def __init__(self, projectID, workers=None): self.projectID = projectID self.workers = workers self.fileManager = FM() self.projFileManager = self.fileManager.retProjFileManager(projectID) self.mlFileManager = self.fileManager.retMLFileManager()
def __init__(self, projectID, workers=None): self.projectID = projectID if not self._checkProjectID(): raise Exception(projectID + ' is not valid.') self.workers = workers self.fileManager = FM(projectID=projectID)
def __init__(self): # 1: Define valid commands and ignore warnings self.commands = [ 'New', 'Restart', 'Stop', 'Rewrite', 'UploadData', 'LocalDelete', 'Snapshots' ] np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # 2: Determine which Kinect is attached (This script can handle v1 or v2 Kinects) self._identifyDevice() #Stored in self.device # 3: Create file manager self.fileManager = FM() # 4: Download credential files self.fileManager.downloadData(self.localCredentialSpreadsheet) self.credentialSpreadsheet = self.fileManager.localCredentialSpreadsheet # Rename to make code readable # 5: Identify credential files (Credential files for uploading updates to Google Drive are found here) self.credentialSpreadsheet = self.masterDirectory + 'CredentialFiles/SAcredentials.json' # 6: Connect to Google Spreadsheets self._authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets() #Creates self.controllerGS self._modifyPiGS(error='') # 7: Start PiCamera try: from picamera import PiCamera = PiCamera() = (1296, 972) = 30 self.piCamera = 'True' except Exception: self.piCamera = 'False' # 8: Keep track of processes spawned to convert and upload videofiles self.processes = [] # 9: Await instructions self.monitorCommands()
def __init__(self): # 1: Define valid commands and ignore warnings self.commands = [ 'New', 'Restart', 'Stop', 'Rewrite', 'UploadData', 'LocalDelete', 'Snapshots' ] np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # 2: Determine which Kinect is attached (This script can handle v1 or v2 Kinects) self._identifyDevice() #Stored in self.device self.system = platform.node() # 3: Create file manager self.fileManager = FM() # 4: Download credential files self.fileManager.downloadData( self.fileManager.localCredentialSpreadsheet) self.fileManager.downloadData(self.fileManager.localCredentialDrive) self.credentialSpreadsheet = self.fileManager.localCredentialSpreadsheet # Rename to make code readable # 5: Connect to Google Spreadsheets self._authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets() #Creates self.controllerGS self._modifyPiGS(error='') # 6: Start PiCamera = PiCamera() = (1296, 972) = 30 self.piCamera = 'True' # 7: Keep track of processes spawned to convert and upload videofiles self.processes = [] # 8: Set size of frame self.r = (0, 0, 640, 480) # 9: Await instructions self.monitorCommands()
from Modules.FileManagers.FileManager import FileManager as FM import subprocess, pdb pdb.set_trace() anFM_obj = FM().retAnFileManager() labeledClipsDir = anFM_obj.prepareVideoAnnotation('10classLabels') #labeledClipsDir = '/Users/pmcgrath7/Temp/CichlidAnalyzer/__AnnotatedData/LabeledVideos/10classLabels/LabeledClips/' #pdb.set_trace()['python3', 'Modules/MachineLearning/', '--data', labeledClipsDir])
'--Practice', action='store_true', help='Use if you dont want to save annotations') parser.add_argument('-i', '--Initials', type=str, help='Initials to save annotations') args = parser.parse_args() if args.Initials is None: initials = socket.gethostname() else: initials = args.Initials fm_obj = FM(projectID=args.ProjectID) fm_obj.createDirectory(fm_obj.localAnalysisDir) fm_obj.downloadData(fm_obj.localManualLabelClipsDir, tarred=True) fm_obj.downloadData(fm_obj.localLabeledClipsFile) temp_csv = fm_obj.localAnalysisDir + 'NewAnnotations.csv' # Read in annotations and create csv file for all annotations with the same user and projectID dt = pd.read_csv(fm_obj.localLabeledClipsFile, index_col='LID') new_dt = pd.DataFrame(columns=dt.columns) clips = [ x for x in os.listdir(fm_obj.localManualLabelClipsDir) if 'ManualLabel.mp4' in x ] categories = ['c', 'f', 'p', 't', 'b', 'm', 's', 'x', 'o', 'd', 'q', 'k']
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='This command runs HMM analysis on a single row of data.') parser.add_argument('ProjectID', type=str, help='ProjectID to analyze') parser.add_argument('-n', '--Number', type=int, help='Limit annotation to x number of frames.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--Practice', action='store_true', help='Use if you dont want to save annotations') args = parser.parse_args() fileManager = FM() projFileManager = fileManager.retProjFileManager(args.ProjectID) projFileManager.downloadData('ObjectLabeler') anFileManager = fileManager.retAnFileManager() obj = ObjectLabeler(projFileManager.localManualLabelFramesDir, projFileManager.localLabeledFramesFile, args.Number, args.ProjectID) if not args.Practice: # Backup annotations. Redownload to avoid race conditions if not os.path.exists(projFileManager.localLabeledFramesFile): print(projFileManager.localLabeledFramesFile + 'does not exist. Did you annotate any new frames? Quitting...') else:
class ProjectPreparer(): # This class takes in a projectID and runs all the appropriate analysis def __init__(self, projectID, workers=None): self.projectID = projectID self.workers = workers self.fileManager = FM() self.projFileManager = self.fileManager.retProjFileManager(projectID) self.mlFileManager = self.fileManager.retMLFileManager() def downloadData(self, dtype): self.fileManager.createDirs() self.projFileManager.downloadData(dtype) if dtype in ['Download', 'MLClassification']: self.mlFileManager.downloadData() def runPrepAnalysis(self): self.fileManager.createDirs() self.projFileManager.downloadData('Prep') prp_obj = PrP(self.projFileManager) prp_obj.validateInputData() prp_obj.prepData() self.createUploadFile(prp_obj.uploads) self.createAnalysisUpdate('Prep', prp_obj) self.backupAnalysis() #self.localDelete() def runDepthAnalysis(self): dp_obj = DP(self.projFileManager, self.workers) dp_obj.validateInputData() dp_obj.createSmoothedArray() dp_obj.createRGBVideo() self.createUploadFile(dp_obj.uploads) self.createAnalysisUpdate('Depth', dp_obj) def runClusterAnalysis(self, videoIndex): cp_obj = CP(self.projFileManager, self.workers, videoIndex) cp_obj.validateInputData() cp_obj.runClusterAnalysis() self.createUploadFile(cp_obj.uploads) self.createAnalysisUpdate('Cluster', cp_obj) def createAnnotationFrames(self): cp_obj = CP(self.projFileManager, self.workers) cp_obj.validateInputData() cp_obj.createAnnotationFrames() self.createUploadFile(cp_obj.uploads) def runMLClusterClassifier(self): mlc_obj = MLP(self.projFileManager, self.mlFileManager) mlc_obj.validateInputData() mlc_obj.predictVideoLabels() self.createUploadFile(mlc_obj.uploads) self.createAnalysisUpdate('MLClassifier', mlc_obj) def runMLFishDetection(self): pass def runFiguresCreation(self): fc_obj = FC(self.projFileManager) fc_obj.validateInputData() self.createUploadFile(fc_obj.uploads) self.createAnalysisUpdate('Figures', fc_obj) def runObjectLabeling(self): self.projFileManager.downloadData('ObjectLabeler') lc_obj = LC(self.projFileManager) lc_obj.validateInputData() def backupAnalysis(self): uploadCommands = set() uploadFiles = [ x for x in os.listdir(self.fileManager.localUploadDir) if 'UploadData' in x ] for uFile in uploadFiles: with open(self.fileManager.localUploadDir + uFile) as f: line = next(f) for line in f: tokens = line.rstrip().split(',') tokens[2] = bool(int(tokens[2])) uploadCommands.add(tuple(tokens)) for command in uploadCommands: self.fileManager.uploadData(command[0], command[1], command[2]) for uFile in uploadFiles: pass ['rm', '-rf', self.fileManager.localUploadDir + uFile]) self.fileManager.uploadData(self.fileManager.localAnalysisLogDir, self.fileManager.cloudAnalysisLogDir, False)['rm', '-rf', self.projFileManager.localMasterDir]) def localDelete(self):['rm', '-rf', self.projFileManager.localMasterDir]) def createUploadFile(self, uploads): with open( self.fileManager.localUploadDir + 'UploadData_' + str( + '.csv', 'w') as f: print('Local,Cloud,Tar', file=f) for upload in uploads: print(upload[0] + ',' + upload[1] + ',' + str(upload[2]), file=f) def createAnalysisUpdate(self, aType, procObj): now = with open( self.fileManager.localAnalysisLogDir + 'AnalysisUpdate_' + str(now.timestamp()) + '.csv', 'w') as f: print('ProjectID,Type,Version,Date', file=f) print(self.projectID + ',' + aType + ',' + procObj.__version__ + '_' + os.getenv('USER') + ',' + str(now), file=f)
type=str, help='Name of h264 file to be processed') parser.add_argument('Framerate', type=float, help='Video framerate') args = parser.parse_args() fileManager = FM() if '.h264' not in args.VideoFile: raise Exception(args.VideoFile + ' not an h264 file') # Convert h264 to mp4 ffmpeg_output =[ 'ffmpeg', '-r', str(framerate), '-i', args.VideoFile, '-threads', '1', '-c:v', 'copy', '-r', str(args.Framerate), args.VideoFile.replace('.h264', '.mp4') ], capture_output=True, decoding='utf-8') assert os.path.isfile(args.VideoFile.replace('.h264', '.mp4')) assert os.path.getsize(args.VideoFile.replace( '.h264', '.mp4')) > os.path.getsize(args.VideoFile) # Sync with cloud (will return error if something goes wrong) FM.uploadData(args.VideoFile.replace('.h264', '.mp4')) # Delete videos['mv', args.VideoFile, '../Backups/'])
def __init__(self): __version__ = '1.0.0' self.fileManager = FM() self.projectTypes = [ 'Prep', 'Depth', 'Cluster', 'MLCluster', 'MLObject', 'Summary' ]
