arch_path = '{:s}/{:s}.zip'.format(arch_root_dir, arch_name) print 'Reading data for tracker {:d} from zip archive: {:s}'.format( tracker_id, arch_path) if arch_fid: arch_fid.close() arch_fid = zipfile.ZipFile(arch_path, 'r') tracking_data_fname = '{:s}/{:s}/{:s}/{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_{:d}.txt'.format( in_arch_path, actor, seq_name, tracker['sm'], tracker['am'], tracker['ssm'], tracker['iiw']) else: tracking_data_fname = '{:s}/tracking_data/{:s}/{:s}/{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_{:d}.txt'.format( tracking_data_root_dir, actor, seq_name, tracker['sm'], tracker['am'], tracker['ssm'], tracker['iiw']) print 'Reading tracking data from:: ', tracking_data_fname tracking_data = readTrackingData(tracking_data_fname, arch_fid) tracking_data_list.append(tracking_data) no_of_frames = tracking_data_list[0].shape[0] print 'no_of_frames: ', no_of_frames tracking_data_win_name = seq_name cv2.namedWindow(tracking_data_win_name) for frame_id in xrange(no_of_frames): ret, curr_img = if not ret: print 'End of sequence reached unexpectedly' break if convert_to_gs:
if len(sys.argv) > arg_id: seq_id = int(sys.argv[arg_id]) arg_id += 1 if actor is None: actor = actors[actor_id] if seq_name is None: sequences = sequences[actor] if seq_id >= len(sequences): print 'Invalid dataset_id: ', seq_id sys.exit() seq_name = sequences[seq_id] src_fname = db_root_dir + '/' + actor + '/' + seq_name + '/' + img_name_fmt ground_truth_fname = db_root_dir + '/' + actor + '/' + seq_name + '.txt' ground_truth = readTrackingData(ground_truth_fname) print 'actor: ', actor print 'seq_id:', seq_id, 'seq_name:', seq_name no_of_frames = ground_truth.shape[0] print 'no_of_frames: ', no_of_frames split_frames.append(no_of_frames) n_split_seq = len(split_frames) print 'Splitting sequence: {:s} into {:d} parts ending at the following frames:'.format( seq_name, n_split_seq) print split_frames start_frame_id = 0
corrected_corners_fname = gt_corners_fname else: corrected_corners_fname = db_root_dir + '/' + actor + '/' + seq_name + '_corr.txt' if not os.path.isfile(gt_corners_fname) or manual_init: print 'ground truth file not found. Using manual object initialization instead'.format(gt_corners_fname) sel_pts = getTrackingObject2(init_img) init_corners = np.asarray(sel_pts).astype(np.float64).T from_last_frame = True print 'init_corners:', init_corners pause_seq = True gt_frames = no_of_frames ground_truth = np.empty([1, 8]) ground_truth[0] = init_corners.flatten(order='F') manual_init = True else: ground_truth = readTrackingData(gt_corners_fname) gt_frames = ground_truth.shape[0] print 'no_of_frames in ground truth: ', gt_frames if gt_frames != no_of_frames: print 'Mismatch between the no. of frames in the source directory and the ground truth' init_corners = np.asarray([ground_truth[init_frame_id, 0:2].tolist(), ground_truth[init_frame_id, 2:4].tolist(), ground_truth[init_frame_id, 4:6].tolist(), ground_truth[init_frame_id, 6:8].tolist()]).T if overwrite_gt and os.path.isfile(gt_corners_fname): backup_gt_fname = gt_corners_fname.replace('.txt', '.back_ptf') print 'Backing up existing GT to {:s}'.format(backup_gt_fname) shutil.move(gt_corners_fname, backup_gt_fname) templ_corners = np.asarray([ground_truth[0, 0:2].tolist(), ground_truth[0, 2:4].tolist(), ground_truth[0, 4:6].tolist(),
print 'fname: ', fname init_img = cv2.imread(fname) if len(init_img.shape) == 2: init_img = cv2.cvtColor(init_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) if use_opt_gt: gt_corners_fname = '{:s}/{:s}/OptGT/{:s}_{:s}.txt'.format(db_root_dir, actor, seq_name, opt_gt_ssm) sel_corners_fname = '{:s}/{:s}/OptGT/{:s}_{:s}_{:s}.txt'.format( db_root_dir, actor, seq_name, opt_gt_ssm, out_suffix) else: gt_corners_fname = '{:s}/{:s}/{:s}.txt'.format(db_root_dir, actor, seq_name) sel_corners_fname = '{:s}/{:s}/{:s}_{:s}.txt'.format(db_root_dir, actor, seq_name, out_suffix) print 'Reading ground truth from:: ', gt_corners_fname print 'Writing extended ground truth to:: ', sel_corners_fname ground_truth = readTrackingData(gt_corners_fname) if ground_truth is None: raise StandardError('Ground truth could not be read') no_of_frames = ground_truth.shape[0] file_list = [each for each in os.listdir(src_dir) if each.endswith('.jpg')] n_files = len(file_list) if n_files != no_of_frames: print 'No. of frames in the ground truth: {:d} does not match the no. of images in the sequence: {:d}'.format( no_of_frames, n_files) print 'no_of_frames: ', no_of_frames gt_corners_window_name = '{:d} : {:s}'.format(seq_id, seq_name)