def test_Dataheap_Recorded_001_06(self): """Test method 'Recorded.importMetadata()' and 'Recorded.update()' in class 'Recorded' from 'dataheap'. Test Case: - get a recording - save the 'stars' value of the recording for later use - save the dictdata of the recording for later use - export the metadata to xml and save for later use - check xml metatdata structure for the 'stars' i.e. 'userrating' value - change the 'stars' value and save it for later use - update (save to database) the recording with the new 'stars' value - get the recording again to a new instance - check the updated 'stars' value - import the saved metadata back to the reocrding - check the reverted 'stars' value - check that the dictionary from the new Recorded instance is compatible to the original one: - update Recorded.stars to the original value - check for correct value of stars in final instance of Recoreded """ chanid = self.testenv['RECCHANID'] starttimeutc = self.testenv['RECSTARTTIMEUTC'] starttimemyth = self.testenv['RECSTARTTIMEMYTH'] title = self.testenv['RECTITLE'] basename = self.testenv['RECBASENAME'] recordedid = self.testenv['RECRECORDID'] inetref = self.testenv['RECINETREF'] stars = self.testenv['RECSTARS'] # Update database in case of any errors from previous test runs reczero= Recorded((chanid, starttimemyth), db = self.mydb) reczero.stars = stars reczero.update() rec = Recorded((chanid, starttimemyth), db = self.mydb) # save the 'stars' value i.e. 'userrating' recstars = rec.stars self.assertEqual("%.1f" %recstars, stars) # Recorded._origdata holds the dictionary pulled from database recdict = {} for key, value in rec._origdata.items(): if isinstance(value, datetime): recdict[key] = value.mythformat() else: recdict[key] = value # export the metadata to xml and save for later use recmd = rec.exportMetadata() recmdxml = recmd.toXML() # check xml metadata structure for the 'stars' i.e. 'userrating' value # see tree = recmdxml.getroottree() ### pprint(tree) # lxml stuff recmdxml_stars = next(tree.iter('userrating')).text self.assertEqual("%.1f" %float(recmdxml_stars), stars) # change the 'stars' value and save it for later use rec.stars += 0.1 recstars_updated = rec.stars # update (save to database) the recording with the new 'stars' value rec.update() # get the recording again to a new instance recnew = Recorded((chanid, starttimemyth), db = self.mydb) # check the updated 'stars' value self.assertEqual(recnew.stars, recstars_updated) # import the saved metadata back to the reocrding # Note: Recorded.importMetadata() make an implicit Recorded.update() recnew.importMetadata(recmd, overwrite=True) # check the reverted 'stars' value self.assertEqual("%.1f" %recnew.stars, stars) # check that the dictionary from the new Recorded instance is compatible to the original one: for key, value in recdict.items(): if isinstance(recnew._origdata[key], datetime): # don't act on 'lastmodified' entry, because we changed the rec in between: if key != 'lastmodified': self.assertEqual(recdict[key], recnew._origdata[key].mythformat()) self.assertEqual(len(recdict), len(recnew._origdata)) # update Recorded.stars to the original value recnew.stars = recstars recnew.update() # check for correct value of stars in final instance of Recoreded reclast = Recorded((chanid, starttimemyth), db = self.mydb) self.assertEqual("%.1f" %reclast.stars, stars)
rec.basename = os.path.basename(outfile) os.remove(infile) rec.filesize = os.path.getsize(outfile) rec.transcoded = 1 if flush_commskip: for index,mark in reversed(list(enumerate(rec.markup))): if mark.type in (rec.markup.MARK_COMM_START, rec.markup.MARK_COMM_END): del rec.markup[index] rec.bookmark = 0 rec.cutlist = 0 rec.markup.commit() rec.update() if build_seektable: try: task = System(path='mythcommflag', db=self.db()) task.command('--chanid %s' % chanid, '--starttime %s' % starttime) except MythError, e: self.log('Mythcommflag --chanid %s --starttime %s failed: %s' % (chanid, starttime, str(e)), LOGLEVEL.ERR) if jobid: job.update({'status':272, 'comment':'Transcode Completed'}) def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [jobid]")
