def set_mask_init():
    ### Setting defaults
    d = mask_utils.ChipDefaults()
    d.Q = 1000
    d.radius = 50
    d.segments = 6
    d.pinw_rsn = 2.  # this is the resonator pinwitdth that we are goign to use.
    d.gapw_rsn = 8.5

    d.pinw = 1.5  # d.pinw
    d.gapw = 1.
    d.center_gapw = 1
    ### Now calculate impedance
    d.imp_rsn = 80.  # calculate_impedance(d.pinw_rsn,d.gapw_rsn,d.eps_eff)
    d.solid = True
    return d
def chipDrw_1(c, chip_resonator_length, chip_coupler_length, d=None, inductive_launcher=False):
    ### Chip Init
    # gapw=calculate_gap_width(eps_eff,50,pinw)

    if d == None: d = MaskMaker.ChipDefaults()
    gap_ratio = d.gapw / d.pinw
    c.frequency = 10
    c.pinw = 1.5  # d.pinw
    c.gapw = 1.
    c.center_gapw = 1
    c.radius = 40
    c.frequency = 5  # GHz
    # c.Q = 1000000 #one of the couplers
    c.imp_rsn = 80
    launch_pin_width = 150
    launcher_width = (1 + 2 * gap_ratio) * launch_pin_width
    c.launcher_length = 500
    c.inside_padding = 1160
    c.left_inside_padding = 180
    c.C = 0.5e-15  # (factor of 2 smaller than actual value from simulation.)
    c.cap1 = mask_utils.sapphire_capacitor_by_C_Channels(c.C)
    # c.cap1 = sapphire_capacitor_by_Q_Channels(c.frequency, c.Q, 50, resonator_type=0.5)
    ### Calculating the interior length of the resonator
    # c.interior_length = calculate_interior_length(c.frequency, d.phase_velocity,
    # c.imp_rsn, resonator_type=0.5,
    # harmonic=0, Ckin=c.cap1, Ckout=c.cap1)
    c.interior_length = 17631 / 2.  # unit is micron, devide by 2 to get the half wavelength
    # This gives 6.88GHz in reality.
    c.meander_length = c.interior_length  # (c.interior_length - (c.inside_padding))  - c.left_inside_padding
    print('meander_length', c.meander_length)

    c.num_wiggles = 7
    c.meander_horizontal_length = (c.num_wiggles + 1) * 2 * c.radius
    launcher_straight = 645
    chipInit(c, defaults=d)

    ### Components
    #### MaskMaker.Launcher
    two_layer = c.two_layer

    c.s5.pinw = 4.
    c.s5.gapw = 2.5
    c.s7.pinw = 4.
    c.s7.gapw = 2.5
    c.s3.pinw2 = d.pinw_rsn
    c.s4.pinw2 = d.pinw_rsn
    if two_layer:
        c.s5.chip.two_layer = True
        c.s7.chip.two_layer = True

    # resonator_length = 3000  # for 10GHz

    length_before_turning = 20  # 220 + 116
    turn_radius = 100
    turn_radius_2 = 10

    coupler_width_1 = 5
    length_2 = 750 / 2. - turn_radius - turn_radius_2 - coupler_width_1

    ### Left launchers and the drive resonator
    s = c.sl1
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=2, gapw=2)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_before_turning)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -90, radius=turn_radius, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_2)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 90, radius=turn_radius_2, segments=10)
    # MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 10, 0.09, stop_pinw=1, stop_gapw=.5)

    # Interaction driven programming: encourage trying code out and look at the output, instead of just reading code.
    # such encouragements unlock new behaviors that positively re-enforce itself.
    # this positive re-enforcement is what makes this kind of philosophical change significant.

    s = c.sl2
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=2, gapw=2)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_before_turning)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 90, radius=turn_radius, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_2)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -90, radius=turn_radius_2, segments=10)
    # MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 10, 0.09, stop_pinw=1, stop_gapw=.5)

    # c.sl1.last = MaskMaker.middle(c.sl1.last, c.sl2.last)
    # CPWWiggles(c.sl1, 1, 12, 1, start_up=True, radius=(1.5 + 2) / 2., segments=10)

    # drive resonator from the left
    drive_resonator_start_pt = MaskMaker.middle(c.sl1.last, c.sl2.last)
    c.s_drive = MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=drive_resonator_start_pt, direction=0)
    MaskMaker.CoupledTaper(c.s_drive, 6, pinw=c.sl1.pinw, gapw=c.sl1.gapw, center_gapw=8, stop_pinw=1.2, stop_gapw=1,

    drive_pinw = channel_W - 2 * res_gp_gap_W
    drive_gapw = res_gp_gap_W
    three_pin_L = (6.500 - 2 * res_pin_trap_inner_A * res_pin_trap_inner_ratio) / 2

