def startTestRun(self): """ | Sets the window layout to a test layout. | Launches a thread that will instantiate a *Sequencer* | (see :ref:`label_Sequencer` and :ref:`label_SequencerThread`). | Sets a timer to periodically check the incoming queue. """ self.consoleDict = {} self.stackedLayout.setCurrentIndex(1) ### Launches the *SequencerThread* ### self.sequencerThread = SequencerThread(self.guiApi) self.sequencerThread.start()
class MtpGui(QtGui.QWidget): """ | Takes care of providing a simple graphical user interface. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MtpGui, self).__init__(parent) self.inBoundQueue = Queue.Queue() #main inbound queue self.outBoundQueue = Queue.Queue() #main outbound queue, currently only for Dlg returns self.guiApi = MtpGuiApi(self.inBoundQueue,self.outBoundQueue) self.resize(705,628) self.move(400,100) self.setWindowTitle('Miselu Test Platform ['+sys.argv[3].split('.')[0]+']') ### Sets a timer to poll the incoming queue ### self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.checkQueue) self.timer.start(500) self.initLayout() def initLayout(self): """ Initializes the layout of the window. """ self.stackedLayout = QtGui.QStackedLayout() ### Index 0 ### button = QtGui.QPushButton('Start Test') button.clicked.connect(self.startTestRun) l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() l.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) l.addWidget(button) w = QtGui.QWidget() w.setLayout(l) self.stackedLayout.addWidget(w) ### Index 1 ### self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.stackedLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) self.setLayout(self.stackedLayout) def reInitLayout(self): self.stackedLayout.setCurrentIndex(0) self.stackedLayout.takeAt(1).widget().deleteLater() self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.stackedLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) def startTestRun(self): """ | Sets the window layout to a test layout. | Launches a thread that will instantiate a *Sequencer* | (see :ref:`label_Sequencer` and :ref:`label_SequencerThread`). | Sets a timer to periodically check the incoming queue. """ self.consoleDict = {} self.stackedLayout.setCurrentIndex(1) ### Launches the *SequencerThread* ### self.sequencerThread = SequencerThread(self.guiApi) self.sequencerThread.start() def addConsole(self,consoleID,consoleTitle): """ Adds a new console to the tabWidget on the gui. Args: * consoleID (str): Unique identifier for console * consoleTitle (str): This is what is displayed on the tab Returns: None """ self.consoleDict[consoleID] = consoleWidget(self.tabWidget) self.tabWidget.addTab(self.consoleDict[consoleID],consoleTitle) def consoleWrite(self,consoleID,s): """ Writes (appends) into a console. Args: * consoleID (str): Unique identifier for the console * s (str): String to write Returns: None """ ss = '' for i in range(len(s)): if ord(s[i])&0x80: c = '[ %0.2X ]' % ord(s[i]) print c else: c = s[i] ss += c t = self.consoleDict[consoleID].consoleLabel t.setText((str(t.text())+str(ss))[-5000:]) t.adjustSize() t = self.consoleDict[consoleID] t.scrollArea.verticalScrollBar().setValue(t.scrollArea.verticalScrollBar().maximum()) def flushOutboundQueue(self): self.outBoundQueue.queue.clear() def checkQueue(self): """ Reads and processes any and all messages in the incomming queue. """ stop = False while not stop: try: entry = self.inBoundQueue.get_nowait() self.processQueueEntry(entry) except Queue.Empty: stop = True def processQueueEntry(self,entry): """ Processes the entry. That is executes the command requested. Args: * entry (dict): A dictionary with the data required to process such message * It always should contain at least the key *command* * The other contents of entry depend on the command itself Returns: None """ if entry['command']=='addConsole': self.addConsole(entry['consoleID'],entry['title']) elif entry['command']=='consoleWrite': if (entry['consoleID'] in self.consoleDict.keys() ): self.consoleWrite(entry['consoleID'],entry['text']) elif entry['command']=='pDialog': entry.pop('command') entry['queue']=self.outBoundQueue entry['parent'] = self self.dialogWindow = Window_pDialog(**entry) elif entry['command']=='closeDialogBox': self.dialogWindow.close() elif entry['command']=='reInitLayout': self.reInitLayout() elif entry['command']=='processEvents': QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() elif entry['command']=='flushOutboundQueue': self.flushOutboundQueue() elif entry['command']=='init': self.flushOutboundQueue() elif entry['command']=='webKitWindow': entry.pop('command') self.webKitWindow = Window_webKit(**entry) elif entry['command']=='webKitWindow2': entry.pop('command') entry['queue']=self.outBoundQueue entry['parent'] = self self.webKitWindow = Window_webKit_2(**entry) elif entry['command']=='webKitWindow_reload': self.webKitWindow.reload() elif entry['command']=='webKitWindow_change': entry.pop('command') self.webKitWindow.html = entry ['html'] self.webKitWindow.urlBase = entry['urlBase'] self.webKitWindow.reload() elif entry['command']=='closeWebKitWindow': self.webKitWindow.close() else: raise Exception('Invalid command:'+entry['command'])