Example #1
def atlantic_maskuv(msku, mskv):
    # this is pure convenience
    fmsku = llc.faces(msku)
    fmskv = llc.faces(mskv)
    # mask southern ocean first
    js = 374
    nz, ny, nx = fmsku[0].shape
    fmsku[0][:, :js, :] = 0.
    fmsku[4][:, :, ny - js:] = 0.
    fmskv[0][:, :js, :] = 0.
    fmskv[4][:, :, ny - js:] = 0.
    # atlantic mask
    iw = 176
    # this rough and removes part of the norwegian sea
    fmsku[0][:, :, iw:] = 0
    # mediterranean sea
    fmsku[0][:, 599:651, 96:] = 0
    fmsku[0][:, 651:662, 125:] = 0
    # baltic and north sea
    fmsku[0][:, 703:756, 140:] = 0
    fmsku[0][:, 756:758, 173:] = 0
    fmsku[1][:] = 0.
    fmsku[2][:] = 0.
    fmsku[3][:] = 0.
    # north pacific
    fmsku[4][:, :90, :] = 0
    # south pacific
    fmsku[4][:, :174, 287:] = 0
    fmsku[4][:, :133, 263:] = 0
    # hudson bay etc
    fmsku[4][:, :160, :121] = 0
    fmsku[4][:, :189, 26:121] = 0
    # this rough and removes part of the norwegian sea
    fmskv[0][:, :, iw - 1:] = 0
    # mediterranean sea
    fmskv[0][:, 599:651, 96:] = 0
    fmskv[0][:, 651:662, 125:] = 0
    # baltic and north sea
    fmskv[0][:, 703:756, 140:] = 0
    fmskv[0][:, 756:758, 172:] = 0
    fmskv[1][:] = 0.
    fmskv[2][:] = 0.
    fmskv[3][:] = 0.
    # north pacific
    fmskv[4][:, :90, :] = 0
    # south pacific
    fmskv[4][:, :174, 287:] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :133, 263:] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, 90, 262] = 0.
    fmskv[4][:, 99:102, 262] = 0.
    # hudson bay etc
    fmskv[4][:, :160, :121] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :189, 25:121] = 0

    return llc.faces2mds(fmsku), llc.faces2mds(fmskv)
Example #2
def atlantic_mask(mskc):
    # this is pure convenience
    fmsk = llc.faces(mskc)
    # mask southern ocean first
    js = 374
    nz, ny, nx = fmsk[0].shape
    fmsk[0][:, :374, 172:] = 0.
    fmsk[4][:, :188, 527:] = 0.
    # atlantic mask
    # this rough and removes part of the norwegian sea
    fmsk[0][:, :, 180:] = 0
    fmsk[0][:, :380, 175:] = 0
    # mediterranean sea
    fmsk[0][:, 599:651, 96:] = 0
    fmsk[0][:, 651:662, 125:] = 0
    # baltic and north sea
    fmsk[0][:, 703:756, 140:] = 0
    fmsk[0][:, 756:768, 172:] = 0
    fmsk[1][:] = 0.
    fmsk[2][:] = 0.
    fmsk[3][:] = 0.
    # north pacific
    fmsk[4][:, :90, :] = 0
    # south pacific
    fmsk[4][:, :174, 287:] = 0
    fmsk[4][:, :133, 263:] = 0
    fmsk[4][:, :102, 262] = 0
    # hudson bay etc
    fmsk[4][:, :160, :121] = 0
    fmsk[4][:, :189, 26:121] = 0

    return llc.faces2mds(fmsk)
def move(runoff,moves,mask):#{{{2
    '''move runoff from land- to ocean-point
       runoff: runoff field (on MITgcm grid)
       moves: list of source and destination points
       mask: land-ocean-mask
    area = rdmds(args.gridpath+'RAC')

    new_runoff = np.zeros_like(runoff)
    for month in np.arange(0,12):     # loop over months
        # move mds to list of faces and resort faces
        runoff_copy = np.copy(runoff[month,:,:])*area
        runoff_f = llc.faces(runoff_copy)
        runoff_f = resort_faces(runoff_f)

        for i in np.arange(len(moves)):  # loop over points to move

            # source and destination coordinates for face, y and x
            source_y =  moves[i][0][1]
            source_x =  moves[i][0][2]
            dest_face = moves[i][1][0]
            dest_y =    moves[i][1][1]
            dest_x =    moves[i][1][2]
#            print '###########################################'
#            print 'source_coord',source_face,source_y,source_x
#            print 'dest_coord', dest_face,dest_y,dest_x 
#            print 'dest',runoff_f[dest_face][dest_y,dest_x]

