def delete_from_index(self, index = -1, noCopy = False):
        Deletes the number from a given index
            index - The index to delete from
            noCopy - A flag used to stop the saving of the sequence
                   - Set to true when the method is called by another member method
             The modified sequence
         Raises IndexError if the given index is invalid
     Validator.validate_index(self.sequence_store.sequence, index)
     if(not noCopy):
     return self.sequence_store.sequence
 def insert_at_index(self, n, index = None, noCopy = False):
         Inserts an element at a given index.
         If the index is left on it's default value(-1), then the element is simply appended
             - The original sequence, if the indexes fail validation
             - The modified sequence
         Raises IndexError if the given index is invalid
     if(index == None or index == len(self.sequence_store.sequence)): index = len(self.sequence_store.sequence) # We consider this value implicitly valid
     else: Validator.validate_index(self.sequence_store.sequence, index)
     self.sequence_store.sequence.insert(index, n)
     if(not noCopy):
     return self.sequence_store.sequence
 def gcd_subsequence(self, index_start = 0, index_end = -1):
         Prints the gcd of all the numbers in the given subsequence
             index_start - The starting index
             index_end - The ending index
             The gcd of all elements between the given indexes
         Raises IndexError if any of the indexes are invalid
     result = 0
     Validator.validate_index(self.sequence_store.sequence, index_start, index_end)
     for i in range(index_start, index_end):
         result = gcd(self.sequence_store.sequence[i], self.sequence_store.sequence[i+1])
     return result
 def display_prime(self, index_start = -1, index_end = -1):
         Prints a list containing all prime numbers in the given subsequence
             index_start - The starting index
             index_end - The ending index
             A list of all prime numbers between the given indexes
         Raises IndexError if any of the indexes are invalid
     result_list = []
     Validator.validate_index(self.sequence_store.sequence, index_start, index_end)
     for i in range(index_start, index_end + 1):
     return result_list
 def max_subsequence(self, index_start = 0, index_end = -1):
         Prints the greatest element of all the numbers in the given subsequence
             index_start - The starting index
             index_end - The ending index
             The greatest element of all elements between the given indexes
         Raises IndexError if any of the indexes are invalid
     Validator.validate_index(self.sequence_store.sequence, index_start, index_end)
     result = self.sequence_store.sequence[index_start]
     for i in range(index_start + 1, index_end + 1):
         if(self.sequence_store.sequence[i] > result):
             result = self.sequence_store.sequence[i]
     return result
 def delete_subsequence(self, index_start, index_end, noCopy = False):
         Removes the subsequence contained within the given indexes
             index_start - The starting index
             index_end - The end index
             noCopy - A flag used to stop the saving of the sequence
                   - Set to true when the method is called by another member method
             The modified sequence
         Raises IndexError if any of the indexes are invalid
     Validator.validate_index(self.sequence_store.sequence, index_start, index_end)
     i = index_end - index_start + 1
     while(i > 0):
         sequence = self.delete_from_index(index_start, True)
         i = i - 1
     if(not noCopy):
     return sequence