Example #1
    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the database.

        Connects to the database only if the store has not already and provided
        that the store has a valid model.

        The default implementation of connect() is usually sufficient provided
        that subclasses have implemented newConnection().

        assert self._model, 'Cannot connect:' \
            ' No model has been attached to this store yet.'
        if not self._connected:
            self._connection = self.newConnection()
            self._connected = True
            poolSize = self.setting('SQLConnectionPoolSize', 0)
            if poolSize:
                args = self._dbArgs.copy()
                self.augmentDatabaseArgs(args, pool=True)
                    self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
                except TypeError:
                    if 'database' in args:
                        del args['database']
                        self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
Example #2
    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the database.

        Connects to the database only if the store has not already and provided
        that the store has a valid model.

        The default implementation of connect() is usually sufficient provided
        that subclasses have implemented newConnection().
        assert self._model, 'Cannot connect:' \
            ' No model has been attached to this store yet.'
        if not self._connected:
            self._connection = self.newConnection()
            self._connected = True
            poolSize = self.setting('SQLConnectionPoolSize', 0)
            if poolSize:
                args = self._dbArgs.copy()
                self.augmentDatabaseArgs(args, pool=True)
                    self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
                except TypeError:
                    if 'database' in args:
                        del args['database']
                        self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
Example #3
 def testDbPool(self):
     pool = DBPool(sqlite3, 10, database=':memory:')
     for _count in range(15):
         con = pool.connection()
         cursor = con.cursor()
         cursor.execute("select 1 union select 2 union select 3 order by 1")
         rows = cursor.fetchall()
         self.assertEqual(rows, [(1, ), (2, ), (3, )])
Example #4
def Test(iterations=15):
        dbapi_name = 'pgdb'
        dbapi = __import__(dbapi_name)
        pool = DBPool(dbapi, 10, database='template1')
        for i in range(iterations):
            db = pool.connection()
            cursor = db.cursor()
            cursor.execute("select datname from pg_database order by 1")
            r = cursor.fetchmany(5)
            r = ', '.join(map(lambda s: s[0], r))
            print i, r
    except Exception:
        import traceback
        print 'You need the pgdb adapter and a test database for this example.'
Example #5
    def connect(self):
		Connects to the database only if the store has not already and
		provided that the store has a valid model.

		The default implementation of connect() is usually sufficient
		provided that subclasses have implemented newConnection().
        assert self._model, 'Cannot connect: No model has been attached to this store yet.'
        if not self._connected:
            self._connection = self.newConnection()
            self._connected = 1
            poolSize = self.setting('SQLConnectionPoolSize', 0)
            if poolSize:
                args = self._dbArgs.copy()
                if not args.get('db'):
                    args['db'] = self._model.sqlDatabaseName()
                self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
Example #6
class SQLObjectStore(ObjectStore):

		* _sqlEcho should be accessible via a config file setting as stdout, stderr or a filename.

	For details on DB API 2.0, including the thread safety levels see:

    ## Init ##

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # @@ 2001-02-12 ce: We probably need a dictionary before kwargs for subclasses to pass to us in case they override __init__() and end up collecting kwargs themselves

        self._dbArgs = kwargs
        self._connected = 0
        self._sqlEcho = None
        self._sqlCount = 0
        self._pool = None  # an optional DBPool

    def modelWasSet(self):
		Performs additional set up of the store after the model is set,
		normally via setModel() or readModelFileNamed(). This includes
		checking that threading conditions are valid, and connecting to
		the database.

        # Check thread safety
        self._threadSafety = self.threadSafety()
        if self._threaded and self._threadSafety == 0:
            raise SQLObjectStoreThreadingError, 'Threaded is 1, but the DB API threadsafety is 0.'

        # Cache some settings
        self._markDeletes = self.setting('DeleteBehavior', 'delete') == 'mark'

        # Set up SQL echo

        # Set up attrs for caching
        for klass in self.model().allKlassesInOrder():
            klass._getMethods = {}
            klass._setMethods = {}
            for attr in klass.allDataAttrs():
                attr._sqlColumnName = None

        # Connect

    def setUpSQLEcho(self):
		Sets up the SQL echoing/logging for the store according to the
		setting 'SQLLog'. See the User's Guide for more info. Invoked by
        setting = self.setting('SQLLog', None)
        if setting == None or setting == {}:
            self._sqlEcho = None
            filename = setting['File']
            if filename == None:
                self._sqlEcho = None
            elif filename == 'stdout':
                self._sqlEcho = sys.stdout
            elif filename == 'stderr':
                self._sqlEcho = sys.stderr
                mode = setting.get('Mode', 'write')
                assert mode in ['write', 'append']
                mode = mode[0]
                self._sqlEcho = open(filename, mode)

    ## Connecting to the db ##

    def isConnected(self):
        return self._connected

    def connect(self):
		Connects to the database only if the store has not already and
		provided that the store has a valid model.

		The default implementation of connect() is usually sufficient
		provided that subclasses have implemented newConnection().
        assert self._model, 'Cannot connect: No model has been attached to this store yet.'
        if not self._connected:
            self._connection = self.newConnection()
            self._connected = 1
            poolSize = self.setting('SQLConnectionPoolSize', 0)
            if poolSize:
                args = self._dbArgs.copy()
                if not args.get('db'):
                    args['db'] = self._model.sqlDatabaseName()
                self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)

    def newConnection(self):
		Returns a DB API 2.0 connection. This is a utility method
		invoked by connect(). Subclasses should implement this, making
		use of self._dbArgs (a dictionary specifying host, username,
		etc.) as well as self._model.sqlDatabaseName().