            # add runoff of source cell to destination cell
            runoff_f[dest_face][dest_y,dest_x] = runoff_f[source_face][source_y,source_x] + runoff_f[dest_face][dest_y,dest_x]
#            print 'source', runoff_f[source_face][source_y,source_x] 
#            print 'new',runoff_f[dest_face][dest_y,dest_x] 

        # resort faces back and move list to mds array
        runoff_f = resort_back_faces(runoff_f)
        runoff_m = llc.faces2mds(runoff_f)
        runoff_m = runoff_m*mask    # delete runoff on land

        area[area == 0.0] = 1e-33
        runoff_m = runoff_m/area

        new_runoff[month,:,:] = runoff_m  # write runoff of month into array
    return new_runoff
Example #4
def atlantic_mask(msku, mskv):
    # this is pure convenience
    fmsku = llc.faces(msku)
    fmskv = llc.faces(mskv)
    # mask southern ocean first
    fmsku[0][:, :123, :] = 0.
    fmsku[4][:, :, 148:] = 0.
    fmskv[0][:, :123, :] = 0.
    fmskv[4][:, :, 147:] = 0.
    # atlantic mask
    fmsku[0][:, :, 57:] = 0
    fmsku[0][:, 203:221, 37:] = 0
    fmsku[0][:, 208:210, 33:37] = 0
    fmsku[1][:] = 0.
    fmsku[2][:] = 0.
    fmsku[3][:] = 0.
    fmsku[4][:, :30, :] = 0
    fmsku[4][:, :51, 91:] = 0
    fmsku[4][:, :59, 123:] = 0
    fmsku[4][:, :42, 85:] = 0
    fmsku[4][:, :54, :40] = 0
    fmskv[0][:, :, 57:] = 0
    fmskv[0][:, 203:221, 37:] = 0
    fmskv[0][:, 209, 33:37] = 0
    fmskv[1][:] = 0.
    fmskv[2][:] = 0.
    fmskv[3][:] = 0.
    fmskv[4][:, :55, :40] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :31, :] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :36, 84:] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :51, 92:] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :60, 123:] = 0
    fmskv[4][:, :45, 86:] = 0

    return llc.faces2mds(fmsku), llc.faces2mds(fmskv)
Example #5
def mit_div(u, v, hfw, hfs, dxg, dyg, rac):
    """Compute divergence of vector field

    Usage: divergence = mit_div(u,v,hfw,hfs,dxg,dyg,rac):

    lenu = len(np.shape(u))
    nt = 1
    nk = 1
    if lenu == 2:
        nju, niu = np.shape(u)
        njv, niv = np.shape(v)
    elif lenu == 3:
        nk, nju, niu = np.shape(u)
        nk, njv, niv = np.shape(v)
    elif lenu == 4:
        nt, nk, nju, niu = np.shape(u)
        nt, nk, njv, niv = np.shape(v)
        raise ValueError('Can only handle 2 to 4 dimensions')

    # check for 2D arrays
    # in this case nk is the time dimension and we need to have
    # a separate index for hfw and hfs
    if len(np.shape(hfw)) == 2 or np.shape(hfw)[0] != nk:
        nt = nk
        nk = 1

    nj = np.min([nju, njv])
    ni = np.min([niu, niv])

    cubed_sphere = 0
    if niu == 6 * nju:
        print('shape(u)[-1]=6*shape(u)[-2]: assuming cubed sphere fields')
        cubed_sphere = 1

    llcap = 0
    if nju == 13 * niu:
        print('shape(u)[-2]=13*shape(u)[-1]: assuming lat-lon-cap fields')
        llcap = 1

