def StartMC(EventList, namelist=None, keywords={}, **kwargs): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: This Function distribute the calculation for the MonteCarlo simulation on multiple CPU_Cores and stors the results in an PKL file uses the joblib package for parallel computing --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: EventList: String of the input table or List of Lens source paris for each event or MC_results for vary the mass also namelist: List of names for each event (for ploting routine, if None use of the index) --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: MC_result: Dictnary of the results. Contains: 'Header': List of all control imputs, and Code Version 'Results': List of the fit parameters 'Input_parameter': List of the input parameters 'Results_ext_obs': List of the fit parameters with external_obs if ext_obs > 0 'Chi2': List of the reduced CHI2 'Eventlist': (see Input) 'Names': (see Input) ------------------------------------------------------------''' #-------------------------------------------------------------- #Update controle keywords keywords.update(kwargs) num_core = keywords.get('num_core', 6) # Number of cores instring = keywords.get('instring', '') # string for the save files message = keywords.get( 'message', False) # write the process of the computation to an file DR3 = keywords.get('DR3', False) # Use of the Data of DR3 only extended = keywords.get( 'extended', False) # Use of the 10 years data of the extended mission vary_eta = keywords.get('vary_eta', False) # Use an new scaninglaw for 2020.5-2024.5 ext_obs = keywords.get('ext_obs', False) # include external observations n_error_picks = keywords.get( 'n_error_picks', 500) # Number of pickt Observation from the error ellips n_par_picks = keywords.get( 'n_par_picks', 1) # Number of pickt input Parameters from the error ellips namelist = keywords.get( 'namelist', namelist) # Check if namelist is given in the keyword dictionary #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- #Create random seeds for the calculation seed = [] for i in range(num_core): seed.append((int(time.time() * 10**9))**4 % 4294967295) keywords['seed'] = seed #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- #Load Table if EventList is an string if isinstance(EventList, str) == True: if EventList == '': EventList, _ = RealData.loadRealData(default_table) else: EventList, _ = RealData.loadRealData(EventList) #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # start calculations with varing the mass if a dict is given if isinstance(EventList, dict) == True: print('vary mass') #-------------------------------------------------------------- # extract lists from Dictionary MC_Results = EventList res_all_events = MC_Results['Results'] par_all_events = MC_Results['Input_parameter'] EventList = MC_Results['Eventlist'] namelist = MC_Results['Names'] header = MC_Results['Header'] #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # only consider the events with an error < 100% EventList = [EventList[i] for i in range(len(res_all_events)) \ if (percentile(res_all_events[i][:,0])[0]> 0)] if namelist is None: namelist_good = None else: namelist_good = [namelist[i] for i in range(len(res_all_events)) \ if (percentile(res_all_events[i][:,0])[0]> 0)] #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # update control keywords keywords[ 'Good'] = True # indication calculation of the good events only goodstr = 'Good_' # string for indication calculation of the good events only keywords['vary_par'] = 5 # vary all parameters n_error_picks = keywords.get( 'n_error_picks', 500) #check if value is given in keywords else set to defaut keywords['n_par_picks'] = n_par_picks n_par_picks = keywords.get( 'n_par_picks', 100) #check if value is given in keywords else set to defaut keywords['n_error_picks'] = n_error_picks #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # start first calculation elif isinstance(EventList, list) == True: #-------------------------------------------------------------- # update control keywords keywords['n_par_picks'] = n_par_picks # Update keyword keywords['n_error_picks'] = n_error_picks # Update keyword keywords['vary_par'] = keywords.get( 'vary_par', 1) # vary only non given parameters keywords[ 'Good'] = False # indication calculation of the good events only goodstr = '' #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- #set default namelist to integer (not comparable within different inputs) if namelist == None: namelist == [str(i) for i in range(len(EventList))] #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # exclude different filetypes else: print('Input Error!') return #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # create header if instring is not '': instring = instring + '_' if DR3: #use only events before 2019.5 for DR3 EventList = [ EventList[kkk] for kkk in range(len(EventList)) if EventList[kkk][0].getTca() < 2019.5 ] header = len( EventList ), 3, n_error_picks, n_par_picks, keywords, Version + '.' + Subversion elif extended or vary_eta or ext_obs: #use the data of the extended mission header = len( EventList ), 10, n_error_picks, n_par_picks, keywords, Version + '.' + Subversion else: header = len( EventList ), 5, n_error_picks, n_par_picks, keywords, Version + '.' + Subversion print(time.ctime()) print(header) #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Distribute on different cores num_events = len(EventList) events_per_core = num_events / num_core #calculation of multiple events (proxima centauri tend to take as much computation time as all other events) if len(EventList[0]) > 10 and num_core > 2: events_per_core = (num_events - 1) / (num_core - 1) for core in range(num_core): partstring = path + 'Simulation/evpart/eventlist_' + goodstr + instring + 'part_%i.pkl' % core if core == 0: f = open(partstring, 'wb') pickle.dump([ EventList[0], ], f) f.close() elif core == num_core - 1: f = open(partstring, 'wb') pickle.dump( EventList[1 + round(events_per_core * (core - 1)):], f) f.close() else: f = open(partstring, 'wb') pickle.dump( EventList[1 + round(events_per_core * (core - 1)):1 + round(events_per_core * (core))], f) f.close() #distribute events equaly else: for core in range(num_core): partstring = path + 'Simulation/evpart/eventlist_' + goodstr + instring + 'part_%i.pkl' % core if core == num_core - 1: f = open(partstring, 'wb') pickle.dump(EventList[round(events_per_core * core):], f) f.close() else: f = open(partstring, 'wb') pickle.dump( EventList[round(events_per_core * core):round(events_per_core * (core + 1))], f) f.close() #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- #start calculations parallel if num_core != 1: res_par = Parallel(n_jobs=num_core)( delayed(calcParallel)(i, instring, keywords) for i in range(num_core)) else: res_par = [ calcParallel(0, instring, keywords), ] #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- #merge the results for the parallel computations res_all_events = [] par_all_events = [] res_no_ML_events = [] chi2_events = [] for res_par_core in res_par: for par_event in res_par_core[1]: par_all_events.append(par_event) for res_event in res_par_core[0]: res_all_events.append(res_event) for res_no_event in res_par_core[2]: res_no_ML_events.append(res_no_event) for res_no_event in res_par_core[3]: chi2_events.append(res_no_event) if ext_obs: MC_Results = {'Header': header,'Results':res_all_events,'Input_parameter':par_all_events,\ 'Results_ext_obs':res_no_ML_events, 'Chi2':chi2_events,'Eventlist':EventList,'Names':namelist} else: MC_Results = {'Header': header,'Results':res_all_events,'Input_parameter':par_all_events,\ 'Results_no_ML':res_no_ML_events, 'Chi2':chi2_events,'Eventlist':EventList,'Names':namelist} #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- # save results as pkl file string = path + 'Data/MC'+goodstr[:-1] +'_'+ instring +'%d-%m-%Y')\ + '_%.f_%.f_%.f_%.f.pkl' % (header[:4]) f = open(string, 'wb') pickle.dump(MC_Results, f) print(string) if message: os.system('cp ' + string + ' ' + message_folder) return MC_Results