def test_Dataheap_Recorded_002_01(self): """Test creation of a Recoreded and writing/reading to the 'recordedrating' table. UUT: class DBDataRef Caution: recn.update() does not delete a removed entry from the 'recordedrating' table ! Only recn.rating.clean() removes all entries. """ chanid = self.testenv['DOWNCHANID'] starttimemyth = self.testenv['DOWNSTARTTIME'] rec = Recorded((chanid, starttimemyth), db=self.mydb) # Recorded.rating is a list of lists of tuples # [[(u'system', u'ABCD'), (u'rating', '08.15')], [(u'system', u'WXYZ'), (u'rating', u'0.11')]] # add ratings to the recorded instance: rec.rating.add(u'ABCD', u'41.98') rec.rating.add(u'WXYZ', u'0.11') # check the ratings: #print(rec.rating) s0_found = s1_found = False r0_found = r1_found = False for (s, r) in rec.rating: # print(s) # print(r) if s == u'ABCD': s0_found = True if s == u'WXYZ': s1_found = True if r == u'41.98': r0_found = True if r == u'0.11': r1_found = True self.assertTrue(s0_found) self.assertTrue(s1_found) self.assertTrue(r0_found) self.assertTrue(r1_found) # revert last changes: rec.rating.revert() # check for an empty list: #print(rec.rating) self.assertEqual(len(rec.rating), 0) # add ratings again: rec.rating.add('ABCD', '41.98') rec.rating.add('QWERTZ', 'blah') rec.rating.add('WXYZ', '0.11') # commit these updates: rec.update() # get the recorded data again: recn = Recorded((chanid, starttimemyth), db=self.mydb) # edit existing rating data: for i, (s, r) in enumerate(recn.rating): if s == 'ABCD': break if i is not None: recn.rating[i]['rating'] = u'08.15' # commit that change: recn.update() # check the changed value: #print(rec.rating) rn_found = False for (s, r) in recn.rating: if r == u'08.15': rn_found = True self.assertTrue(rn_found) # delete a rating: recn.rating.delete(u'WXYZ', u'0.11') recn.update() #print(recn.rating) sn_found = False for (s, r) in recn.rating: if s == u'WXYZ': sn_found = True self.assertFalse(sn_found) # clean all ratings for this recorded instance: recn.rating.clean() recn.update() self.assertEqual(len(recn.rating), 0)
def runjob(jobid=None, chanid=None, starttime=None, tzoffset=None): global estimateBitrate db = MythDB() if jobid: job = Job(jobid, db=db) chanid = job.chanid utcstarttime = job.starttime else: job=None; #utcstarttime = datetime.strptime(starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z") utcstarttime = parse(starttime) utcstarttime = utcstarttime + timedelta(hours=tzoffset) if debug: print('chanid "%s"' % chanid) print('utcstarttime "%s"' % utcstarttime) rec = Recorded((chanid, utcstarttime), db=db); utcstarttime = rec.starttime; starttime_datetime = utcstarttime # reformat 'starttime' for use with mythtranscode/ffmpeg/mythcommflag starttime = str(utcstarttime.utcisoformat().replace(':', '').replace(' ', '').replace('T', '').replace('-', '')) if debug: print('mythtv format starttime "%s"' % starttime) input_filesize = rec.filesize if rec.commflagged: if debug: print('Recording has been scanned to detect commerical breaks.') waititer=1 keepWaiting = True while keepWaiting == True: keepWaiting=False; for index,jobitem in reversed(list(enumerate(db.searchJobs(chanid=chanid, starttime=starttime_datetime)))): if jobitem.type == jobitem.COMMFLAG: # Commercial flagging job if debug: print('Commercial flagging job detected with status %s' % jobitem.status) if jobitem.status == jobitem.RUNNING: # status = RUNNING? job.update({'status':job.PAUSED, 'comment':'Waited %d secs for the commercial flagging job' % (waititer*POLL_INTERVAL) \ + ' currently running on this recording to complete.'}) if debug: print('Waited %d secs for the commercial flagging job' % (waititer*POLL_INTERVAL) \ + ' currently running on this recording to complete.') time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL); keepWaiting=True waititer = waititer + 1 break else: if debug: print('Recording has not been scanned to detect/remove commercial breaks.') if require_commflagged: if jobid: job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment':'Required commercial flagging for this file is not found.' + 'Flagging commercials and cancelling any queued commercial flagging.'