class AnalysisPreparer: def __init__(self): __version__ = '1.0.0' self.fileManager = FM() self.projectTypes = [ 'Prep', 'Depth', 'Cluster', 'MLCluster', 'MLObject', 'Summary' ] def updateAnalysisFile(self, newProjects=True, projectSummary=True): self._loadAnalysisDir() if newProjects: self._identifyNewProjects() self._mergeUpdates() if projectSummary: self._createProjectsSummary() self.fileManager.uploadData(self.fileManager.localAnalysisSummaryFile, self.fileManager.cloudAnalysisLogDir, False) def checkProjects(self, projects): self._loadAnalysisDir() self._createProjectsSummary(print_screen=False) badProject = False for project in projects: if project not in['All']: print(project + ' not a valid project') badProject = True return badProject def _loadAnalysisDir(self): self.fileManager.downloadDirectory(self.fileManager.analysisDir) self.anDT = pd.read_excel(self.fileManager.localAnalysisSummaryFile, index_col=0, sheet_name='Master') def _identifyNewProjects(self): necessaryFiles = [ 'Logfile.txt', 'Frames.tar', 'Videos/', 'PrepFiles/DepthRGB.jpg', 'PrepFiles/FirstDepth.npy', 'PrepFiles/LastDepth.npy', 'PrepFiles/PiCameraRGB.jpg' ] goodProjects = set() if os.path.exists(self.fileManager.mountedDropboxMasterDir): print('Collecting directories using locally mounted Dropbox') root, subdirs, files = next( os.walk(self.fileManager.mountedDropboxMasterDir) ) # Get first set of directories in master file for projectID in subdirs: goodProject = True for nFile in necessaryFiles: if not os.path.exists( self.fileManager.mountedDropboxMasterDir + projectID + '/' + nFile): goodProject = False if goodProject: goodProjects.add(projectID) else: print('Collecting directories using rclone') projectData =[ 'rclone', 'lsf', '-R', '--max-depth', '3', self.fileManager.cloudMasterDir ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) projectData = projectData.stdout.decode().split('\n') potentialProjects = set() for directory in projectData: potentialProjects.add(directory.split('/')[0]) for projectID in sorted(potentialProjects): necessaryFiles = [projectID + '/' + x for x in necessaryFiles] goodProject = True for nFile in necessaryFiles: if nFile not in projectData: goodProject = False if goodProject: goodProjects.add(projectID) analysisData = collections.defaultdict(list) projectIDs = [] for projectID in sorted(goodProjects): if projectID not in self.anDT.index: projectIDs.append(projectID) analysisData['Prep_Version'].append('None') analysisData['Prep_Date'].append('None') analysisData['Depth_Version'].append('None') analysisData['Depth_Date'].append('None') analysisData['Cluster_Version'].append('None') analysisData['Cluster_Date'].append('None') analysisData['MLCluster_Version'].append('None') analysisData['MLCluster_Date'].append('None') analysisData['MLObject_Version'].append('None') analysisData['MLObject_Date'].append('None') analysisData['Summary_Version'].append('None') analysisData['Summary_Date'].append('None') dt = pd.DataFrame(analysisData, index=sorted(projectIDs)) self.anDT = self.anDT.append(dt) self.anDT.to_excel(self.fileManager.localAnalysisSummaryFile, sheet_name='Master', index=True) # doctest: +SKIP def _mergeUpdates(self): updateFiles = [ x for x in os.listdir(self.fileManager.localAnalysisLogDir) if 'AnalysisUpdate' in x ] if updateFiles == []: return updateDTs = [] for update in updateFiles: updateDTs.append( pd.read_csv(self.fileManager.localAnalysisLogDir + update, sep=',')) allUpdates = pd.concat(updateDTs) allUpdates.Date = pd.to_datetime(allUpdates.Date, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') allUpdates = allUpdates.sort_values(['ProjectID', 'Date' ]).groupby(['ProjectID', 'Type']).last() for index, row in allUpdates.iterrows(): self.anDT.loc[index[0], index[1] + '_Version'] = row.Version self.anDT.loc[index[0], index[1] + '_Date'] = row.Date self.anDT.to_excel(self.fileManager.localAnalysisSummaryFile, sheet_name='Master', index=True) for update in updateFiles: ['rm', '-f', self.fileManager.localAnalysisLogDir + update])[ 'rclone', 'delete', self.fileManager.cloudAnalysisLogDir + update ]) def _createProjectsSummary(self, print_screen=False): = {}['All'] = list(self.anDT.index) for analysis in self.projectTypes:[analysis] = list( self.anDT[self.anDT[analysis + '_Version'] == 'None'].index) if print_screen: print('AllProjects: ' + ','.join(['All'])) for analysis in self.projectTypes: print('Unanalyzed ' + analysis + ': ' + ','.join([analysis]))
class CichlidTracker: def __init__(self): # 1: Define valid commands and ignore warnings self.commands = [ 'New', 'Restart', 'Stop', 'Rewrite', 'UploadData', 'LocalDelete', 'Snapshots' ] np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # 2: Determine which Kinect is attached (This script can handle v1 or v2 Kinects) self._identifyDevice() #Stored in self.device # 3: Create file manager self.fileManager = FM() # 4: Download credential files self.fileManager.downloadData(self.localCredentialSpreadsheet) self.credentialSpreadsheet = self.fileManager.localCredentialSpreadsheet # Rename to make code readable # 5: Identify credential files (Credential files for uploading updates to Google Drive are found here) self.credentialSpreadsheet = self.masterDirectory + 'CredentialFiles/SAcredentials.json' # 6: Connect to Google Spreadsheets self._authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets() #Creates self.controllerGS self._modifyPiGS(error='') # 7: Start PiCamera try: from picamera import PiCamera = PiCamera() = (1296, 972) = 30 self.piCamera = 'True' except Exception: self.piCamera = 'False' # 8: Keep track of processes spawned to convert and upload videofiles self.processes = [] # 9: Await instructions self.monitorCommands() def __del__(self): # Try to close out files and stop running Kinects self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='Stopped', error='UnknownError') if self.piCamera: if self._print('PiCameraStopped: Time=' + str( + ', File=Videos/' + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + "_vid.h264") try: if self.device == 'kinect2': self.K2device.stop() if self.device == 'kinect': freenect.sync_stop() freenect.shutdown(self.a) except AttributeError: pass self._closeFiles() def monitorCommands(self, delta=10): # This function checks the master Controller Google Spreadsheet to determine if a command was issued (delta = seconds to recheck) while True: self._identifyTank() #Stored in self.tankID command, projectID = self._returnCommand() if projectID in ['', 'None']: self._reinstructError('ProjectID must be set') time.sleep(delta) continue print(command + '\t' + projectID) if command != 'None': self.fileManager.createProjectID(projectID) self.runCommand(command, projectID) self._modifyPiGS(status='AwaitingCommand') time.sleep(delta) def runCommand(self, command, projectID): # This function is used to run a specific command found int he master Controller Google Spreadsheet self.projectID = projectID # Rename files to make code more readable self.projectDirectory = self.fileManager.localProjectDir self.loggerFile = self.fileManager.localLogfile self.frameDirectory = self.fileManager.localFrameDir self.backgroundDirectory = self.fileManager.localBackgroundDir self.videoDirectory = self.fileManager.localVideoDir if command not in self.commands: self._reinstructError(command + ' is not a valid command. Options are ' + str(self.commands)) if command == 'Stop': if self.piCamera: if self._print('PiCameraStopped: Time: ' + str( + ',,File: Videos/' + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + "_vid.h264") try: if self.device == 'kinect2': self.K2device.stop() if self.device == 'kinect': freenect.sync_stop() freenect.shutdown(self.a) except: self._print('ErrorStopping kinect') command = [ 'python3', 'Modules/', self.videoDirectory + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + '_vid.h264' ] command += [ self.loggerFile, self.projectDirectory, self.cloudVideoDirectory ] self._print(command) self.processes.append(subprocess.Popen(command)) self._closeFiles() self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='AwaitingCommand') return if command == 'UploadData': self._modifyPiGS(command='None') self._uploadFiles() return if command == 'LocalDelete': if os.path.exists(self.projectDirectory): shutil.rmtree(self.projectDirectory) self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='AwaitingCommand') return self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='Running', error='') if command == 'New': # Project Directory should not exist. If it does, report error if os.path.exists(self.projectDirectory): self._reinstructError( 'New command cannot be run if ouput directory already exists. Use Rewrite or Restart' ) if command == 'Rewrite': if os.path.exists(self.projectDirectory): shutil.rmtree(self.projectDirectory) os.mkdir(self.projectDirectory)[self.dropboxScript, '-f', self.credentialDropbox, 'delete', projectID], stdout = open(self.projectDirectory + 'DropboxDeleteOut.txt', 'a'), stderr = open(self.projectDirectory + 'DropboxDeleteError.txt', 'a')) if command in ['New', 'Rewrite']: self.masterStart = if command == 'New': os.mkdir(self.projectDirectory) os.mkdir(self.frameDirectory) os.mkdir(self.backgroundDirectory) os.mkdir(self.videoDirectory) #self._createDropboxFolders() self.frameCounter = 1 self.backgroundCounter = 1 self.videoCounter = 1 if command == 'Restart': logObj = LP.LogParser(self.loggerFile) self.masterStart = logObj.master_start self.r = logObj.bounding_shape self.frameCounter = logObj.lastFrameCounter + 1 self.backgroundCounter = logObj.lastBackgroundCounter + 1 self.videoCounter = logObj.lastVideoCounter + 1 if self.system != logObj.system or self.device != logObj.device or self.piCamera != self._reinstructError( 'Restart error. System, device, or camera does not match what is in logfile' ) self.lf = open(self.loggerFile, 'a') self._modifyPiGS(start=str(self.masterStart)) if command in ['New', 'Rewrite']: self._print('MasterStart: System: ' + self.system + ',,Device: ' + self.device + ',,Camera: ' + str(self.piCamera) + ',,Uname: ' + str(platform.uname()) + ',,TankID: ' + self.tankID + ',,ProjectID: ' + self.projectID) self._print('MasterRecordInitialStart: Time: ' + str(self.masterStart)) self._print( 'PrepFiles: FirstDepth: PrepFiles/FirstDepth.npy,,LastDepth: PrepFiles/LastDepth.npy,,PiCameraRGB: PiCameraRGB.jpg,,DepthRGB: DepthRGB.jpg' ) self._createROI(useROI=False) else: self._print('MasterRecordRestart: Time: ' + str( # Start kinect self._start_kinect() # Diagnose speed self._diagnose_speed() # Capture data self.captureFrames() def captureFrames(self, frame_delta=5, background_delta=5, max_frames=20, stdev_threshold=20): current_background_time = current_frame_time = current_background_time + datetime.timedelta( seconds=60 * frame_delta) command = '' while True: self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='Running', error='') # Grab new time now = # Fix camera if it needs to be if self.piCamera: if self._video_recording() and not + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + "_pic.jpg") self.videoDirectory + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + "_vid.h264", bitrate=7500000) self._print('PiCameraStarted: FrameRate: ' + str( + ',,Resolution: ' + str( + ',,Time: ' + str( + ',,VideoFile: Videos/' + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + '_vid.h264,,PicFile: Videos/' + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + '_pic.jpg') elif not self._video_recording() and self._print('PiCameraStopped: Time: ' + str( + ',, File: Videos/' + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + "_vid.h264") #self._print(['rclone', 'copy', self.videoDirectory + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + "_vid.h264"]) command = [ 'python3', 'Modules/', self.videoDirectory + str(self.videoCounter).zfill(4) + '_vid.h264' ] command += [ self.loggerFile, self.projectDirectory, self.cloudVideoDirectory ] self._print(command) self.processes.append(subprocess.Popen(command)) self.videoCounter += 1 # Capture a frame and background if necessary if now > current_background_time: if command == 'Snapshots': out = self._captureFrame(current_frame_time, new_background=True, max_frames=max_frames, stdev_threshold=stdev_threshold, snapshots=True) else: out = self._captureFrame(current_frame_time, new_background=True, max_frames=max_frames, stdev_threshold=stdev_threshold) if out is not None: current_background_time += datetime.timedelta( seconds=60 * background_delta) subprocess.Popen( ['python3', 'Modules/', self.loggerFile]) else: if command == 'Snapshots': out = self._captureFrame(current_frame_time, new_background=False, max_frames=max_frames, stdev_threshold=stdev_threshold, snapshots=True) else: out = self._captureFrame(current_frame_time, new_background=False, max_frames=max_frames, stdev_threshold=stdev_threshold) current_frame_time += datetime.timedelta(seconds=60 * frame_delta) self._modifyPiGS(status='Running') # Check google doc to determine if recording has changed. try: command, projectID = self._returnCommand() except KeyError: continue if command != 'None': if command == 'Snapshots': self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='Writing Snapshots') continue else: break else: self._modifyPiGS(error='') def _authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets(self): scope = [ "", "" ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( self.credentialSpreadsheet, scope) for i in range(0, 3): # Try to autheticate three times before failing try: gs = gspread.authorize(credentials) except: continue try: self.controllerGS ='Controller') pi_ws = self.controllerGS.worksheet('RaspberryPi') except: continue try: headers = pi_ws.row_values(1) except: continue column = headers.index('RaspberryPiID') + 1 try: pi_ws.col_values(column).index(platform.node()) return True except ValueError: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() try: pi_ws.append_row([ platform.node(), ip, '', '', '', '', '', 'None', 'Stopped', 'Error: Awaiting assignment of TankID', str( ]) except: continue return True except: continue time.sleep(2) return False def _identifyDevice(self): try: global freenect import freenect self.a = freenect.init() if freenect.num_devices(self.a) == 0: kinect = False elif freenect.num_devices(self.a) > 1: self._initError( 'Multiple Kinect1s attached. Unsure how to handle') else: kinect = True except ImportError: kinect = False try: global FN2 import pylibfreenect2 as FN2 if FN2.Freenect2().enumerateDevices() == 1: kinect2 = True elif FN2.Freenect2().enumerateDevices() > 1: self._initError( 'Multiple Kinect2s attached. Unsure how to handle') else: kinect2 = False except ImportError: kinect2 = False if kinect and kinect2: self._initError( 'Kinect1 and Kinect2 attached. Unsure how to handle') elif not kinect and not kinect2: self._initError('No depth sensor attached') elif kinect: self.device = 'kinect' else: self.device = 'kinect2' def _identifyTank(self): while True: self._authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets( ) # link to google drive spreadsheet stored in self.controllerGS pi_ws = self.controllerGS.worksheet('RaspberryPi') headers = pi_ws.row_values(1) raPiID_col = headers.index('RaspberryPiID') + 1 for i in range(5): try: row = pi_ws.col_values(raPiID_col).index( platform.node()) + 1 break except: continue col = headers.index('TankID') if pi_ws.row_values(row)[col] not in ['None', '']: self.tankID = pi_ws.row_values(row)[col] for i in range(5): try: self._modifyPiGS(capability='Device=' + self.device + ',Camera=' + str(self.piCamera), status='AwaitingCommand') return except: continue return else: self._modifyPiGS(error='Awaiting assignment of TankID') time.sleep(5) def _initError(self, message): try: self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='Stopped', error='InitError: ' + message) except: pass self._print('InitError: ' + message) raise TypeError def _reinstructError(self, message): self._modifyPiGS(command='None', status='AwaitingCommands', error='InstructError: ' + message) # Update google doc to indicate error self.monitorCommands() def _print(self, text): try: print(text, file=self.lf, flush=True) except: pass print(text, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) def _returnRegColor(self, crop=True): # This function returns a registered color array if self.device == 'kinect': out = freenect.sync_get_video()[0] elif self.device == 'kinect2': undistorted = FN2.Frame(512, 424, 4) registered = FN2.Frame(512, 424, 4) frames = self.listener.waitForNewFrame() color = frames["color"] depth = frames["depth"] self.registration.apply(color, depth, undistorted, registered, enable_filter=False) reg_image = registered.asarray(np.uint8)[:, :, 0:3].copy() self.listener.release(frames) out = reg_image if crop: return out[self.r[1]:self.r[1] + self.r[3], self.r[0]:self.r[0] + self.r[2]] else: return out def _returnDepth(self): # This function returns a float64 npy array containing one frame of data with all bad data as NaNs if self.device == 'kinect': data = freenect.sync_get_depth()[0].astype('Float64') data[data == 2047] = np.nan # 2047 indicates bad data from Kinect return data[self.r[1]:self.r[1] + self.r[3], self.r[0]:self.r[0] + self.r[2]] elif self.device == 'kinect2': frames = self.listener.waitForNewFrame(timeout=1000) output = frames['depth'].asarray() self.listener.release(frames) return output[self.r[1]:self.r[1] + self.r[3], self.r[0]:self.r[0] + self.r[2]] def _returnCommand(self): if not self._authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets(): raise KeyError # link to google drive spreadsheet stored in self.controllerGS while True: try: pi_ws = self.controllerGS.worksheet('RaspberryPi') headers = pi_ws.row_values(1) piIndex = pi_ws.col_values(headers.index('RaspberryPiID') + 1).index(platform.node()) command = pi_ws.col_values(headers.index('Command') + 1)[piIndex] projectID = pi_ws.col_values(headers.index('ProjectID') + 1)[piIndex] return command, projectID except gspread.exceptions.RequestError: continue def _modifyPiGS(self, start=None, command=None, status=None, IP=None, capability=None, error=None): while not self._authenticateGoogleSpreadSheets( ): # link to google drive spreadsheet stored in self.controllerGS continue try: pi_ws = self.controllerGS.worksheet('RaspberryPi') headers = pi_ws.row_values(1) row = pi_ws.col_values(headers.index('RaspberryPiID') + 1).index( platform.node()) + 1 if start is not None: column = headers.index('MasterStart') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, start) if command is not None: column = headers.index('Command') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, command) if status is not None: column = headers.index('Status') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, status) if error is not None: column = headers.index('Error') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, error) if IP is not None: column = headers.index('IP') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, IP) if capability is not None: column = headers.index('Capability') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, capability) column = headers.index('Ping') + 1 pi_ws.update_cell(row, column, str( except gspread.exceptions.RequestError as e: self._print('GoogleError: Time: ' + str( + ',,Error: ' + str(e)) except TypeError: self._print( 'GoogleError: Time: ' + str( + ',,Error: Unknown. Gspread does not handle RequestErrors properly' ) def _video_recording(self): if >= 8 and ).hour <= 18: return True else: return False def _start_kinect(self): if self.device == 'kinect': freenect.sync_get_depth() #Grabbing a frame initializes the device freenect.sync_get_video() elif self.device == 'kinect2': # a: Identify pipeline to use: 1) OpenGL, 2) OpenCL, 3) CPU try: self.pipeline = FN2.OpenCLPacketPipeline() except: try: self.pipeline = FN2.OpenGLPacketPipeline() except: self.pipeline = FN2.CpuPacketPipeline() self._print('PacketPipeline: ' + type(self.pipeline).