def calcParallel(part, instring, keywords={}, **kwargs): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: creats sets of observations for a part of the Eventlist and fits the data --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: part: which part of the EventList instring: file string of the EventList keywords/kwargs: setup values for the simulation (see below) --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: res_part: results of the individual fits (contains a separate list for each events) par_part: Inputparameters of the indiciual fits (contains a separate list for each events) res_no_ML: result without microlensing chi2_red_part: Chi2 values of the individual fits (contains a separate list for each events) ------------------------------------------------------------''' #--------------------------------------------------------------- #extract keywords keywords.update(kwargs) seed = keywords.get('seed', None) # seed's for the randomised process Good = keywords.get('Good', False) # Second loop with variation of the mass extended = keywords.get('extended', False) # Use of the data for extended Mission ext_obs = keywords.get('ext_obs', False) # ext_obs include external observations DR3 = keywords.get('DR3', False) # Use of the data for DR3 only exact = keywords.get( 'exact', False) # Use the exact astrometric shift or the approximation n_error_picks = keywords.get( 'n_error_picks', 500) # number of picks from the error elips of the measurements n_par_picks = keywords.get( 'n_par_picks', 1) # number of different picks of input parameters vary_par = keywords.get( 'vary_par', 1) # which parameters should be varied for n_par_picks prefit_motion = keywords.get( 'prefit_motion', False) # fit the propermotion with out microlensing as preput vary_eta = keywords.get('vary_eta', False) #Use data while vary eta onlysource = keywords.get('onlysource', False) # use the data of the source only timer = keywords.get('timer', False) # print computing-time for different steps message = keywords.get( 'message', False) # save messeage file for keeping track of the process silent = keywords.get('silent', True) # boolen if information shoul not be printed #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # computationtime tracker cputt = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0] cputt[0] -= time.time() # update seed for the randomised process if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed[part]) #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # initilise arrays for storing the results # fit results res_part = [] # fit results without microlensing res_no_ML = [] # input parameters par_part = [] # Chi2_reduced value chi2_red_part = [] chi2_red_mot_part = [] #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # load part of the Eventlist if Good: partstring = path + 'Simulation/evpart/eventlist_Good_' + instring + 'part_%i.pkl' % part f = open(partstring, 'rb') EventList = pickle.load(f) f.close os.remove(path + 'Simulation/evpart/eventlist_Good_' + instring + 'part_%i.pkl' % part) else: partstring = path + 'Simulation/evpart/eventlist_' + instring + 'part_%i.pkl' % part f = open(partstring, 'rb') EventList = pickle.load(f) f.close os.remove(path + 'Simulation/evpart/eventlist_' + instring + 'part_%i.pkl' % part) cputt[0] += time.time() #--------------------------------------------------------------- for i1 in range(len(EventList)): #--------------------------------------------------------------- # updat process tracker if message: os.system('touch %s.%s-%s-0.message' % (message_folder + instring[:-1], part, i1)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- cputt[1] -= time.time() #--------------------------------------------------------------- # initilise list for each event # fit results res_single = [] res_external_obs = [] #for comparison (test) # input parameters par_single = [] # Observations (for fitting without microlensing) Obs_save = [] # Chi2_reduced value chi2_red_single = [] #--------------------------------------------------------------- #get Stars Stars = EventList[i1] #--------------------------------------------------------------- # create observations from real scanning law RealObs = RealData.getRealObs(Stars[0], Stars[1], **keywords) Data = RawData.Data(Stars, *RealObs, **keywords) Obs, Starnumber, Epoch, Obs_err, sc_scandir = Data.Observations( **keywords) #--------------------------------------------------------------- cputt[1] += time.time() for i2 in range(n_par_picks): #loop over each set of differen input parameters par = Data.par[i2] for i3 in range(n_error_picks): #loop over each set of differen picks from the error ellips of the Observation cputt[6] = -time.time() cputt[2] -= time.time() # include outliers 5% chance if ext_obs: outliers = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(Starnumber[i2])) outliers[-4 * ext_obs:] = 1 #keep the external observations n = np.where(outliers > 0.05) else: n = np.where( np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(Starnumber[i2])) > 0.05) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # get the right set of observations Obs_i = Obs[i2][i3][n] if len(Obs_i) < 11 + 4 * ext_obs: # not enought observation re = -999 * np.ones(len(Stars) * 5 + 1) res_single.append(re) chi2_red_single.append(-999.) par_single.append(par) cputt[2] += time.time() res_external_obs.append(re) else: # get the right set of observations # (identical within each set of input parameters) Starnumber_i = Starnumber[i2][n] Epoch_i = Epoch[i2][n] Obs_err_i = Obs_err[i2][n] sc_scandir_i = sc_scandir[i2][n] #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- #compare with external observations (test) if ext_obs: res_ext= fitting_micro.Fit_Micro(Obs_i,Starnumber_i,Epoch_i,Obs_err_i, sc_scandir_i,\ bounds = True, **keywords) res_external_obs.append(res_ext.x) # remove external observations Obs_i = Obs_i[:-4 * ext_obs] Obs_err_i = Obs_err_i[:-4 * ext_obs] Starnumber_i = Starnumber_i[:-4 * ext_obs] Epoch_i = Epoch_i[:-4 * ext_obs] sc_scandir_i = sc_scandir_i[:-4 * ext_obs] #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # store observations Obs_save.append([ Obs_i, Starnumber_i, Epoch_i, Obs_err_i, sc_scandir_i ]) cputt[2] += time.time() #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit model to the observational data cputt[3] -= time.time() res= fitting_micro.Fit_Micro(Obs_i,Starnumber_i,Epoch_i,Obs_err_i, sc_scandir_i,\ bounds = True, **keywords) cputt[3] -= time.time() #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- #store results cputt[4] -= time.time() if len(res.x) != len(Stars) * 5 + 1: #Check if all stars have observations re = -999 * np.ones(len(Stars) * 5 + 1) re[:len(res.x)] = res.x re[len(res.x):] = None if len(res.x) == 6: re[0] = -999 res_single.append(re) else: res_single.append(res.x) chi2_red_single.append(res.cost * 2 / (len( - 11)) par_single.append(par) cputt[4] += time.time() #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- #print computing time (for optimisation) if timer: if not (i3 % 100): cputt[5] += time.time() print('Part %i-%i Step %i %.2f' % (part, i1, i3, cputt[6])) if time.time() - ti > 10: return 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # updat process tracker if message: os.system('mv %s.