		Subclass responsibility.
        raise AbstractError, self.__class__

    def readKlassIds(self):
		Reads the klass ids from the SQL database. Invoked by connect().
        conn, cur = self.executeSQL('select id, name from _MKClassIds;')
        klassesById = {}
        for (id, name) in cur.fetchall():
            assert id, "Id must be a non-zero int. id=%r, name=%r" % (id, name)
            klass = self._model.klass(name)
            klassesById[id] = klass
        self._klassesById = klassesById

    ## Changes ##

    def commitInserts(self, allThreads=0):
        unknownSerialNums = []
        for object in self._newObjects.items(allThreads):
            self._insertObject(object, unknownSerialNums)

        for unknownInfo in unknownSerialNums:
            stmt = unknownInfo.updateStmt()

    def _insertObject(self, object, unknownSerialNums):
        # New objects not in the persistent store have serial numbers less than 1
        if object.serialNum() > 0:
                rep = repr(object)
                rep = '(repr exception)'
            assert object.serialNum() < 1, 'object=%s' % rep

        # SQL insert
        sql = object.sqlInsertStmt(unknownSerialNums)
        conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql)

        # Get new id/serial num
        idNum = self.retrieveLastInsertId(conn, cur)

        # Update object

        # Update our object pool
        self._objects[object.key()] = object

    def retrieveLastInsertId(self, conn, cur):
        """ Returns the id (typically a 32-bit int) of the last INSERT operation by this connection. Used by commitInserts() to get the correct serial number for the last inserted object.
		Subclass responsibility. """
        raise AbstractError, self.__class__

    def commitUpdates(self, allThreads=0):
        for object in self._changedObjects.values(allThreads):
            sql = object.sqlUpdateStmt()

    def commitDeletions(self, allThreads=0):
        for object in self._deletedObjects.items(allThreads):
            sql = object.sqlDeleteStmt()

    ## Fetching ##

    def fetchObject(self, aClass, serialNum, default=NoDefault):
        """ Fetches a single object of a specific class and serial number. TheClass can be a Klass object (from the MiddleKit object model), the name of the class (e.g., a string) or a Python class.
		Raises an exception if theClass parameter is invalid, or the object cannot be located.
        klass = self._klassForClass(aClass)
        objects = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass,
        count = len(objects)
        if count == 0:
            if default is NoDefault:
                raise UnknownObjectError, 'aClass = %r, serialNum = %r' % (
                    aClass, serialNum)
                return default
            assert count == 1
            return objects[0]

    def fetchObjectsOfClass(self,
		Fetches a list of objects of a specific class. The list may be empty if no objects are found.
		aClass can be a Klass object (from the MiddleKit object model), the name of the class (e.g., a string) or a Python class.
		The clauses argument can be any SQL clauses such as 'where x<5 order by x'. Obviously, these could be specific to your SQL database, thereby making your code non-portable. Use your best judgement.
		serialNum can be a specific serial number if you are looking for a specific object.  If serialNum is provided, it overrides the clauses.
		You should label all arguments other than aClass:
			objs = store.fetchObjectsOfClass('Foo', clauses='where x<5')
		The reason for labeling is that this method is likely to undergo improvements in the future which could include additional arguments. No guarantees are made about the order of the arguments except that aClass will always be the first.
		Raises an exception if aClass parameter is invalid.
        klass = self._klassForClass(aClass)

        # Fetch objects of subclasses first, because the code below will be modifying clauses and serialNum
        deepObjs = []
        if isDeep:
            for subklass in klass.subklasses():
                    self.fetchObjectsOfClass(subklass, clauses, isDeep,
                                             refreshAttrs, serialNum))

        # Now get objects of this exact class
        objs = []
        if not klass.isAbstract():
            fetchSQLStart = klass.fetchSQLStart()
            className = klass.name()
            if serialNum is not None:
                clauses = 'where %s=%d' % (klass.sqlIdName(), serialNum)
            if self._markDeletes:
                clauses = self.addDeletedToClauses(clauses)
            conn, cur = self.executeSQL(fetchSQLStart + clauses + ';')
            for row in cur.fetchall():
                serialNum = row[0]
                key = ObjectKey().initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(
                    className, serialNum)
                obj = self._objects.get(key, None)
                if obj is None:
                    pyClass = klass.pyClass()
                    obj = pyClass()
                    assert isinstance(
                        obj, MiddleObject
                    ), 'Not a MiddleObject. obj = %r, type = %r, MiddleObject = %r' % (
                        obj, type(obj), MiddleObject)
                    obj.readStoreData(self, row)
                    self._objects[key] = obj
                    # Existing object
                    if refreshAttrs:
                        obj.readStoreData(self, row)
        return objs

    ## Klasses ##

    def klassForId(self, id):
        return self._klassesById[id]

    ## Self utility for SQL, connections, cursors, etc. ##

    def executeSQL(self, sql, connection=None):
		Executes the given SQL, connecting to the database for the first
		time if necessary. This method will also log the SQL to
		self._sqlEcho, if it is not None. Returns the connection and
		cursor used and relies on connectionAndCursor() to obtain these.
		Note that you can pass in a connection to force a particular one
		to be used.
        if aggressiveGC:
            import gc
            assert gc.isenabled()
        self._sqlCount += 1
        if self._sqlEcho:
            timestamp = funcs.timestamp()['pretty']
            self._sqlEcho.write('SQL %04i. %s %s\n' %
                                (self._sqlCount, timestamp, sql))

#			if self._sqlCount in (2, 3, 4):
#				import traceback as tb
#				tb.print_stack()
        conn, cur = self.connectionAndCursor(connection)
        self._executeSQL(cur, sql.strip())
        return conn, cur

    def _executeSQL(self, cur, sql):
		Invokes execute on the cursor with the given SQL. This is a
		hook for subclasses that wish to influence this event. Invoked
		by executeSQL().

    def setSQLEcho(self, file):
        """ Sets a file to echo sql statements to, as sent through executeSQL(). None can be passed to turn echo off. """
        self._sqlEcho = file

    def connectionAndCursor(self, connection=None):
		Returns the connection and cursor needed for executing SQL,
		taking into account factors such as setting('Threaded') and the
		threadsafety level of the DB API module. You can pass in a
		connection to force a particular one to be used. Uses
		newConnection() and connect().
        if aggressiveGC:
            import gc
            assert gc.isenabled()
        if connection:
            conn = connection
        elif self._threaded:
            if self._pool:
                conn = self._pool.getConnection()
            elif self._threadSafety is 1:
                conn = self.newConnection()
            else:  # safety = 2, 3
                if not self._connected:
                conn = self._connection
            # Non-threaded
            if not self._connected:
            conn = self._connection
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        return conn, cursor

    def newConnection(self):
		Subclasses must override to return a newly created database connection.
        raise AbstractError, self.__class__

    def threadSafety(self):
        return self.dbapiModule().threadsafety

    def addDeletedToClauses(self, clauses):
		Modify the given set of clauses so that it filters out records with non-NULL deleted field
        clauses = clauses.strip()
        if clauses.lower().startswith('where'):
            orderByIndex = clauses.lower().find('order by')
            if orderByIndex == -1:
                where = clauses[5:]
                orderBy = ''
                where = clauses[5:orderByIndex]
                orderBy = clauses[orderByIndex:]
            return 'where deleted is null and (%s) %s' % (where, orderBy)
            return 'where deleted is null %s' % clauses