}) # cancel any queued job to flag commercials for this recording and run commercial flagging in this script for index,jobitem in reversed(list(enumerate(db.searchJobs(chanid=chanid,starttime=starttime_datetime)))): if debug: if index==0: print(list(jobitem.keys())) print(index,,jobitem.chanid) if jobitem.type == jobitem.COMMFLAG: # Commercial flagging job if jobitem.status == jobitem.RUNNING: # status = RUNNING? jobitem.cmds = jobitem.STOP # stop command from the frontend to stop the commercial flagging job #jobitem.setStatus(jobitem.CANCELLED) #jobitem.setComment('Cancelled: Transcode command ran commercial flagging for this recording.') jobitem.update({'status':jobitem.CANCELLED, 'comment':'A user transcode job ran commercial flagging for' + ' this recording and cancelled this job.'}) if debug: print('Flagging Commercials...') # Call "mythcommflag --chanid $CHANID --starttime $STARTTIME" task = System(path='mythcommflag', db=db) try: output = task('--chanid "%s"' % chanid, '--starttime "%s"' % starttime, '2> /dev/null') except MythError as e: # it seems mythcommflag always exits with an decoding error "eno: Unknown error 541478725 (541478725)" pass #print 'Command failed with output:\n%s' % e.stderr #if jobid: # job.update({'status':304, 'comment':'Flagging commercials failed'}) #sys.exit(e.retcode) sg = findfile(rec.basename, rec.storagegroup, db=db) if sg is None: print('Local access to recording not found.') sys.exit(1) infile = os.path.join(sg.dirname, rec.basename) tmpfile = '%s.tmp' % infile.rsplit('.',1)[0] # tmpfile = infile outfile = '%s.mp4' % infile.rsplit('.',1)[0] if debug: print('tmpfile "%s"' % tmpfile) clipped_bytes=0; # If selected, create a cutlist to remove commercials via mythtranscode by running: # mythutil --gencutlist --chanid $CHANID --starttime $STARTTIME if generate_commcutlist: if jobid: job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment':'Generating Cutlist for commercial removal'}) task = System(path='mythutil', db=db) try: output = task('--gencutlist', '--chanid "%s"' % chanid, '--starttime "%s"' % starttime) # '--loglevel debug', # '2> /dev/null') except MythError as e: print('Command "mythutil --gencutlist" failed with output:\n%s' % e.stderr) if jobid: job.update({'status':job.ERRORED, 'comment':'Generation of commercial Cutlist failed'}) sys.exit(e.retcode) # Lossless transcode to strip cutlist if generate_commcutlist or rec.cutlist==1: if jobid: job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment':'Removing Cutlist'}) task = System(path='mythtranscode', db=db) try: output = task('--chanid "%s"' % chanid, '--starttime "%s"' % starttime, '--mpeg2', '--honorcutlist', '-o "%s"' % tmpfile, '1>&2') # '2> /dev/null') clipped_filesize = os.path.getsize(tmpfile) clipped_bytes = input_filesize - clipped_filesize clipped_compress_pct = float(clipped_bytes)/input_filesize rec.commflagged = 0 except MythError as e: print('Command "mythtranscode --honorcutlist" failed with output:\n%s' % e.stderr) if jobid: job.update({'status':job.ERRORED, 'comment':'Removing Cutlist failed. Copying file instead.'}) # sys.exit(e.retcode) copyfile('%s' % infile, '%s' % tmpfile) clipped_filesize = input_filesize clipped_bytes = 0 clipped_compress_pct = 0 pass else: if jobid: job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment':'Creating temporary file for transcoding.'}) copyfile('%s' % infile, '%s' % tmpfile) clipped_filesize = input_filesize clipped_bytes = 0 clipped_compress_pct = 0 duration_secs = 0 # Estimate bitrate, and detect duration and number of frames if estimateBitrate: if jobid: job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment':'Estimating bitrate; detecting frames per second, and resolution.'}) duration_secs, e = get_duration(db, rec, transcoder, tmpfile); if duration_secs>0: bitrate = int(clipped_filesize*8/(1024*duration_secs)) else: print('Estimate bitrate failed falling back to constant rate factor encoding.\n') estimateBitrate = False duration_secs = 0 print(e.stderr.decode('utf-8')) # get framerate of mpeg2 video stream and detect if stream is HD r = re.compile('mpeg2video (.