%s-%s-%s.message %s.%s-%s-%s.message'%\ (message_folder + instring[:-1], part, i1, i2,\ message_folder + instring[:-1], part, i1, i2+1)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- if not silent: print(i3, time.time() - ti) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # sort results cputt[5] -= time.time() res_single = np.stack(res_single) res_part.append(res_single) par_single = np.stack(par_single) par_part.append(par_single) chi2_red_single = np.stack(chi2_red_single) chi2_red_part.append(chi2_red_single) #--------------------------------------------------------------- #compare without external observations (test) if ext_obs: res_external_obs = np.stack(res_external_obs) res_no_ML.append(res_external_obs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # fit mean result also without microlensing if len(res_single[:, 0]) > 1: if ext_obs: chi2_red_micro_best = 0 chi2_red_motion = 0 else: p50 = percentile(res_single[:, 0])[1] if p50 == -999: chi2_red_mot_part.append(-999) chi2_red_micro_best = -999 res_no_ML.append(-999 * np.ones(5 * len(Stars))) chi2_red_motion = -999 else: best = np.where(res_single[:, 0] == p50)[0][0] res_motion = fitting_motion.Fit_Motion( *Obs_save[best], **keywords) res_no_ML.append(res_motion.x) chi2_red_micro_best = chi2_red_single[best] chi2_red_motion = res_motion.cost * 2 / ( len(Obs_save[best][1]) - 10) chi2_red_mot_part.append(chi2_red_motion) cputt[5] += time.time() #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # print computing time (for optimisation) if timer: print('MC %.0f-%.0f: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % (part, i1, *tuple(cputt))) #--------------------------------------------------------------- else: #--------------------------------------------------------------- # print statistics if len(res_single[:, 0]) > 1: print('%.0f-%.0f: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %s'\ % (part,i1, Stars[0].mass,*percentile(res_single[:,0]), chi2_red_micro_best,chi2_red_motion, time.ctime().split(' ')[3])) #--------------------------------------------------------------- if not silent: print('Part {} done!'.format(part)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # updat process tracker if message: os.system('rm %s.%s*.message' % (message_folder + instring[:-1], part)) os.system('touch %s.%s.Done.message' % (message_folder + instring[:-1], part)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- return res_part, par_part, res_no_ML, chi2_red_part
def PlotHistAll(Analysis_result, string = 'mass_accuracy_histogram', log = False, logbin = True, \ ylim = [0,60], xlim = [0.0,1.92], extended = True, future = False, use_error = 0, vary = None, ty = 'Mass'): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: ------------------------------------------------------------''' ''' plot an histogram of input masses with color coded accuracy ''' dark = 'black' in plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] if dark: string = 'dark_' + string try: a = Analysis_result[1][0][1][1] TCA = None except IndexError: stats = np.array([i[0][2:] for i in Analysis_result[0]]) if ty == 'Mass' or ty == 'm': stats_plot = stats[:, 0] elif ty == 'GL': stats_plot = np.array([i[0].getMag() for i in Analysis_result[2]]) elif ty == 'GS': stats_plot = np.array([i[1].getMag() for i in Analysis_result[2]]) elif ty == 'dG': stats_plot = np.array( [i[1].getMag() - i[0].getMag() for i in Analysis_result[2]]) elif ty == 'c': stats_plot = np.array([ dist(i[0], i[1], unit='arcsec', T=i[1].getTca()) for i in Analysis_result[2] ]) stats_in = stats stats_v = [] stats_in_v = [] stats_plot_v = [] vary_bool = vary is not None TCA_v = [] if vary_bool: Events_v = vary[2] if ty == 'Mass' or ty == 'm': stats_plot_v = np.array([i[0].getMass() for i in vary[2]]) elif ty == 'GL': stats_plot_v = np.array([i[0].getMag() for i in vary[2]]) elif ty == 'GS': stats_plot_v = np.array([i[1].getMag() for i in vary[2]]) elif ty == 'dG': stats_plot_v = np.array( [i[1].getMag() - i[0].getMag() for i in vary[2]]) elif ty == 'c': stats_plot_v = np.array([ dist(i[0], i[1], unit='arcsec', T=i[1].getTca()) for i in vary[2] ]) for i in range(len(vary[0])): stats_in_v.append(Events_v[i][0].getMass()) mm_v = np.array([ vary[0][i][x][0][6] for x in range(len(vary[0][i])) if vary[0][i][x][0][4] != -999 ]) mp_v = np.array([ vary[0][i][x][0][7] for x in range(len(vary[0][i])) if vary[0][i][x][0][4] != -999 ]) mmm_v = percentile(mm_v) ppp_v = percentile(mp_v) delta_M_v = max(ppp_v[1], -mmm_v[1]) / Events_v[i][0].getMass() stats_v.append(delta_M_v) TCA_v.append(Events_v[i][0].getTca()) stats_v = np.array(stats_v) stats_in_v = np.array(stats_in_v) stats_plot_v = np.array(stats_plot_v) TCA_v = np.array(TCA_v) gmag = np.array([i[0].getMag() for i in Events_v]) Good_ = np.array([name_good(i[0].getId()) for i in Events_v]) gg = np.where((gmag > 5) & (Good_)) stats_v = stats_v[gg] stats_plot_v = stats_plot_v[gg] TCA_v = TCA_v[gg] if not extended: ngm_v = np.where(TCA_v < 2019.5) if future: ngm_v = np.where(TCA_v > 2019.5) stats_v = stats_v[ngm_v] stats_plot_v = stats_plot_v[ngm_v] Eventnames = Analysis_result[1] Events = Analysis_result[2] ID = np.array([i[0].getId() for i in Events]) gmag = np.array([i[0].getMag() for i in Events]) Good_ = np.array([name_good(i[0].getId()) for i in Events]) gg = np.where((gmag > 5) & (Good_)) stats = stats[gg] stats_plot = stats_plot[gg] stats_in = stats_in[gg] ID = ID[gg] TCA = np.array([ev[0].getTca() for ev in Events]) TCA = TCA[gg] if not extended: ngm = np.where(TCA < 2019.5)[0] if future: ngm = np.where(TCA > 2019.5)[0] stats = stats[ngm] stats_plot = stats_plot[ngm] else: stats = np.array([i[0][2:] for i in Analysis_result]) stats_plot = np.array([i[0][2:] for i in Analysis_result]) #-------------------------------------------- #limits for the colorcoding lim1 = 0.15 lim2 = 0.000 lim3 = 0.3 lim4 = 0.5 lim = [lim1, lim2, lim3, lim4, 1] if vary_bool: p10 = np.where(stats_v < lim1)[0] p20 = np.where(stats_v < lim2)[0] p30 = np.where(stats_v < lim3)[0] p50 = np.where(stats_v < lim4)[0] p100 = np.where(stats_v < 1)[0] elif use_error == -1: p10 = np.where(-stats[:, 4] / stats[:, 0] < lim1)[0] p20 = np.where(-stats[:, 4] / stats[:, 0] < lim2)[0] p30 = np.where(-stats[:, 4] / stats[:, 0] < lim3)[0] p50 = np.where(-stats[:, 4] / stats[:, 0] < lim4)[0] p100 = np.where(-stats[:, 4] / stats[:, 0] < 1)[0] elif use_error == 1: p10 = np.where(stats[:, 5] / stats[:, 0] < lim1)[0] p20 = np.where(stats[:, 5] / stats[:, 0] < lim2)[0] p30 = np.where(stats[:, 5] / stats[:, 0] < lim3)[0] p50 = np.where(stats[:, 5] / stats[:, 0] < lim4)[0] p100 = np.where(stats[:, 5] / stats[:, 0] < 