    ## Obj refs ##

    def fetchObjRef(self, objRef):
		Given an unarchived object reference, this method returns the
		actual object for it (or None if the reference is NULL or
		dangling). While this method assumes that obj refs are stored
		as 64-bit numbers containing the class id and object serial
		number, subclasses are certainly able to override that
		assumption by overriding this method.
        assert type(objRef) is LongType, 'type=%r, objRef=%r' % (type(objRef),
        if objRef == 0:
            return None
            klassId, serialNum = objRefSplit(objRef)
            if klassId == 0 or serialNum == 0:
                # invalid! we don't use 0 serial numbers
                return self.objRefZeroSerialNum(objRef)

            klass = self.klassForId(klassId)

            # Check if we already have this in memory first
            key = ObjectKey()
            key.initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(klass.name(), serialNum)
            obj = self._objects.get(key, None)
            if obj:
                return obj

            clauses = 'where %s=%d' % (klass.sqlIdName(), serialNum)
            objs = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass, clauses, isDeep=0)
            if len(objs) == 1:
                return objs[0]
            elif len(objs) > 1:
                raise ValueError, 'Multiple objects.'  # @@ 2000-11-22 ce: expand the msg with more information
                return self.objRefDangles(objRef)

    def objRefZeroSerialNum(self, objRef):
        """ Invoked by fetchObjRef() if either the class or object serial number is 0. """
        raise ObjRefZeroSerialNumError, objRefSplit(objRef)

    def objRefDangles(self, objRef):
        """ Invoked by fetchObjRef() if there is no possible target object for the given objRef, e.g., a dangling reference. This method invokes self.warning() and includes the objRef as decimal, hexadecimal and class:obj numbers. """
        raise ObjRefDanglesError, objRefSplit(objRef)

    ## Debugging ##

    def dumpTables(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        out.write('DUMPING TABLES\n')
        for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
            out.write(klass.name() + '\n')
            self.executeSQL('select * from %s;' % klass.name())

    def dumpKlassIds(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        wr = out.write('DUMPING KLASS IDs\n')
        for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
            out.write('%25s %2i\n' % (klass.name(), klass.id()))
Example #7
class SQLObjectStore(ObjectStore):
    """The MiddleKit SQL Object Store.

    TO DO:

      * _sqlEcho should be accessible via a config file setting
        as stdout, stderr or a filename.

    For details on DB API 2.0, including the thread safety levels see:


    ## Init ##

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # @@ 2001-02-12 ce: We probably need a dictionary before kwargs
        # for subclasses to pass to us in case they override __init__()
        # and end up collecting kwargs themselves
        self._dbArgs = kwargs
        self._connected = False
        self._commited = False
        self._sqlEcho = None
        self._sqlCount = 0
        self._pool = None # an optional DBPool

    def modelWasSet(self):
        """Perform additional set up of the store after the model is set.

        Performs additional set up of the store after the model is set, normally
        via setModel() or readModelFileNamed(). This includes checking that
        threading conditions are valid, and connecting to the database.


        # Check thread safety
        self._threadSafety = self.threadSafety()
        if self._threaded and self._threadSafety == 0:
            raise SQLObjectStoreThreadingError('Threaded is True,'
                ' but the DB API threadsafety is 0.')

        # Cache some settings
        self._markDeletes = self.setting('DeleteBehavior', 'delete') == 'mark'

        # Set up SQL echo

        # Set up attrs for caching
        for klass in self.model().allKlassesInOrder():
            klass._getMethods = {}
            klass._setMethods = {}
            for attr in klass.allDataAttrs():
                attr._sqlColumnName = None
                attr._sqlColumnNames = None

        # use dbargs from settings file as defaults
        # (args passed to __init__ take precedence)
        args = self._dbArgs
        self._dbArgs = self.setting('DatabaseArgs', {})
        # print 'dbArgs = %s' % self._dbArgs

        # Connect

    def setUpSQLEcho(self):
        """Set up the SQL echoing/logging for the store.

        The logging is set up according to the setting 'SQLLog'.

        See the User's Guide for more info. Invoked by modelWasSet().

        setting = self.setting('SQLLog', None)
        if setting is None or setting == {}:
            self._sqlEcho = None
            filename = setting['File']
            if filename is None:
                self._sqlEcho = None
            elif filename == 'stdout':
                self._sqlEcho = sys.stdout
            elif filename == 'stderr':
                self._sqlEcho = sys.stderr
                mode = setting.get('Mode', 'write')
                assert mode in ['write', 'append']
                mode = mode[0]
                self._sqlEcho = open(filename, mode)

    ## Connecting to the db ##

    def isConnected(self):
        return self._connected

    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the database.

        Connects to the database only if the store has not already and provided
        that the store has a valid model.

        The default implementation of connect() is usually sufficient provided
        that subclasses have implemented newConnection().

        assert self._model, 'Cannot connect:' \
            ' No model has been attached to this store yet.'
        if not self._connected:
            self._connection = self.newConnection()
            self._connected = True
            poolSize = self.setting('SQLConnectionPoolSize', 0)
            if poolSize:
                args = self._dbArgs.copy()
                self.augmentDatabaseArgs(args, pool=True)
                    self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
                except TypeError:
                    if 'database' in args:
                        del args['database']
                        self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)

    def augmentDatabaseArgs(self, args, pool=False):
        # give subclasses the opportunity to add or change
        # database arguments

    def newConnection(self):
        """Return a DB API 2.0 connection.

        This is a utility method invoked by connect(). Subclasses should
        implement this, making use of self._dbArgs (a dictionary specifying
        host, username, etc.) as well as self._model.sqlDatabaseName().

