def PickLayer(total_fractions, img_rgb, show=False, axis=True): print('') print('here comes a new layer') print('......') print('please pick the layer') #点击获取像素点坐标 layer_point_pos = plt.ginput(1)[0] print('......') print('picking the layer') #注意反过来,因为是xy坐标 pos_xy = [int(layer_point_pos[0]), int(layer_point_pos[1])] pos_IJ = cp.deepcopy(pos_xy) #IJ形式是xy形式的颠倒 pos_IJ.reverse() #所有fault的列表 total_layers = [] #这个点到所有fault的距离列表 distance_total_layers = [] #建立所有fault的列表 #计算这个点到fault中心的远近 for this_fraction in total_fractions: if isinstance(this_fraction, layer): #上车上车 total_layers.append(this_fraction) #计算距离 distance_this_layer = Geom.Distance(, pos_xy) distance_total_layers.append(distance_this_layer) #队距离和fault对象建立索引你关系 map_distance_total_layers = dict(zip(distance_total_layers, total_layers)) # print(total_faults) for this_layer in total_layers: #首先直接判断是否位于content内部 if pos_IJ in this_layer.content: print('......') print('picking of the layer is over') if show: Dis.ShowEdge(this_layer, img_rgb, axis) return this_layer #其次如果第一下没点上,通过计算距离远近来判断 that_fraction = map_distance_total_layers[min(distance_total_layers)] print('......') print('picking of the layer is over') if show: Dis.ShowEdge(that_fraction, img_rgb, axis) return that_fraction
def PickAndGeneratePlate(total_fractions, img_rgb): print('') print('here comes a new plate') #建立fractions的content Content = [] #建立pos总集合 for this_fraction in total_fractions: Content += this_fraction.content #这个plate中所有的fractions that_fractions = [] count = 0 import copy #像素矩阵 img_rgb_temp = copy.deepcopy(img_rgb) #循环呗 while True: print('......') print('please pick the layer') #点击获取像素点坐标 layer_point_pos = plt.ginput(1)[0] #注意反过来,因为是xy坐标 pos_xy = [int(layer_point_pos[0]), int(layer_point_pos[1])] pos_IJ = copy.deepcopy(pos_xy) #IJ形式是xy形式的颠倒 pos_IJ.reverse() # print('......') # print(pos_IJ) #如果点到外面,此plate的fraction提取结束 if pos_IJ not in Content: print('......') print('layer picking of this plate is over') break #判断这个坐标合理与否 for this_fraction in total_fractions: #判断他在哪 if pos_IJ in this_fraction.content: #且不在已收录的fraction对象集中 if this_fraction in that_fractions: print('......') print('this layer is already picked') break if this_fraction not in that_fractions: count += 1 print('......') print('picking the layer' + '' + str(count)) Dis.ShowEdge(this_fraction, img_rgb_temp) that_fractions.append(this_fraction) break #显示一下呗 plt.figure() plt.imshow(img_rgb_temp) #生成的plate对象 that_plate = plate() #初始化 that_plate.Init(that_fractions) return that_plate