Example #1
class ZabbixServer(GenericServer):

       special treatment for Zabbix, taken from Check_MK Multisite JSON API
    TYPE = 'Zabbix'
    zapi = None
    if conf.debug_mode is True:
        log_level = logging.DEBUG
        log_level = logging.WARNING

    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        GenericServer.__init__(self, **kwds)

        # Prepare all urls needed by nagstamon -
        self.urls = {}
        # self.statemap = {}
        self.statemap = {
            'UNREACH': 'UNREACHABLE',
            'CRIT': 'CRITICAL',
            'WARN': 'WARNING',
            'UNKN': 'UNKNOWN',
            'PEND': 'PENDING',
            '0': 'OK',
            '1': 'INFORMATION',
            '2': 'WARNING',
            '3': 'AVERAGE',
            '4': 'HIGH',
            '5': 'DISASTER'}

        # Entries for monitor default actions in context menu
        self.MENU_ACTIONS = ["Acknowledge", "Downtime"]
        # URLs for browser shortlinks/buttons on popup window
        self.BROWSER_URLS = {'monitor': '$MONITOR$',
                             'hosts': '$MONITOR-CGI$/hosts.php?ddreset=1',
                             'services': '$MONITOR-CGI$/zabbix.php?action=problem.view&fullscreen=0&page=1&filter_show=3&filter_set=1',
                             'history':  '$MONITOR-CGI$/zabbix.php?action=problem.view&fullscreen=0&page=1&filter_show=2&filter_set=1'}

        self.username = conf.servers[self.get_name()].username
        self.password = conf.servers[self.get_name()].password
        self.ignore_cert = conf.servers[self.get_name()].ignore_cert
        self.use_description_name_service = conf.servers[self.get_name()].use_description_name_service
        if self.ignore_cert is True:
            self.validate_certs = False
            self.validate_certs = True

    def _login(self):
            # create ZabbixAPI if not yet created
            if self.zapi is None:
                self.zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=self.monitor_url, path="", log_level=self.log_level, validate_certs=self.validate_certs)
            # login if not yet logged in, or if login was refused previously
            if not self.zapi.logged_in():
                self.zapi.login(self.username, self.password)
        except ZabbixAPIException:
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)

    def getLastApp(self, this_item):
        if len(this_item) > 0:
            last_app = len(this_item[0]['applications']) - 1  # use it to get the last application name
            if last_app > -1:
                return "%s" % this_item[0]['applications'][last_app]['name']
                return "NO APP"
            return "Web scenario"

    def _get_status(self):
            Get status from Zabbix Server
        ret = Result()
        # create Nagios items dictionary with to lists for services and hosts
        # every list will contain a dictionary for every failed service/host
        # this dictionary is only temporarily
        nagitems = {"services": [], "hosts": []}

        # Create URLs for the configured filters

            # =========================================
            # Hosts Zabbix API data
            # =========================================
            hosts = []
                hosts = self.zapi.host.get({"output": ["hostid", "host", "name", "status", \
                                                       "available",      "error",      "errors_from", \
                                                       "snmp_available", "snmp_error", "snmp_errors_from", \
                                                       "ipmi_available", "ipmi_error", "ipmi_errors_from", \
                                                       "jmx_available",  "jmx_error",  "jmx_errors_from", \
                                                       "maintenance_status", "maintenance_from"], "selectInterfaces": ["ip"], "filter": {}})
            except (ZabbixError, ZabbixAPIException, APITimeout, Already_Exists):
                # set checking flag back to False
                self.isChecking = False
                result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
                return Result(result=result, error=error)

            # get All Hosts.
            # 1. Store data in cache (to be used by events)
            # 2. We store as faulty two kinds of hosts incidences:
            #    - Disabled hosts
            #    - Hosts with issues trying to connect to agent/service
            #    - In maintenance
            # status = 1 -> Disabled
            # available ZBX: 0 -> No agents 1 -> available 2-> Agent access error
            # ipmi_available IPMI: 0 -> No agents 1 -> available 2-> Agent access error
            # maintenance_status = 1 In maintenance
            for host in hosts:
                n = {
                    'host': host['host'],
                    'name': host['name'],
                    'server': self.name,
                    'status': 'UP', # Host is OK by default
                    'last_check': 'n/a',
                    'duration': '',
                    'attempt': 'N/A',
                    'status_information': '',
                    # status flags
                    'passiveonly': False,
                    'notifications_disabled': False,
                    'flapping': False,
                    'acknowledged': False,
                    'scheduled_downtime': False,
                    # Zabbix backend data
                    'hostid': host['hostid'],
                    'site': '',
                    # 'address': host['interfaces'][0]['ip'],

                # try to fix https://github.com/HenriWahl/Nagstamon/issues/687
                n['address'] = host['interfaces'][0]['ip'] if len(host['interfaces']) > 0 else ''

                if host['maintenance_status'] == '1':
                    n['scheduled_downtime'] = True

                if host['status'] == '1':
                    # filter services and hosts by "filter_hosts_services_disabled_notifications"
                    n['notifications_disabled'] = True
                    # Filter only hosts by filter "Host & services with disabled checks"
                    n['passiveonly']           = True
                # attempt to fix https://github.com/HenriWahl/Nagstamon/issues/535
                # if host['available'] == '0' and host['snmp_available'] == '0' and host['ipmi_available'] == '0' and host['jmx_available'] == '0':
                #     n['status']             = 'UNREACHABLE'
                #     n['status_information'] = 'Host agents in unknown state'
                #     n['duration']           = 'Unknown'
                if host.get('ipmi_available', '0') == '2':
                    n['status']             = 'DOWN'
                    n['status_information'] = host['ipmi_error']
                    n['duration']           = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(host['ipmi_errors_from'])
                if host.get('snmp_available', '0') == '2':
                    n['status']             = 'DOWN'
                    n['status_information'] = host['snmp_error']
                    n['duration']           = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(host['snmp_errors_from'])
                if host.get('jmx_available', '0') == '2':
                    n['status']             = 'DOWN'
                    n['status_information'] = host['jmx_error']
                    n['duration']           = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(host['jmx_errors_from'])
                if host.get('available', '0') == '2':
                    n['status']             = 'DOWN'
                    n['status_information'] = host['error']
                    n['duration']           = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(host['errors_from'])
                # Zabbix shows OK hosts too - kick 'em!
                if not n['status'] == 'UP':
                    # add dictionary full of information about this host item to nagitems

