def ordersdetail(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的ID和订单完成时间 id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) time = str(json.loads(request.values.get("time"))) print("id", id, " time", time) # 根据ID和订单完成时间查询在数据库中的数据 result = db.executeQuery( "select gid,name,sum(number),uprice,image from pcr where buyerid=%s and time=%s and isdelete=0 and optype=10 group by name", [id, time]) # 返回查询的结果: if len(result) != 0: list = [] totalprice = 0 for i in result: dict = {} dict['gid'] = i[0] dict['name'] = i[1] dict['number'] = int(i[2]) dict['uprice'] = i[3] dict['total'] = float(i[2]) * i[3] dict['image'] = "" + i[4] list.append(dict) res = {"orders": list} else: res = "无订单" return json.dumps(res)
def billList(): db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': result = db.executeQuery( "select image,gid,name ,sort,uprice,sum(number),sum(cast(total as decimal(18,1))) from pcr group by name" ) # 从数据库中查询账单记录并返回 return render_template("billList.html", result=result) else: product = request.form.get("product") # 从web获取管理员输入的商品ID或者名称 print(product) # 从数据库中查询获取账单记录 result1 = db.executeQuery( "select image,gid,name ,sort,uprice,sum(number),sum(cast(total as decimal(18,1))) from pcr where gid=%s group by name", [product]) result2 = db.executeQuery( "select image,gid,name ,sort,uprice,sum(number),sum(cast(total as decimal(18,1))) from pcr where name=%s group by name", [product]) if len(result1) != 0: result = result1 elif len(result2) != 0: result = result2 else: result = "暂无记录" return render_template("billList.html", result=result)
def shoppingcart(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户id id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print(id) result = db.executeQuery( "select image,gid,name,sum(number),uprice from pcr where buyerid=%s and isdelete=0 and optype=5 group by name", [id]) # 返回查询的结果: if len(result) != 0: res = [] for i in result: dict = {} result1 = db.executeQuery("select number from goods where gid=%s ", [i[1]]) dict['imgSrc'] = "" + i[0] dict['title'] = i[2] dict['gid'] = i[1] dict['price'] = i[4] dict['quantity'] = int(i[3]) dict['max'] = result1[0][0] res.append(dict) else: res = "空" return json.dumps(res)
def productAdd(): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("productAdd.html") else: # 获取要添加的商品信息 product = [] product.append(request.form.get("productId")) product.append(request.form.get("productName")) product.append(request.form.get("type")) product.append(int(request.form.get("number"))) product.append(float(request.form.get("price"))) product.append(request.form.get("dateofproduce")) product.append(request.form.get("dateofbad")) print(product) # 查询数据库中是否已存在该商品,如果不存在则向数据库添加商品信息 result1 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [product[0]]) result2 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where name=%s", [product[1]]) if len(result1[0]) == 0 and len(result2[0]) == 0: result = db.executeUpdate( "insert into goods values(%s,%s,null,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,null)", product) else: result = 0 return render_template("productAdd.html", data=result)
def sortchart(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的id id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) #从数据库中查询数据---生成Json格式 result = db.executeQuery( "select sort,sum(cast(total as decimal(18,1))) from pcr where optype=10 and buyerid=%s and str_to_date(time,'%%Y/%%m/%%d %%H:%%i:%%s')>date_format(curdate(),'%%Y/%%m/01 00:00:00') group by sort", [id]) result2 = db.executeQuery("select sort from goods group by sort") r = [] for i in result: r.append(i[0]) ress = [] totalprice = 0 for i in result: dict = {} dict["sort"] = i[0] dict["total"] = float(i[1]) totalprice += float(i[1]) ress.append(dict) for i in range(0, len(result2)): if result2[i][0] not in r: dict = {} dict["sort"] = result2[i][0] dict["total"] = 0 ress.append(dict) t = round(totalprice, 2) res = {"result": ress, "totalprice": t} content = json.dumps(res) return content
