Example #1
 def get_event_monitor(self, pk):
     sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
             from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
             where evm.id = %d and ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
             ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC""" % (int(pk))
     db = Database()
     event_monitor_list = db.execute_query(sql)
     return event_monitor_list
Example #2
 def get_completed_event_monitor_list(self):
     sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, from_unixtime(ev.start_date), from_unixtime(ev.end_date), en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
             from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
             where ev.start_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
             ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""
     db = Database()
     event_monitor_list = db.execute_query(sql)
     return event_monitor_list
Example #3
@brief Script to create sensor test db tables from scratch.  Existing tables
will be dropped.

@author J. Chiang <*****@*****.**>
from MySQL_Database import Database

def drop_tables(db, infile='dropTables.sql'):
    for sql in open(infile):

def create_tables(db, infile='createTables.sql'):
    sql = ''.join(open(infile).readlines())
    print sql

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #    db = Database('db_dev_u.par')
    db = Database('db_test_u.par')
Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = Database()
Example #5
class Event():
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = Database()

    def get_event_monitor_list(self, region = None):
        if region:
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.active = 1 and ev.region = '%s' and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""%(region) 
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        return data_table

    def get_running_event_monitor_list(self, region = None):
        if region:
            sql ="""select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.start_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date > unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and ev.region = '%s' and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""%("HCM") 
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.start_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date > unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        return data_table

    def get_waiting_event_monitor_list(self, region = None):
        if region:
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.start_date > unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date > unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and ev.region = '%s' and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""%(region) 
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.start_date > unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date > unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        return data_table

    def get_completed_event_monitor_list(self, region = None):
        if region:
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, from_unixtime(ev.start_date), from_unixtime(ev.end_date), en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.start_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and ev.region = '%s' and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""%(region) 
            sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, from_unixtime(ev.start_date), from_unixtime(ev.end_date), en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where ev.start_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.end_date < unix_timestamp(now()) and ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        return data_table

    def get_event_monitor(self, pk):
        sql = """select evm.id, evm.pid, ev.name as event_name, ev.start_date, ev.end_date, en.name as encoder, svc.id as service_check_id, svc.name as service_check_name, en.ip_monitor, en.source_main, en.source_backup, evm.status, evm.last_update, evm.active
                from event_monitor as evm, event as ev, encoder as en, service_check as svc 
                where evm.id = %d and ev.active = 1 and evm.active = 1 and en.active = 1 and svc.active = 1 and evm.event_id = ev.id and evm.encoder_id = en.id and evm.service_check_id = svc.id
                ORDER BY ev.start_date DESC"""%(int(pk))
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        return data_table

    def update_last_update(self, pk):
        sql = """update event_monitor set last_update = unix_timestamp(now()) where id = %d"""%(int(pk))
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_non_query(sql)
        return status
Example #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = Database()
     self.logger = logging.getLogger("probe")
Example #7
class ProfileAgent:
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = Database()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("probe")

    Monitor list

    def convert_profile_agent_monitor_list_to_array(self, data_table):
        args = []
        for profile_agent in data_table:
                    profile_agent[0] if profile_agent[0] else None,
                    profile_agent[1] if profile_agent[1] else "",
                    profile_agent[2] if profile_agent[2] else 'udp',
                    profile_agent[3] if profile_agent[3] else 0,
                    profile_agent[4] if profile_agent[4] else "",
                    profile_agent[5] if profile_agent[5] else 10,
                    profile_agent[6] if profile_agent[6] else "",
                    profile_agent[7] if profile_agent[7] else None
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("error: %d, message: %s" % (1, str(e)))
        return args

    def get_profile_agent_monitor_list(self, ip):
        http_status_code = 500
        message = "Unknow"
        data = None
        sql = """select pa.id, p.ip, p.protocol, pa.status, a.name as agent, a.thread, c.name, p.type
            from profile as p, agent as a, profile_agent as pa,channel as c 
            where a.ip='%s' and a.active=1 and pa.monitor=1 and p.channel_id=c.id and pa.profile_id=p.id and pa.agent_id=a.id""" % (
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        if status == 1:
            http_status_code = 500
            message = message
            data = None
            self.logger.error("ststus: %d, message: %s" %
                              (http_status_code, message))
        if status == 0:
            http_status_code = 200
            message = message
            data = self.convert_profile_agent_monitor_list_to_array(data_table)
            self.logger.debug("ststus: %s, message: total %d" %
                              (http_status_code, len(data)))
        json_response = {
            "status": http_status_code,
            "message": message,
            "data": data
        json_response = json.dumps(json_response)
        json_response = json.loads(json_response)
        return json_response

