if len(byte) == 4:
        if byte[3].isalpha():
            if byte[3].upper() > 'F':
                return False
        elif not byte[3].isdigit():
            return False

    return True

# Start the simulator, initialize the physical memory with bytes in hexadecimal provided in input.txt
print("*** Welcome to the cache simulator ***")
print("initialize the RAM:")
print("init-ram 0x00 0xFF")
ourRam = MainMemory()
print("ram successfully initialized!")

# Get values from user on cache specifics (check validity)
print("configure the cache:")

# C
cacheSize = input("cache size: ")
if not isCorrectInput(cacheSize, 8, 256):
    sys.exit("Invalid cache size!")

# B
blockSize = input("data block size: ")
if not isCorrectInput(blockSize, 1, int(cacheSize)):
    sys.exit("Invalid block size!")