        Subclass responsibility.

        raise AbstractError(self.__class__)

    def readKlassIds(self):
        """Read the klass ids from the SQL database. Invoked by connect()."""
        conn, cur = self.executeSQL('select id, name from _MKClassIds;')
            klassesById = {}
            for klassId, name in cur.fetchall():
                assert klassId, 'Id must be a non-zero int.' \
                    ' id=%r, name=%r' % (klassId, name)
                    klass = self._model.klass(name)
                except KeyError:
                    filename = self._model.filename()
                    msg = ('%s  The database has a class id for %r in the'
                        ' _MKClassIds table, but no such class exists in'
                        ' the model %s. The model and the db are not in sync.'
                        % (name, name, filename))
                    raise KeyError(msg)
                klassesById[klassId] = klass
        self._klassesById = klassesById

    ## Changes ##

    def commitInserts(self, allThreads=False):
        unknownSerialNums = []
        # @@ ... sort here for dependency order
        for obj in self._newObjects.items(allThreads):
            self._insertObject(obj, unknownSerialNums)
        conn = None
            for unknownInfo in unknownSerialNums:
                stmt = unknownInfo.updateStmt()
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL(stmt, conn)

    def _insertObject(self, obj, unknownSerialNums):
        # New objects not in the persistent store have serial numbers less than 1
        if obj.serialNum() > 0:
                rep = repr(obj)
            except Exception:
                rep = '(repr exception)'
            assert obj.serialNum() < 1, 'obj=%s' % rep

        # try to get the next ID (if database supports this)
        idNum = self.retrieveNextInsertId(obj.klass())

        # SQL insert
        sql = obj.sqlInsertStmt(unknownSerialNums, idNum)
        conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql)
            # Get new id/serial num
            if idNum is None:
                idNum = self.retrieveLastInsertId(conn, cur)

            # Update object

            # Update our object pool
            self._objects[obj.key()] = obj

    def retrieveNextInsertId(self, klass):
        """Return the id for the next new object of this class.

        Databases which cannot determine the id until the object has been
        added return None, signifying that retrieveLastInsertId
        should be called to get the id after the insert has been made.

        return None

    def retrieveLastInsertId(self, conn, cur):
        """Return the id of the last INSERT operation by this connection.

        This id is typically a 32-bit int. Used by commitInserts() to get
        the correct serial number for the last inserted object.

        return cur.lastrowid

    def commitUpdates(self, allThreads=False):
        conn = None
            for obj in self._changedObjects.values(allThreads):
                sql = obj.sqlUpdateStmt()
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql, conn)

    def commitDeletions(self, allThreads=False):
        conn = None
            for obj in self._deletedObjects.items(allThreads):
                sql = obj.sqlDeleteStmt()
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql, conn)

    ## Fetching ##

    def fetchObject(self, aClass, serialNum, default=NoDefault):
        """Fetch a single object of a specific class and serial number.

        aClass can be a Klass object (from the MiddleKit object model),
        the name of the class (e.g., a string) or a Python class.
        Raises an exception if aClass parameter is invalid, or the object
        cannot be located.

        klass = self._klassForClass(aClass)
        objects = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass, serialNum=serialNum, isDeep=False)
        count = len(objects)
        if count == 0:
            if default is NoDefault:
                raise UnknownObjectError('aClass = %r, serialNum = %r'
                    % (aClass, serialNum))
                return default
            assert count == 1
            return objects[0]

    def fetchObjectsOfClass(self, aClass,
            clauses='', isDeep=True, refreshAttrs=True, serialNum=None):
        """Fetch a list of objects of a specific class.

        The list may be empty if no objects are found.

        aClass can be a Klass object (from the MiddleKit object model),
        the name of the class (e.g., a string) or a Python class.

        The clauses argument can be any SQL clauses such as 'where x<5 order by x'.
        Obviously, these could be specific to your SQL database, thereby making
        your code non-portable. Use your best judgement.

        serialNum can be a specific serial number if you are looking for
        a specific object. If serialNum is provided, it overrides the clauses.

        You should label all arguments other than aClass:
            objs = store.fetchObjectsOfClass('Foo', clauses='where x<5')
        The reason for labeling is that this method is likely to undergo
        improvements in the future which could include additional arguments.
        No guarantees are made about the order of the arguments except that
        aClass will always be the first.
        Raises an exception if aClass parameter is invalid.

        klass = self._klassForClass(aClass)

        # Fetch objects of subclasses first, because the code below
        # will be  modifying clauses and serialNum
        deepObjs = []
        if isDeep:
            for subklass in klass.subklasses():
                    subklass, clauses, isDeep, refreshAttrs, serialNum))

        # Now get objects of this exact class
        objs = []
        if not klass.isAbstract():
            fetchSQLStart = klass.fetchSQLStart()
            className = klass.name()
            if serialNum is not None:
                serialNum = int(serialNum) # make sure it's a valid int
                clauses = 'where %s=%d' % (klass.sqlSerialColumnName(), serialNum)
            if self._markDeletes:
                clauses = self.addDeletedToClauses(clauses)
            conn, cur = self.executeSQL(fetchSQLStart + clauses + ';')
                for row in cur.fetchall():
                    serialNum = row[0]
                    key = ObjectKey().initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(className, serialNum)
                    obj = self._objects.get(key)
                    if obj is None:
                        pyClass = klass.pyClass()
                        obj = pyClass()
                        assert isinstance(obj, MiddleObject), (
                            'Not a MiddleObject. obj = %r, type = %r, MiddleObject = %r'
                                % (obj, type(obj), MiddleObject))
                        obj.readStoreData(self, row)
                        self._objects[key] = obj
                        # Existing object
                        if refreshAttrs:
                            obj.readStoreData(self, row)
        return objs

    def refreshObject(self, obj):
        assert obj.store() is self
        return self.fetchObject(obj.klass(), obj.serialNum())

    ## Klasses ##

    def klassForId(self, id):
        return self._klassesById[id]

    ## Self utility for SQL, connections, cursors, etc. ##

    def executeSQL(self, sql, connection=None, commit=False):
        """Execute the given SQL.

        This will connect to the database for the first time if necessary.
        This method will also log the SQL to self._sqlEcho, if it is not None.
        Returns the connection and cursor used and relies on connectionAndCursor()
        to obtain these. Note that you can pass in a connection to force a
        particular one to be used and a flag to commit immediately.

        sql = str(sql) # Excel-based models yield Unicode strings which some db modules don't like
        sql = sql.strip()
        if aggressiveGC:
            import gc
            assert gc.isenabled()
        self._sqlCount += 1
        if self._sqlEcho:
            timestamp = funcs.timestamp()['pretty']
            self._sqlEcho.write('SQL %04i. %s %s\n' % (self._sqlCount, timestamp, sql))
        conn, cur = self.connectionAndCursor(connection)
        self._executeSQL(cur, sql)
        if commit:
        return conn, cur

    def _executeSQL(self, cur, sql):
        """Invoke execute on the cursor with the given SQL.

