_LEFT: self.left = True elif code == wx.WXK_RIGHT: self.right = True event.Skip() def OnMainKeyUp(self, event): code = event.GetKeyCode() if code == wx.WXK_UP: self.up = False elif code == wx.WXK_DOWN: self.down = False elif code == wx.WXK_LEFT: self.left = False elif code == wx.WXK_RIGHT: self.right = False event.Skip() def OnMainFrameClose(self, event): self.laserscanner.stop() self.closed = True event.Skip()