def get_keywords(self, menu_split):
         Gets all the keystrings of a given command
                 - "replace subsequence 1 3 5 with 4 5" will return ["replace subsequence", "with"]
                 - "delete index 1" will return ["delete index"]
             -menu_split - The command string
             An array containing all identified keystrings
     key_list = []
     key_string = ''
     for i in range(0, len(menu_split)):
             num = Validator.validate_int(get_index(menu_split,i), -10000, 10000)
             if(key_string != ''):
                 key_string = key_string[:len(key_string) - 1]
             key_string = ''  
         except ValueError as e:
             if(get_index(e.args, 0) == "Number is invalid"):
                 key_string += get_index(menu_split,i) + ' '
     if(key_string != ''):
         key_string = key_string[:len(key_string) - 1]
     return key_list 
 def display_Menu(self):
         Displays the menu, waits for and processes commands
     menu_split = [' ']
     self._print_sequence(self.Command_Handler.menu_dictionary['display menu'](None), "")
     while(menu_split[0] != 'quit'):
         menu_code = input("Input your command: ")
         menu_split = menu_code.split(sep=" ")
             sequence = self.Command_Handler.process_command(menu_split)
             if(isinstance(sequence, int)):
                     Validator.validate_int(get_index(sequence, 0), -10000, 10000)
                     end_character = " "
                 except IndexError:
                 except ValueError:
                     end_character = ""
                 self._print_sequence(sequence, end_character)
         except TypeError as e:
             if(get_index(e.args[0].split(sep = " "), 1) == 'takes'): print('Invalid command')
             else: print(e.args[0])
         except ValueError as e:
             print (e.args[0])
         except IndexError as e:
             print (e.args[0])
 def process_command(self, menu_split):
         Process a given command in order to determine the called function and it's parameters
         If the command is valid, the function is called
             -menu_split - The command string, split into an array of strings by the ' ' character
             -sequence - The base sequence
             The sequence, modified by the function called by the command string if the command is executed successfully
             The unmodified sequence, if the command string is invalid, or the function call fails
     keystring_list = self.get_keywords(menu_split)
     num_list = self.get_numbers(menu_split, get_word_count(keystring_list[0]))
     try : f = self.menu_dictionary[get_index(keystring_list, 0)]
     except : 
         raise ValueError("Invalid command")
     if(len(keystring_list) == 2 and get_index(keystring_list, 1) != 'with'):  # If we find the keyword with, we have a command of the form [ keystring number_list with numbar_list ]     
         raise ValueError('Invalid input')
     elif(len(keystring_list) == 2):    
         num_list = [num_list, self.get_numbers(menu_split, get_word_count(get_index(keystring_list, 0)) + 1 + len(num_list))] # the list num_list becomes an array of two number lists
     temp_sequence = f(self.sequence_handler, *num_list)
     return temp_sequence