    def get_profile_agent_monitor_list_by_source_ip_multicast(
            self, ip, source):
        http_status_code = 500
        message = "Unknow"
        data = None
        sql = """select pa.id, p.ip, p.protocol, pa.status, a.name as agent, a.thread, c.name, p.type
            from profile as p, agent as a, profile_agent as pa,channel as c 
            where p.ip LIKE '%s:%%' and a.ip='%s' and a.active=1 and pa.monitor=1 and p.channel_id=c.id and pa.profile_id=p.id and pa.agent_id=a.id""" % (
            source, ip)
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        if status == 1:
            http_status_code = 500
            message = message
            data = None
            self.logger.error("ststus: %d, message: %s" %
                              (http_status_code, message))
        if status == 0:
            http_status_code = 200
            message = message
            data = self.convert_profile_agent_monitor_list_to_array(data_table)
            self.logger.debug("ststus: %s, message: total %d" %
                              (http_status_code, len(data)))
        json_response = {
            "status": http_status_code,
            "message": message,
            "data": data
        json_response = json.dumps(json_response)
        json_response = json.loads(json_response)
        return json_response

    Snmp list

    def convert_profile_agent_snmp_list_to_array(self, data_table):
        args = []
        for profile_agent in data_table:
                    profile_agent[0] if profile_agent[0] else None,
                    profile_agent[1] if profile_agent[1] else "",
                    profile_agent[2] if profile_agent[2] else "",
                    profile_agent[3] if profile_agent[3] else "",
                    profile_agent[4] if profile_agent[4] else 0,
                    profile_agent[5] if profile_agent[5] else 0,
                    profile_agent[6] if profile_agent[6] else 0,
                    profile_agent[7] if profile_agent[7] else 0,
                    profile_agent[8] if profile_agent[8] else 0
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("error: %d, message: %s" % (1, str(e)))
        return args

    def get_profile_agent_snmp_list(self, ip):
        sql = """select pa.id, c.name, p.ip, p.type, pa.monitor, pa.status, pa.analyzer, pa.analyzer_status, pa.video 
            from profile as p, agent as a, profile_agent as pa,channel as c 
            where a.ip='%s' and (pa.monitor=1 or pa.analyzer=1) and a.active=1 and p.channel_id=c.id and pa.profile_id=p.id and pa.agent_id=a.id order by c.name""" % (
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        if status == 1:
            http_status_code = 500
            message = message
            data = None
            self.logger.error("ststus: %d, message: %s" %
                              (http_status_code, message))
        if status == 0:
            http_status_code = 200
            message = message
            data = self.convert_profile_agent_snmp_list_to_array(data_table)
            self.logger.debug("ststus: %s, message: total %d" %
                              (http_status_code, len(data)))
        json_response = {
            "status": http_status_code,
            "message": message,
            "data": data
        json_response = json.dumps(json_response)
        json_response = json.loads(json_response)
        return json_response

    check video

    def convert_profile_agent_check_video_list_to_array(self, data_table):
        args = []
        for profile_agent in data_table:
                    profile_agent[0] if profile_agent[0] else None,
                    profile_agent[1] if profile_agent[1] else "",
                    profile_agent[2] if profile_agent[2] else "udp",
                    profile_agent[3] if profile_agent[3] else 0,
                    profile_agent[4] if profile_agent[4] else 10,
                    profile_agent[5] if profile_agent[5] else "Unknow",
                    profile_agent[6] if profile_agent[6] else "Unknow",
                    profile_agent[7] if profile_agent[7] else "",
                    profile_agent[8] if profile_agent[8] else 0
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("error: %d, message: %s" % (1, str(e)))
        return args