    if cubed_sphere:
        n = nju
        div = np.zeros((nt, nk, 6, n, n), dtype=u.dtype)
        u = u.reshape(nt, nk, nju, niu)
        v = v.reshape(nt, nk, njv, niv)
        hfw = hfw.reshape(nk, nju, niu)
        hfs = hfs.reshape(nk, njv, niv)
        for t in range(0, nt):
            for k in range(0, nk):
                uflx = u[t, k, :, :] * hfw[k, :, :] * dyg
                vflx = v[t, k, :, :] * hfs[k, :, :] * dxg
                uflx = np.transpose(uflx.reshape(n, 6, n), [1, 0, 2])
                vflx = np.transpose(vflx.reshape(n, 6, n), [1, 0, 2])
                for iface in range(0, 6):
                    ifp1 = np.remainder(iface + 1, 6)
                    ifp2 = np.remainder(iface + 2, 6)
                    if np.remainder(iface + 1, 2):
                        # odd face
                        utmp = np.concatenate(
                            (uflx[iface, :, 1:n], uflx[ifp1, :, 0].reshape(
                                n, 1)), 1)
                        tmp = uflx[ifp2, np.arange(n, 0, -1) - 1,
                                   0].reshape(1, n)
                        vtmp = np.concatenate((vflx[iface, 1:n, :], tmp), 0)
                        # even face
                        tmp = vflx[ifp2, 0,
                                   np.arange(n, 0, -1) - 1].reshape(n, 1)
                        utmp = np.concatenate((uflx[iface, :, 1:n], tmp), 1)
                        vtmp = np.concatenate(
                            (vflx[iface, 1:n, :], vflx[ifp1, 0, :].reshape(
                                1, n)), 0)

                    ij = np.arange(0, n) + n * iface
                    #                    recip_rac = 1./(rac(ij,:).*hf(ij,:,k));
                    recip_rac = 1. / rac[:, ij]
                    du = utmp - uflx[iface, :, :]
                    dv = vtmp - vflx[iface, :, :]
                    div[t, k, iface, :, :] = (du + dv) * recip_rac

        div = np.transpose(div, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4]).reshape(nt, nk, n, n * 6)
    elif llcap:
        u = u.reshape(nt, nk, nju, niu)
        v = v.reshape(nt, nk, njv, niv)
        hfw = hfw.reshape(nk, nju, niu)
        hfs = hfs.reshape(nk, njv, niv)
        div = np.zeros(u.shape)

        from MITgcmutils.llc import faces, faces2mds
        racf = faces(rac)
        for t in range(0, nt):
            for k in range(0, nk):
                uflx = faces(u[t, k, :, :] * hfw[k, :, :] * dyg)
                vflx = faces(v[t, k, :, :] * hfs[k, :, :] * dxg)
                divf = faces(np.zeros((nju, niu)))
                for iface in range(len(uflx) - 1):
                    du = np.roll(uflx[iface], -1, axis=-1) - uflx[iface]
                    dv = np.roll(vflx[iface], -1, axis=-2) - vflx[iface]
                    # now take care of the connectivity
                    if iface == 0:
                        du[:, -1] = uflx[1][:, 0] - uflx[iface][:, -1]
                        dv[-1, :] = uflx[2][::-1, 0] - vflx[iface][-1, :]
                    if iface == 1:
                        du[:, -1] = vflx[3][0, ::-1] - uflx[iface][:, -1]
                        dv[-1, :] = vflx[2][0, :] - vflx[iface][-1, :]
                    if iface == 2:
                        du[:, -1] = uflx[3][:, 0] - uflx[iface][:, -1]
                        dv[-1, :] = uflx[4][::-1, 0] - vflx[iface][-1, :]
                    if iface == 3:
                        du[:, -1] = 0.  # hack
                        dv[-1, :] = vflx[4][0, :] - vflx[iface][-1, :]
                    if iface == 4:
                        du[:, -1] = 0.  # hack
                        dv[-1, :] = uflx[0][::-1, 0] - vflx[iface][-1, :]
                    # putting it all together
                    divf[iface] = (du + dv) / racf[iface]

                div[t, k, :, :] = faces2mds(divf)
        div = np.zeros((nt, nk, nj, ni), dtype=u.dtype)
        u = u.reshape(nt, nk, nju, niu)
        v = v.reshape(nt, nk, njv, niv)
        hfw = hfw.reshape(nk, nju, niu)
        hfs = hfs.reshape(nk, njv, niv)
        for t in range(0, nt):
            for k in range(0, nk):
                uflx = u[t, k, :, :] * hfw[k, :, :] * dyg
                vflx = v[t, k, :, :] * hfs[k, :, :] * dxg
                if niu > niv:
                    du = uflx[:, 1:] - uflx[:, :-2]
                    du = np.roll(uflx, 1, 1) - uflx

                if njv > nju:
                    dv = vflx[1:, :] - vflx[:-2, :]
                    dv = np.roll(vflx, 1, 1) - vflx

                div[t, k, :, :] = (du + dv) / rac

    # remove singleton dimensions again
    return np.squeeze(div)