def toutiao_news_api(url):
    # 代理服务器
    proxyHost = ""
    proxyPort = "9020"

    # 代理隧道验证信息
    proxyUser = "******"
    proxyPass = "******"

    proxyMeta = "http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s:%(port)s" % {
        "host": proxyHost,
        "port": proxyPort,
        "user": proxyUser,
        "pass": proxyPass,

    proxies = {
        "http": proxyMeta,
        "https": proxyMeta,
    ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False)
    headers = {
        'tt_webid=6825236887406953998; s_v_web_id=verify_ka17kc91_J51hfIgB_1Ujy_4F87_AQ77_v44SCeaZdYbb; WEATHER_CITY=%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC; __tasessionId=ftj73c94a1589124278466; tt_webid=6825236887406953998; csrftoken=3bc73a541ff3c196706a5fa652baa10a; ttcid=93c87bb6d2c44204a824c060f2a0344b39; SLARDAR_WEB_ID=167cd898-158d-4682-84b7-515f808f9c49; tt_scid=nvrgh8BUDb5bfXypX.EbNgFcMiVjrSr7vdwnPAab2w2tEn2I8DLcdmqRb2aAGGvT6b9b',
        'user-agent': ua.random,
        'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'
    toutiao_data = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies).text
    global data
    data = json.loads(toutiao_data)
    global max_behot_time
    max_behot_time = data['next']['max_behot_time']
    items = data['data']

    news_list = []
    link_head = ''

    for n in items:
        if 'title' in n and n['tag'] != 'ad' and n['tag'] != 'news_media':
            news = News()
            news.title = n['title']
            news.tag = n['tag']
            news.source = n['source']
            # 转换成localtime
            time_local = time.localtime(n['behot_time'])
            # 转换成新的时间格式(2016-05-05 20:28:54)
            dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time_local)
            news.news_date = dt
            news.source_url = link_head + n['source_url']

            #print(news.title, news.source_url, news.source, news.keyword, news.keywords)

    return news_list
def keyword_search(keyword):

    source_url_list = select_source_url_returnset()

    url = ' ' + keyword + '&autoload=true&count=200&cur_tab=1'

    toutiao_data = requests.get(url).text

    data = json.loads(toutiao_data)
    items = data['data']

    news_list = []
    link_head = ''

    for n in items:
        if 'title' in n:
            news = News()
            news.title = n['title']
            news.tag = n['tag']
            news.source = n['source']
            news.source_url = link_head + n['source_url']
            # 两会关键词
            news.keyword = keyword
            # 今日头条自带关键词
            news.keywords = n['keywords']

            if news.source_url in source_url_list:

            print('新添加记录:', news.title)
            # print(news.title, news.source_url, news.source, news.keyword, news.keywords)

    return news_list