1)[0] elif use_error == -999: p10 = np.where( np.minimum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim1)[0] p20 = np.where( np.minimum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim2)[0] p30 = np.where( np.minimum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim3)[0] p50 = np.where( np.minimum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim4)[0] p100 = np.where( np.minimum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < 1)[0] else: p10 = np.where( np.maximum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim1)[0] p20 = np.where( np.maximum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim2)[0] p30 = np.where( np.maximum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim3)[0] p50 = np.where( np.maximum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < lim4)[0] p100 = np.where( np.maximum(stats[:, 5], -stats[:, 4]) / stats[:, 0] < 1)[0] p = [p10, p20, p30, p50, p100] #-------------------------------------------- if not extended and TCA is not None: print(len(p10), len(p20), len(p30), len(p50), len(p100), len(stats), len(ngm)) else: print(len(p10), len(p20), len(p30), len(p50), len(p100), len(stats), len(np.unique(ID))) #-------------------------------------------- #setup figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.16) #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- #defines a scale for the bins if ty == 'Mass' or ty == 'm': if log: plt.xscale('log') bins = 1.3**np.arange(0, 20) * 0.05 elif logbin: d = 1.25**np.arange(0, 11) * 0.05 bins = [np.sum(d[:i]) + 0.05 for i in range(len(d))] else: bins = 0.05 + 0.05 * np.arange(0, 30) elif ty == 'c': bins = [0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1, 4 / 3, 5 / 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] #bins = 0.5*np.arange(14) #bins = 0.35 * 20 ** (np.arange(-2,5)/4) print(bins) elif 'G' in ty: bins = 8 + np.arange(0, 11) else: bins = 10 #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- #setup colores and hatches col_list = [[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]] color = iter(color_own(col_list)) hatch = iter(['', '//', 'x', '\\', '|']) if dark: black = color_own([0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]) else: black = color_own([0., 0., 0., 1]) #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- # plot input distribution if ty == 'Mass' or ty == 'm': if not extended and TCA is not None: plt.hist(stats_in[ngm, 0], bins=bins, ls='-', histtype='step', linewidth=2, color=black, label='5 years sample', zorder=-2) if future and TCA is not None: q = plt.hist(stats_in[ngm, 0], bins=bins, histtype='step', color=black, linewidth=5, label='future events', zorder=55) else: q = plt.hist(stats_in[:, 0], bins=bins, histtype='step', color=black, linewidth=5, label='10 years sample', zorder=55) else: q = plt.hist(stats_plot, bins=bins, histtype='step', color=black, linewidth=5, label='10 years sample', zorder=55) #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- # plot distribution for each limit for j in range(4, -1, -1): c = next(color) h = next(hatch) if len(p[j] > 0): if vary_bool: print(len(p[j])) plt.hist(stats_plot_v[p[j]], bins = bins, color = c, hatch = h, rwidth = 0.9, \ label = '$\sigma < %i\%s$'%(100*lim[j],'%')) else: plt.hist(stats_plot[p[j]], bins = bins, color = c, hatch = h, rwidth = 0.9, \ label = '$\sigma < %i\%s$'%(100*lim[j],'%')) #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- #scale y axis with labels if max(q[0]) < ylim[1]: ylim = plt.ylim() n = np.where(q[0] > ylim[1])[0] if ylim[1] > 20: y_minor_ticks = np.arange(ylim[0], ylim[1] + 5, 1) y_major_ticks = np.arange(ylim[0] + 10, ylim[1] + 10, 10) else: y_minor_ticks = np.arange(ylim[0], ylim[1] + 5, 1) y_major_ticks = np.arange(ylim[0] + 2, ylim[1] + 5, 2) #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- #setup axis and labels ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=0) ax.set_yticks(y_major_ticks) ax.set_yticks(y_minor_ticks, minor=True) if 'G' in ty: plt.xticks([(round(b, 2)) for b in bins], ["%i" % (round(b, 2)) for b in bins], fontsize=20) elif not isinstance(bins, int): plt.xticks([(round(b, 2)) for b in bins], ["%0.2f" % (round(b, 2)) for b in bins], fontsize=20) for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(90) plt.yticks(fontsize=25) ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=3, zorder=-20) for j in n: plt.text((q[1][j]+q[1][j+1])/2, ylim[1]-2,str(int(q[0][j])), verticalalignment = 'top',\ horizontalalignment = 'center', fontsize = 16) if ty == 'Mass' or ty == 'm': plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) if 'c' in ty: plt.xlabel('$\phi_{min}\,$["]', fontsize=30) plt.legend(fontsize=25, loc=1) plt.title('Impact parameter', fontsize=40) elif 'G' in ty: plt.xlabel('$G\,[mag]$', fontsize=30) plt.legend(fontsize=25, loc=2) plt.title('G magnitude (source)', fontsize=40) elif ty == 'Mass' or ty == 'm': plt.xlabel('$M\,[M_{\odot}]$', fontsize=30) plt.legend(fontsize=25, loc=1) if future: plt.title('Future events', fontsize=40) elif extended: plt.title('Extended mission', fontsize=40) else: plt.title('Nominal mission', fontsize=40) else: plt.legend(fontsize=25, loc=0) plt.ylabel('#', fontsize=30) #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- #save figure if ty != 'Mass' and ty != 'm': string = string + '_' + ty fig.savefig(imagepath + string + '.png', format='png') if paperpath is not None: fig.savefig(paperpath + string + '.png', format='png') print('Create Image: ' + imagepath + string + '.png') plt.close(fig)
def PlotDifferentIdeas(dat_single,dat_multi_all,dat_multi_fps,dat_multi_sig, \ string = 'Diff_ID', k = None, Folder = 'Multi_events/'): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: ------------------------------------------------------------''' dark = 'black' in plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] if dark: string = 'dark_' + string black = color_own([0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]) cc = color_own([[0.6, 1.2, 0, 0.9], [0, 1, 1, 0.9], [1, 1, 0, 0.9], [1, 0, 1, 0.9]]) else: black = color_own([0., 0., 0., 1]) cc = color_own([[0, 1, 0, 0.9], [0, 1, 1, 0.9], [1, .5, 0, 0.9], [1, 0, 0, 0.9]]) t = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #match_events betwenn differnt methods ev = [] c = 0 try: a = dat_single[0][0][0][0][0] except: error = 1 else: error = 3 ti = time.time() for i in range(len(dat_multi_all[1])): c += 1 event_id = dat_multi_all[1][i] m = dat_multi_all[2][i][0].getMass() nstars = [] nstars.append(len(dat_multi_all[2][i]) - 1) if error == 3: ev1 = [ event_id, [ dat_multi_all[0][i][x][0] for x in range(len(dat_multi_all[0][i])) ] ] else: ev1 = [event_id, dat_multi_all[0][i][0]] for j in range(len(dat_multi_fps[1])): if dat_multi_fps[1][j] == event_id: if error == 3: ev1.append([ dat_multi_fps[0][j][x][0] for x in range(len(dat_multi_fps[0][j])) ]) nstars.append(len(dat_multi_fps[2][j]) - 1) else: ev1.append(dat_multi_fps[0][j][0]) nstars.append(len(dat_multi_fps[2][j]) - 1) if len(ev1) == 2: ev1.append(None) nstars.append(0) for j in range(len(dat_multi_sig[1])): if dat_multi_sig[1][j] == event_id: if error == 3: ev1.append([ dat_multi_sig[0][j][x][0] for x in range(len(dat_multi_sig[0][j])) ]) nstars.append(len(dat_multi_sig[2][j]) - 1) else: ev1.append(dat_multi_sig[0][j][0]) nstars.append(len(dat_multi_sig[2][j]) - 