    def get_profile_agent_check_video_list(self, ip):
        sql = """select pa.id, p.ip, p.protocol, pa.status, a.thread, c.name, a.name as agent_name, p.type, pa.video 
            from profile as p, agent as a, profile_agent as pa, channel as c 
            where a.ip = '%s' and a.active = 1 and pa.monitor = 1 and (pa.status = 1 or pa.video !=1) and pa.profile_id = p.id and pa.agent_id = a.id and p.channel_id = c.id""" % (
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        if status == 1:
            http_status_code = 500
            message = message
            data = None
            self.logger.error("ststus: %d, message: %s" %
                              (http_status_code, message))
        if status == 0:
            http_status_code = 200
            message = message
            data = self.convert_profile_agent_check_video_list_to_array(
            self.logger.debug("ststus: %s, message: total %d" %
                              (http_status_code, len(data)))
        json_response = {
            "status": http_status_code,
            "message": message,
            "data": data
        json_response = json.dumps(json_response)
        json_response = json.loads(json_response)
        return json_response

    Anylazer first check list

    def convert_profile_agent_first_check_anylazer_list_to_array(
            self, data_table):
        args = []
        for profile_agent in data_table:
                    profile_agent[0] if profile_agent[0] else None,
                    profile_agent[1] if profile_agent[1] else "",
                    profile_agent[2] if profile_agent[2] else "",
                    profile_agent[3] if profile_agent[3] else 0,
                    profile_agent[4] if profile_agent[4] else 0
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("error: %d, message: %s" % (1, str(e)))

        return args

    def get_profile_agent_first_check_anylazer_list(self):
        sql = """select pa.id,p.ip,a.ip,dropframe,discontinuity 
            from profile_agent as pa, profile as p, agent as a 
            where (a.name like '%Origin%' or a.name like '%4500%') and pa.analyzer=1 and a.active=1 and pa.profile_id=p.id and pa.agent_id=a.id"""
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        if status == 1:
            http_status_code = 500
            message = message
            data = None
            self.logger.error("ststus: %d, message: %s" %
                              (http_status_code, message))
        if status == 0:
            http_status_code = 200
            message = message
            data = self.convert_profile_agent_first_check_anylazer_list_to_array(
            self.logger.debug("ststus: %s, message: total %d" %
                              (http_status_code, len(data)))
        json_response = {
            "status": http_status_code,
            "message": message,
            "data": data
        json_response = json.dumps(json_response)
        json_response = json.loads(json_response)
        return json_response

    Anylazer last check list

    def convert_profile_agent_last_check_analyzer_list_to_array(
            self, data_table):
        args = []
        for profile_agent in data_table:
                    profile_agent[0] if profile_agent[0] else None,
                    profile_agent[1] if profile_agent[1] else "",
                    profile_agent[2] if profile_agent[2] else "",
                    profile_agent[3] if profile_agent[3] else 0,
                    profile_agent[4] if profile_agent[4] else 0,
                    profile_agent[5] if profile_agent[5] else 0,
                    profile_agent[6] if profile_agent[6] else 0,
                    profile_agent[7] if profile_agent[7] else 0,
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("error: %d, message: %s" % (1, str(e)))
        return args

    def get_profile_agent_last_check_analyzer_list(self):
        sql = """select pa.id, p.ip, a.ip, pa.analyzer_status, pa.dropframe, pa.dropframe_threshold, pa.discontinuity, pa.discontinuity_threshold 
            from profile_agent as pa, profile as p, agent as a 
            where (a.name like '%Origin%' or a.name like '%4500%') and (pa.dropframe > 0 or pa.discontinuity > 0 or analyzer_status !=1) and a.active=1 and pa.analyzer=1 and pa.profile_id=p.id and pa.agent_id=a.id"""
        status, message, data_table = self.db.execute_query(sql)
        if status == 1:
            http_status_code = 500
            message = message
            data = None
            self.logger.error("ststus: %d, message: %s" %
                              (http_status_code, message))
        if status == 0:
            http_status_code = 200
            message = message
            data = self.convert_profile_agent_last_check_analyzer_list_to_array(
            self.logger.debug("ststus: %s, message: total %d" %
                              (http_status_code, len(data)))
        json_response = {
            "status": http_status_code,
            "message": message,
            "data": data
        json_response = json.dumps(json_response)
        json_response = json.loads(json_response)
        return json_response
Example #8
 def __init__(self, dbdata):
     Database.__init__(self, dbdata)