def onDeleteUser(self): rowDelete = self.tableUser.currentRow() print(rowDelete) if rowDelete == 0: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setWindowTitle("Delete This User ??") msg.setText("You can not delete Root user ") msg.setInformativeText("Please try again with the other user !!") msg.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec() return if rowDelete == -1: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setWindowTitle("Which User ??") msg.setText("You have not choose user you wanna delete ") msg.setInformativeText("Please choose one user to delete!!") msg.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec() return def message(i): if i.text() == "&Cancel": self.isAcceptDelete = False elif i.text() == "&OK": self.isAcceptDelete = True msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Question) msg.setWindowTitle("Delete This User ??") msg.setText("You really want to delete this user ??") msg.setInformativeText( "You can not undo this process!! Really want to do this ???") msg.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) msg.buttonClicked.connect(message) msg.exec() if self.isAcceptDelete: print(rowDelete) data = Database() username = self.tableUser.item(rowDelete, 1).text() print(username) data.deleteUser(username) self.tableUser.removeRow(rowDelete) else: return
class ShowListUserDialog(Toplevel): def __init__(self,parent,**kw): Toplevel.__init__(self,parent,**kw) self.parent = parent self.numberTempUserAdd = 0 = Database() self.listUser = = Menu(self) self.config(menu = self.drawMenu( self.drawDialog() for user in self.listUser: self.addUserIntoTree(user) self.linkAccelerator() def linkAccelerator(self): self.bind_all("<Control-N>",self.onAddUser) self.bind_all("<Delete>", self.onDeleteUser) self.treeUser.bind(sequence="<Double-Button-1>",func=self.onEditUser) def drawMenu(self, parent): # Type Menu typeMenu = Menu(parent) typeMenu.add_command(label = "Thêm User", command = self.onAddUser, accelerator = "Ctrl+Shift+N") typeMenu.add_command(label = "Xóa User", command = self.onDeleteUser, accelerator = "Delete") parent.add_cascade(label = "Chức năng", menu = typeMenu) def drawDialog(self): layoutTreeUser = Frame(self) listAttribute = ["Password", "Họ tên"] yScrollTree = Scrollbar(layoutTreeUser, orient = VERTICAL) xScrollTree = Scrollbar(layoutTreeUser, orient = HORIZONTAL) # Create Delete, Add and Edit Button # Create Tree View self.treeUser = Treeview(layoutTreeUser, column = listAttribute, yscrollcommand = yScrollTree.set, xscrollcommand = xScrollTree.set ) self.treeUser.heading(column = "#0", text = "Username") self.treeUser.column(column = "#0", width = 100, minwidth = 100) for nameAttr in listAttribute: self.treeUser.heading(column = nameAttr, text = nameAttr) self.treeUser.column(column = nameAttr, width = 100, minwidth = 100) #Create Scrollbar for tree view yScrollTree.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) xScrollTree.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X) self.treeUser.pack(side = TOP, anchor = "w", fill = BOTH, expand = True) yScrollTree.config(command = self.treeUser.yview) xScrollTree.config(command = self.treeUser.xview) layoutTreeUser.pack(side = TOP, fill = BOTH, expand = True) def addUserIntoTree(self,userInput): temp = userInput # if not self.treeUser.exists(temp.idParent) : # self.treeUser.insert("","end", str(temp.idParent), text = temp.idParent) # self.treeUser.item(temp.idParent, open = True) self.treeUser.insert("","end", str(temp.username), text = temp.username) self.treeUser.set(temp.username, "Password", temp.passWord) self.treeUser.set(temp.username, "Họ tên", def onAddUser(self, event = None): if self.numberTempUserAdd > 9: messagebox.showwarning("Warning","Bạn chỉ có thể thêm tạm 10 username \n Hãy Sửa ID để lưu lại những loại tạm trên", parent = self) return userTemp = User(name = "#",username=str(self.numberTempUserAdd),passWord="******") self.addUserIntoTree(userTemp) self.numberTempUserAdd += 1 def onEditUser(self, event = None): listTemp = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"] curUser = self.treeUser.item(self.treeUser.focus()) col = self.treeUser.identify_column(event.x) print(curUser) print(col) if curUser["text"] in listTemp and col != "#0": if col != "#0": messagebox.showinfo("Thêm User","Sửa username tạm này để lưu lại vào Database",parent = self) return cellValue = None if col == "#0": temp = simpledialog.askstring("Đổi Username", "Nhập mới", parent = self) if temp != None: if len(temp)>0: cellValue = curUser["text"] try: if cellValue in listTemp: newUser = User(curUser["values"][1],temp,curUser["values"][0]) self.treeUser.update() print("Sau khi sua:",self.treeUser.item(self.treeUser.focus())) else:,temp) except (sqlite3.IntegrityError, TclError): messagebox.showwarning("Opps !!!!",message="Username bạn nhập đã tồn tại !!!!", parent = self) return if cellValue in listTemp: self.numberTempUserAdd -= 1 else: messagebox.showwarning("Empty !!!", "Username không thể để trống",parent = self) self.treeUser.insert("", str(self.treeUser.index(self.treeUser.focus())), temp ,text = temp, values = curUser["values"]) self.treeUser.delete(self.treeUser.focus()) return if col == "#1": temp = simpledialog.askstring("Đổi Password", "Nhập Password mới: ", parent = self) if temp != None: if len(temp) > 0: cellValue = curUser["values"][0]["text"],temp) curUser["values"][0] = temp print(curUser["text"]) self.treeUser.item(curUser["text"], values = curUser["values"]) self.treeUser.update() else: messagebox.showwarning("Empty !!!", "Password không thể để trống",parent = self) return if col == "#2": temp = simpledialog.askstring("Đổi tên", "Nhập tên mới",parent = self) if temp != None: if len(temp) > 0: cellValue = curUser["values"][1]["text"],temp) curUser["values"][1] = temp print(curUser["text"]) self.treeUser.item(curUser["text"], values = curUser["values"]) self.treeUser.update() else: messagebox.showwarning("Empty !!!", "Họ tên không thể để trống",parent = self) return print("Cell Values = ", cellValue) def onDeleteUser(self, event = None): curItem = self.treeUser.selection() accept = messagebox.askokcancel("Xóa User này","Bạn thật sự muốn xóa!!! Bạn không thể hoàn tác hành động này", parent = self) if accept == True: if len(curItem) == 0: messagebox.showwarning(title = "Empty !!!", message = "Xin hãy chọn User bạn muốn xóa", parent = self) return for choose in curItem: treeItem = self.treeUser.item(choose)["text"]) self.treeUser.delete(treeItem["text"]) def onDestroy(self, event): # ask = """ # Bạn thực sự muốn đóng ứng dụng # """ # messagebox.askokcancel("Closing!!!",) self.parent.linkAccelerator() self.destroy() # if __name__ == "__main__": # root = Tk() # ShowListUserDialog(root) # root.mainloop()