# module name to make the example use that module.
from Scientific.Visualization import VRML2
module = VRML2

# Create the protein and find its center of mass and tensor of inertia.
protein = Protein('insulin')
center, inertia = protein.centerAndMomentOfInertia()

# Diagonalize the inertia tensor and scale the axes to a suitable length.
mass = protein.mass()
diagonal, directions = LA.eigenvectors(inertia.array)
diagonal = N.sqrt(diagonal / mass)

# Generate the backbone graphics objects.
graphics = protein.graphicsObjects(graphics_module=module,

# Add an atomic wireframe representation of all valine sidechains
valines = protein.residuesOfType('val')
sidechains = valines.map(lambda r: r.sidechain)
graphics = graphics + sidechains.graphicsObjects(
    graphics_module=module, model='wireframe', color='blue')

# Add three arrows corresponding to the principal axes of inertia.
for length, axis in map(None, diagonal, directions):
                     center + length * Vector(axis),
Example #2
                    orientation=(Vector(0, 1, 0),3.14159),
left_cam = visualization_module.Camera(position=[center[0]-distance_away,center[1],center[2]],
                    orientation=(Vector(0, 1, 0),3.14159*1.5),

#Other visualisation methods ("models") you might like to try:-
model_name = 'vdw'
#model_name = 'tube'
#model_name = 'ball_and_stick'

print "Creating " + model_name + " graphic of Protein"
#You can also specify colour for the whole molecule if you want,
#otherwise the individual atom colours are used (Oxygen = Red,
#Hydrogen = White, Sulphur = Yellow etc)
graphics = protein.graphicsObjects(graphics_module = visualization_module,
                                   model = model_name)

print "Creating arrows below protein"
#In order to help visualise what the camera objects are doing, I
#am adding some arrows in the x-z planes above and below the molecule.
#The red arrows point towards the "front" camera, green towards the
#"right" camera, blue towards the "back" camera and yellow towards the
#"left" camera.
d = 2.0 #distance from centre of mass (above or below)
l = 2.0 #length of each arrow
graphics.append(visualization_module.Arrow(center + Vector(0,-d,0),
                center + Vector(0,-d,l), 0.1,
graphics.append(visualization_module.Arrow(center + Vector(0,-d,0),
left_cam = visualization_module.Camera(
    position=[center[0] - distance_away, center[1], center[2]],
    orientation=(Vector(0, 1, 0), 3.14159 * 1.5),

#Other visualisation methods ("models") you might like to try:-
model_name = 'vdw'
#model_name = 'tube'
#model_name = 'ball_and_stick'

print "Creating " + model_name + " graphic of Protein"
#You can also specify colour for the whole molecule if you want,
#otherwise the individual atom colours are used (Oxygen = Red,
#Hydrogen = White, Sulphur = Yellow etc)
graphics = protein.graphicsObjects(graphics_module=visualization_module,

print "Creating arrows below protein"
#In order to help visualise what the camera objects are doing, I
#am adding some arrows in the x-z planes above and below the molecule.
#The red arrows point towards the "front" camera, green towards the
#"right" camera, blue towards the "back" camera and yellow towards the
#"left" camera.
d = 2.0  #distance from centre of mass (above or below)
l = 2.0  #length of each arrow
        center + Vector(0, -d, 0),
        center + Vector(0, -d, l),