Example #1
    def input(self):

        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        theta = self.current_state.rot.yaw
        correction_vector = self.target_state.pos - self.current_state.pos

        facing_vector = Vec3(cos(theta), sin(theta), 0)

        car_to_target = (self.target_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).normalize()
        #Rotated to the car's reference frame on the ground.
        rel_correction_vector = Vec3((correction_vector.x*cos(theta)) + (correction_vector.y * sin(theta)),
                                     (-(correction_vector.x*sin(theta))) + (correction_vector.y * cos(theta)),

        if self.can_reverse and facing_vector.dot(car_to_target) < - 0.5:
            correction_angle = atan2(rel_correction_vector.y, rel_correction_vector.x)
            controller_input.throttle = - 1.0
            if abs(correction_angle) > 1.25:
                controller_input.handbrake = 1
            controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(-5*correction_angle, 1)

            correction_angle = atan2(rel_correction_vector.y, rel_correction_vector.x)
            controller_input.throttle = 1.0
            if abs(correction_angle) > 1.25:
                controller_input.handbrake = 1
            controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(5*correction_angle, 1)

        return controller_input
Example #2
    def input(self):
        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        current_angle_vec = Vec3(cos(self.current_state.rot.yaw), sin(self.current_state.rot.yaw), 0)
        goal_angle_vec = Vec3(cos(self.goal_state.rot.yaw), sin(self.goal_state.rot.yaw), 0)
        vel_2d = Vec3(self.current_state.vel.x, self.current_state.vel.y, 0)

        if (self.current_state.pos - self.goal_state.pos).magnitude() > 400:

            #Turn towards target. Hold throttle until we're close enough to start stopping.
            controller_input = GroundTurn(self.current_state, self.goal_state).input()

        elif vel_2d.magnitude() < 50 and current_angle_vec.dot(goal_angle_vec) < 0:

            #If we're moving slowly, but not facing the right way, jump to turn in the air.
            #Decide which way to turn.  Make sure we don't have wraparound issues.

            goal_x = goal_angle_vec.x
            goal_y = goal_angle_vec.y
            car_theta = self.current_state.rot.yaw

            #Rotated to the car's reference frame on the ground.
            rel_vector = Vec3((goal_x*cos(car_theta)) + (goal_y * sin(car_theta)),
                              (-(goal_x*sin(car_theta))) + (goal_y * cos(car_theta)),

            correction_angle = atan2(rel_vector.y, rel_vector.x)

            #Jump and turn to reach goal yaw.
            if self.current_state.wheel_contact:
                controller_input.jump = 1
                controller_input.yaw = cap_magnitude(correction_angle, 1)

        elif self.current_state.vel.magnitude() > 400:
            #TODO: Proportional controller to stop in the right place
            controller_input.throttle = -1

            #Wiggle to face ball
            #Check if the goal is ahead of or behind us, and throttle in that direction
            goal_angle = atan2((self.goal_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).y, (self.goal_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).x)
            if abs(angle_difference(goal_angle,self.current_state.rot.yaw)) > pi/2:
                correction_sign = -1
                correction_sign = 1
            controller_input.throttle = correction_sign

            #Correct as we wiggle so that we face goal_yaw.
            if angle_difference(self.goal_state.rot.yaw, self.current_state.rot.yaw) > 0:
                angle_sign = 1
                angle_sign = -1

            controller_input.steer = correction_sign*angle_sign

        return controller_input
Example #3
    def follow_arc(self, current_state):
        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        controller_input.steer = self.piece.direction

            center = self.center1
            radius = self.radius1
        except AttributeError:
            center = self.center
            radius = self.radius

        controller_input.throttle = 1
        if (current_state.pos - center).magnitude() > radius:
            controller_input.throttle -= (
                (current_state.pos - center).magnitude() - radius) / radius
        elif controller_input.steer > 0:
            controller_input.steer -= 2 * (
                radius - (current_state.pos - center).magnitude()) / radius
            controller_input.steer += 2 * (
                radius - (current_state.pos - center).magnitude()) / radius
        controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(controller_input.steer)
        controller_input.throttle = cap_magnitude(controller_input.throttle)
        return controller_input
Example #4
    def input(self):
        The final call to get the controller_input for the maneuver.

