def repChecker(): print("\n --------------------------------- ") print(" R E P U T A T I O N C H E C K ") print(" --------------------------------- ") rawInput = input("Enter IP, URL or Email Address: ").split() ip = str(rawInput[0]) s = re.findall(r'\S+@\S+', ip) if s: print(' Email Detected...') analyzeEmail(''.join(s)) else: whoIsPrint(ip) wIP = socket.gethostbyname(ip) print("\n VirusTotal Report:") url = '' params = {'apikey':['VT_API_KEY'], 'ip': wIP} response = requests.get(url, params=params) pos = 0 tot = 0 if response.status_code == 200: try: # try IP else fall through to URL result = response.json() for each in result['detected_urls']: tot = tot + 1 pos = pos + each['positives'] if tot != 0: print(" No of Reportings: " + str(tot)) print(" Average Score: " + str(pos / tot)) print(" VirusTotal Report Link: " + "" + str(ip)) else: print(" No of Reportings: " + str(tot)) except: try: #EAFP url = '' params = { 'apikey':['VT_API_KEY'], 'resource': wIP } response = requests.get(url, params=params) result = response.json() print("\n VirusTotal Report:") print(" URL Malicious Reportings: " + str(result['positives']) + "/" + str(result['total'])) print(" VirusTotal Report Link: " + str(result['permalink']) ) # gives URL for report (further info) except: print(" Not found in database") else: print( " There's been an error - check your API key, or VirusTotal is possible down" ) try: TOR_URL = "" req = requests.get(TOR_URL) print("\n TOR Exit Node Report: ") if req.status_code == 200: tl = req.text.split('\n') c = 0 for i in tl: if wIP == i: print(" " + i + " is a TOR Exit Node") c = c + 1 if c == 0: print(" " + wIP + " is NOT a TOR Exit Node") else: print(" TOR LIST UNREACHABLE") except Exception as e: print("There is an error with checking for Tor exit nodes:\n" + str(e)) print("\n Checking BadIP's... ") try: BAD_IPS_URL = '' + wIP response = requests.get(BAD_IPS_URL) if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() sc = result['Score']['ssh'] print(" " + str(result['suc'])) print(" Score: " + str(sc)) else: print(' Error reaching BadIPs') except: print(' IP not found') print("\n ABUSEIPDB Report:") try: AB_URL = '' days = '180' querystring = {'ipAddress': wIP, 'maxAgeInDays': days} headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Key':['AB_API_KEY'] } response = requests.request(method='GET', url=AB_URL, headers=headers, params=querystring) if response.status_code == 200: req = response.json() print(" IP: " + str(req['data']['ipAddress'])) print(" Reports: " + str(req['data']['totalReports'])) print(" Abuse Score: " + str(req['data']['abuseConfidenceScore']) + "%") print(" Last Report: " + str(req['data']['lastReportedAt'])) else: print(" Error Reaching ABUSE IPDB") except: print(' IP Not Found') print("\n\nChecking against IP blacklists: ") iplists.main(rawInput) mainMenu()
def repChecker(): print("\n --------------------------------- ") print(" R E P U T A T I O N C H E C K ") print(" --------------------------------- ") rawInput = input("Enter IP, URL or Email Address: ").split() ip = str(rawInput[0]) s = re.findall(r'\S+@\S+', ip) if s: print(' Email Detected...') analyzeEmail(''.join(s)) else: whoIsPrint(ip) wIP = socket.gethostbyname(ip) now = today = now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y") if not os.path.exists('output/' + today): os.makedirs('output/' + today) f = open('output/' + today + '/' + str(rawInput) + ".txt", "a+") print("\n VirusTotal Report:") f.write("\n --------------------------------- ") f.write("\n VirusTotal Report:") f.write("\n --------------------------------- \n") url = '' params = {'apikey':['VT_API_KEY'], 'resource': wIP} response = requests.get(url, params=params) pos = 0 # Total positives found in VT tot = 0 # Total number of scans if response.status_code == 200: try: result = response.json() for each in result: tot = result['total'] if result['positives'] != 0: pos = pos + 1 avg = pos / tot print(" No of Databases Checked: " + str(tot)) print(" No of Reportings: " + str(pos)) print(" Average Score: " + str(avg)) print(" VirusTotal Report Link: " + result['permalink']) f.write("\n\n No of Databases Checked: " + str(tot)) f.write("\n No of Reportings: " + str(pos)) f.write("\n Average Score: " + str(avg)) f.write("\n VirusTotal Report Link: " + result['permalink']) except: print('error') else: print( " There's been an error, check your API Key or VirusTotal may be down" ) try: TOR_URL = "" req = requests.get(TOR_URL) print("\n TOR Exit Node Report: ") f.write("\n\n --------------------------------- ") f.write("\n TOR Exit Node Report: ") f.write("\n --------------------------------- \n") if req.status_code == 200: tl = req.text.split('\n') c = 0 for i in tl: if wIP == i: print(" " + i + " is a TOR Exit Node") f.write("\n " + " " + i + " is a TOR Exit Node") c = c + 1 if c == 0: print(" " + wIP + " is NOT a TOR Exit Node") f.write("\n " + wIP + " is NOT a TOR Exit Node") else: print(" TOR LIST UNREACHABLE") f.write("\n TOR LIST UNREACHABLE") except Exception as e: print("There is an error with checking for Tor exit nodes:\n" + str(e)) print("\n Checking BadIP's... ") f.write("\n\n ---------------------------------") f.write("\n BadIP's Report : ") f.write("\n --------------------------------- \n") try: BAD_IPS_URL = '' + wIP response = requests.get(BAD_IPS_URL) if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() print(" " + str(result['suc'])) print(" Total Reports : " + str(result['ReporterCount']['sum'])) print("\n IP has been reported in the following Categories:") f.write(" " + str(result['suc'])) f.write("\n Total Reports : " + str(result['ReporterCount']['sum'])) f.write("\n IP has been reported in the following Categories:") for each in result['LastReport']: timeReport = datetime.fromtimestamp( result['LastReport'].get(each)) print(' - ' + each + ': ' + str(timeReport)) f.write('\n - ' + each + ': ' + str(timeReport)) else: print(' Error reaching BadIPs') except: print(' IP not found' ) #Defaults to IP not found - not actually accurate f.write('\n IP not found') print("\n ABUSEIPDB Report:") f.write("\n\n ---------------------------------") f.write("\n ABUSEIPDB Report:") f.write("\n ---------------------------------\n") try: AB_URL = '' days = '180' querystring = {'ipAddress': wIP, 'maxAgeInDays': days} headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Key':['AB_API_KEY'] } response = requests.request(method='GET', url=AB_URL, headers=headers, params=querystring) if response.status_code == 200: req = response.json() print(" IP: " + str(req['data']['ipAddress'])) print(" Reports: " + str(req['data']['totalReports'])) print(" Abuse Score: " + str(req['data']['abuseConfidenceScore']) + "%") print(" Last Report: " + str(req['data']['lastReportedAt'])) f.write("\n\n IP: " + str(req['data']['ipAddress'])) f.write("\n Reports: " + str(req['data']['totalReports'])) f.write("\n Abuse Score: " + str(req['data']['abuseConfidenceScore']) + "%") f.write("\n Last Report: " + str(req['data']['lastReportedAt'])) f.close() else: print(" Error Reaching ABUSE IPDB") except: print(' IP Not Found') print("\n\nChecking against IP blacklists: ") iplists.main(rawInput) mainMenu()