        This is a hook for subclasses that wish to influence this event.
        Invoked by executeSQL().


    def executeSQLTransaction(self, transaction, connection=None, commit=True):
        """Execute the given sequence of SQL statements and commit as transaction."""
        if isinstance(transaction, basestring):
            transaction = [transaction]
            for sql in transaction:
                if connection:
                    self.executeSQL(sql, connection)
                    connection, cur = self.executeSQL(sql)
        except Exception:
            if connection and commit:
        if transaction and connection and commit:
            except Exception:
        return connection

    def executeSQLScript(self, sql, connection=None):
        """Execute the given SQL script.

        This uses the nonstandard executescript() method as provided
        by the PySQLite adapter.

        sql = str(sql).strip()
        if not connection:
            connection = self.newConnection()
        if not hasattr(connection, 'executescript'):
            raise AttributeError(
                'Script execution not supported by database adapter.')
        return connection.executescript(sql)

    def setSQLEcho(self, file):
        """Set a file to echo sql statements to, as sent through executeSQL().

        None can be passed to turn echo off.

        self._sqlEcho = file

    def connectionAndCursor(self, connection=None):
        """Return the connection and cursor needed for executing SQL.

        Takes into account factors such as setting('Threaded') and the
        threadsafety level of the DB API module. You can pass in a connection to
        force a particular one to be used. Uses newConnection() and connect().

        if aggressiveGC:
            import gc
            assert gc.isenabled()
        if connection:
            conn = connection
        elif self._threaded:
            if self._pool:
                conn = self._pool.connection()
            elif self._threadSafety == 1:
                conn = self.newConnection()
            else: # safety = 2, 3
                if not self._connected:
                conn = self._connection
            # Non-threaded
            if not self._connected:
            conn = self._connection
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        return conn, cursor

    def threadSafety(self):
        """Return the threadsafety of the DB API module."""
        return self.dbapiModule().threadsafety

    def dbapiVersion(self):
        """Return the version of the DB API module."""
        module = self.dbapiModule()
        return '%s %s' % (module.__name__, module.version)

    def dbVersion(self):
        """Return the database version.

        Subclass responsibility.

        raise AbstractError(self.__class__)

    def addDeletedToClauses(self, clauses):
        """Modify the given set of clauses so that it filters out records with non-NULL deleted field."""
        clauses = clauses.strip()
        if clauses.lower().startswith('where'):
            where = clauses[5:]
            orderByIndex = where.lower().find('order by')
            if orderByIndex < 0:
                orderBy = ''
                where, orderBy = where[:orderByIndex], where[orderByIndex:]
            return 'where deleted is null and (%s) %s' % (where, orderBy)
            return 'where deleted is null %s' % clauses

    ## Obj refs ##

    def fetchObjRef(self, objRef):
        """Fetch referenced object.

        Given an unarchived object reference, this method returns the actual
        object for it (or None if the reference is NULL or dangling). While
        this method assumes that obj refs are stored as 64-bit numbers containing
        the class id and object serial number, subclasses are certainly able to
        override that assumption by overriding this method.

        assert isinstance(objRef, long), 'type=%r, objRef=%r' % (type(objRef), objRef)
        if objRef == 0:
            return None
            klassId, serialNum = objRefSplit(objRef)
            if klassId == 0 or serialNum == 0:
                # invalid! we don't use 0 serial numbers
                return self.objRefZeroSerialNum(objRef)

            klass = self.klassForId(klassId)

            # Check if we already have this in memory first
            key = ObjectKey()
            key.initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(klass.name(), serialNum)
            obj = self._objects.get(key)
            if obj:
                return obj

            clauses = 'where %s=%d' % (klass.sqlSerialColumnName(), serialNum)
            objs = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass, clauses, isDeep=False)
            if len(objs) == 1:
                return objs[0]
            elif len(objs) > 1:
                # @@ 2000-11-22 ce: expand the msg with more information
                raise ValueError('Multiple objects.')
                return self.objRefDangles(objRef)

    def objRefInMem(self, objRef):
        """Return referenced object in memory.

        Returns the object corresponding to the given objref if and only if it
        has been loaded into memory. If the object has never been fetched from
        the database, None is returned.

        assert isinstance(objRef, long), 'type=%r, objRef=%r' % (type(objRef), objRef)
        if objRef == 0:
            return 0
            klassId, serialNum = objRefSplit(objRef)
            if klassId == 0 or serialNum == 0:
                # invalid! we don't use 0 serial numbers
                return self.objRefZeroSerialNum(objRef)

            klass = self.klassForId(klassId)

            # return whether we have this object in memory
            key = ObjectKey()
            key.initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(klass.name(), serialNum)
            return self._objects.get(key)

    def objRefZeroSerialNum(self, objRef):
        """Raise serial number zero error.

        Invoked by fetchObjRef() if either the class or the object serial
        number is zero.

        raise ObjRefZeroSerialNumError(objRefSplit(objRef))

    def objRefDangles(self, objRef):
        """Raise dangling reference error.

        Invoked by fetchObjRef() if there is no possible target object
        for the given objRef.

        E.g., this can happen for a dangling reference. This method invokes
        self.warning() and includes the objRef as decimal, hexadecimal
        and class:obj numbers.

        raise ObjRefDanglesError(objRefSplit(objRef))

    ## Special Cases ##

    def filterDateTimeDelta(self, dtd):
        """Adapt DateTimeDeltas.

        Some databases have no TIME type and therefore will not return
        DateTimeDeltas. This utility method is overridden by subclasses
        as appropriate and invoked by the test suite.

        return dtd

    def sqlNowCall(self):
        """Get current DateTime."""
        return 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'

    ## Self util ##

    def doneWithConnection(self, conn):
        """Invoked by self when a connection is no longer needed.