def recommendmain(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户id id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print(id) res = [] mh = mhitemCF() data = mh.getUidScoreBid() # 获得数据 W = mh.similarity(data) # 算物品相似矩阵 relist = mh.recommandList(data, W, id, 10, 10) # 推荐 if len(relist) == 0: res = "暂无推荐" else: for i in relist: result = db.executeQuery( "select gid,name,image,uprice from goods where name=%s", [i[0]]) # 获取推荐商品详细信息 dict = {} dict['gid'] = result[0][0] dict['name'] = result[0][1] dict['image'] = "" + result[0][2] dict['uprice'] = result[0][3] res.append(dict) return json.dumps(res)
def product(): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': # 从数据库中返回最近十条商品信息并返回 result = db.executeQuery("select * from goods") return render_template("product.html", result=result) else: # 获取商品ID proID = request.form.get("proID") print("proID", proID) pid = request.form.get("pid") print("pid", pid) #获取操作类型 btntype = request.form.get("btntype") print("btntype", btntype) if proID: # 从数据库获取商品信息并返回 result = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [product]) return render_template("product.html", result=result) if pid and btntype == "pread": # 从数据库获取商品信息,返回商品查看界面 result = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [pid]) return render_template("productView.html", result=result) if pid and btntype == "pupdate": # 返回商品修改界面 return redirect(url_for('productUpdate', pid=pid))
def billList(): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': # 从数据库中返回最近十条交易记录并返回 result = db.executeQuery("select * from pcr") return render_template("billList.html", result=result) else: # 获取商品ID或者名称 option = request.values.get("searchoption") product = request.form.get("product") print(option) print(product) if option == "请输入商品的ID": # 根据商品ID从数据库获取交易信息,如果不存在返回“无此交易记录” result = db.executeQuery("select * from pcr where gid=%s", [product]) if len(result) == 0: result = "无此交易记录" else: # 根据商品名称从数据库获取交易信息,如果不存在返回“无此交易记录” result = db.executeQuery("select * from pcr where name=%s", [product]) if len(result) == 0: result = "无此交易记录" return render_template("billList.html", result=result)
def showEcharts(): db = MhDatabases() #从数据库中查询数据---生成Json格式 result = db.executeQuery( "select sort,sum(cast(total as decimal(18,1))) from pcr group by sort " ) sorts = [] for i in result: sorts.append(i[0]) list1 = [] for i in sorts: r = db.executeQuery( "select name,sum(number) from pcr where sort=%s group by name ", [i]) allgoods = [] for j in r: goods = {} goods["name"] = j[0] goods["number"] = int(j[1]) allgoods.append(goods) list1.append(allgoods) list2 = [] for i in result: dict = {} dict["sort"] = i[0] dict["total"] = float(i[1]) list2.append(dict) res = {"result": list2, "goodsresult": list1} content = json.dumps(res) return content
def allorders(): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的ID id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print("id", id) # 根据ID在数据库中查询用户数据和表段名称 result = db.executeQuery("select * from pcr where buyerid=%s", [id]) column = db.executeQuery( "select column_name from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name=%s order by ordinal_position", ['pcr']) print(result) # print (column) # 返回查询到的结果: # 如果有订单,按时间整合发送给微信小程序端 if len(result[0]) != 0: time = result[0][5] total = [] total2 = [] timess = [] timess.append(time) for i in range(0, len(result)): n = i + 1 if n < len(result): if result[i][5] == time and result[n][5] == time: a = {} for j in range(0, len(result[i])): a[column[j][0]] = result[i][j] total.append(a) if result[i][5] == time and result[n][5] != time: time = result[n][5] timess.append(time) a = {} for j in range(0, len(result[i])): a[column[j][0]] = result[i][j] total.append(a) total2.append(total) total = [] else: a = {} for j in range(0, len(result[i])): a[column[j][0]] = result[i][j] total.append(a) total2.append(total) res = [] for i in range(0, len(total2)): order = {"times": total2[i], "timess": timess[i]} res.append(order) print(res) return json.dumps(res) # 如果没有订单,返回暂无订单 else: res = "暂无订单" return json.dumps(res)