    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(c.s_drive, 50, pinw=3.4, gapw=1.0, stop_pinw=drive_pinw, stop_gapw=drive_gapw)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(c.s_drive, 2500 + 302.910 - 300 + 9.32 + 0.09 - 1.68 - 0.140)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(c.s_drive, trap_gap, pinw=trap_pin_W, gapw=(channel_W - trap_pin_W) / 2)
    MaskMaker.ThreePinTaper(c.s_drive, three_pin_L, pinw=res_pin_W - trap_pin_W / 2, center_pinw=trap_pin_W,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(c.s_drive, 2 * res_pin_trap_inner_A * res_pin_trap_inner_ratio, pinw=trap_pin_W,
                          gapw=(channel_W - trap_pin_W) / 2)
    MaskMaker.ThreePinTaper(c.s_drive, three_pin_L, pinw=res_pin_W - trap_pin_W / 2, center_pinw=trap_pin_W,
    MaskMaker.CoupledStraight(c.s_drive, trap_gap, gapw=(channel_W - trap_pin_W) / 2 - trap_gap,
                              center_gapw=trap_gap * 2 + trap_pin_W)

    ### Right launchers and the readout resonator

    s = c.s4
    s.chip.two_layer = True
    s.pinw = 1.2
    s.gapw = 1

    if inductive_launcher:
        MaskMaker.Inductive_Launcher(s, pinw=25, gapw=20, padw=200, padl=300, num_loops=4)
        MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
        MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 245)

    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 80, stop_pinw=1.5, stop_gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 3000 - 80 - 245. - chip_resonator_length + 280 + 229.890 + 300)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 1, stop_pinw=1.5, stop_gapw=.72)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 4.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 1, stop_pinw=1.5, stop_gapw=(channel_W - 1.5) / 2)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 10)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 3, stop_pinw=res_pin_W * 2 + res_center_gap_W, stop_gapw=res_gp_gap_W)

    # readout resonator on the right
    readout_resonator_start_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(, (chip_resonator_length - 529.390 - 300, 0))
    c.s_readout = MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=readout_resonator_start_pt, direction=180)
    s = c.s_readout
    s.pinw = res_pin_W
    s.gapw = res_gp_gap_W
    s.center_gapw = res_center_gap_W
    MaskMaker.CoupledStraight(s, 50)
    MaskMaker.CoupledWiggles(s, 6, 1000, 0, start_up=True, radius=30,
    MaskMaker.CoupledStraight(s, resonator_length - 1000 - 1 - 1.16 + 1.27 - 1.86 - 0.1400)

    # if not hasattr(s, 'gap_layer') and not hasattr(s, 'pin_layer'):
    #     MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, .1225, pinw=0, gapw=.22 / 2.)

    # Center Guard
    length_to_trap = 450 - 5 - 10
    guard_straight = 185.51 - 1.351
    center_guard_taper = 5
    guard_middle_pinch_length = 4 + 0.371
    guardSHorizontal = 445. - 300

    s = c.s14
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_to_trap - 400)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, 90, 90, guardSHorizontal, -90, 90, 20, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_straight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, center_guard_taper, stop_pinw=trap_L, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_middle_pinch_length)

    s = c.s18
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_to_trap - 400)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, -90, 90, guardSHorizontal, 90, 90, 20, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_straight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, center_guard_taper, stop_pinw=trap_L, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_middle_pinch_length)

    mid_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(MaskMaker.middle(c.s1.last, c.s2.last), (-300, 0))
    s.last = mid_pt
    theta2 = np.arcsin(0.70 / (2 * res_pin_trap_outer_A))
    theta3 = np.arcsin(0.70 / (2 * res_pin_trap_inner_A))

    outer_arc = MaskMaker.ellipse_arcpts(mid_pt, res_pin_trap_outer_A * res_pin_trap_outer_ratio, res_pin_trap_outer_A,
                                         angle_start=theta2, angle_stop=np.pi - theta2, angle=0, segments=15)
    inner_arc = MaskMaker.ellipse_arcpts(mid_pt, res_pin_trap_inner_A * res_pin_trap_inner_ratio, res_pin_trap_inner_A,
                                         angle_start=np.pi - theta3, angle_stop=theta3, angle=0, segments=15)

    for ia in inner_arc:

    # And mirror the trap
    mirrored_outer_arc = MaskMaker.mirror_pts(outer_arc, axis_angle=0, axis_pt=mid_pt)

    MaskMaker.Ellipses(s.gap_layer, mid_pt, trap_L / 2, trap_W / 2, angle=0, segments=30)
    MaskMaker.Ellipses(s.pin_layer, mid_pt, trap_pin_A * trap_pin_ratio, trap_pin_A, angle=0, segments=30)

    s.chip.two_layer = True

    middleGuardL = 1.2
    sideGuardL = 0.2
    guardGap = 0.2

    guardLauncherStraight = 145 + 1.3759 + 0.3750 - 5.5461
    guardSHorizontal = 360 + 12.68 + 1.277 + 0.0707 - 0.220 - 0.0670 - 0.290 - 0.07
    guardEndStraight = 120 + 20.7 + 2 + 2
    sideGuardEndStraight = 1.0 + 3.9897 + 0.255 - 0.12 - 0.25 - 1.350 + 0.37

    ### Microwave Feed Couplers

    R1 = 60
    L1 = 0
    L2 = 200 + 39.6475 - 0.5
    L3 = 199.5 - 0.0013 - 120 - 40 - 40
    L4 = 100
    L5 = 100 + 0.6275 - 3 # to make it 30 um away from the resonator

    s = c.s15
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    s.pinw = 3
    s.gapw = 1
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, -90, R1, L2, 90, R1, L3, segments=5)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -60, radius=100, segments=12)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L4)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 60, radius=50, segments=12)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=2.5)

    s = c.s19
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    s.pinw = 3
    s.gapw = 1
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, 90, R1, L2, -90, R1, L3, segments=5)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 60, radius=100, segments=12)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L4)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -60, radius=50, segments=12)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=2.5)

    ### Resonator Couplers
    c.two_layer = True
    coupler_offset_v = 1.5 + 1.2 - 1. - 0.73
    coupler_offset_h = 100
    launch_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(, (coupler_offset_h, coupler_offset_v))
    setattr(c, 'resonator_coupler_1', MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=launch_pt, direction=90))
    launch_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(, (coupler_offset_h, -coupler_offset_v))
    setattr(c, 'resonator_coupler_2', MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=launch_pt, direction=-90))

    coupler_1 = c.resonator_coupler_1
    res_coupler_gap = 0.65
    end_cap_gap = 1.2 / 2 + res_coupler_gap  # 1.25 um

    coupler_1.pinw = 1.2
    coupler_1.gapw = res_coupler_gap
    coupler_2 = c.resonator_coupler_2
    coupler_2.pinw = 1.2
    coupler_2.gapw = res_coupler_gap

    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_1, 50 - 0.75 + 0.730 - 3.2822 + coupler_length + 6 - .6978)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_1, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=end_cap_gap)

    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_2, 50 - 0.75 + 0.730 - 3.2822 + coupler_length + 6 - .6978)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_2, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=end_cap_gap)

    ### DC Guards
    guard_pin_w = trap_guard_L
    launcher_pin_w = 3
    launcher_gap_w = 2.5
    guard_radius = 1.2
    guard_taper_length = 6

    s = c.s5
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, 90, 90, guardSHorizontal + 1875 - 300 - 1.24 - 1.4118 - 1.4980 - 0.1840, -60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    s = c.s7
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, -90, 90, guardSHorizontal + 1875 - 300 - 1.24 - 1.4118 - 1.4980 - 0.1840, 60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    # Resonator Side Guards
    s = c.s1
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, -90, 90, guardSHorizontal - 325 - 1.24 - 1.4118 - 1.4980 - 0.1840, 60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    s = c.s2
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, 90, 90, guardSHorizontal - 325 - 1.24 - 1.4118 - 1.4980 - 0.1840, -60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    # Resonator DC Bias pinch electrodes
    L1 = 20
    R = 20
    L3 = - (resonator_length - 1900) + 1450 - 40 - 36.86 + 0.15
    L5 = 4
    L6 = 2
    L4 = 450 - 40 - L1 - 0.4 - 1.070 - L5 - L6

    s = c.s6
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, -90, R, L3, 90, R, L4, segments=3)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, L5, stop_pinw=4, stop_gapw=0.4)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L6)

    s = c.s8
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, 90, R, L3, -90, R, L4, segments=3)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, L5, stop_pinw=4, stop_gapw=0.4)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L6)

    s.chip.two_layer = True