Example #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.midbrain = Midbrain()
Example #2
	def __init__(self):
Example #3
class Forebrain:
    def __init__(self):
        self.midbrain = Midbrain()

    def test1(self):

    ## sail setting!
    def setSails(self):
        # '''Sets the sails to the correct location for the wind data coming in. '''
        currentWindHeading = self.midbrain.readWindDirecrion()
        currentHeading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
        print 'current wind heading is: ', currentWindHeading
        print 'Current bot heading is: ', currentHeading

        windAngle = math.fabs(currentWindHeading - currentHeading)
        if windAngle > 180:
            windAngle = math.fabs(windAngle - 360)
        print 'calculated wind angle is:', windAngle

        if windAngle < 0:
            print 'Error: negative wind angle!'
            sailDesired = 40
        elif windAngle < 45:
            print 'Bot is in irons!'
            sailDesired = 40
        if (windAngle < 180) & (windAngle > 45):
            sailDesired = (.75 * windAngle) - 30
        if windAngle > 180:
            sailDesired = 90
            print 'Error: wind angle over 180 degrees'
        print 'Desired sail angle is: ', sailDesired
        return sailDesired

    ## Going to ppoints!
    def slope(self, p2, p1):
        # '''gives the slope of the line to be followed
        #tested to work 12:45 PM, 6/11/14 '''
        m = float(p2[1] - p1[1]) / float(p2[0] - p1[0])
        #print 'Slope is: ' + str(m)
        return m

    def headingToPoint(self, posDesired):
        #'''gives the heading (angle in degrees from the +x axis) of the line to be followed'''

        posCurrent = self.midbrain.readPosition()  #robot's current position
        m = self.slope(posDesired, posCurrent)
        angle = math.degrees(math.atan(m / 1))

        xcheck = (posDesired[0] - posCurrent[0]) > 0  #if true, in I or IV
        ycheck = (posDesired[1] - posCurrent[1]) > 0  #if true, in I or II
        #print 'x check: ' +str(xcheck) + '. y check:' +str(ycheck)+'.'

        if (ycheck == True) & (xcheck == False):  #quadrent 2
            angle = 90 + math.fabs(angle)
            #print 'Boat should be traveling into quadrent 2!'

        if (xcheck == True) & (ycheck == False):  #quadrent 4
            angle = 270 + math.fabs(angle)
            #print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 4!'

        if (xcheck == False) & (ycheck == False):  #quadrent 3
            angle = 180 + math.fabs(angle)
            #print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 3!'
        #if quadrent 1, the angle doesn't need to be parsed.

        return angle

    def goToPoint(self, pt):
        # '''outputs the necessary, global heading in order to go toward a point'''

        currentHeading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
        headingtoPoint = self.headingToPoint(pt)
        print 'currentHeading' + str(currentHeading)
        print 'headingtoPoint' + str(headingtoPoint)

        desiredHeading = float(currentHeading + headingtoPoint) / 2
        print 'the desire heading is:' + str(desiredHeading)
        return desiredHeading

    ## Following lines!
    #def slope(self,posDesired,linstart):
    # '''gives the slope of the line to be followed
    #tested to work 12:45 PM, 6/11/14'''
    #	m=float(posDesired[1]-linstart[1])/float(posDesired[0]-linstart[0])
    #print 'Slope is: ' + str(m)
    #	return m

    def heading_line(self, linstart, posDesired):
        #'''gives the heading (angle in degrees from the +x axis) of the line to be followed'''

        m = self.slope(posDesired, linstart)
        angle = math.degrees(math.atan(m / 1))

        xcheck = (posDesired[0] - linstart[0]) > 0  #if true, in I or IV
        ycheck = (posDesired[1] - linstart[1]) > 0  #if true, in I or II
        #print 'x check: ' +str(xcheck) + '. y check:' +str(ycheck)+'.'

        if (ycheck == True) & (xcheck == False):  #quadrent 2
            angle = 90 + math.fabs(angle)
            #print 'Boat should be traveling into quadrent 2!'

        if (xcheck == True) & (ycheck == False):  #quadrent 4
            angle = 270 + math.fabs(angle)
            #print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 4!'

        if (xcheck == False) & (ycheck == False):  #quadrent 3
            angle = 180 + math.fabs(angle)
            #print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 3!'
        #if quadrent 1, the angle doesn't need to be parsed.

        return angle

    def above_below_on_line(self, posCurrent, linstart, posDesired):
        # '''gives whether the bot is above, below, or on the line it should be following.
        #tested to work at 13:14 on 6/11/14
        # Based on: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/324589/detecting-whether-a-point-is-above-or-below-a-slope'''

        posCurrent = self.midbrain.readPosition()
        m = self.slope(posDesired, linstart)
        b = posDesired[1] - (m * posDesired[0])
        check = m * posCurrent[0] + b
        if check < posCurrent[1]:
            print 'Bot is above the line'
            return 'above'
        if check > posCurrent[1]:
            print 'Bot is below the line'
            return 'below'
        if check == posCurrent[1]:
            print 'Bot is on the line!'
            return 'on'

    def followLine(self, linstart, posDesired):
        # '''Outputs the necessary, global heading for the robot to follow a line with specified endpoints'''

        posCurrent = self.midbrain.readPosition()
        bot_posVlin = self.above_below_on_line(posCurrent, linstart,
        lineheading = self.heading_line(linstart, posDesired)
        botheading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
        print 'Line heading: ' + str(lineheading)
        print 'Bot heading: ' + str(botheading)
        print 'bot_posVlin', bot_posVlin