def allorders(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的ID id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print("id", id) # 根据ID在数据库中查询用户订单数据 result = db.executeQuery( "select gid,name,sum(number),uprice,image,time from pcr where optype=10 and isdelete=0 and buyerid=%s group by name,time", [id]) timeresult = db.executeQuery( "select time from pcr where optype=10 and isdelete=0 and buyerid=%s group by time", [id]) column = ['gid', 'name', 'number', 'uprice', 'image'] print(result) timess = [] for i in timeresult: timess.append(i[0]) # 返回查询到的结果: # 如果有订单,按时间整合订单信息,转为json格式发送给微信小程序端订单的详细信息 if len(result) != 0: total = [] total2 = [] totalprice = [] for i in range(0, len(timeresult)): totalprice.append(0) for t in range(0, len(timess)): for i in range(0, len(result)): if result[i][5] == timess[t]: a = {} a[column[0]] = result[i][0] a[column[1]] = result[i][1] a[column[2]] = int(result[i][2]) a[column[1]] = result[i][3] a[column[4]] = "" + result[i][4] totalprice[t] += float(result[i][2]) * result[i][3] total.append(a) total2.append(total) total = [] totalprice[t] = round(totalprice[t], 2) res = [] for i in range(0, len(total2)): order = { "orders": total2[i], "time": timess[i], "totalprice": totalprice[i] } res.append(order) print(res) return json.dumps(res) # 如果没有订单,返回暂无订单 else: res = "暂无订单" return json.dumps(res)
def idcodelogin(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户id id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print(id) result = db.executeQuery("select * from user where phone=%s", [id]) # 查询id在数据库是否已存在 if len(result) == 0: db.executeUpdate("insert into user values(%s,null,null,null) ", [id]) res = "成功" return json.dumps(res)
def cartdelete(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的商品id,删除商品数组 id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) scart = json.loads(request.values.get("scart")) for i in scart: db.executeUpdate( "update pcr set isdelete=1 where gid=%s and buyerid=%s and optype=5", [i['gid'], id]) # 修改订单isdelete项 res = "删除成功" return json.dumps(res)
def mine(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户id id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print(id) result = db.executeQuery("select name from user where phone=%s", [id]) # 查询id在数据库中的name if len(result) != 0: if result[0][0] == None: res = "用户昵称为空" else: res = result[0][0] else: res = "用户昵称为空" return json.dumps(res)
def updatemine(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户修改信息 name = str(json.loads(request.values.get("name"))) sex = str(json.loads(request.values.get("sex"))) id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) password = str(json.loads(request.values.get("password"))) result = db.executeUpdate( "update user set pwd=%s,gender=%s,name=%s where phone=%s", [password, sex, name, id]) # 修改用户在数据库中的个人信息记录 if result == 0: res = "修改失败" else: res = "修改成功" return json.dumps(res)
def showEcharts(): #从数据库中查询数据---生成Json格式 helper = MhDatabases() result = helper.executeQuery( "select name,sum(total) from pcr group by name ", []) print(result) list = [] for i in result: dict = {} dict["name"] = i[0] #上衣 dict["total"] = i[1] #966 list.append(dict) res = {"result": list} content = json.dumps(res) return content
def cartchange(): db = MhDatabases() id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) gid = str(json.loads(request.values.get("gid"))) quantity = int(json.loads(request.values.get("quantity"))) r = db.executeUpdate( "update pcr set number=%s where gid=%s and buyerid=%s and optype=5", [quantity, gid, id]) if r == 1: res = "修改失敗" else: res = "修改成功" return json.dumps(res)
def update(pid): db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': result = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [pid]) # 从数据库获取商品信息并返回 return render_template("update.html", result=result) else: gid = request.form.get("productId") # 获取web前端发送的要删除的商品ID print(gid) if gid: db.executeUpdate("delete from goods where gid=%s", [gid]) # 在数据库中删除商品信息 return redirect(url_for('product')) else: # 获取web前端发送的商品要修改的信息 product = [] product.append(request.form.get("type")) product.append(int(request.form.get("number"))) product.append(float(request.form.get("price"))) product.append(request.form.get("location")) print(product) # 在数据库中修改商品信息 db.executeUpdate( "update goods set sort=%s,number=%s,uprice=%s,location=%s where gid=%s", [product[0], product[1], product[2], product[3], pid]) return redirect(url_for('product'))
def deleteorders(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的ID和订单完成时间 id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) time = str(json.loads(request.values.get("times"))) print("id", id, " time", time) # 根据ID和订单完成时间修改该订单在数据库中的isdelete项 result = db.executeUpdate( "update pcr set isdelete=true where buyerid=%s and time=%s and optype=10 ", [id, time]) # 返回删除的结果: if result == 0: res = "删除失败" else: res = "删除成功" return json.dumps(res)
