Example #1
def find_edge_pair(data, y, roi_width, edgeThreshold=450):
    find_edge_pair finds the edge of a slit pair in a flat

    data[2048x2048]: a well illuminated flat field [DN]
    y: guess of slit edge position [pix]

    edgeThreshold: the pixel value below which we should ignore using
    to calculate edges.
    Moves along the edge of a slit image
            - At each location along the slit edge, determines
            the position of the demarcations between two slits

    xposs []: Array of x positions along the slit edge [pix]
    yposs []: The fitted y positions of the "top" edge of the slit [pix]
    widths []: The fitted delta from the top edge of the bottom [pix]
    scatters []: The amount of light between slits

    The procedure is as follows
    1: starting from a guess spatial position (parameter y), march
        along the spectral direction in some chunk of pixels
    2: At each spectral location, construct a cross cut across the
        spatial direction; select_roi is used for this.
    3: Fit a two-sided error function Fit.residual_disjoint_pair
        on the vertical cross cut derived in step 2.
    4: If the fit fails, store it in the missing list
        - else if the top fit is good, store the top values in top vector
        - else if the bottom fit is good, store the bottom values in bottom
    5: In the vertical cross-cut, there is a minimum value. This minimum
        value is stored as a measure of scattered light.

    Another procedure is used to fit polynomials to these fitted values.
    def select_roi(data, roi_width):
        v = data[y - roi_width:y + roi_width, xp - 2:xp + 2]
        v = np.median(v, axis=1)  # Axis = 1 is spatial direction

        return v

    xposs_top = []
    yposs_top = []
    xposs_top_missing = []

    xposs_bot = []
    yposs_bot = []
    xposs_bot_missing = []
    yposs_bot_scatters = []

    rng = np.linspace(10, 2040, 50).astype(np.int)
    for i in rng:
        xp = i
        v = select_roi(data, roi_width)
        xs = np.arange(len(v))

        # Modified from 450 as the hard coded threshold to one that
        # can be controlled by a keyword
        if (np.median(v) < edgeThreshold):

        ff = Fit.do_fit(v, residual_fun=Fit.residual_disjoint_pair)
        fit_ok = 0 < ff[4] < 4

        if fit_ok:
            (sigma, offset, mult1, mult2, add, width) = ff[0]

            yposs_top.append(y - roi_width + offset + width)

            yposs_bot.append(y - roi_width + offset)

            between = offset + width / 2
            if 0 < between < len(v) - 1:
                start = np.max([0, between - 2])
                stop = np.min([len(v), between + 2])
                yposs_bot_scatters.append(np.min(v[start:stop]))  # 5

                if False:
                    tmppix = np.arange(y - roi_width, y + roi_width)
                    tmpx = np.arange(len(v))
                    pl.axvline(y - roi_width + offset + width, color='red')
                    pl.axvline(y - roi_width + offset, color='red')
                    pl.scatter(tmppix, v)
                    pl.plot(tmppix, Fit.fit_disjoint_pair(ff[0], tmpx))


            info("Skipping wavelength pixel): %i" % (xp))

    return map(np.array, (xposs_bot, xposs_bot_missing, yposs_bot, xposs_top,
                          xposs_top_missing, yposs_top, yposs_bot_scatters))
Example #2
def find_edge_pair(data, y, roi_width, edgeThreshold=450):
    find_edge_pair finds the edge of a slit pair in a flat

    data[2048x2048]: a well illuminated flat field [DN]
    y: guess of slit edge position [pix]

    edgeThreshold: the pixel value below which we should ignore using
    to calculate edges.
    Moves along the edge of a slit image
            - At each location along the slit edge, determines
            the position of the demarcations between two slits

    xposs []: Array of x positions along the slit edge [pix]
    yposs []: The fitted y positions of the "top" edge of the slit [pix]
    widths []: The fitted delta from the top edge of the bottom [pix]
    scatters []: The amount of light between slits

    The procedure is as follows
    1: starting from a guess spatial position (parameter y), march
        along the spectral direction in some chunk of pixels
    2: At each spectral location, construct a cross cut across the
        spatial direction; select_roi is used for this.
    3: Fit a two-sided error function Fit.residual_disjoint_pair
        on the vertical cross cut derived in step 2.
    4: If the fit fails, store it in the missing list
        - else if the top fit is good, store the top values in top vector
        - else if the bottom fit is good, store the bottom values in bottom
    5: In the vertical cross-cut, there is a minimum value. This minimum
        value is stored as a measure of scattered light.

    Another procedure is used to fit polynomials to these fitted values.

    def select_roi(data, roi_width):
        v = data[y-roi_width:y+roi_width, xp-2:xp+2]
        v = np.median(v, axis=1) # Axis = 1 is spatial direction

        return v

    xposs_top = []
    yposs_top = []
    xposs_top_missing = []

    xposs_bot = []
    yposs_bot = []
    xposs_bot_missing = []
    yposs_bot_scatters = []

    rng = np.linspace(10, 2040, 50).astype(np.int)
    for i in rng:
        xp = i
        v = select_roi(data, roi_width)
        xs = np.arange(len(v))

        # Modified from 450 as the hard coded threshold to one that
        # can be controlled by a keyword
        if (np.median(v) < edgeThreshold):

        ff = Fit.do_fit(v, residual_fun=Fit.residual_disjoint_pair)
        fit_ok = 0 < ff[4] < 4

        if fit_ok:
            (sigma, offset, mult1, mult2, add, width) = ff[0]

            yposs_top.append(y - roi_width + offset + width)

            yposs_bot.append(y - roi_width + offset)

            between = offset + width/2
            if 0 < between < len(v)-1:
                start = np.max([0, between-2])
                stop = np.min([len(v),between+2])
                yposs_bot_scatters.append(np.min(v[start:stop])) # 5

                if False:
                    tmppix = np.arange(y-roi_width, y+roi_width)
                    tmpx = np.arange(len(v))
                    pl.axvline(y - roi_width + offset + width, color='red')
                    pl.axvline(y - roi_width + offset, color='red')
                    pl.scatter(tmppix, v)
                    pl.plot(tmppix, Fit.fit_disjoint_pair(ff[0], tmpx))


            info("Skipping wavelength pixel): %i" % (xp))

    return map(np.array, (xposs_bot, xposs_bot_missing, yposs_bot, xposs_top,
        xposs_top_missing, yposs_top, yposs_bot_scatters))