        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        if self.current_state.wheel_contact:
            #Speed up on the ground, turn as needed, then jump

            if self.current_state.vel.magnitude() <= self.boost_threshold:
                #Boost if we're slower than boost_threshold.
                controller_input.boost = 1
            #Accelerate if we're below accel_threshold
            elif self.current_state.vel.magnitude() <= self.accel_threshold:
                controller_input.throttle = 1
            elif ( abs(self.current_state.rot.yaw - self.dodge_angle) < 0.2 ):
                #Once we turn partway, jump and turn the rest of the way
                if self.dodge_angle - self.current_state.rot.yaw > 0:
                    controller_input = JumpTurn(self.current_state, 0, 1).input()
                    controller_input = JumpTurn(self.current_state, 0, -1).input()

                #Once we're up to speed, and not turned enough, turn away from the dodge
                controller_input = QuickTurn(self.turn_direction, 1).input()

        elif self.current_state.double_jumped:
            #Once we dodge, rotate back around to land properly
            controller_input.yaw = cap_magnitude(self.movement_angle - self.current_state.rot.yaw, 1)

        elif not ( angles_are_close(self.current_state.rot.yaw, self.dodge_angle, 0.2) ):
            #Turn a bit more while in the air before dodging
            controller_input = JumpTurn(self.current_state, 0, self.turn_direction).input()

        elif self.current_state.pos.z > 50:
            #Once we're finally turned enough, dodge
            controller_input = AirDodge(self.dodge_direction, self.current_state.jumped_last_frame).input()

        controller_input.throttle = 1
        return controller_input
Example #5
def Cowculate(plan, game_info, ball_prediction, persistent):
    The main control function for BAC, Cowculate() returns the final input.
    It takes a GameState object, a plan, and returns a controller_input object.
    Cowculate will be the framework of all decision making, and will be the highest level of abstraction.

    controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
    current_state = game_info.me


    if plan.layers[0] == "Boost":
        Decide how to get the boost we want to go for.

        #TODO: Optimize these, or phase them out for RLU or similar.
        wobble = Vec3(current_state.omega.x, current_state.omega.y,
        epsilon = 0.3

        target_boost = None
        if type(plan.layers[1]) == int:
            target_boost = game_info.boosts[plan.layers[1]]
        elif plan.layers[1] == "Pads":
            #This will skip the target boost loop and follow the path

        if target_boost != None:
            angle_to_boost = atan2((target_boost.pos - current_state.pos).y,
                                   (target_boost.pos - current_state.pos).x)
            facing_boost = angles_are_close(angle_to_boost,
                                            current_state.rot.yaw, pi / 12)
            grounded_facing_boost = facing_boost and current_state.wheel_contact

            #Turn towards boostI
            controller_input = GroundTurn(

            if 1000 < current_state.vel.magnitude(
            ) < 2250 and facing_boost and wobble < epsilon and (
                    current_state.pos - target_boost.pos
            ).magnitude() > 1000 and abs(current_state.omega.z) < epsilon:
                #If slow, not wobbling from a previous dodge, facing towards the boost,
                #and not already at the boost, dodge for speed
                controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()

            elif current_state.vel.magnitude() < 2300 and (
                    or current_state.rot.pitch < -pi / 12):
                controller_input.boost = 1

        elif plan.path == None:
            #Copied the "go to net" code because I don't plan on really improving this for now.
            #This section will be greatly improved once I have ground recovery code in place.
            #TODO: Reocvery code into picking a path more intelligently.
            center_of_net = Vec3(0, -5120, 0)

            #Turn towards the center of our net
            controller_input = GroundTurn(

            #Variables to check if we want to flip for speed.
            displacement_from_net = center_of_net - current_state.pos
            distance_to_net = displacement_from_net.magnitude()
            angle_to_net = atan2(displacement_from_net.y,
            facing_net = angles_are_close(angle_to_net, current_state.rot.yaw,
                                          pi / 12)
            speed = current_state.vel.magnitude()

            if distance_to_net > 1500 * (
                (speed + 500) / 1410) and 1000 < speed < 2000 and facing_net:
                controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()
            elif current_state.boost > 60 and facing_net and current_state.wheel_contact and speed < 2300:
                controller_input.boost = 1

            #If we start to go up the wall on the way, turn back down.
            if current_state.wheel_contact:
                if current_state.rot.roll > 0.15:
                    controller_input.steer = 1
                elif current_state.rot.roll < -0.15:
                    controller_input.steer = -1

            controller_input = plan.path.input()


    elif plan.layers[0] == "Goal":
        Decide how to go to or wait in net

        #Useful locations
        center_of_net = Vec3(0, -5120, 0)
        if game_info.ball.pos.x > 0:
            far_post = Vec3(-1150, -5120 + 300, 0)
            far_boost = game_info.boosts[3].pos
            far_post = Vec3(1150, -5120 + 300, 0)
            far_boost = game_info.boosts[4].pos

        if plan.layers[1] == "Go to net":
            #Turn towards the center of our net
            controller_input = GroundTurn(