        The default behavior is to commit and close the connection.

        if conn is not None:
            # Starting with 1.2.0, MySQLdb disables autocommit by default,
            # as required by the DB-API standard (PEP-249). If you are using
            # InnoDB tables or some other type of transactional table type,
            # you'll need to do connection.commit() before closing the connection,
            # or else none of your changes will be written to the database.
            except Exception:

    ## Debugging ##

    def dumpTables(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        out.write('DUMPING TABLES\n')
        conn = None
            for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
                out.write(klass.name() + '\n')
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL('select * from %s;'
                    % klass.name(), conn)

    def dumpKlassIds(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        wr = out.write('DUMPING KLASS IDs\n')
        for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
            out.write('%25s %2i\n' % (klass.name(), klass.id()))

    def dumpObjectStore(self, out=None, progress=False):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
            if progress:
            out.write('%s objects\n' % (klass.name()))
            attrs = [attr for attr in klass.allAttrs() if attr.hasSQLColumn()]
            colNames = [attr.name() for attr in attrs]
            colNames.insert(0, klass.sqlSerialColumnName())
            out.write(CSVJoiner.joinCSVFields(colNames) + "\n")

            # write out a line for each object in this class
            objlist = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass.name(), isDeep=False)
            for obj in objlist:
                fields = []
                for attr in attrs:
                    # jdh 2003-03-07: if the attribute is a dangling object reference, the value
                    # will be None.  This means that dangling references will _not_ be remembered
                    # across dump/generate/create/insert procedures.
                    method = getattr(obj, attr.pyGetName())
                    value = method()
                    if value is None:
                    elif isinstance(value, MiddleObject):
                        fields.append('%s.%d' % (value.klass().name(),
                out.write(CSVJoiner.joinCSVFields(fields).replace('\r', '\\r'))

        if progress:
Example #8
class SQLObjectStore(ObjectStore):
    """The MiddleKit SQL Object Store.

    TO DO:

      * _sqlEcho should be accessible via a config file setting
        as stdout, stderr or a filename.

    For details on DB API 2.0, including the thread safety levels see:

    ## Init ##

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # @@ 2001-02-12 ce: We probably need a dictionary before kwargs
        # for subclasses to pass to us in case they override __init__()
        # and end up collecting kwargs themselves
        self._dbArgs = kwargs
        self._connected = False
        self._commited = False
        self._sqlEcho = None
        self._sqlCount = 0
        self._pool = None  # an optional DBPool

    def modelWasSet(self):
        """Perform additional set up of the store after the model is set.

        Performs additional set up of the store after the model is set, normally
        via setModel() or readModelFileNamed(). This includes checking that
        threading conditions are valid, and connecting to the database.

        # Check thread safety
        self._threadSafety = self.threadSafety()
        if self._threaded and self._threadSafety == 0:
            raise SQLObjectStoreThreadingError('Threaded is True,'
                ' but the DB API threadsafety is 0.')

        # Cache some settings
        self._markDeletes = self.setting('DeleteBehavior', 'delete') == 'mark'

        # Set up SQL echo

        # Set up attrs for caching
        for klass in self.model().allKlassesInOrder():
            klass._getMethods = {}
            klass._setMethods = {}
            for attr in klass.allDataAttrs():
                attr._sqlColumnName = None
                attr._sqlColumnNames = None

        # use dbargs from settings file as defaults
        # (args passed to __init__ take precedence)
        args = self._dbArgs
        self._dbArgs = self.setting('DatabaseArgs', {})
        # print 'dbArgs = %s' % self._dbArgs

        # Connect

    def setUpSQLEcho(self):
        """Set up the SQL echoing/logging for the store.

        The logging is set up according to the setting 'SQLLog'.

        See the User's Guide for more info. Invoked by modelWasSet().
        setting = self.setting('SQLLog', None)
        if setting is None or setting == {}:
            self._sqlEcho = None
            filename = setting['File']
            if filename is None:
                self._sqlEcho = None
            elif filename == 'stdout':
                self._sqlEcho = sys.stdout
            elif filename == 'stderr':
                self._sqlEcho = sys.stderr
                mode = setting.get('Mode', 'write')
                assert mode in ['write', 'append']
                mode = mode[0]
                self._sqlEcho = open(filename, mode)

    ## Connecting to the db ##

    def isConnected(self):
        return self._connected

    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the database.

        Connects to the database only if the store has not already and provided
        that the store has a valid model.

        The default implementation of connect() is usually sufficient provided
        that subclasses have implemented newConnection().
        assert self._model, 'Cannot connect:' \
            ' No model has been attached to this store yet.'
        if not self._connected:
            self._connection = self.newConnection()
            self._connected = True
            poolSize = self.setting('SQLConnectionPoolSize', 0)
            if poolSize:
                args = self._dbArgs.copy()
                self.augmentDatabaseArgs(args, pool=True)
                    self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)
                except TypeError:
                    if 'database' in args:
                        del args['database']
                        self._pool = DBPool(self.dbapiModule(), poolSize, **args)

    def augmentDatabaseArgs(self, args, pool=False):
        # give subclasses the opportunity to add or change
        # database arguments

    def newConnection(self):
        """Return a DB API 2.0 connection.

        This is a utility method invoked by connect(). Subclasses should
        implement this, making use of self._dbArgs (a dictionary specifying
        host, username, etc.) as well as self._model.sqlDatabaseName().

        Subclass responsibility.
        raise AbstractError(self.__class__)

    def readKlassIds(self):
        """Read the klass ids from the SQL database. Invoked by connect()."""
        conn, cur = self.executeSQL('select id, name from _MKClassIds;')
            klassesById = {}
            for klassId, name in cur.fetchall():
                assert klassId, 'Id must be a non-zero int.' \
                    ' id=%r, name=%r' % (klassId, name)
                    klass = self._model.klass(name)
                except KeyError:
                    filename = self._model.filename()
                    msg = ('%s  The database has a class id for %r in the'
                        ' _MKClassIds table, but no such class exists in'
                        ' the model %s. The model and the db are not in sync.'
                        % (name, name, filename))
                    raise KeyError(msg)
                klassesById[klassId] = klass
        self._klassesById = klassesById

    ## Changes ##

    def commitInserts(self, allThreads=False):
        unknownSerialNums = []
        # @@ ... sort here for dependency order
        for obj in self._newObjects.items(allThreads):
            self._insertObject(obj, unknownSerialNums)
        conn = None
            for unknownInfo in unknownSerialNums:
                stmt = unknownInfo.updateStmt()
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL(stmt, conn)

    def _insertObject(self, obj, unknownSerialNums):
        # New objects not in the persistent store have serial numbers less than 1
        if obj.serialNum() > 0:
                rep = repr(obj)
            except Exception:
                rep = '(repr exception)'
            assert obj.serialNum() < 1, 'obj=%s' % rep

        # try to get the next ID (if database supports this)
        idNum = self.retrieveNextInsertId(obj.klass())

        # SQL insert
        sql = obj.sqlInsertStmt(unknownSerialNums, idNum)
        conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql)
            # Get new id/serial num
            if idNum is None:
                idNum = self.retrieveLastInsertId(conn, cur)

            # Update object

            # Update our object pool
            self._objects[obj.key()] = obj

    def retrieveNextInsertId(self, klass):
        """Return the id for the next new object of this class.

        Databases which cannot determine the id until the object has been
        added return None, signifying that retrieveLastInsertId
        should be called to get the id after the insert has been made.
        return None

    def retrieveLastInsertId(self, conn, cur):
        """Return the id of the last INSERT operation by this connection.

        This id is typically a 32-bit int. Used by commitInserts() to get
        the correct serial number for the last inserted object.
        return cur.lastrowid

    def commitUpdates(self, allThreads=False):
        conn = None
            for obj in self._changedObjects.values(allThreads):
                sql = obj.sqlUpdateStmt()
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql, conn)

    def commitDeletions(self, allThreads=False):
        conn = None
            for obj in self._deletedObjects.items(allThreads):
                sql = obj.sqlDeleteStmt()
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL(sql, conn)

    ## Fetching ##

    def fetchObject(self, aClass, serialNum, default=NoDefault):
        """Fetch a single object of a specific class and serial number.

        aClass can be a Klass object (from the MiddleKit object model),
        the name of the class (e.g., a string) or a Python class.
        Raises an exception if aClass parameter is invalid, or the object
        cannot be located.
        klass = self._klassForClass(aClass)
        objects = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass, serialNum=serialNum, isDeep=False)
        count = len(objects)
        if count == 0:
            if default is NoDefault:
                raise UnknownObjectError('aClass = %r, serialNum = %r'
                    % (aClass, serialNum))
                return default
            assert count == 1
            return objects[0]

    def fetchObjectsOfClass(self, aClass,
            clauses='', isDeep=True, refreshAttrs=True, serialNum=None, clausesArgs=None):
        """Fetch a list of objects of a specific class.

        The list may be empty if no objects are found.

        aClass can be a Klass object (from the MiddleKit object model),
        the name of the class (e.g., a string) or a Python class.

        The clauses argument can be any SQL clauses such as 'where x<5 order by x'.
        Obviously, these could be specific to your SQL database, thereby making
        your code non-portable. Use your best judgement.

        serialNum can be a specific serial number if you are looking for
        a specific object. If serialNum is provided, it overrides the clauses.

        You should label all arguments other than aClass:
            objs = store.fetchObjectsOfClass('Foo', clauses='where x<5')
        The reason for labeling is that this method is likely to undergo
        improvements in the future which could include additional arguments.
        No guarantees are made about the order of the arguments except that
        aClass will always be the first.
        Raises an exception if aClass parameter is invalid.
        klass = self._klassForClass(aClass)

        # Fetch objects of subclasses first, because the code below
        # will be  modifying clauses and serialNum
        deepObjs = []
        if isDeep:
            for subklass in klass.subklasses():
                    subklass, clauses, isDeep, refreshAttrs, serialNum, clausesArgs))

        # Now get objects of this exact class
        objs = []
        if not klass.isAbstract():
            fetchSQLStart = klass.fetchSQLStart()
            className = klass.name()
            if serialNum is not None:
                serialNum = int(serialNum)  # make sure it's a valid int
                clauses = 'where %s=%d' % (klass.sqlSerialColumnName(), serialNum)
            if self._markDeletes:
                clauses = self.addDeletedToClauses(clauses)
            conn, cur = self.executeSQL(fetchSQLStart + clauses + ';', clausesArgs=clausesArgs)
                for row in cur.fetchall():
                    serialNum = row[0]
                    key = ObjectKey().initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(className, serialNum)
                    obj = self._objects.get(key)
                    if obj is None:
                        pyClass = klass.pyClass()
                        obj = pyClass()
                        assert isinstance(obj, MiddleObject), (
                            'Not a MiddleObject. obj = %r, type = %r, MiddleObject = %r'
                                % (obj, type(obj), MiddleObject))
                        obj.readStoreData(self, row)
                        self._objects[key] = obj
                        # Existing object
                        if refreshAttrs:
                            obj.readStoreData(self, row)
        return objs

    def refreshObject(self, obj):
        assert obj.store() is self
        return self.fetchObject(obj.klass(), obj.serialNum())

    ## Klasses ##

    def klassForId(self, id):
        return self._klassesById[id]

    ## Self utility for SQL, connections, cursors, etc. ##

    def executeSQL(self, sql, connection=None, commit=False, clausesArgs=None):
        """Execute the given SQL.

        This will connect to the database for the first time if necessary.
        This method will also log the SQL to self._sqlEcho, if it is not None.
        Returns the connection and cursor used and relies on connectionAndCursor()
        to obtain these. Note that you can pass in a connection to force a
        particular one to be used and a flag to commit immediately.
        sql = str(sql)  # Excel-based models yield Unicode strings which some db modules don't like
        sql = sql.strip()
        if aggressiveGC:
            import gc
            assert gc.isenabled()
        self._sqlCount += 1
        if self._sqlEcho:
            timestamp = funcs.timestamp()['pretty']
            self._sqlEcho.write('SQL %04i. %s %s\n' % (self._sqlCount, timestamp, sql))
        conn, cur = self.connectionAndCursor(connection)
        self._executeSQL(cur, sql, clausesArgs)
        if commit:
        return conn, cur

    def _executeSQL(self, cur, sql, clausesArgs=None):
        """Invoke execute on the cursor with the given SQL.

        This is a hook for subclasses that wish to influence this event.
        Invoked by executeSQL().
        cur.execute(sql, clausesArgs)

    def executeSQLTransaction(self, transaction, connection=None, commit=True):
        """Execute the given sequence of SQL statements and commit as transaction."""
        if isinstance(transaction, basestring):
            transaction = [transaction]
            for sql in transaction:
                if connection:
                    self.executeSQL(sql, connection)
                    connection, cur = self.executeSQL(sql)
        except Exception:
            if connection and commit:
        if transaction and connection and commit:
            except Exception:
        return connection

    def executeSQLScript(self, sql, connection=None):
        """Execute the given SQL script.

        This uses the nonstandard executescript() method as provided
        by the PySQLite adapter.
        sql = str(sql).strip()
        if not connection:
            connection = self.newConnection()
        if not hasattr(connection, 'executescript'):
            raise AttributeError(
                'Script execution not supported by database adapter.')
        return connection.executescript(sql)

    def setSQLEcho(self, file):
        """Set a file to echo sql statements to, as sent through executeSQL().

        None can be passed to turn echo off.
        self._sqlEcho = file

    def connectionAndCursor(self, connection=None):
        """Return the connection and cursor needed for executing SQL.