def searchgoods(): db = MhDatabases() search = str(json.loads(request.values.get("search"))) result = db.executeQuery( "select * from goods where name like '%%%%%s%%%%'" % (search)) res = [] if len(result) != 0: for i in result: dict = {} dict['gid'] = i[0] dict['name'] = i[1] dict['image'] = "" + i[2] dict['uprice'] = i[5] res.append(dict) return json.dumps(res) else: res = "空" return json.dumps(res)
def userregister(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的注册用户的id,password,name,sex id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) password = str(json.loads(request.values.get("password"))) name = str(json.loads(request.values.get("name"))) sex = str(json.loads(request.values.get("sex"))) print("name", name, " sex", sex, " id", id, " password", password) # 判断id是否已注册,将信息存入数据库 result1 = db.executeQuery("select * from user where phone=%s", [id]) if len(result1) == 0: result = db.executeUpdate("insert into user values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", [id, password, sex, name]) res = "注册成功" else: res = "注册失败,手机号已注册" return json.dumps(res)
def goodsdetail(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的商品id gid = str(json.loads(request.values.get("gid"))) print(gid) result = db.executeQuery( "select image,name,number,uprice,location from goods where gid=%s", [gid]) # 从数据库中查询商品详细信息 res = [] if len(result) != 0: for i in result: dict = {} dict['imgSrc'] = "" + i[0] dict['name'] = i[1] dict['price'] = i[3] dict['storage'] = i[2] dict['location'] = i[4] res.append(dict) else: res = "空" return json.dumps(res)
def score(): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的ID和password id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) password = str(json.loads(request.values.get("password"))) name = str(json.loads(request.values.get("name"))) sex = str(json.loads(request.values.get("sex"))) print("name", name, " sex", sex, " id", id, " password", password) # 根据ID在数据库中查询用户数据 result1 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [id]) if len(result1[0]) == 0: result = db.executeUpdate("insert into goods values(%s,%s,%s,%s,)", [id, password, sex, name]) else: result = 0 if result == 1: res = "注册成功" else: res = "注册失败,手机号已注册" return json.dumps(res)
def score(): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的ID和password id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) password = str(json.loads(request.values.get("password"))) print("id", id) print("password", password) # 根据ID在数据库中查询用户数据 result = db.executeQuery("select * from user where phone=%s", [id]) print(result) if len(result) != 0: if result[0][1] == password: # 如果匹配返回登录成功 res = '登录成功' return json.dumps(res) else: # 如果不匹配返回账号或密码错误 res = '账号或密码错误' return json.dumps(res)
def cartsettle(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的商品id,订单时间,结算商品数组 id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) time = str(json.loads(request.values.get("time"))) scart = json.loads(request.values.get("scart")) print(id, time, scart) for i in scart: order = [] result = db.executeQuery( "select name,image,sort,number from goods where gid=%s", [i['gid']]) # 获取商品信息 print(result) if len(result) != 0: order.append(result[0][1]) # image order.append(i['gid']) # gid order.append(result[0][0]) # name order.append(result[0][2]) # sort gnumber = result[0][3] - int(i['quantity']) # gnumber order.append(int(i['quantity'])) # number order.append(float(i['price'])) # uprice order.append(int(i['quantity']) * float(i['price'])) # total order.append(time) # time order.append(id) # buyerid order.append(10) # optype order.append(0) # isdelete if gnumber < 0: res = "库存不足" else: db.executeUpdate("update goods set number=%s where gid=%s", [gnumber, order[1]]) # 修改商品库存 db.executeUpdate( "update pcr set isdelete=1 where gid=%s and buyerid=%s and optype=5", [order[1], order[8]]) # 修改加入购物车订单isdelete项 db.executeUpdate( "insert into pcr values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", order) # 添加购买记录 res = "结算成功" else: res = "结算失败" return json.dumps(res)
def cartadd(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户id,商品信息 id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) gid = str(json.loads(request.values.get("gid"))) quantity = int(json.loads(request.values.get("quantity"))) time = str(json.loads(request.values.get("time"))) result = db.executeQuery( "select image,name,sort,uprice,number from goods where gid=%s", [gid]) # 获取商品在数据库中的详细信息 print(result) if result[0][4] - quantity < 0: res = "库存不足" else: order = [] price = result[0][3] order.append(result[0][0]) order.append(gid) order.append(result[0][1]) order.append(result[0][2]) order.append(quantity) order.append(price) order.append(quantity * price) order.append(time) order.append(id) order.append(5) order.append(0) r = db.executeUpdate( "insert into pcr values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", order) # 添加加入购物车记录 if r == 1: res = "添加成功" else: res = "添加失败" return json.dumps(res)
def hotmain(): db = MhDatabases() # 获取微信小程序端传来的用户id id = str(json.loads(request.values.get("id"))) print(id) res = [] h = mhHot() hot =, 10) # 获取当月热销前三的商品名称和销量 if len(hot) == 0: res = "暂无商品" else: for i in hot: result = db.executeQuery( "select gid,name,image,uprice from goods where name=%s", [i[0]]) # 获取热销商品详细信息 dict = {} dict['gid'] = result[0][0] dict['name'] = result[0][1] dict['image'] = "" + result[0][2] dict['uprice'] = result[0][3] dict['sales'] = i[1] res.append(dict) return json.dumps(res)
def productUpdate(pid): # 连接数据库 db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': # 从数据库获取商品信息并返回 result = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [pid]) return render_template("productUpdate.html", result=result) else: # 获取商品可修改的信息 product = [] pid = request.form.get("productId") product.append(request.form.get("type")) product.append(int(request.form.get("number"))) product.append(float(request.form.get("price"))) print(product) # 在数据库中修改商品信息 db.executeUpdate("update goods set sort=%s where gid=%s", [product[0], pid]) db.executeUpdate("update goods set number=%s where gid=%s", [product[1], pid]) db.executeUpdate("update goods set uprice=%s where gid=%s", [product[2], pid]) return redirect(url_for('product'))
def product(): db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': result = db.executeQuery("select * from goods") # 从数据库中查询商品记录并返回 return render_template("product.html", result=result) else: proID = request.form.get("proid") # 获取web端发送的需要查询的商品ID print("proID", proID) pid = request.form.get("pid") # 获取web端发送的需要修改/查看的商品ID print("pid", pid) outofdate = request.form.get("outofdate") # 获取web端发送的需要修改/查看的商品ID if outofdate == "search": todaydate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") res = db.executeQuery("select * from goods") result = [] for i in res: if todaydate > i[7]: result.append(i) return render_template("product.html", result=result) if proID: result1 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [proID]) # 从数据库获取查询的商品信息并返回 result2 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where name=%s", [proID]) if len(result1) != 0: result = result1 elif len(result2) != 0: result = result2 else: result = "暂无记录" return render_template("product.html", result=result) if pid: return redirect(url_for('update', pid=pid)) # 跳转到商品修改界面
def add(): db = MhDatabases() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("add.html") else: # 获取web前端发送要添加的商品信息 img = request.files.get("myFile") fname = img.filename filepath = "./static/img/" + fname"C:/macrohardweb/static/img/" + fname) product = [] product.append(request.form.get("productId")) product.append(request.form.get("productName")) product.append(filepath) product.append(request.form.get("type")) product.append(int(request.form.get("number"))) product.append(float(request.form.get("price"))) product.append(request.form.get("dateofproduce")) product.append(request.form.get("dateofbad")) product.append(request.form.get("location")) print(product) # 查询数据库中是否已存在该商品,如果不存在则向数据库添加商品信息 result1 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where gid=%s", [product[0]]) result2 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where name=%s", [product[1]]) result3 = db.executeQuery("select * from goods where image=%s", [product[2]]) if len(result1) == 0 and len(result2) == 0 and len(result3) == 0: result = db.executeUpdate( "insert into goods values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", product) else: result = 0 return render_template("add.html", data=result)