1) if len(ev1) == 3: ev1.append(None) nstars.append(0) acc = -999 ind = -1 counter = 0 for j in range(len(dat_single[1])): if dat_single[1][j] == event_id: counter += 1 if ind == -1: if error == 3: acc = percentile(np.array([dat_single[0][j][x][0][6]/dat_single[0][j][x][0][2] \ for x in range(len(dat_single[0][j]))]))[1] else: acc = dat_single[0][j][0][3] ind = j else: if error == 3: pc = percentile(np.array([dat_single[0][j][x][0][6]/dat_single[0][j][x][0][2] \ for x in range(len(dat_single[0][j]))]))[1] if pc > acc: acc = pc ind = j else: if dat_single[0][j][0][3] > acc: acc = dat_single[0][j][0][3] ind = j if ind != -1: nstars.append(1) if error == 3: ev1.append([ dat_single[0][ind][x][0] for x in range(len(dat_single[0][ind])) ]) #if percentile(np.array([dat_multi_all[0][i][x][0][6]/dat_multi_all[0][i][x][0][3] \ # for x in range(len(dat_multi_all[0][i]))]))[1] > -1: else: ev1.append(dat_single[0][ind][0]) #if dat_multi_all[0][i][0][3] > 0: else: ev1.append(None) nstars.append(0) ev1.append(nstars) ev1.append(m) ev.append(ev1) t[0] = time.time() - ti t0 = time.time() #select_events #plot line if len(Folder) != 0: if Folder[-1] != '/': Folder + '/' if not os.path.isdir(imagepath + Folder): os.mkdir(imagepath + Folder) outstrings = [] if k is None: k = np.arange(len(ev)) for kk in range(len(k)): ti = time.time() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 11)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.1, left=0.16, right=0.9, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) i = abs(k[kk]) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=0) #if kk%2 == 0: ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta M \,/\, M_{int} \,[\%]$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of used background stars', fontsize=30) ax.set_title(name(ev[i][0]), fontsize=40) plt.tick_params( axis='x', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom=False, # ticks along the bottom edge are off top=False, # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom=True) xx = [] num = [] if error == 3: #for k in range(50): ll = 0.2 color = iter(cc) t[4] = time.time() - ti print(name(ev[i][0]), ev[i][-1]) for j in range(1, 5): ti = time.time() sep = 0.5 * j c = next(color) good = True if j < 3: if ev[i][-2][j - 1] == ev[i][-2][j]: good = False if good: if ev[i][j] is not None: mm = np.array([ ev[i][j][x][6] / ev[i][j][x][2] * 100 for x in range(len(ev[i][j])) if ev[i][j][x][4] != -999 ]) mp = np.array([ ev[i][j][x][7] / ev[i][j][x][2] * 100 for x in range(len(ev[i][j])) if ev[i][j][x][4] != -999 ]) mm1 = mm[np.where(mm > -200)] mp1 = mp[np.where(mp < 200)] mm1 = mm1[np.where(mm1 < 0)] mp1 = mp1[np.where(mp1 > 0)] parts = ax.violinplot([mp1], positions=[sep], showextrema=False) for pc in parts['bodies']: pc.set_facecolor(c) pc.set_edgecolor(c) pc.set_alpha(0.7) pc.set_zorder(-0.1 * j) rm = percentile(mm) rp = percentile(mp) plt.plot([sep, sep, sep], rp[0:3], '_-', c=black, markersize=30, linewidth=8, markeredgewidth=8) print(j, np.array(rp[0:3]) * ev[i][-1] / 100, rp[0:3]) if j == 4: xlim = ax.get_xlim() plt.plot([0, sep * 5 / 4], [rp[1], rp[1]], linestyle='--', dashes=(10, 5), linewidth=5, color=black, zorder=-20) ylim = ax.get_xlim() xx.append(sep) num.append(str(ev[i][-2][j - 1])) #plt.text(sep, ylim[0],str(ev[i][-1][j-1]), verticalalignment = 'bottom',\ # horizontalalignment = 'right', fontsize = 40) t[2] += time.time() - ti else: xx.append(sep) num.append(' ') else: xx.append(sep) num.append(' ') else: alpha = 1 ll = 5 color=iter(([0, 0., 1., alpha ],\ [0, 1, 0., alpha ], \ [1, 0, 0.5, alpha ], \ [1., 0.5,0, alpha ])) for j in range(1, len(ev[i])): c = next(color) if ev[i][j][0] is not None: m_minus, m, mplus = ev[i][j][3:6] m = ev[i][j][2] plt.plot([sep, sep, sep], [m_minus / m, 1, mplus / m], '.', c=c, linewidth=ll) ax.grid(axis='both', linewidth=3, zorder=-50000) plt.xlim([0, sep / 4 * 5]) ti = time.time() plt.xticks(xx, num) plt.xticks(fontsize=25) plt.yticks(fontsize=25) nn = ''.join(('_'.join(name(ev[i][0]).split(' '))).split(':')) fig.savefig(imagepath + Folder + string + '_' + nn + '.png', format='png') outstrings.append(imagepath + Folder + string + '_' + nn + '.png') if paperpath is not None: fig.savefig(paperpath + string + '_' + nn + '.png', format='png') print('Create Image: ' + imagepath + Folder + string + '_' + nn + '.png') plt.close(fig) t[5] += time.time() - ti t[1] = time.time() - t0 return outstrings
def statistics(MC_Results, relative = False, plot = False, string = 'Event',\ vary_par = False, v = False, ext_obs = False): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: Calculate the persentiles of the distribution --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: MC_Results: Results of the Montecarlo Simulation plot: Create Histogram of the distribution of values string: name of the plot's vary_par/v: MC_Results contains results for different input parameters ext_obs: Use the data including external observations --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: stats_all: List of the statistic results for each event, differen set of input parameters (if vary == TRUE) different Type of input parameters Eventnames: List of Names for each event Event_out: Lens, and Source data for each event ------------------------------------------------------------''' #------------------------------------------------------------ #combine keyword vary_par = any([vary_par, v]) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ #extract data from dictionary Events = MC_Results['Eventlist'] Names = MC_Results['Names'] if ext_obs: Result = MC_Results['Results_ext_obs'] else: Result = MC_Results['Results'] # give each event an name if Names is empty if Names is None: Names = [str(ev[0].getId()) for ev in Events] elif Names == '': Names = [str(ev[0].getId()) for ev in Events] Names = np.array(Names) #remove certain events from outList outList = np.array( + 'out_list', format='csv')['source_ID'], str) #------------------------------------------------------------ if relative: #------------------------------------------------------------ # place holder for doing somthing with relative uncertainties which is not defined #------------------------------------------------------------ pass else: #------------------------------------------------------------ # arrays for storing results, and eventlist cleaning stats_all = [] Eventnames = [] Event_out = [] #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ # order the results by determine the number of differnt input parameters if vary_par: n_par_picks = 0 m = -1 for mass in MC_Results['Input_parameter'][0][:, 0]: if mass != m: m = mass n_par_picks += 1 else: n_par_picks = 1 n_per_mass = int(len(Result[0][:, 0]) / n_par_picks) #------------------------------------------------------------ # loop over all events for i in range(len(Result)): #------------------------------------------------------------ # check if element in outlist, if so: skip if Names[i] in outList: continue elif len(Result[i].shape) == 1: continue elif (Result[i] == -999).all(): continue else: Event_out.append(Events[i]) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ #store results for different sets of inputparameters stats_mass = [] #------------------------------------------------------------ # loop over input parameters for k in