        Takes into account factors such as setting('Threaded') and the
        threadsafety level of the DB API module. You can pass in a connection to
        force a particular one to be used. Uses newConnection() and connect().
        if aggressiveGC:
            import gc
            assert gc.isenabled()
        if connection:
            conn = connection
        elif self._threaded:
            if self._pool:
                conn = self._pool.connection()
            elif self._threadSafety == 1:
                conn = self.newConnection()
            else:  # safety = 2, 3
                if not self._connected:
                conn = self._connection
            # Non-threaded
            if not self._connected:
            conn = self._connection
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        return conn, cursor

    def threadSafety(self):
        """Return the threadsafety of the DB API module."""
        return self.dbapiModule().threadsafety

    def dbapiVersion(self):
        """Return the version of the DB API module."""
        module = self.dbapiModule()
        return '%s %s' % (module.__name__, module.version)

    def dbVersion(self):
        """Return the database version.

        Subclass responsibility.
        raise AbstractError(self.__class__)

    def addDeletedToClauses(self, clauses):
        """Modify the given set of clauses so that it filters out records with non-NULL deleted field."""
        clauses = clauses.strip()
        if clauses.lower().startswith('where'):
            where = clauses[5:]
            orderByIndex = where.lower().find('order by')
            if orderByIndex < 0:
                orderBy = ''
                where, orderBy = where[:orderByIndex], where[orderByIndex:]
            return 'where deleted is null and (%s) %s' % (where, orderBy)
            return 'where deleted is null %s' % clauses

    ## Obj refs ##

    def fetchObjRef(self, objRef):
        """Fetch referenced object.

        Given an unarchived object reference, this method returns the actual
        object for it (or None if the reference is NULL or dangling). While
        this method assumes that obj refs are stored as 64-bit numbers containing
        the class id and object serial number, subclasses are certainly able to
        override that assumption by overriding this method.
        assert isinstance(objRef, long), 'type=%r, objRef=%r' % (type(objRef), objRef)
        if objRef == 0:
            return None
            klassId, serialNum = objRefSplit(objRef)
            if klassId == 0 or serialNum == 0:
                # invalid! we don't use 0 serial numbers
                return self.objRefZeroSerialNum(objRef)

            klass = self.klassForId(klassId)

            # Check if we already have this in memory first
            key = ObjectKey()
            key.initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(klass.name(), serialNum)
            obj = self._objects.get(key)
            if obj:
                return obj

            clauses = 'where %s=%d' % (klass.sqlSerialColumnName(), serialNum)
            objs = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass, clauses, isDeep=False)
            if len(objs) == 1:
                return objs[0]
            elif len(objs) > 1:
                # @@ 2000-11-22 ce: expand the msg with more information
                raise ValueError('Multiple objects.')
                return self.objRefDangles(objRef)

    def objRefInMem(self, objRef):
        """Return referenced object in memory.

        Returns the object corresponding to the given objref if and only if it
        has been loaded into memory. If the object has never been fetched from
        the database, None is returned.
        assert isinstance(objRef, long), 'type=%r, objRef=%r' % (type(objRef), objRef)
        if objRef == 0:
            return 0
            klassId, serialNum = objRefSplit(objRef)
            if klassId == 0 or serialNum == 0:
                # invalid! we don't use 0 serial numbers
                return self.objRefZeroSerialNum(objRef)

            klass = self.klassForId(klassId)

            # return whether we have this object in memory
            key = ObjectKey()
            key.initFromClassNameAndSerialNum(klass.name(), serialNum)
            return self._objects.get(key)

    def objRefZeroSerialNum(self, objRef):
        """Raise serial number zero error.

        Invoked by fetchObjRef() if either the class or the object serial
        number is zero.
        raise ObjRefZeroSerialNumError(*objRefSplit(objRef))

    def objRefDangles(self, objRef):
        """Raise dangling reference error.

        Invoked by fetchObjRef() if there is no possible target object
        for the given objRef.

        E.g., this can happen for a dangling reference. This method invokes
        self.warning() and includes the objRef as decimal, hexadecimal
        and class:obj numbers.
        raise ObjRefDanglesError(*objRefSplit(objRef))

    ## Special Cases ##

    def filterDateTimeDelta(self, dtd):
        """Adapt DateTimeDeltas.

        Some databases have no TIME type and therefore will not return
        DateTimeDeltas. This utility method is overridden by subclasses
        as appropriate and invoked by the test suite.
        return dtd

    def sqlNowCall(self):
        """Get current DateTime."""
        return 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'

    ## Self util ##

    def doneWithConnection(self, conn):
        """Invoked by self when a connection is no longer needed.

        The default behavior is to commit and close the connection.
        if conn is not None:
            # Starting with 1.2.0, MySQLdb disables autocommit by default,
            # as required by the DB-API standard (PEP-249). If you are using
            # InnoDB tables or some other type of transactional table type,
            # you'll need to do connection.commit() before closing the connection,
            # or else none of your changes will be written to the database.
            except Exception:

    ## Debugging ##

    def dumpTables(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        out.write('DUMPING TABLES\n')
        conn = None
            for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
                out.write(klass.name() + '\n')
                conn, cur = self.executeSQL('select * from %s;'
                    % klass.name(), conn)

    def dumpKlassIds(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        wr = out.write('DUMPING KLASS IDs\n')
        for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
            out.write('%25s %2i\n' % (klass.name(), klass.id()))

    def dumpObjectStore(self, out=None, progress=False):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        for klass in self.model().klasses().values():
            if progress:
            out.write('%s objects\n' % (klass.name()))
            attrs = [attr for attr in klass.allAttrs() if attr.hasSQLColumn()]
            colNames = [attr.name() for attr in attrs]
            colNames.insert(0, klass.sqlSerialColumnName())
            out.write(CSVJoiner.joinCSVFields(colNames) + "\n")

            # write out a line for each object in this class
            objlist = self.fetchObjectsOfClass(klass.name(), isDeep=False)
            for obj in objlist:
                fields = []
                for attr in attrs:
                    # jdh 2003-03-07: if the attribute is a dangling object reference, the value
                    # will be None.  This means that dangling references will _not_ be remembered
                    # across dump/generate/create/insert procedures.
                    method = getattr(obj, attr.pyGetName())
                    value = method()
                    if value is None:
                    elif isinstance(value, MiddleObject):
                        fields.append('%s.%d' % (value.klass().name(),
                out.write(CSVJoiner.joinCSVFields(fields).replace('\r', '\\r'))

        if progress: