Example #1
 def loadData(fname):
     Read the feature vector file.
     Convert labels from {-1,+1} to {0,1}.
     labels, vects =  convertSEQFileToArray(fname)
     convLabels = [(y + 1) / 2  for y in labels]
     return (convLabels, vects)
Example #2
 def train(self, trainFileName):
     This function implements the main training routine
     for Pegasos algorithm.
     # Print ths stats.
     print "L2 parameter =", self.l
     print "Total iterations =", self.T
     # Load the feature vectors.
     (labels, vects) = convertSEQFileToArray(trainFileName)
     # Get the (max) dimensionality d of vectors.
     d = vects[0].size
     self.d = d
     # Get the total no. of training vectors.
     n = len(vects)
     print "Total no. of training instances = %d" % n
     # Construct the initial weight vector.
     factor = 1.0 / sqrt(d * self.l)
     w = factor * ones(d)
     b = 0
     # Iterative procedure.
     for t in xrange(1, (self.T + 1)):
         startTime = time()
         z = zeros(d)
         bSum = 0
         k = 0
         for i in xrange(0, n):
             x = vects[i]
             y = labels[i]
             score = (y * (dot(w, x) + b))
             #print score
             if score < 0:
                 # Misclassification.
                 z += (y * x)
                 bSum += y
                 k += 1
         eta = 1.0 / (self.l * t)
         whalf = ((1.0 - (eta * self.l)) * w) + ((eta / k) * z)
         scale = sqrt(self.l) * sqrt(dot(whalf, whalf))
         scale = min((1.0, (1.0 / scale)))
         w = scale * whalf
         b = b + ((eta / k) * bSum)
         endTime = time()
         accuracy = 100 * (1.0 - (float(k) / n))
         print "Iteration: %d" % t
         print "Time taken for this iteration %.3fs" % (endTime - startTime)
         print "Weight norm = %f" % (sqrt(dot(w, w)))
         print "Training accuracy = %f\n" % accuracy
     # Set the learnt weight vector.
     self.lw = w
     self.bias = b
Example #3
 def train(self, trainFileName):
     This function implements the main training routine
     for Pegasos algorithm.
     # Print ths stats.
     print "L2 parameter =", self.l
     print "Total iterations =", self.T
     # Load the feature vectors.
     (labels, vects) = convertSEQFileToArray(trainFileName)
     # Get the (max) dimensionality d of vectors.
     d = vects[0].size
     self.d = d
     # Get the total no. of training vectors.
     n = len(vects)
     print "Total no. of training instances = %d" % n
     # Construct the initial weight vector.
     factor = 1.0 / sqrt(d * self.l)
     w = factor * ones(d)
     b = 0
     # Iterative procedure.
     for t in xrange(1, (self.T + 1)):
         startTime = time()
         z = zeros(d)
         bSum = 0
         k = 0
         for i in xrange(0,n):
             x = vects[i]
             y = labels[i]
             score =  (y * (dot(w,x) + b))
             #print score
             if score < 0:
                 # Misclassification.
                 z += (y * x)
                 bSum += y
                 k += 1
         eta = 1.0 / (self.l * t)
         whalf = ((1.0 - (eta * self.l)) * w) + ((eta / k) * z)
         scale = sqrt(self.l) * sqrt(dot(whalf,whalf))
         scale = min((1.0, (1.0 / scale)))
         w = scale * whalf
         b = b + ((eta / k) * bSum)
         endTime = time()
         accuracy = 100 * (1.0 - (float(k) / n))
         print "Iteration: %d" % t
         print "Time taken for this iteration %.3fs" % (endTime - startTime)
         print "Weight norm = %f" % (sqrt(dot(w,w))) 
         print "Training accuracy = %f\n" % accuracy  
     # Set the learnt weight vector.
     self.lw = w   
     self.bias = b