        #check through possible cases and assign the correct, desired, global heading accordingly
        if (bot_posVlin
                == 'above') & (botheading > lineheading
                               ):  #above line and heading away from it.
            print 'Bot above and heading away from line to be followed'
            headDesired = ((lineheading - botheading) / 2) + lineheading

        elif (bot_posVlin == 'below') & (
                botheading > lineheading):  #below line and heading toward it.
            print 'Bot below and heading away from line to be followed'
            headDesired = ((lineheading - botheading) / 2) + lineheading

        elif (bot_posVlin
              == 'below') & (botheading < lineheading
                             ):  #below line and heading away from it.
            print 'Bot below and heading toward from line to be followed'
            headDesired = lineheading - math.fabs(
                (lineheading - botheading) / 2)

        elif (bot_posVlin == 'above') & (
                botheading < lineheading):  #above line and heading toward it.
            print 'Bot above and heading toward from line to be followed'
            headDesired = lineheading - math.fabs(
                (lineheading - botheading) / 2)
        elif bot_posVlin == 'on':  #on line! :)
            print 'Bot is on the line to be followed!'
            headDesired = lineheading

        print 'The desired heading for the bot is:' + str(headDesired)
        return headDesired

    ## Maintaining heading!
    def mtnHeading(self, desiredHeading):
        # '''Keeps the robot on a desired heading. Output: desired, global heading'''
        #currentHeading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
        currentHeading = 45
        ###TODO: uncomment when the hindbrain compas sensors come in and work
        print 'Current heading: ' + str(currentHeading)
        print 'Desired heading:' + str(desiredHeading)
        delta = abs((currentHeading - desiredHeading) / 2)
        print 'Delta: ' + str(delta)
        if currentHeading > desiredHeading:
            desiredStearing = currentHeading - delta
            print 'desired greater than current'
        elif currentHeading < desiredHeading:
            desiredStearing = currentHeading + delta
            print 'current greater than desired'
        elif currentHeading == desiredHeading:
            desiredStearing = currentHeading
            print 'current heading is the desired heading'

        print 'the desired stearing angle is: ' + str(desiredStearing)
        return desiredStearing

    ## Avoid obstacles!
    def obsAvoid(self):
        # '''works with IR sensor to avoid obstacles. Essentially integral control.'''

        dist_to_object = self.midbrain.readIR1(
        )  #distance to object from PIR/Sharp sensor
        if dist_to_object > 50:
            print "Servo moving necessary so I don't hit a rock!"
            stearingDesired = 30 * dist_to_object / 256
            sailDesired = self.setSails()
            print 'desired stearing is: ' + str(stearingDesired) + ' degrees'
            print 'desired sail is: ' + str(sailDesired) + ' degrees'
            return (stearingDesired, sailDesired)

    def readPosition(self):
        '''reads the current GPS position off the robot via the hindbrain's method'''
        return self.midbrain.readPosition()
Example #4
class Forebrain:	
	def __init__(self):
	def test1(self):
	## sail setting!
	def setSails(self):
		# '''Sets the sails to the correct location for the wind data coming in. '''
		currentWindHeading = self.midbrain.readWindDirecrion()
		currentHeading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
		print 'current wind heading is: ', currentWindHeading
		print 'Current bot heading is: ', currentHeading
		if windAngle>180:
		print 'calculated wind angle is:', windAngle
		if windAngle<0:
			print 'Error: negative wind angle!'
		elif windAngle<45:
			print 'Bot is in irons!'
		if (windAngle<180) & (windAngle>45):
		if windAngle>180:
			print 'Error: wind angle over 180 degrees'
		print 'Desired sail angle is: ', sailDesired
		return sailDesired
	## Going to ppoints!
	def slope(self,p2,p1):
		# '''gives the slope of the line to be followed
		#tested to work 12:45 PM, 6/11/14 '''
		#print 'Slope is: ' + str(m)
		return m

	def headingToPoint(self,posDesired):
		#'''gives the heading (angle in degrees from the +x axis) of the line to be followed'''

		posCurrent = self.midbrain.readPosition() #robot's current position

		xcheck=(posDesired[0]-posCurrent[0])>0#if true, in I or IV
		ycheck=(posDesired[1]-posCurrent[1])>0#if true, in I or II
		#print 'x check: ' +str(xcheck) + '. y check:' +str(ycheck)+'.'

		if (ycheck==True) & (xcheck==False):  #quadrent 2
			#print 'Boat should be traveling into quadrent 2!'

