Example #1
    def test_backend_acl_not_existing_group(self):
        assert u'NotExistingGroup' not in flaskg.groups

        acl_rights = ["NotExistingGroup:read,write,admin All:read"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(app.cfg, acl_rights)

        assert not acl.may(u"Someone", "write")
    def test_wiki_backend_page_acl_append_page(self):
        Test if the wiki group backend works with acl code.
        First check acl rights of a user that is not a member of group
        then add user member to a page group and check acl rights
        request = self.request

        create_page(request, u'NewGroup', u" * ExampleUser")

        acl_rights = ["NewGroup:read,write"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(request.cfg, acl_rights)

        has_rights_before = acl.may(request, u"AnotherUser", "read")

        # update page - add AnotherUser to a page group NewGroup
        append_page(request, u'NewGroup', u" * AnotherUser")

        has_rights_after = acl.may(request, u"AnotherUser", "read")

        nuke_page(request, u'NewGroup')

        assert not has_rights_before, 'AnotherUser has no read rights because in the beginning he is not a member of a group page NewGroup'
        assert has_rights_after, 'AnotherUser must have read rights because after appendage he is member of NewGroup'
Example #3
    def testApplyACLByGroup(self):
        """ security: applying acl by group name"""
        # This acl string...
        acl_rights = ["PGroup,AllGroup:read,write,admin " "AGroup:read "]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(self.request.cfg, acl_rights)

        # Should apply these rights:
        users = (
            # user, rights
            ('Antony', (
            )),  # in PGroup
            ('Beatrice', (
            )),  # in PGroup
            ('Charles', ('read', )),  # virtually in AGroup

        # Check rights
        for user, may in users:
            mayNot = [
                right for right in self.request.cfg.acl_rights_valid
                if right not in may
            # User should have these rights...
            for right in may:
                assert acl.may(self.request, user, right)
            # But NOT these:
            for right in mayNot:
                assert not acl.may(self.request, user, right)
Example #4
    def test_backend_acl_not_existing_group(self):
        request = self.request
        assert u'NotExistingGroup' not in request.groups

        acl_rights = ["NotExistingGroup:read,write,delete,admin All:read"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(request.cfg, acl_rights)

        assert not acl.may(request, u"Someone", "write")
Example #5
    def test_backend_acl_allow(self):
        Test if the wiki group backend works with acl code.
        Check user which has rights.
        acl_rights = ["AdminGroup:admin,read,write"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(app.cfg, acl_rights)

        for user in self.expanded_groups['AdminGroup']:
            for permission in ["read", "write", "admin"]:
                assert acl.may(u"Admin1", permission), '%s must have %s permission because he is member of the AdminGroup' % (user, permission)
Example #6
    def test_backend_acl_with_all(self):
        acl_rights = ["EditorGroup:read,write,admin All:read"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(app.cfg, acl_rights)

        for member in self.expanded_groups[u'EditorGroup']:
            for permission in ["read", "write", "admin"]:
                assert acl.may(member, permission)

        assert acl.may(u"Someone", "read")
        for permission in ["write", "admin"]:
            assert not acl.may(u"Someone", permission)
Example #7
    def testApplyACLByUser(self):
        """ security: applying acl by user name"""
        # This acl string...
        acl_rights = [
            "-MinusGuy:read "
            "+MinusGuy:read "
            "+PlusGuy:read "
            "-PlusGuy:read "
            "Admin1,Admin2:read,write,delete,revert,admin  "
            "Admin3:read,write,admin  "
            "JoeDoe:read,write  "
            "name with spaces,another one:read,write  "
            "CamelCase,extended name:read,write  "
            "BadGuy:  "
            "All:read  "
        acl = security.AccessControlList(self.request.cfg, acl_rights)

        # Should apply these rights:
        users = (
            # user,                 rights
            # CamelCase names
            ('Admin1', ('read', 'write', 'admin', 'revert', 'delete')),
            ('Admin2', ('read', 'write', 'admin', 'revert', 'delete')),
            ('Admin3', ('read', 'write', 'admin')),
            ('JoeDoe', ('read', 'write')),
            ('SomeGuy', ('read', )),
            # Extended names or mix of extended and CamelCase
            ('name with spaces', ('read', 'write', )),
            ('another one', ('read', 'write', )),
            ('CamelCase', ('read', 'write', )),
            ('extended name', ('read', 'write', )),
            # Blocking bad guys
            ('BadGuy', ()),
            # All other users - every one not mentioned in the acl lines
            ('All', ('read', )),
            ('Anonymous', ('read', )),
            # we check whether ACL processing stops for a user/right match
            # with ACL modifiers
            ('MinusGuy', ()),
            ('PlusGuy', ('read', )),

        # Check rights
        for user, may in users:
            mayNot = [right for right in self.request.cfg.acl_rights_valid
                      if right not in may]
            # User should have these rights...
            for right in may:
                assert acl.may(self.request, user, right)
            # But NOT these:
            for right in mayNot:
                assert not acl.may(self.request, user, right)
Example #8
    def test_backend_acl_deny(self):
        Test if the wiki group backend works with acl code.
        Check user which does not have rights.
        acl_rights = ["AdminGroup:read,write"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(app.cfg, acl_rights)

        assert u"SomeUser" not in flaskg.groups['AdminGroup']
        for permission in ["read", "write"]:
            assert not acl.may(u"SomeUser", permission), 'SomeUser must not have %s permission because he is not listed in the AdminGroup' % permission

        assert u'Admin1' in flaskg.groups['AdminGroup']
        assert not acl.may(u"Admin1", "admin")
    def test_wiki_backend_item_acl_usergroupmember_item(self):
        Test if the wiki group backend works with acl code.
        First check acl rights of a user that is not a member of group
        then add user member to an item group and check acl rights
        update_item(u'NewGroup', 0, {USERGROUP: ["ExampleUser"]}, DATA)

        acl_rights = ["NewGroup:read,write"]
        acl = security.AccessControlList(app.cfg, acl_rights)

        has_rights_before = acl.may(u"AnotherUser", "read")

        # update item - add AnotherUser to a item group NewGroup
        update_item(u'NewGroup', 1, {USERGROUP: ["AnotherUser"]}, '')

        has_rights_after = acl.may(u"AnotherUser", "read")

        assert not has_rights_before, 'AnotherUser has no read rights because in the beginning he is not a member of a group item NewGroup'
        assert has_rights_after, 'AnotherUser must have read rights because after appenditem he is member of NewGroup'