__name__) # b: Create and set logger self.logger = FN2.createConsoleLogger(FN2.LoggerLevel.NONE) FN2.setGlobalLogger(self.logger) # c: Identify device and create listener self.fn = FN2.Freenect2() serial = self.fn.getDeviceSerialNumber(0) self.K2device = self.fn.openDevice(serial, pipeline=self.pipeline) self.listener = FN2.SyncMultiFrameListener(FN2.FrameType.Color | FN2.FrameType.Depth) # d: Register listeners self.K2device.setColorFrameListener(self.listener) self.K2device.setIrAndDepthFrameListener(self.listener) # e: Start device and create registration self.K2device.start() self.registration = FN2.Registration( self.K2device.getIrCameraParams(), self.K2device.getColorCameraParams()) def _diagnose_speed(self, time=10): print('Diagnosing speed for ' + str(time) + ' seconds.', file=sys.stderr) delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time) start_t = counter = 0 while True: depth = self._returnDepth() counter += 1 if - start_t > delta: break #Grab single snapshot of depth and save it depth = self._returnDepth() + 'Frames/FirstFrame.npy', depth) #Grab a bunch of depth files to characterize the variability data = np.zeros(shape=(50, self.r[3], self.r[2])) for i in range(0, 50): data[i] = self._returnDepth() counts = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data), axis=0) std = np.nanstd(data, axis=0) + 'Frames/FirstDataCount.npy', counts) + 'Frames/StdevCount.npy', std) self._print('DiagnoseSpeed: Rate: ' + str(counter / time)) self._print( 'FirstFrameCaptured: FirstFrame: Frames/FirstFrame.npy,,GoodDataCount: Frames/FirstDataCount.npy,,StdevCount: Frames/StdevCount.npy' ) def _captureFrame(self, endtime, new_background=False, max_frames=40, stdev_threshold=25, snapshots=False): # Captures time averaged frame of depth data sums = np.zeros(shape=(self.r[3], self.r[2])) n = np.zeros(shape=(self.r[3], self.r[2])) stds = np.zeros(shape=(self.r[3], self.r[2])) current_time = if current_time >= endtime: return counter = 1 while True: all_data = np.empty(shape=(int(max_frames), self.r[3], self.r[2])) all_data[:] = np.nan for i in range(0, max_frames): all_data[i] = self._returnDepth() current_time = if snapshots: self._print('SnapshotCaptured: NpyFile: Frames/Snapshot_' + str(counter).zfill(6) + '.npy,,Time: ' + str(current_time) + ',,GP: ' + str(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(all_data[i])))) self.projectDirectory + 'Frames/Snapshot_' + str(counter).zfill(6) + '.npy', all_data[i]) counter += 1 if current_time >= endtime: break med = np.nanmedian(all_data, axis=0) med[np.isnan(med)] = 0 std = np.nanstd(all_data, axis=0) med[np.isnan(std)] = 0 med[std > stdev_threshold] = 0 std[std > stdev_threshold] = 0 counts = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(all_data), axis=0) med[counts < 3] = 0 std[counts < 3] = 0 sums += med stds += std med[med > 1] = 1 n += med current_time = if current_time >= endtime: break avg_med = sums / n avg_std = stds / n color = self._returnRegColor() num_frames = int(max_frames * (n.max() - 1) + i + 1) self._print('FrameCaptured: NpyFile: Frames/Frame_' + str(self.frameCounter).zfill(6) + '.npy,,PicFile: Frames/Frame_' + str(self.frameCounter).zfill(6) + '.jpg,,Time: ' + str(endtime) + ',,NFrames: ' + str(num_frames) + ',,AvgMed: ' + '%.2f' % np.nanmean(avg_med) + ',,AvgStd: ' + '%.2f' % np.nanmean(avg_std) + ',,GP: ' + str(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(avg_med)))) self.projectDirectory + 'Frames/Frame_' + str(self.frameCounter).zfill(6) + '.npy', avg_med) matplotlib.image.imsave( self.projectDirectory + 'Frames/Frame_' + str(self.frameCounter).zfill(6) + '.jpg', color) self.frameCounter += 1 if new_background: self._print( 'BackgroundCaptured: NpyFile: Backgrounds/Background_' + str(self.backgroundCounter).zfill(6) + '.npy,,PicFile: Backgrounds/Background_' + str(self.backgroundCounter).zfill(6) + '.jpg,,Time: ' + str(endtime) + ',,NFrames: ' + str(num_frames) + ',,AvgMed: ' + '%.2f' % np.nanmean(avg_med) + ',,AvgStd: ' + '%.2f' % np.nanmean(avg_std) + ',,GP: ' + str(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(avg_med)))) self.projectDirectory + 'Backgrounds/Background_' + str(self.backgroundCounter).zfill(6) + '.npy', avg_med) matplotlib.image.imsave( self.projectDirectory + 'Backgrounds/Background_' + str(self.backgroundCounter).zfill(6) + '.jpg', color) self.backgroundCounter += 1 return avg_med def _uploadFiles(self): self._modifyPiGS(status='Finishing converting and uploading of videos') for p in self.processes: p.communicate() for movieFile in os.listdir(self.videoDirectory): if '.h264' in movieFile: command = ['python3', 'Modules/', movieFile] command += [ self.loggerFile, self.projectDirectory, self.cloudVideoDirectory ] self._print(command) self.processes.append(subprocess.Popen(command)) for p in self.processes: p.communicate() self._modifyPiGS(status='Finishing upload of frames and backgrounds') # Move files around as appropriate prepDirectory = self.projectDirectory + 'PrepFiles/' shutil.rmtree(prepDirectory) if os.path.exists(prepDirectory) else None os.makedirs(prepDirectory) lp = LP.LogParser(self.loggerFile) self.frameCounter = lp.lastFrameCounter + 1 videoObj = [ x for x in lp.movies if x.time.hour >= 8 and x.time.hour <= 20 ][0][ 'cp', self.projectDirectory + videoObj.pic_file, prepDirectory + 'PiCameraRGB.jpg' ])[ 'cp', self.projectDirectory + lp.movies[-1].pic_file, prepDirectory + 'LastPiCameraRGB.jpg' ]) # Find depthfile that is closest to the video file time depthObj = [x for x in lp.frames if x.time > videoObj.time][0][ 'cp', self.projectDirectory + depthObj.pic_file, prepDirectory + 'DepthRGB.jpg' ]) if not os.path.isdir(self.frameDirectory): self._modifyPiGS(status='Error: ' + self.frameDirectory + ' does not exist.') return if not os.path.isdir(self.backgroundDirectory): self._modifyPiGS(status='Error: ' + self.backgroundDirectory + ' does not exist.') return[ 'cp', self.frameDirectory + 'Frame_000001.npy', prepDirectory + 'FirstDepth.npy' ])[ 'cp', self.frameDirectory + 'Frame_' + str(self.frameCounter - 1).zfill(6) + '.npy', prepDirectory + 'LastDepth.npy' ])[ 'tar', '-cvf', self.projectDirectory + 'Frames.tar', '-C', self.projectDirectory, 'Frames' ])[ 'tar', '-cvf', self.projectDirectory + 'Backgrounds.tar', '-C', self.projectDirectory, 'Backgrounds' ]) #shutil.rmtree(self.frameDirectory) if os.path.exists(self.frameDirectory) else None #shutil.rmtree(self.backgroundDirectory) if os.path.exists(self.backgroundDirectory) else None #['python3', '/home/pi/Kinect2/Modules/', self.projectDirectory, self.projectID]) print([ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory, self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/' ])[ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory + 'Frames.tar', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/' ])[ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory + 'Backgrounds.tar', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/' ])[ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory + 'PrepFiles/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/PrepFiles/' ])[ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory + 'Videos/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/Videos/' ])[ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory + 'Logfile.txt/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID ])[ 'rclone', 'copy', self.projectDirectory + 'ProcessLog.txt/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID ]) try: self._modifyPiGS(status='Checking upload to see if it worked') """ The 'rclone check' command checks for differences between the hashes of both source and destination files, after the files have been uploaded. If the check fails, the program returns non-zero exit status and the error is stored in CalledProcessError class of the subprocess module. """[ 'rclone', 'check', self.projectDirectory + 'Frames.tar', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/' ], check=True)[ 'rclone', 'check', self.projectDirectory + 'Backgrounds.tar', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/' ], check=True)[ 'rclone', 'check', self.projectDirectory + 'PrepFiles/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/PrepFiles/' ], check=True)[ 'rclone', 'check', self.projectDirectory + 'Videos/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID + '/Videos/' ], check=True)[ 'rclone', 'check', self.projectDirectory + 'Logfile.txt/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID ], check=True)[ 'rclone', 'check', self.projectDirectory + 'ProcessLog.txt/', self.cloudMasterDirectory + self.projectID ], check=True) self._modifyPiGS(status='UploadSuccessful, ready for delete') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self._modifyPiGS(status='UploadFailed, Need to rerun') def _closeFiles(self): try: self._print('MasterRecordStop: ' + str( self.lf.close() except AttributeError: pass try: if self.system == 'mac': self.caff.kill() except AttributeError: pass
plt.title(framefile) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('User1', type=str, help='Which user annotations to compare') parser.add_argument('User2', type=str, help='Which user annotations to compare') args = parser.parse_args() fm_obj = FM() fm_obj.downloadAnnotationData('BoxedFish') dt = pd.read_csv(fm_obj.localBoxedFishFile) all_dt = pd.merge(dt[dt.User == args.User1], dt[dt.User == args.User2], how='inner', on='Framefile') grouped = all_dt.groupby('Framefile').max() print('Number of frames with annotations from both: ') print( pd.pivot_table(grouped, values='Nfish_y', columns=['ProjectID_x'], aggfunc='count')) print('Number of frames with agreements from both: ')