		if  (xcheck==True) & (ycheck==False): #quadrent 4
			#print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 4!'

		if (xcheck==False) & (ycheck==False): #quadrent 3
			angle =180+math.fabs(angle)
			#print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 3!'
		#if quadrent 1, the angle doesn't need to be parsed.

		return angle

	def goToPoint(self,pt):
		# '''outputs the necessary, global heading in order to go toward a point'''

		currentHeading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
		print 'currentHeading' +str(currentHeading)
		print 'headingtoPoint' +str(headingtoPoint)
		print 'the desire heading is:'+str(desiredHeading)
		return desiredHeading
	## Following lines!
	#def slope(self,posDesired,linstart):
		# '''gives the slope of the line to be followed
		#tested to work 12:45 PM, 6/11/14'''
	#	m=float(posDesired[1]-linstart[1])/float(posDesired[0]-linstart[0])
		#print 'Slope is: ' + str(m)
	#	return m

	def heading_line(self,linstart,posDesired):
		#'''gives the heading (angle in degrees from the +x axis) of the line to be followed'''


		xcheck=(posDesired[0]-linstart[0])>0#if true, in I or IV
		ycheck=(posDesired[1]-linstart[1])>0#if true, in I or II
		#print 'x check: ' +str(xcheck) + '. y check:' +str(ycheck)+'.'

		if (ycheck==True) & (xcheck==False):  #quadrent 2
			#print 'Boat should be traveling into quadrent 2!'

		if  (xcheck==True) & (ycheck==False): #quadrent 4
			#print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 4!'

		if (xcheck==False) & (ycheck==False): #quadrent 3
			angle =180+math.fabs(angle)
			#print 'Boat should be heading into quadrent 3!'
		#if quadrent 1, the angle doesn't need to be parsed.

		return angle

	def above_below_on_line(self,posCurrent,linstart,posDesired):
		# '''gives whether the bot is above, below, or on the line it should be following.
		#tested to work at 13:14 on 6/11/14
		# Based on: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/324589/detecting-whether-a-point-is-above-or-below-a-slope'''

		posCurrent = self.midbrain.readPosition()
		m=self.slope(posDesired, linstart)
		if check<posCurrent[1]:
			print 'Bot is above the line'
			return 'above'
		if check>posCurrent[1]:
			print 'Bot is below the line'
			return 'below'
		if check == posCurrent[1]:
			print 'Bot is on the line!'
			return 'on'

	def followLine(self,linstart,posDesired):
		# '''Outputs the necessary, global heading for the robot to follow a line with specified endpoints'''
		botheading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
		print 'Line heading: '+str(lineheading)
		print 'Bot heading: '+str(botheading)
		print 'bot_posVlin', bot_posVlin
		#check through possible cases and assign the correct, desired, global heading accordingly
		if (bot_posVlin=='above') & (botheading>lineheading): #above line and heading away from it.
			print 'Bot above and heading away from line to be followed'

		elif (bot_posVlin=='below') & (botheading>lineheading): #below line and heading toward it.
			print 'Bot below and heading away from line to be followed'

		elif (bot_posVlin=='below') & (botheading<lineheading): #below line and heading away from it. 
			print 'Bot below and heading toward from line to be followed'

		elif (bot_posVlin=='above') & (botheading<lineheading): #above line and heading toward it.
			print 'Bot above and heading toward from line to be followed'
		elif bot_posVlin=='on': #on line! :)
			print 'Bot is on the line to be followed!'
		print 'The desired heading for the bot is:' + str(headDesired)
		return headDesired

	## Maintaining heading!
	def mtnHeading(self, desiredHeading):
		# '''Keeps the robot on a desired heading. Output: desired, global heading'''
		#currentHeading = self.midbrain.readHeading()
		currentHeading=45; ###TODO: uncomment when the hindbrain compas sensors come in and work
		print 'Current heading: ' + str(currentHeading)
		print 'Desired heading:' +str(desiredHeading)
		print 'Delta: '+ str(delta)
		if currentHeading > desiredHeading:
			print 'desired greater than current'
		elif currentHeading<desiredHeading:
			print 'current greater than desired'
		elif currentHeading==desiredHeading:
			print 'current heading is the desired heading'
		print 'the desired stearing angle is: ' + str(desiredStearing)
		return desiredStearing
	## Avoid obstacles!
	def obsAvoid(self):
		# '''works with IR sensor to avoid obstacles. Essentially integral control.'''
		dist_to_object=self.midbrain.readIR1() #distance to object from PIR/Sharp sensor
		if  dist_to_object >50:
			print "Servo moving necessary so I don't hit a rock!"
			stearingDesired = 30*dist_to_object/256; 
			print 'desired stearing is: ' + str(stearingDesired) + ' degrees'
			print 'desired sail is: ' + str(sailDesired) + ' degrees'
			return (stearingDesired, sailDesired)
	def readPosition(self):
		'''reads the current GPS position off the robot via the hindbrain's method'''
		return self.midbrain.readPosition()