range(n_par_picks): stats = [] # loop over parameters # if len(Result[i].shape) ==1 : print(i) for j in range(Result[i].shape[1]): #------------------------------------------------------------ # determines the type of the parameter if j == 0: par_type = 'mass' else: par_type = ['px', 'ra', 'dec', 'pmra', 'pmdec'][j % 5] if j > 5: par_type = par_type + '_star' + str(int((j - 1) / 5)) else: par_type = par_type + '_lens' #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ # calculate the statistics par_result = (percentile(Result[i][(n_per_mass*k): \ (n_per_mass * (k+1)),j])) par_init = (np.mean( MC_Results['Input_parameter'][i][n_per_mass * k:n_per_mass * (k + 1), j])) accuracy = par_result[-1] / par_init #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ #create an Histogramm if plot: #------------------------------------------------------------ # get Folder if len(Events) == 22: Folder = 'Multi_All' idd = '' elif len(Events) == 19: idd = '' Folder = 'Multi_Fivepar' elif len(Events) == 14: idd = '' Folder = 'Multi_Sigma' elif len(Events) > 100: Folder = 'Single' # counter for multiple events of the same lens idd = '_%i' % int( np.where(np.where( Names == Names[i])[0] == i)[0]) else: Folder = '' # counter for multiple events of the same lens idd = '_%i' % int( np.where(np.where( Names == Names[i])[0] == i)[0]) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ # creates Plot if j == 0: if vary_par: Namestring = Names[i] + idd + '_%3f' % par_init else: Namestring = Names[i] + idd Plots.PlotHistSingle(Result[i][n_per_mass * k: \ n_per_mass * (k+1),j],par_result,par_init, Folder, \ string + '_' + Namestring) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ # save statistics for each parameter in a list stats.append( (i, par_type, par_init, *par_result, accuracy)) stats_mass.append(stats) Eventnames.append(Names[i]) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ # stor multiple results for each set of input parameters if vary_par: stats_all.append(stats_mass) else: stats_all.append(stats) #------------------------------------------------------------ return stats_all, Eventnames, Event_out
def create_Table(Analysis_result, Analysis_result5, Analysis_result_external = None, sort_epoch =False): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: ------------------------------------------------------------''' tab = None lines = [] epoch = [] rel_err = [] lens5 = np.array([i[0].getId() for i in Analysis_result5[2]]) source5 = np.array([i[1].getId() for i in Analysis_result5[2]]) if Analysis_result_external is not None: lens_ext = np.array([i[0].getId() for i in Analysis_result_external[2]]) source_ext = np.array([i[1].getId() for i in Analysis_result_external[2]]) external = True else: external = False for i in range(len(Analysis_result[0])): lens = Analysis_result[2][i][0] s_ID1 = str(lens.getId()) s_name = name(lens.getId(), False, True) Good_ = name_good(lens.getId()) if Good_ and lens.getMag() > 5: s_count = '%s'%i source = Analysis_result[2][i][1] s_ID2 = str(source.getId()) s_TCA = '%.3f'%lens.getTca() s_Mass = '%.2g'%lens.getMass() if source.getPx() == 0: fivepar = '^{*}' else: fivepar ='' mm_10 = np.array([Analysis_result[0][i][x][0][6] for x in range(len(Analysis_result[0][i]))\ if Analysis_result[0][i][x][0][4] != -999]) mp_10 = np.array([Analysis_result[0][i][x][0][7] for x in range(len(Analysis_result[0][i]))\ if Analysis_result[0][i][x][0][4] != -999]) mmm_10 = percentile(mm_10) ppp_10 = percentile(mp_10) delta_M_10_p = max(ppp_10[4],-mmm_10[3]) delta_M_10_m = min(ppp_10[3],-mmm_10[4]) delta_M_10 = max(ppp_10[1], -mmm_10[1]) c=0 while 10**(-c)>= delta_M_10 and c < 10: c+=1 c+=1 s_delta_M_10_m = str(round(delta_M_10_m-0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_10_p = str(round(delta_M_10_p+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_10 = str(round(delta_M_10+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) while(len(s_delta_M_10_m) <= c): s_delta_M_10_m=s_delta_M_10_m+'0' while(s_delta_M_10_m[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_10_m=s_delta_M_10_m+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_10_p) <= c): s_delta_M_10_p=s_delta_M_10_p+'0' while(s_delta_M_10_p[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_10_p=s_delta_M_10_p+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_10) <= c): s_delta_M_10=s_delta_M_10+'0' while(s_delta_M_10[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_10=s_delta_M_10+'0' s_delta_M_percent = '%.2g'%(delta_M_10/lens.getMass()*100) s_delta_M_5_m = 'NONE' s_delta_M_5_p = 'NONE' s_delta_M_5 = 'NONE' delta_M_5_test = 0 delta_M_5_p = -999 delta_M_5_m = -999 delta_M_5 = -999 which5 = np.where((lens5 == lens.getId()) & (source5 == source.getId()))[0] if len(which5) == 1 : k = which5[0] mm_5 = np.array([Analysis_result5[0][k][x][0][6] for x in range(len(Analysis_result5[0][k]))\ if Analysis_result5[0][k][x][0][4] != -999]) mp_5 = np.array([Analysis_result5[0][k][x][0][7] for x in range(len(Analysis_result5[0][k]))\ if Analysis_result5[0][k][x][0][4] != -999]) mmm_5 = percentile(mm_5) ppp_5 = percentile(mp_5) delta_M_5_p = max(ppp_5[4],-mmm_5[3]) delta_M_5_m = min(ppp_5[3],-mmm_5[4]) delta_M_5 = max(ppp_5[1], -mmm_5[1]) delta_M_5_test = delta_M_5 c=0 while 10**(-c)>= delta_M_5 and c < 10: c+=1 c+=1 s_delta_M_5_m = str(round(delta_M_5_m-0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_5_p = str(round(delta_M_5_p+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_5 = str(round(delta_M_5+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) while(len(s_delta_M_5_m) <= c): s_delta_M_5_m=s_delta_M_5_m+'0' while(s_delta_M_5_m[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_5_m=s_delta_M_5_m+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_5_p) <= c): s_delta_M_5_p=s_delta_M_5_p+'0' while(s_delta_M_5_p[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_5_p=s_delta_M_5_p+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_5) <= c): s_delta_M_5=s_delta_M_5+'0' while(s_delta_M_5[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_5=s_delta_M_5+'0' if external: s_delta_M_ext_m = 'NONE' s_delta_M_ext_p = 'NONE' s_delta_M_ext = 'NONE' delta_M_ext_test = 0 which_ext = np.where((lens_ext == lens.getId()) & (source_ext == source.getId()))[0] if len(which_ext) == 1 : k = which_ext[0] mm_ext = np.array([Analysis_result_external[0][k][x][0][6]\ for x in range(len(Analysis_result_external[0][k])) \ if Analysis_result_external[0][k][x][0][4] != -999]) mp_ext = np.array([Analysis_result_external[0][k][x][0][7] \ for x in range(len(Analysis_result_external[0][k])) \ if Analysis_result_external[0][k][x][0][4] != -999]) mmm_ext = percentile(mm_ext) ppp_ext = percentile(mp_ext) delta_M_ext_p = max(ppp_ext[4],-mmm_ext[3]) delta_M_ext_m = min(ppp_ext[3],-mmm_ext[4]) delta_M_ext = max(ppp_ext[1], -mmm_ext[1]) delta_M_ext_test = delta_M_ext c=0 while 10**(-c)>= delta_M_ext and c < 10: c+=1 c+=1 s_delta_M_ext_m = str(round(delta_M_ext_m-0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_ext_p = str(round(delta_M_ext_p+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_ext = str(round(delta_M_ext+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) while(len(s_delta_M_ext_m) <= c): s_delta_M_ext_m=s_delta_M_ext_m+'0' while(s_delta_M_ext_m[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_ext_m=s_delta_M_ext_m+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_ext_p) <= c): s_delta_M_ext_p=s_delta_M_ext_p+'0' while(s_delta_M_ext_p[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_ext_p=s_delta_M_ext_p+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_ext) <= c): s_delta_M_ext=s_delta_M_ext+'0' while(s_delta_M_ext[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_ext=s_delta_M_ext+'0' s_delta_M_percent_ext = '%.2g'%(delta_M_ext/lens.getMass()*100) #--------------------------- #create Astropy.table if tab is None: tab = Table(names = ['name', 'lens_id', 'source_id', 'fivepar', 'TCA', 'Mass',\ 'deltaM_10','sigma_deltaM_10_+', 'sigma_deltaM_10_-',\ 'deltaM_5' , 'sigma_deltaM_5_+','sigma_deltaM_5_-',\ 'deltaM_ext' , 'sigma_deltaM_ext_+','sigma_deltaM_ext_-'],\ dtype = [object, np.int64, np.int64, np.bool_,np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64,\ np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64]) tab.add_row([s_name,lens.getId(),source.getId(),source.getPx() != 0,lens.getTca(),lens.getMass(),\ delta_M_10, delta_M_10_p, delta_M_10_m,\ delta_M_5, delta_M_5_p, delta_M_5_m,\ delta_M_ext, delta_M_ext_p, delta_M_ext_m]) #--------------------------- #--------------------------- #element list for sorting epoch.append(lens.getTca()) rel_err.append(delta_M_10/lens.getMass()) #--------------------------- #--------------------------- #create row in latex table # \\(int\\) & \\(Name\\) & \\(ID1\\) & \\(ID2\\) & \\(T_CA\\) & \\(M_in\\) # & \\(deltaM_plus^{sigma+}_{sigma-}\\) & \\(deltaM_minus^{sigma+}_{sigma-} \\) \\\\ line = '%s & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\) & \\(%s%s\\)'\ %(s_name,s_ID1, s_ID2,fivepar, s_TCA, s_Mass,\ s_delta_M_10, s_delta_M_10_p, s_delta_M_10_m, s_delta_M_percent,'\\%') if s_delta_M_5_m == 'NONE' or delta_M_5_test > lens.getMass(): line = line + ' & ' else: line = line + ' & \\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\)'% (s_delta_M_5, s_delta_M_5_p, s_delta_M_5_m) if s_delta_M_ext_m == 'NONE' or delta_M_ext_test > lens.getMass(): line = line + ' & ' else: line = line + ' & \\(%s%s\\)'%(s_delta_M_percent_ext,'\\%') lines.append(line) #--------------------------- else: #--------------------------- #create Astropy.table if tab is None: tab = Table(names = ['name', 'lens_id', 'source_id', 'fivepar', 'TCA', 'Mass',\ 'deltaM_10', 'sigma_deltaM_10_+', 'sigma_deltaM_10_-',\ 'deltaM_5' , 'sigma_deltaM_5_+','sigma_deltaM_5_-'],\ dtype = [object, np.int64, np.int64, np.bool_,np.float64, np.float64, np.float64,\ np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64]) tab.add_row([s_name,lens.getId(),source.getId(),source.getPx() != 0,lens.getTca(),lens.getMass(),\ delta_M_10, delta_M_10_p, delta_M_10_m, delta_M_5, delta_M_5_p, delta_M_5_m]) #--------------------------- #element in list for sorting epoch.append(lens.getTca()) rel_err.append(delta_M_10/lens.getMass()) #--------------------------- #--------------------------- #create row in latex table #'\\(int\\) & \\(Name\\) & \\(ID1\\) & \\(ID2\\) & \\(T_CA\\) & \\(M_in\\) #& \\(deltaM_plus^{sigma+}_{sigma-}\\) & \\(deltaM_minus^{sigma+}_{sigma-} \\) \\\\' line = '%s & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\) & \\(%s%s\\)'\ %(s_name,s_ID1, s_ID2,fivepar, s_TCA, s_Mass, s_delta_M_10, s_delta_M_10_p, s_delta_M_10_m, s_delta_M_percent,'\\%') if s_delta_M_5_m == 'NONE' or delta_M_5_test > lens.getMass(): line = line + ' & ' else: line = line + ' & \\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\)'% (s_delta_M_5, s_delta_M_5_p, s_delta_M_5_m) line = line + ' \\\\' lines.append(line) #--------------------------- #sorting list if sort_epoch: lines = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(epoch,lines))] rel_err = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(epoch,rel_err))] epoch = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(epoch,epoch))] else: lines = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(rel_err,lines))] epoch = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(rel_err,epoch))] rel_err = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(rel_err,rel_err))] #--------------------------- #--------------------------- #save Table if external: tablename = 'result_single_ext' else: tablename = 'result_single' print('write table: ' + tablename+ '.vot') print('write tex_table: ' + tablename+ '.txt') tab.write(path + 'Data/' + tablename+ '.vot', format = 'votable',overwrite=True) #--------------------------- #--------------------------- #writing Latex Table f = open(paperpath+tablename+'.tex','w') #Setup a Table f.write('\\renewcommand*{\\arraystretch}{1.4}'+'\n') f.write('\\begin{table*}[]' +'\n') f.write('\\input{result_single_caption1}\n') # include caption f.write('\\label{table:single}' +'\n') f.write('\\tiny') #Format and head Row f.write('\\begin{tabular}{l|rrrrr|rr|r|}' +'\n') f.write('\\# & Name-Lens & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Lens & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Source & \\(T_{CA}\\) & \\(M_{in}\\)') f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{10}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{10}/M_{in}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{5} \\)') f.write(' \\\\\n') f.write(' & & & & \\(\\mathrm{Jyear}\\) & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\)') f.write(' & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) & & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\)') #if external: f.write(' & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) \\\\\n') f.write(' \\\\\n') f.write('\\hline' +'\n') # c3 = 1 #row counter combined c4 = 0 #row counter individual tables if sort_epoch: #sorted by epoch #write rows for l in range(len(lines)): if (epoch[l] <= 2019.5) & (rel_err[l] <=0.5): if c4%10> 4: f.write('\\rowcolor{lightGray}\n') ll = lines[l] if external: ll = ll.split('&') ll.pop(-1) ll = '&'.join(ll) f.write('\\(%d\\) & '%c3 + ll+'\\\\\n') c3 +=1 c4+=1 #Table end f.write('\\hline' +'\n') f.write('\\end{tabular}' + '\n' + '\\end{table*}') #Setup second Table f.write('\n'+'\n'+'\n'+'\n'+'\n'+'\\begin{table*}[]' +'\n') f.write('\\input{result_single_caption2}\n') f.write('\\label{table:single2}' +'\n') f.write('\\tiny') #Format and head Row f.write('\\begin{tabular}{l|rrrrr|rr|r|}' +'\n') f.write('\\# & Name-Lens & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Lens & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Source & \\(T_{CA}\\) & \\(M_{in}\\)') f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{10}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{10}/M_{in}\\)') if external: f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{obs}/M_{in}\\)\\\\\n') else: f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{5}\\) \\\\\n') f.write(' & & & & \\(\\mathrm{Jyear}\\) & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\)') if external: f.write(' & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) & & \\\\\n') else: f.write(' & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) & & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\)\\\\\n') f.write('\\hline' +'\n') c4 = 0 #Row counter individual tables #Write rows for l in range(len(lines)): if (epoch[l] > 2019.5) & (rel_err[l] <=0.5): if c4%10> 4: f.write('\\rowcolor{lightGray}\n') ll=lines[l] if external: ll = ll.split('&') ll.pop(-2) ll = '&'.join(ll) f.write('\\(%d\\) & '%c3 + ll+'\\\\\n') c3 +=1 c4+=1 #Table end f.write('\\hline' +'\n') f.write('\\end{tabular}' + '\n' + '\\end{table*}') f.close() else: i = 0 c2 = [15,30,50,100,101,200] for line in lines: if c2[i]<= 50: if c4%10> 4: f.write('\\rowcolor{lightGray}\n') f.write('\\(%d\\) & '%c3 + line+'\\\\\n') c3 +=1 c4+=1 if c < len(rel_err): if rel_err[c]*100 > c2[i]: while rel_err[c]*100 > c2[i]: i+=1 if c2[i] == 50: f.write('\\hline' +'\n') f.write('\\end{tabular}' + '\n' + '\\end{table*}') f.write('\n'+'\n'+'\n'+'\n'+'\n'+'\\begin{table*}[]' +'\n') f.write('\\input{result_single_caption2}\n') f.write('\\label{table:single2}' +'\n') f.write('\\tiny') if external: f.write('\\begin{tabular}{l|rrrrr|rr|r|r|}' +'\n') else: f.write('\\begin{tabular}{l|rrrrr|rr|r|}' +'\n') f.write('\\# & Name-Lens & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Lens & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Source') f.write(' & \\(T_{CA}\\) & \\(M_{in}\\)') f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{10}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{10}/M_{in}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{5} \\)') if external: f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{obs} \\) \\\\\n') else: f.write(' \\\\\n') f.write(' & & & & \\(\\mathrm{Jyear}\\) & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) \\\\\n') f.write(' & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) & & \\(\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}\\) \\\\\n') f.write('\\hline' +'\n') c4 = 0 if c2[i] >= 100: break c+=1 f.write('\\hline' +'\n') f.write('\\end{tabular}' + '\n' + '\\end{table*}') f.close()
def create_Table_multi(Analysis_multi_result): '''------------------------------------------------------------ Description: --------------------------------------------------------------- Input: --------------------------------------------------------------- Output: ------------------------------------------------------------''' Dat_single, Dat_all, Dat_fps, Dat_sig = Analysis_multi_result q1 = [] q2 = [] for i in range(len(Dat_all[1])): lens = Dat_all[2][i][0] s_Mass = '%.2g'%lens.getMass() lens_id = Dat_all[1][i] s_lens_id = str(lens_id) s_name = name(lens.getId(), False, True) all_bool = True fps_bool = False sig_bool = False for j in range(len(Dat_fps[1])): if lens_id == Dat_fps[1][j]: fps_bool = True break for k in range(len(Dat_sig[1])): if lens_id == Dat_sig[1][k]: sig_bool = True break Vs_delta_M_m = ['','',''] Vs_delta_M_p = ['','',''] Vs_delta_M = ['','',''] rel_err = ['','',''] for uu in range(3): if [all_bool, fps_bool, sig_bool][uu]: nn = [i,j,k][uu] Analysis_result = [Dat_all, Dat_fps, Dat_sig][uu] mm = np.array([Analysis_result[0][nn][x][0][6] for x in range(len(Analysis_result[0][nn])) if Analysis_result[0][nn][x][0][4] != -999]) mp = np.array([Analysis_result[0][nn][x][0][7] for x in range(len(Analysis_result[0][nn])) if Analysis_result[0][nn][x][0][4] != -999]) mmm = percentile(mm) ppp = percentile(mp) delta_M_p = max(ppp[4],-mmm[3]) delta_M_m = min(ppp[3],-mmm[4]) delta_M = max(ppp[1], -mmm[1]) c=0 while 10**(-c)>= delta_M and c < 10: c+=1 c+=1 s_delta_M_m = str(round(delta_M_m-0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M_p = str(round(delta_M_p+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) s_delta_M = str(round(delta_M+0.49999999*10**(-c),c)) while(len(s_delta_M_m) <= c): s_delta_M_m=s_delta_M_m+'0' while(s_delta_M_m[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_m=s_delta_M_m+'0' while(len(s_delta_M_p) <= c): s_delta_M_p=s_delta_M_p+'0' while(s_delta_M_p[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M_p=s_delta_M_p+'0' while(len(s_delta_M) <= c): s_delta_M=s_delta_M+'0' while(s_delta_M[-c-1]) != '.': s_delta_M=s_delta_M+'0' Vs_delta_M_m[uu] = s_delta_M_m Vs_delta_M_p[uu] = s_delta_M_p Vs_delta_M[uu] = s_delta_M if uu ==0: rel_err1 = (delta_M/lens.getMass()) rel_err[uu] = '%.2g'%(delta_M/lens.getMass()*100) # sortiere Source ID into 4 ID_all = [x.getId() for x in Dat_all[2][i][1:]] ID_fps = [x.getId() for x in Dat_fps[2][j][1:]] ID_sig = [x.getId() for x in Dat_sig[2][k][1:]] tps = [] fps = [] sig = [] for ID in ID_all: if ID in ID_sig: sig.append(ID) elif ID in ID_fps: fps.append(ID) else: tps.append(ID) q1.append([rel_err1,rel_err,s_Mass, s_lens_id,s_name, tps,fps ,sig, Vs_delta_M_m,Vs_delta_M_p,Vs_delta_M]) q1.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) f = open(paperpath+'result_multi.tex','w') f.write('\\renewcommand*{\\arraystretch}{1.4}' + '\n') f.write('\\begin{sidewaystable*}[]' + '\n') f.write('\\input{result_multi_caption1}\n') f.write('\\label{table:multi}'+ '\n') f.write('\\tiny\\begin{tabular}{l|r|rrrr|rr|rr|rr|}' + '\n') f.write('\\# & Name-Lens & ' + '\n') f.write('\\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Source & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Source' ) f.write(' & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Source' + '\n') f.write(' & \\(M_{\mathrm{in}}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{\mathrm{all}}\\)') f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{\mathrm{all}}/M_{\mathrm{in}}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{\mathrm{5-par}} \\)') f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{\mathrm{5-par.}}/M_{in}\\) & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{\mathrm{sig.}} \\)') f.write(' & \\(\\sigma\\,M_{\mathrm{sig.}}/M_{\mathrm{in}}\\) \\\\' + '\n') f.write(' & \\(DR2\\_ID\\)-Lens & (2-parameter) & (5-parameter)& (sigma)') f.write(' & \\(\\Msun{}\\) & \\(\\Msun{}\\) & \\(\\%\\)& \\(\\Msun{}\\) & \\(\\%\\)& \\(\\Msun{}\\) & \\(\\%\\)') f.write(' \\\\\n') f.write('\\hline' +'\n') for n in range(len(q1)): rel_err1,rel_err, s_Mass, s_lens_id,s_name, tps,fps,sig, Vs_delta_M_m,Vs_delta_M_p,Vs_delta_M =q1[n] if rel_err1 < 0.5: ii = 0 if s_name == '' :ll = ['\\(%s\\)'% s_lens_id,] else: ll = [s_name, '\\(%s\\)'% s_lens_id] for line_index in range(max([len(tps), len(fps), len(sig),len(ll)])): if line_index >= len(tps): s_tps = '' else: s_tps = str(tps[line_index]) if line_index >= len(fps): s_fps = '' else: s_fps = str(fps[line_index]) if line_index >= len(sig): s_sig = '' else: s_sig = str(sig[line_index]) if line_index >= len(ll): s_ln = '' else: s_ln= str(ll[line_index]) if line_index == 0: line = '%s & %s & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) &'\ %(str(n+1), s_ln, s_tps,s_fps, s_sig, s_Mass) if len(tps) == 0: line = line + ' & &' else: line = line+ '\\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\) & \\(%s%s\\) &' \ % (Vs_delta_M[0], Vs_delta_M_p[0], Vs_delta_M_m[0], rel_err[0], '\\%') if len(fps) == 0: line = line + ' & &' else: line = line+ '\\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\) &\\(%s%s\\) &' \ % (Vs_delta_M[1], Vs_delta_M_p[1], Vs_delta_M_m[1], rel_err[1],'\\%') if len(sig) == 0: line = line + ' \\\\' else: line = line+ '\\(\\pm%s^{+%s}_{%s}\\) & \\(%s%s\\) \\\\'\ % (Vs_delta_M[2], Vs_delta_M_p[2], Vs_delta_M_m[2], rel_err[2],'\\%') else: line = ' &%s& \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & \\(%s\\) & & & & & & & \\\\'\ % (s_ln, s_tps,s_fps, s_sig) if n%2 : f.write('\\rowcolor{lightGray}\n') f.write(line) f.write('\n') f.write('\\hline'+ '\n') f.write('\\end{tabular}' +'\n' +'\\end{sidewaystable*}') f.close()