def searchMetadataDate(p_filename, p_startDate, p_endDate): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_startDate: start of the date range we are searching for :type p_startDate: datetime :param p_endDate: end of the date range we are searching for :type p_endDate: datetime :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if the datetime is inbetween p_startDate and p_endDate :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) if getExtension(p_filename) == '.jpg' or getExtension(p_filename) == '.png' or getExtension(p_filename) == '.tiff': f_metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(p_filename) # print(f_metadata.exif_keys) if not containsMetadataDate(p_filename): return False f_cleanMetadataDate = getMetadataDate(p_filename) if p_startDate <= f_cleanMetadataDate <= p_endDate: return True else: earlySupportCheck(p_filename) # TODO add gif support return False return False
def searchArtists(p_filename, p_artist): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_artist: artist we are searching for in the metadata :type p_artist: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_artist was in artist metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_artists = getArtists(p_filename) if f_artists == []: return False # Note: the conditions for finding an artist are very relaxed. # We're only searching for a substring. # so if an artist entry is "composer: Sarah Sharp" # searches for: "composer", "Sarah Sharp", "Sarah", "sharp", and "Sar" # will all return true. # Perhaps a strictSearchArtists() function is needed for i_artist in f_artists: #print("finding artist:", p_artist.lower(), i_artist.lower()) if p_artist.lower() in i_artist.lower(): return True return False
def removeTag(p_filename, p_tag): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_tag: tag you will be removing from the tag metadata :type p_tag: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :raise MetadataMissingError: if the file has no tag metadata :raise NoSuchItemError: if the file does not have p_artist in their tag list """ filecheck(p_filename) if not containsTags(p_filename): raise MetadataMissingError("there is no tag data to remove") f_cleanXList = getTags(p_filename) # print("addTag() f_cleanXList\t\t", f_cleanXList) if p_tag not in f_cleanXList: raise NoSuchItemError( 'The file \'{}\' does not contain the tag \'{}\' \n This operation cannot be performed'.format( p_filename, p_tag)) f_cleanXList.remove(p_tag) if f_cleanXList == []: wipeTags(p_filename) return # print("removeTag() f_cleanXList\t\t", f_cleanXList) setTags(p_filename, f_cleanXList) return
def searchTitle(p_filename, p_searchForThis): """ takes: filename as string (including path) returns: truth value of p_searchForThis being in the title always returns false when no title exists # Note: Title does not need to be entire search term to return true :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_searchForThis: title that we're checking for :type p_searchForThis: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_searchForThis was in title metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_title = getTitle(p_filename) if f_title == "": return False if p_searchForThis in f_title: return True return False
def removeArtist(p_filename, p_artist): """ removes artist from artist metadata :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_artist: artist we are removing from the artist metadata :type p_artist: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :raise MetadataMissingError: if the file has no artist metadata :raise NoSuchItemError: if the file does not have p_artist in their artist list """ filecheck(p_filename) if not containsArtists(p_filename): raise MetadataMissingError("there is no artist data to remove") f_cleanXList = getArtists(p_filename) # print("removeArtist() f_cleanXList\t\t", f_cleanXList) # Note that p_artist must be an exact match with an entry to have it removed if p_artist not in f_cleanXList: raise NoSuchItemError( 'The file \'{}\' does not contain the artist \'{}\' \n This operation cannot be performed'.format( p_filename, p_artist)) f_cleanXList.remove(p_artist) if f_cleanXList == []: wipeArtists(p_filename) return setArtists(p_filename, f_cleanXList) return
def addDescr(p_filename, p_addThisToDescr): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_addThisToDescr: string you will be appending to the description metadata :type p_addThisToDescr: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif """ filecheck(p_filename) f_setDescrToThis = getDescr(p_filename) + p_addThisToDescr setDescr(p_filename, f_setDescrToThis) return
def addTag(p_filename, p_tag): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_tag: tag you will be adding to the tag metadata :type p_tag: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :raise DuplicateDataError: if the file already has this tag in its tag metadata """ filecheck(p_filename) f_cleanXList = getTags(p_filename) # print("addTag() f_cleanXList\t\t", f_cleanXList) if p_tag in f_cleanXList: raise DuplicateDataError("file already contains this tag") f_cleanXList.insert(0, p_tag) setTags(p_filename, f_cleanXList) return
def searchVersionNum(p_filename, p_searchForThis): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_searchForThis: VersionNum that we're checking for :type p_searchForThis: int :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_searchForThis was in VersionNum metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_VersionNum = getVersionNum(p_filename) if f_VersionNum == -1: return False if p_searchForThis in f_VersionNum: return True return False
def searchSeriesInstallment(p_filename, p_searchForThis): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_searchForThis: series installment that we're checking for :type p_searchForThis: int :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_searchForThis was in series installment metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_series_installment = getSeriesInstallment(p_filename) if f_series_installment == -1: return False if p_searchForThis in f_series_installment: return True return False
def searchSource(p_filename, p_searchForThis): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_searchForThis: source url that we're checking for :type p_searchForThis: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_searchForThis was in source metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_source = getSource(p_filename) if f_source == "": return False if p_searchForThis in f_source: return True return False
def searchDescr(p_filename, p_searchForThis): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_searchForThis: description that we're checking for :type p_searchForThis: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_searchForThis was in description metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_descr = getDescr(p_filename) if f_descr == "": return False if p_searchForThis in f_descr: return True return False
def addArtist(p_filename, p_artist): """ appends new artist to the artist metadata :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_artist: artist we are adding into the artist metadata :type p_artist: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :raise DuplicateDataError: if the file already has this artist in its artist metadata """ filecheck(p_filename) f_cleanXList = getArtists(p_filename) # print("addArtist() f_cleanXList\t\t", f_cleanXList) if p_artist in f_cleanXList: raise DuplicateDataError("file already contains this artist") f_cleanXList.insert(0, p_artist) setArtists(p_filename, f_cleanXList) return
def searchTags(p_filename, p_tag): """ :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_tag: tag we will search the tag metadata for :type p_tag: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_tag was in tag metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) f_keywords = getTags(p_filename) # Note: these are strict searches. They are case sensative # non case sensative searches may require longer execution time if f_keywords == []: return False if p_tag in f_keywords: return True return False
def searchTaggerMark(p_filename, p_searchForThis): """ takes: filename as string (including path) returns: truth value of p_searchForThis being in the TaggerMark always returns false when no TaggerMark exists # Note: TaggerMark does not need to be entire search term to return true :param p_filename: name/path of the file :type p_filename: string :param p_searchForThis: TaggerMark that we're checking for :type p_searchForThis: string :raise UnknownFiletypeError: if the filetype cannot be found :raise UnsupportedFiletypeError: if the filetype is not .jpg, .png, or .gif :return: True if p_searchForThis was in TaggerMark metadata :rtype: bool """ filecheck(p_filename) if containsTaggerMark(p_filename) == False: return False if p_searchForThis in containsTaggerMark(p_filename): return True return False