def __init__(self, objects, draw=True, space=None, screen=None, dimensions=None): # Make a space if none was given if not space: space = pymunk.Space() if not dimensions: dimensions = Params.pitchSize if draw and not screen: # Make a pygame instance if none was given *and* we want one pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(dimensions) elif screen and not draw: # Ensure the screen is None if we shouldn't have one screen = None # Add the objects to the space, including a pitch self.pitch = Pitch(dimensions) self.pitch.add_to_space(space) for key in objects: objects[key].add_to_space(space) startFrame = dict() try: bot = objects['blue'] body = bot.body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) a = body.angle self.blueRobot = Array('f', [x, y, a]) startFrame['blue'] = { 'position' : (x, y) , 'velocity' : tuple(body.velocity) , 'wheels' : (bot.lwheelVel, bot.rwheelVel) , 'angle' : a } except KeyError: self.blueRobot = None try: bot = objects['yellow'] body = bot.body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) a = body.angle self.yellowRobot = Array('f', [x, y, a]) startFrame['yellow'] = { 'position' : (x, y) , 'velocity' : tuple(body.velocity) , 'wheels' : (bot.lwheelVel, bot.rwheelVel) , 'angle' : a } except KeyError: self.yellowRobot = None try: body = objects['ball'].body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) objects['ball'].originals = (x, y) self.ball = Array('f', [x, y]) startFrame['ball'] = { 'position' : (x, y) , 'velocity' : tuple(body.velocity) , 'angle' : body.angle } except KeyError: self.ball = None # Set some attributes self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = space self.screen = screen self.objects = objects self.dims = dimensions self.command_queue = Queue() self.done = Value('b', False) self.moving = None self.startFrame = startFrame self.us_color = 'blue'
class Simulation: """ The simulation class. Keeps track of useful information to ease manipulation of the simulation """ # Special functions { def __init__(self, objects, draw=True, space=None, screen=None, dimensions=None): # Make a space if none was given if not space: space = pymunk.Space() if not dimensions: dimensions = Params.pitchSize if draw and not screen: # Make a pygame instance if none was given *and* we want one pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(dimensions) elif screen and not draw: # Ensure the screen is None if we shouldn't have one screen = None # Add the objects to the space, including a pitch self.pitch = Pitch(dimensions) self.pitch.add_to_space(space) for key in objects: objects[key].add_to_space(space) startFrame = dict() try: bot = objects['blue'] body = bot.body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) a = body.angle self.blueRobot = Array('f', [x, y, a]) startFrame['blue'] = { 'position' : (x, y) , 'velocity' : tuple(body.velocity) , 'wheels' : (bot.lwheelVel, bot.rwheelVel) , 'angle' : a } except KeyError: self.blueRobot = None try: bot = objects['yellow'] body = bot.body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) a = body.angle self.yellowRobot = Array('f', [x, y, a]) startFrame['yellow'] = { 'position' : (x, y) , 'velocity' : tuple(body.velocity) , 'wheels' : (bot.lwheelVel, bot.rwheelVel) , 'angle' : a } except KeyError: self.yellowRobot = None try: body = objects['ball'].body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) objects['ball'].originals = (x, y) self.ball = Array('f', [x, y]) startFrame['ball'] = { 'position' : (x, y) , 'velocity' : tuple(body.velocity) , 'angle' : body.angle } except KeyError: self.ball = None # Set some attributes self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = space self.screen = screen self.objects = objects self.dims = dimensions self.command_queue = Queue() self.done = Value('b', False) self.moving = None self.startFrame = startFrame self.us_color = 'blue' # } def set_us_color(self, color): assert color in ["blue", "yellow"] self.us_color = color def get_us_robot(self): return self.objects[self.us_color] # Simulation subprocess functions { def start(self, FPS=Params.FPS): """ Start the simulation subprocess """ self._running_process = Process(target=self._run, args=(FPS,)) self._running_process.start() def _run(self, FPS=Params.FPS): """ Do the simulation loop """ self.done.value = False q = self.command_queue while not self.done.value: # Perhaps we could pull some of this code out into functions try: # Run all the things self._do_draw_if_screen() self._run_control_queue(q) self._try_vision_serve() self._tick(FPS) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "SIMULATION: Finishing" self.done.value = True def run_until(self, timeout, control=False): if control: self._run_until(timeout) else: self._run_until_without_control(timeout) def _run_until(self, timeout): self.done.value = False self.timing = 0 while not self.done.value: self._run_control_queue(self.command_queue) self._tick_until(timeout) def _run_until_without_control(self, timeout): self.done.value = False self.timing = 0 while not self.done.value: self._tick_until(timeout) def _tick_until(self, timeout): dt = 1/300.0 self.timing += dt if self.timing >= timeout: self.done.value = True def finish(self): """ Stop simulating """ print "SIMULATION: Finishing" self.done.value = True self._running_process.terminate() def _do_draw_if_screen(self): """ Draw the objects to the screen if we're supposed to """ if self.screen: self._handle_events() self._draw() pygame.display.flip() def _run_control_queue(self, q): """ Control the blue robot using commands from comms """ blue = self.objects['blue'] while True: # Loop through getting commands from the queue try: # Run through commands, running them on the blue robot command = q.get_nowait() if not blue.turning: try: command(blue) except TypeError: self.keyFrame(command) else: q.put(command) except Empty: break if blue.blocking: blue.do_timeout() if blue.turning: blue.do_turnout() def _try_vision_serve(self): """ Serve vision data for the objects that exist """ try: body = self.objects['blue'].body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) a = simpleAngle(body.angle) self.blueRobot[0] = x self.blueRobot[1] = y self.blueRobot[2] = a except KeyError: pass try: body = self.objects['yellow'].body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) a = simpleAngle(body.angle) self.yellowRobot[0] = x self.yellowRobot[1] = y self.yellowRobot[2] = a except KeyError: pass try: body = self.objects['ball'].body (x, y) = tuple(body.position) self.ball[0] = x self.ball[1] = y except KeyError: pass def _tick(self, FPS): """ Advance the simulation and limit the drawing framerate """ if FPS != 'unlimited': self.clock.tick_busy_loop(FPS) else: # } # Collision functions { def addRobotCollisionFunc(self, func): def run_func(space, arbiter): return func(self, space, arbiter), CT_BLUE_ROBOT, run_func) def addBallCollisionFunc(self, func, obj): def run_func(space, arbiter): return func(self, space, arbiter, obj), CT_BALL, run_func) def addGoalCollisionFunc(self, func, obj, goal): def run_func(space, arbiter): return func(self, space, arbiter, obj, goal), goal, run_func) # } # Functions used by vision server { def getBlueRobot(self): """ Return the position and angle of the blue robot """ try: return tuple(self.blueRobot) except AttributeError: return None except TypeError: return None def getBlueBot(self): return self.getBlueRobot() def getYellowRobot(self): """ Return the position and angle of the yellow robot """ try: return tuple(self.yellowRobot) except AttributeError: return None except TypeError: return None def getYellowBot(self): return self.getYellowRobot() def getBall(self): """ Return the position of the ball """ try: return tuple(self.ball) except AttributeError: return None except TypeError: return None def getDimensions(self): """ Return the pixel dimensions of the pitch """ return self.dims def getAbstractDims(self): return self.dims # } def set_us(self, color): assert color in ["blue", "yellow"] self.us_color = color def get_us(self): return self.objects[self.us_color] # Pygame functions { def _draw(self): """ Draw the pitch and all objects on the pygame screen """ self.screen.fill(green) self.pitch.draw_on_screen(self.screen) for key in self.objects: self.objects[key].draw_on_screen(self.screen) def _handle_events(self): """ Do all of the pygame event handling """ def do_keys(): """ Check the keys and respond appropriately """ blue = self.objects['yellow'] keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() move = blue.move if keys[K_k]: blue.kick() if keys[K_r]: self.reset() if keys[K_SPACE]: move(0,0) elif keys[K_w]: if keys[K_a]: move(60,128) elif keys[K_d]: move(128, 60) elif keys[K_s]: move(0,0) else: move(127, 127) elif keys[K_s]: if keys[K_a]: move(-60,-128) elif keys[K_d]: move(-128, -60) elif keys[K_w]: move(0,0) else: move(-110, -110) elif keys[K_a]: move(-40, 40) elif keys[K_d]: move(40, -40) elif keys[K_o]: blue.turn(pi) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: for key in self.objects: if self.objects[key].hasPoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): self.moving = self.objects[key] self.moving.setVelocity((0,0)) elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if self.moving: self.moving.setPosition(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) self.moving.setVelocity((0,0)) elif event.type == KEYDOWN: do_keys() elif event.type == KEYUP: do_keys() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.moving = None # } # Robot control commands { def move(self, left, right): """ Make the wheels turn """ self.command_queue.put(Move(left, right)) def kick(self): """ Make the robot kick """ self.command_queue.put(Kick()) def turn(self, angle): """ Make the robot turn """ self.command_queue.put(Turn(angle)) def stop(self): """ Make the robot stay put """ self.command_queue.put(Stop()) def forwards(self, move_speed=40): self.move(move_speed, move_speed) def backwards(self, move_speed=20): self.move(move_speed, move_speed) def exit(self): pass # } # State change at runtime methods { def keyFrame(self, keyframe, external=False): """ Change the entire state of the pitch during runtime without making the physics simulator become strange """ if external: self.command_queue.put(keyframe) else: for key in keyframe: self.objects[key].setKeyFrame(keyframe[key]) def reset(self): """ Set everything to the way it was at initialisation """ print "SIMULATION: Resetting" self.keyFrame(self.startFrame)