Example #1
from Module9.controllers.odl.controller import ODLController
from Module9.utils.utilities import yaml_cfg_load

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Read Controller info from the local configuration file
    ctrl_cfg_path = "../config/ctrl.yml"
    ctrl_cfg = yaml_cfg_load(ctrl_cfg_path)
    if ctrl_cfg is None:
        print ("!!!Error, reason: failed to get Controller configuration")

    # Allocate object instance that represents the Controller
    ctrl = ODLController(ctrl_cfg["ip_addr"], ctrl_cfg["http_port"], ctrl_cfg["admin_name"], ctrl_cfg["admin_pswd"])

    # Communicate to the Controller and display the result of communication
    result = ctrl.netconf_nodes_ids()
    print ("\n").strip()
    if result.status == http.OK:
        assert isinstance(result.data, list)
        print ("Controller: '%s:%s'" % (ctrl.ip_addr, ctrl.port))
        print "\n".strip()
        print ("NETCONF Nodes Identifiers:")
        print "\n".strip()
        for item in result.data:
            print "  '%s'" % item
        print ("!!!Error, reason: %s" % result.brief)
    print ("\n").strip()