            #Variables to check if we want to flip for speed.
            displacement_from_net = center_of_net - current_state.pos
            distance_to_net = displacement_from_net.magnitude()
            angle_to_net = atan2(displacement_from_net.y,
            facing_net = angles_are_close(angle_to_net, current_state.rot.yaw,
                                          pi / 12)
            speed = current_state.vel.magnitude()

            if distance_to_net > 1500 and 1000 < speed < 2000 and facing_net:
                controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()
            elif current_state.boost > 60 and facing_net and current_state.wheel_contact and speed < 2300:
                controller_input.boost = 1

            #If we start to go up the wall on the way, turn back down.
            if current_state.wheel_contact:
                if current_state.rot.roll > 0.15:
                    controller_input.steer = 1
                elif current_state.rot.roll < -0.15:
                    controller_input.steer = -1

        elif plan.layers[1] == "Wait in net":
            if plan.layers[2] == "Prep for Aerial":
                controller_input = SimpleControllerState()

                ball_angle = atan2((game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos).y,
                                   (game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos).x)

                #Go to net, stop in the middle, then turn in place to face the ball.
                #TODO: Improve NavigateTo or replace completely
                rot = Orientation(pyr=[
                    current_state.rot.pitch, ball_angle, current_state.rot.roll
                target_state = current_state.copy_state(pos=center_of_net,
                controller_input = NavigateTo(current_state,


    elif plan.layers[0] == "Ball":
        Calculate how to go for the ball as decided in planning.

        if plan.layers[1] == "Challenge":
            #TODO: Intelligent challenges.
            if current_state.wheel_contact:
                #If still on ground, jump
                controller_input.jump = 1
                #Once we've jumped, dodge towards the ball
                controller_input = AirDodge(
                                       game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos),
        elif plan.layers[1] == "Save" and plan.layers[2] == "Backwards":
                controller_input = GroundTurn(current_state,
                                              current_state.copy_state(pos = game_info.ball.pos),
                                              can_reverse = True).input()

        elif plan.layers[2] == "Aerial":

            controller_input, persistent = aerial(game_info.dt,

            #TODO: Replace all of this with shooting/clearing/better code.
            #Need pathing to get to a reasonable spot, and intelligent dodges to place the ball properly.

            for i in range(100):

                #Adjust for Ball/Car radii
                ball_vel = ball_prediction.slices[i].vel

                    #Evil magic numbers.  TODO: Actual timing and arrival prediction.
                    target_pos = ball_prediction.slices[
                        i].pos + ball_vel.normalize().scalar_multiply(150)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    target_pos = ball_prediction.slices[i].pos

                car_target_vector = target_pos - current_state.pos
                turn_angle = abs(
                    current_state.rot.yaw -
                    atan2(car_target_vector.y, car_target_vector.x))
                time_estimate = linear_time_to_reach(
                    target_pos) - (ball_vel.magnitude() / 50) * (turn_angle)
                if ball_prediction.slices[i].time < time_estimate + 1 / 30:

            if plan.layers[1] == "Shot":
                #If the opponent isn't close to the ball, reposition to shoot towards net
                #Find the center of the opponent's net
                center_of_net = Vec3(0, 5120, game_info.ball.pos.z)

                #If the ball is left, go right, and vice versa.
                if game_info.ball.pos.x > 0:
                    shooting_correction = (
                        60 * (5120 - abs(game_info.ball.pos.y))) / (
                            (game_info.ball.pos - center_of_net).magnitude())
                    shooting_correction = -(
                        60 * (5120 - abs(game_info.ball.pos.y))) / (
                            (game_info.ball.pos - center_of_net).magnitude())

                    target_pos = Vec3(target_pos.x + shooting_correction,
                                      target_pos.y, target_pos.z)

            #Make sure we don't try to go to a point outside the map
            target_pos = Vec3(cap_magnitude(target_pos.x, 4096),
                              cap_magnitude(target_pos.y, 5120), target_pos.z)
            #Turn towards the target
            controller_input = GroundTurn(

            #If we're not supersonic, and we're facing roughly towards the ball, boost.
            ball_angle = atan2((game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos).y,
                               (game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos).x)
            if current_state.vel.magnitude(
            ) < 2250 and current_state.wheel_contact and angles_are_close(
                    current_state.rot.yaw, ball_angle, pi / 4):
                controller_input.boost = 1


    elif plan.layers[0] == "Recover":
        if plan.layers[1] == "Air":
            #If we're in the air, and not trying to hit the ball, recover.

            controller_input, persistent = aerial_rotation(
                game_info.dt, persistent)

        elif plan.layers[1] == "Ground":
            controller_input = GroundTurn(
                current_state.copy_state(pos=Vec3(0, -5120, 0))).input()
            #TODO: Work on have_steering_control, powersliding, etc.

    return controller_input, persistent