def _makeUniverse(self):
     from MMTK.Proteins import Protein, PeptideChain
     from MMTK.ForceFields import CalphaForceField
     self.universe = self.raw_trajectory.universe
     self.proteins = self.universe.objectList(Protein)
     universe_calpha = MMTK.InfiniteUniverse(CalphaForceField(2.5))
     calpha_map = {}
     for protein in self.proteins:
         chains_calpha = []
         for chain in protein:
                 PeptideChain(chain.sequence(), model='calpha'))
         protein_calpha = Protein(chains_calpha)
         for i in range(len(protein)):
             chain = protein[i]
             chain_calpha = protein_calpha[i]
             for j in range(len(chain)):
                 calpha_map[chain[j].peptide.C_alpha] = \
     conf = self.raw_trajectory[0]
     for atom, calpha in calpha_map.items():
     self.universe_calpha = universe_calpha
     universe_calpha.configuration() = universe_calpha.numberOfAtoms() * [None]
     for atom, calpha in calpha_map.items():[calpha.index] = atom.index
Example #2
 def retrievePeptideChain(self, sequence, mol_system_chain):
     from MMTK.Proteins import PeptideChain, Residue
     chain = PeptideChain(None)
     n_terminus = \
       mol_system_chain.residues[0].molResidue.chemCompVar.linking == "start"
     c_terminus = \
       mol_system_chain.residues[-1].molResidue.chemCompVar.linking == "end"
     chain.version_spec = {
         'n_terminus': n_terminus,
         'c_terminus': c_terminus,
         'model': 'all',
         'circular': False
     numbers = [r.seqId for r in mol_system_chain.residues]
     chain.groups = []
     n = 0
     for residue, number in zip(sequence, numbers):
         n = n + 1
         r = Residue(residue, 'all') = r.symbol + str(number)
         r.sequence_number = n
         r.parent = chain
     chain._setupChain(False, {}, None)
     return chain
 def retrievePeptideChain(self, sequence, mol_system_chain):
     from MMTK.Proteins import PeptideChain, Residue
     chain = PeptideChain(None)
     n_terminus = \
       mol_system_chain.residues[0].molResidue.chemCompVar.linking == "start"
     c_terminus = \
       mol_system_chain.residues[-1].molResidue.chemCompVar.linking == "end"
     chain.version_spec = {'n_terminus': n_terminus,
                           'c_terminus': c_terminus,
                           'model': 'all',
                           'circular': False}
     numbers = [r.seqId for r in mol_system_chain.residues]
     chain.groups = []
     n = 0
     for residue, number in zip(sequence, numbers):
         n = n + 1
         r = Residue(residue, 'all') = r.symbol + str(number)
         r.sequence_number = n
         r.parent = chain
     chain._setupChain(False, {}, None)
     return chain
Example #4
# The first file contains a monomer, the second one a tetramer in
# which each chain is almost identical to the monomer from the first
# file. We have to cut off the last (incomplete) residue from the
# monomer and the last three residues of each chain of the tetramers
# to get matching sequences. We'll just deal with one of the chains of
# the tetramer here.

monomer = configuration1.peptide_chains[0]
monomer.removeResidues(-1, None)
tetramer_1 = configuration2.peptide_chains[0]
tetramer_1.removeResidues(-3, None)

# Next we build a PeptideChain for the monomer. We use a C-alpha
# model, which is sufficient for the purpose of this script.

chain = PeptideChain(monomer, model='calpha')

# How big is this beast? For a quick guess, print the size of the smallest
# rectangular box containing it:

p1, p2 = chain.boundingBox()
print "Size of a bounding box: %4.2f x %4.2f x %4.2f nm" % tuple(p2-p1)

# Formalities: we define a universe and put the chain inside.
# Then we make a copy of the configuration of the universe for later use.
# This is necessary because configurations are defined only for
# universes (for various good reasons...).

universe = InfiniteUniverse()
monomer_configuration = copy(universe.configuration())
Example #5
# The first file contains a monomer, the second one a tetramer in
# which each chain is almost identical to the monomer from the first
# file. We have to cut off the last (incomplete) residue from the
# monomer and the last three residues of each chain of the tetramers
# to get matching sequences. We'll just deal with one of the chains of
# the tetramer here.

monomer = configuration1.peptide_chains[0]
monomer.removeResidues(-1, None)
tetramer_1 = configuration2.peptide_chains[0]
tetramer_1.removeResidues(-3, None)

# Next we build a PeptideChain for the monomer. We use a C-alpha
# model, which is sufficient for the purpose of this script.

chain = PeptideChain(monomer, model='calpha')

# How big is this beast? For a quick guess, print the size of the smallest
# rectangular box containing it:

p1, p2 = chain.boundingBox()
print("Size of a bounding box: %4.2f x %4.2f x %4.2f nm" % tuple(p2 - p1))

# Formalities: we define a universe and put the chain inside.
# Then we make a copy of the configuration of the universe for later use.
# This is necessary because configurations are defined only for
# universes (for various good reasons...).

universe = InfiniteUniverse()
monomer_configuration = copy(universe.configuration())
Example #6
# The first file contains a monomer, the second one a tetramer in
# which each chain is almost identical to the monomer from the first
# file. We have to cut off the last (incomplete) residue from the
# monomer and the last three residues of each chain of the tetramers
# to get matching sequences. We'll just deal with one of the chains of
# the tetramer here.

monomer = configuration1.peptide_chains[0]
monomer.removeResidues(-1, None)
tetramer_1 = configuration2.peptide_chains[0]
tetramer_1.removeResidues(-3, None)

# Next we build a PeptideChain for the monomer. We have to specify
# that we have no C terminus (missing) and no hydrogens.

chain = PeptideChain(monomer, model='no_hydrogens', c_terminus=0)

# How big is this beast? For a quick guess, print the size of the smallest
# rectangular box containing it:

p1, p2 = chain.boundingBox()
print "Size of a bounding box: %4.2f x %4.2f x %4.2f nm" % tuple(p2-p1)

# Formalities: we define a universe and put the chain inside.
# Then we make a copy of the configuration of the universe for later use.
# This is necessary because configurations are defined only for
# universes (for various good reasons...).

universe = InfiniteUniverse()
monomer_configuration = copy(universe.configuration())
# Choose all objects of class "Protein"
proteins = universe.objectList(Protein)

# Construct an initial configuration in which the proteins are contiguous.
conf = universe.contiguousObjectConfiguration(proteins)

# Construct a C_alpha representation and a mapping from the "real"
# C_alpha atoms to their counterparts in the reduced model.
universe_calpha = InfiniteUniverse()
index = 0
map = []
for protein in proteins:
    chains_calpha = []
    for chain in protein:
    protein_calpha = Protein(chains_calpha)
    for i in range(len(protein)):
        chain = protein[i]
        chain_calpha = protein_calpha[i]
        for j in range(len(chain)):
            r = conf[chain[j].peptide.C_alpha]
            chain_calpha[j].peptide.C_alpha.index = index
            index = index + 1

# Open the new trajectory for just the interesting objects.
trajectory_calpha = Trajectory(universe_calpha, '', 'w')
configuration = PDBConfiguration('insulin.pdb')

# Cut off the first three residues of the third chain.
configuration.peptide_chains[2].removeResidues(0, 3)

# Mark the second chain as modified
for chain in configuration.peptide_chains:
    chain.modified = 0
configuration.peptide_chains[2].modified = 1

# Construct the peptide chain objects without hydrogens. For
# modified chains, don't use the N-terminal form for the fist residue.
chains = []
for chain in configuration.peptide_chains:
    if chain.modified:
        chains.append(PeptideChain(chain, model='no_hydrogens', n_terminus=0))
        chains.append(PeptideChain(chain, model='no_hydrogens'))

# Make the protein object.
insulin = Protein(chains)

# Stop here, since the last "problem" is just an illustration,
# you can't run it directly because there is no "special residue"
# definition.
if 0:

    # Fourth problem: construct a protein with a non-standard residue.