*?) fps,') m ='utf-8')) strval = if debug: print(strval) isHD = False if "1920x1080" in strval or "1280x720" in strval or "2560x1440" in strval: if debug: print('Stream is HD') isHD = True else: if debug: print('Stream is not HD') framerate = float(' ')[-1]) if debug: print('Framerate %s' % framerate) # Setup transcode video bitrate and quality parameters # if estimateBitrate is true and the input content is HD: # encode 'medium' preset and vbitrate = inputfile_bitrate*compressionRatio # else: # encode at user default preset and constant rate factor ('slow' and 20) preset = preset_nonHD if estimateBitrate: if isHD: h264_bitrate = int(bitrate*compressionRatio) # HD coding with specified target bitrate (CRB encoding) if hdvideo_tgt_bitrate > 0 and h264_bitrate > hdvideo_tgt_bitrate: h264_bitrate = hdvideo_tgt_bitrate; vbitrate_param = '-b:v %dk' % h264_bitrate else: # HD coding with disabled or acceptable target bitrate (CRF encoding) vbitrate_param = '-crf:v %s' % crf preset = preset_HD else: # non-HD encoding (CRF encoding) vbitrate_param = '-crf:v %s' % crf else: vbitrate_param = '-crf:v %s' % crf if hdvideo_min_bitrate > 0: vbitrate_param = vbitrate_param + ' -minrate %sk' % hdvideo_min_bitrate if hdvideo_max_bitrate > 0: vbitrate_param = vbitrate_param + ' -maxrate %sk' % hdvideo_max_bitrate if hdvideo_max_bitrate > 0 or hdvideo_min_bitrate > 0: vbitrate_param = vbitrate_param + ' -bufsize %sk' % device_bufsize if debug: print('Video bitrate parameter "%s"' % vbitrate_param) print('Video h264 preset parameter "%s"' % preset) # Setup transcode audio bitrate and quality parameters # Right now, the setup is as follows: # if input is HD: # copy audio streams to output, i.e., input=output audio # else: # output is libfdk_aac encoded at 128kbps if isHD: abitrate_param = abitrate_param_HD # preserve 5.1 audio else: abitrate_param = abitrate_param_nonHD if debug: print('Audio bitrate parameter "%s"' % abitrate_param) # Transcode to mp4 # if jobid: # job.update({'status':4, 'comment':'Transcoding to mp4'}) # ffmpeg output is redirected to the temporary file tmpstatusfile and # a second thread continuously reads this file while # the transcode is in-process. see while loop below for the monitoring thread tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() tmpstatusfile = # tmpstatusfile = '/tmp/ffmpeg-transcode.txt' if debug: print('Using temporary file "%s" for ffmpeg status updates.' % tmpstatusfile) res = [] # create a thread to perform the encode ipq = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=wrapper, args=(encode, (jobid, db, job, ipq, preset, vbitrate_param, abitrate_param, tmpfile, outfile, tmpstatusfile,), res)) t.start() # wait for ffmpeg to open the file and emit its initialization information # before we start the monitoring process time.sleep(1) # open the temporary file having the ffmeg output text and process it to generate status updates hangiter=0; with open(tmpstatusfile) as f: # read all the opening ffmpeg status/analysis lines lines = f.readlines() # set initial progress to -1 prev_progress=-1 framenum=0 fps=1.0 while t.is_alive(): # read all output since last readline() call lines = f.readlines() if len(lines) > 0: # every ffmpeg output status line ends with a carriage return '\r' # split the last read line at these locations lines=lines[-1].split('\r') # if debug: # print lines; hangiter=0 if len(lines) > 1 and lines[-2].startswith('frame'): # since typical reads will have the last line ending with \r the last status # message is at index=[-2] start processing this line # replace multiple spaces with one space lines[-2] = re.sub(' +',' ',lines[-2]) # remove any spaces after equals signs lines[-2] = re.sub('= +','=',lines[-2]) # split the fields at the spaces the first two fields for typical # status lines will be framenum=XXXX and fps=YYYY parse the values values = lines[-2].split(' ') if len(values) > 1: if debug: print('values %s' % values) prev_framenum = framenum prev_fps = fps try: # framenum = current frame number being encoded framenum = int(values[0].split('=')[1]) # fps = frames per second for the encoder fps = float(values[1].split('=')[1]) except ValueError as e: print('ffmpeg status parse exception: "%s"' % e) framenum = prev_framenum fps = prev_fps pass # progress = 0-100 represent percent complete for the transcode progress = int((100*framenum)/(duration_secs*framerate)) # eta_secs = estimated number of seconds until transcoding is complete eta_secs = int((float(duration_secs*framerate)-framenum)/fps) # pct_realtime = how many real seconds it takes to encode 1 second of video pct_realtime = float(fps/framerate) if debug: print('framenum = %d fps = %.2f' % (framenum, fps)) if progress != prev_progress: if debug: print('Progress %d%% encoding %.1f frames per second ETA %d mins' \ % ( progress, fps, float(eta_secs)/60)) if jobid: progress_str = 'Transcoding to mp4 %d%% complete ETA %d mins fps=%.1f.' \ % ( progress, float(eta_secs)/60, fps) job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment': progress_str}) prev_progress = progress elif len(lines) > 1: if debug: print('Read pathological output %s' % lines[-2]) else: if debug: print('Read no lines of ffmpeg output for %s secs. Possible hang?' % (POLL_INTERVAL*hangiter)) hangiter = hangiter + 1 if jobid: progress_str = 'Read no lines of ffmpeg output for %s secs. Possible hang?' % (POLL_INTERVAL*hangiter) job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment': progress_str}) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) if debug: print('res = "%s"' % res) t.join(1) try: if ipq.get_nowait() == CleanExit: sys.exit() except queue.Empty: pass if flush_commskip: task = System(path='mythutil') task.command('--chanid %s' % chanid, '--starttime %s' % starttime, '--clearcutlist', '2> /dev/null') task = System(path='mythutil') task.command('--chanid %s' % chanid, '--starttime %s' % starttime, '--clearskiplist', '2> /dev/null') if flush_commskip: for index,mark in reversed(list(enumerate(rec.markup))): if mark.type in (rec.markup.MARK_COMM_START, rec.markup.MARK_COMM_END): del rec.markup[index] rec.bookmark = 0 rec.cutlist = 0 rec.markup.commit() # tf.close(); # os.remove(tmpstatusfile); rec.basename = os.path.basename(outfile) rec.filesize = os.path.getsize(outfile) # rec.commflagged = 0 rec.transcoded = 1 rec.update() os.remove(infile) # Cleanup the old *.png files for filename in glob('%s*.png' % infile): os.remove(filename) os.remove(tmpfile) try: os.remove('' % tmpfile) except OSError: pass output_filesize = rec.filesize if duration_secs > 0: output_bitrate = int(output_filesize*8/(1024*duration_secs)) # kbps actual_compression_ratio = 1 - float(output_filesize)/clipped_filesize compressed_pct = 1 - float(output_filesize)/input_filesize if build_seektable: if jobid: job.update({'status':job.RUNNING, 'comment':'Rebuilding seektable'}) task = System(path='mythcommflag') task.command('--chanid %s' % chanid, '--starttime %s' % starttime, '--rebuild', '2> /dev/null') # fix during in the recorded markup table this will be off if commercials are removed duration_msecs, e = get_duration(db, rec, transcoder, outfile) duration_msecs = 1000*duration_msecs for index,mark in reversed(list(enumerate(rec.markup))): # find the duration markup entry and correct any error in the video duration that might be there if mark.type == 33: if debug: print('Markup Duration in milliseconds "%s"' % error = - duration_msecs if error != 0: if debug: print('Markup Duration error is "%s"msecs' % error) = duration_msecs #rec.bookmark = 0 #rec.cutlist = 0 rec.markup.commit() if jobid: if output_bitrate: job.update({'status':job.FINISHED, 'comment':'Transcode Completed @ %dkbps, compressed file by %d%% (clipped %d%%, transcoder compressed %d%%)' % (output_bitrate,int(compressed_pct*100),int(clipped_compress_pct*100),int(actual_compression_ratio*100))}) else: job.update({'status':job.FINISHED, 'comment':'Transcode Completed'})
rec = Recorded((chanid, starttime), db=db) if not os.path.isfile(outfile): if jobid: job.update({'status': 304, 'comment': 'Transcoded file not found'}) print 'Error: Transcoded file (%s) not found!' % outfile sys.exit(2) print 'Updating recording in MythTV DB, set transcoded' if jobid: job.update({'status': 4, 'comment': 'Updating database'}) rec.basename = os.path.basename(outfile) rec.filesize = os.path.getsize(outfile) rec.transcoded = 1 rec.update() if flush_commskip: print 'Flushing commskip list' if jobid: job.update({'status': 4, 'comment': 'Flushing commskip'}) for index, mark in reversed(list(enumerate(rec.markup))): if mark.type in (rec.markup.MARK_COMM_START, rec.markup.MARK_COMM_END): del rec.markup[index] rec.bookmark = 0 rec.cutlist = 0 rec.markup.commit() rec.update() if build_seektable: