def __init__(self, image_shape, numClasses, palette, pretrained_unet=None, pretrained_fcn=None, pretrained_segnet=None, unet=False, fcn=False, segnet=False, channels=None): if channels is None: channels = [3, 3] # model selection self.unetchoice = unet self.fcnchoice = fcn self.segnetchoice = segnet # model parameters self.input_shape = (image_shape[0], image_shape[1], channels[0]) self.num_of_classes = numClasses self.palette = palette if unet: if not pretrained_unet: raise ValueError("Need Weights to Evaluate Model") else: self.unet =, self.num_of_classes, pretrained_weights=pretrained_unet) if fcn: if not pretrained_fcn: raise ValueError("Need Weights to Evaluate Model") else: self.fcn =, self.num_of_classes, pretrained_weights=pretrained_fcn) if segnet: if not pretrained_segnet: raise ValueError("Need Weights to Evaluate Model") else: self.segnet =, self.num_of_classes, pretrained_weights=pretrained_segnet)
def __init__(self, image_shape, numClasses, pretrained_weights, palette, channels=None): """ :param image_shape: input image shape :param numClasses: number of classes in segmentation network :param pretrained_weights: pretrained weights for generator model (Not Optional) :param palette: colour palette for interpreting probability maps :param channels: number of channels in image and ground truth label maps, default=[3, 3] """ if channels is None: channels = [3, 3] if pretrained_weights is None: raise ValueError('The generator model must be pre-trained!!') self.numOfClasses = numClasses self.pretrained_weights = pretrained_weights self.palette = palette # Training Parameters for adversarial (From Journal) self.INIT_LR = 0.0000001 self.weight = 2 # Learning parameters for segmentor self.INIT_LR_Seg = 0.0001 # model parameters self.seg_shape = (image_shape[0], image_shape[1], numClasses) self.input_shape = (image_shape[0], image_shape[1], channels[0]) # optimizers opt_dis = Adam(lr=self.INIT_LR) opt_gen = Adam(lr=self.INIT_LR_Seg) # Build Generator self.generator =, self.numOfClasses, pretrained_weights=pretrained_weights) self.generator.summary() # Build and Compile Discriminator self.discriminator =, self.seg_shape) self.discriminator.trainable = True self.discriminator.compile(optimizer=opt_dis, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['acc']) self.discriminator.summary() # Define Composite (Segmentor -> Adversarial) Model self.composite = self._define_composite(self.INIT_LR_Seg) # Compile Segmentor self.generator.trainable = True self.generator.compile(optimizer=opt_gen, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['acc'])
def __init__(self, image_shape, numClasses, palette, train_mask_path, channels=None, classifier_weights=None, segmentor_weights=None): if channels is None: channels = [3, 3] self.palette = palette self.image_shape = image_shape self.numOfClasses = numClasses self.classifier_weights = classifier_weights self.segmentor_weights = segmentor_weights if self.classifier_weights is None: raise ValueError("Classifier needs to be pretrained!!!") # End to End Training Parameters self.INIT_LR = 0.00001 self.weight = 4 self.training_weights = np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # UNET Shape Parameter self.segmentor_input_shape = (self.image_shape[0], self.image_shape[1], channels[0]) self.seg_shape = (self.image_shape[0], self.image_shape[1], self.numOfClasses) # ResNet50 Shape Parameter self.classifier_input_shape = (self.image_shape[0], self.image_shape[1], self.numOfClasses) # get Prior probability self.p_a_ag = self._get_prior(mask_path=train_mask_path) # Build Global Context Classifier ResNet = ResNet50() self.classifier =, self.numOfClasses, self.classifier_weights) self.classifier.summary() # Build Segmentor self.segmentor =, self.numOfClasses, self.segmentor_weights) self.segmentor.summary() # Define Composite self.composite = self._define_composite(learning_rate=self.INIT_LR) # Compile Segmentor self.segmentor_LR = 0.001 opt = Adam(lr=self.segmentor_LR) self.segmentor.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['acc'])
numclasses=num_of_Classes, channels=[3, 3], palette=palette, seed=47) val_set = Dataloader(image_paths=val_frame_path, mask_paths=val_mask_path, image_size=input_size, numclasses=num_of_Classes, channels=[3, 3], palette=palette, seed=47) # build model model =, 640, 3), num_of_Classes, pretrained_weights='weights.h5') model.summary() # learning parameters BS = 2 INIT_LR = 0.00001 EPOCHS = 30 # initialize data generators traingen = train_set.data_gen(should_augment=True, batch_size=BS) valgen = val_set.data_gen(should_augment=False, batch_size=BS) # initialise variables No_of_train_images = len(os.listdir(dataset_path + '/train_frames/train')) No_of_val_images = len(os.listdir(dataset_path + '/val_frames/val'))
channels=[3, 3], palette=palette, seed=47) val_set = Dataloader(image_paths=val_frame_path, mask_paths=val_mask_path, image_size=input_size, numclasses=num_of_Classes, channels=[3, 3], palette=palette, seed=47) # build model model =, 352, 3, num_of_Classes, pretrained_weights='UNET_weights.h5') model.summary() # learning parameters BS = 2 INIT_LR = 0.0001 EPOCHS = 100 # initialize data generators traingen = train_set.data_gen(should_augment=True, batch_size=BS) valgen = val_set.data_gen(should_augment=False, batch_size=BS) # initialise variables No_of_train_images = len(os.listdir(dataset_path + '/train_frames/train'))
image = cv2.imread(args["image"]) output = image.copy() # import colour palette df = pd.read_csv('classes.csv', ",", header=None) palette = np.array(df.values, dtype=np.float32) image = cv2.resize(image, (args["height"], args["width"])) image = image.astype("float32") / 255 # add batch dimension image = image.reshape((1, image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3)) # load model print("[INFO] Loading Model............") model =, 512, 3), 29, pretrained_weights='AdvUNET.h5') # model = load_model(args["model"], custom_objects={'dice_coef': dice_coef, 'mean_iou': mean_iou, # 'mean_iou_2': mean_iou_2},) # make a prediction on the image preds = model.predict(image) # collapse class probabilities to label map preds = preds.reshape((preds.shape[1], preds.shape[2], preds.shape[3])) preds = preds.argmax(axis=-1) label_map = np.zeros((preds.shape[0], preds.shape[1], 3)).astype('float32') for ind in range(0, len(palette)): submat = np.where(preds == ind)