                # after collection data in nagitems create objects from its informations
                # host objects contain service objects
                #key_host = n["host"]
                key_host = n["name"] if len(n['name']) != 0 else n["host"];

                #key_host = n["hostid"]
                if key_host not in self.new_hosts:
                    self.new_hosts[key_host] = GenericHost()
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].hostid = n["hostid"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].host = n["host"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].name = n["name"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].status = n["status"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].last_check = n["last_check"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].duration = n["duration"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].attempt = n["attempt"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].status_information = n["status_information"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].site = n["site"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].address = n["address"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].notifications_disabled = n["notifications_disabled"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].scheduled_downtime = n["scheduled_downtime"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].passiveonly = n["passiveonly"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].acknowledged = n["acknowledged"]
                    self.new_hosts[key_host].flapping = n["flapping"]

        except ZabbixError:
            self.isChecking = False
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)

        # =========================================
        # services
        # =========================================
        services = []
            api_version = self.zapi.api_version()
        except ZabbixAPIException:
            # FIXME Is there a cleaner way to handle this? I just borrowed
            # this code from 80 lines ahead. -- AGV
            # set checking flag back to False
            self.isChecking = False
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)

                # Get a list of all issues (AKA tripped triggers)
                # Zabbix 3+ returns array of objects
                triggers = self.zapi.trigger.get({'only_true': True,
                                            'skipDependent': True,
                                            'monitored': True,
                                            'active': True,
                                            'output': 'extend',
                                            'expandDescription': True,
                                            'selectHosts': ['hostid','host','name'],
                                            'selectItems': ['itemid','name','key_','lastvalue','state','lastclock'],  # thats for zabbix api 2.0+
                                            'filter': {'value': 1},

                # Do another query to find out which issues are Unacknowledged
                # Zabbix 3+ returns array of objects
                unack_triggers = self.zapi.trigger.get({'only_true': True,
                                                        'skipDependent': True,
                                                        'monitored': True,
                                                        'active': True,
                                                        'output': ['triggerid'],
                                                        'expandDescription': True,
                                                        'selectHosts': ['hostid'],
                                                        'withLastEventUnacknowledged': True,
                unack_trigger_ids = [u['triggerid'] for u in unack_triggers]
                for t in triggers:
                    t['acknowledged'] = False if t['triggerid'] in unack_trigger_ids else True
                    # get Application name for the trigger
                    this_item = self.zapi.item.get(
                        {'itemids': [t['items'][0]['itemid']],
                         'output': ['itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'lastvalue'],
                         'selectApplications': 'extend'}
                    t['application'] = self.getLastApp(this_item)
                        t['lastvalue']   = this_item[0]['lastvalue']
                    except IndexError as e:
                        self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="ItemID '%s' has no values" %
                            t['items'][0]['itemid'], head='WARNING')


            except ZabbixAPIException:
                # FIXME Is there a cleaner way to handle this? I just borrowed
                # this code from 80 lines ahead. -- AGV
                # set checking flag back to False
                self.isChecking = False
                result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
                return Result(result=result, error=error)

            except ZabbixError as e:
                if e.terminate:
                    return e.result
                    service = e.result.content
                    ret = e.result

            for service in services:
                # Zabbix probably shows OK services too - kick 'em!
                # UPDATE Zabbix api 3.0 doesn't but I didn't tried with older
                #        so I left it
                status = self.statemap.get(service['priority'], service['priority'])
                # self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="SERVICE (" + service['application'] + ") STATUS: **" + status + "** PRIORITY: #" + service['priority'])
                # self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="-----======== SERVICE " + str(service))
                if not status == 'OK':
                    if not service['description'].endswith('...'):
                        state = service['description']
                        state = service['items'][0]['lastvalue']
                    # A trigger can be triggered by multiple items
                    # Get last checking date of any of the items involved
                    lastcheck = 0
                    for item in service['items']:
                        if int(item['lastclock']) > lastcheck:
                            lastcheck = int(item['lastclock'])

                    if self.use_description_name_service and \
                            len(service['comments']) != 0:
                        srvc = self.nagiosify_service(service['comments'])
                        srvc = service['application']

                    n = {
                        'host': '',
                        'hostname': '',
                        'service': service['triggerid'],
                        'server':  self.name,
                        'status':  status,
                        # Putting service in attempt column allow to see it in GUI
                        'attempt': srvc,
                        'duration': HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(service['lastchange']),
                        'status_information': state,
                        'last_check': time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(lastcheck)),
                        'site': '',
                        'command': 'zabbix',
                        # status flags
                        'passiveonly': False,
                        'notifications_disabled': False,
                        'flapping': False,
                        'acknowledged' : service['acknowledged'],
                        'scheduled_downtime': False,
                        # Zabbix data
                        'triggerid': service['triggerid'],

                    n['hostid']   = service['hosts'][0]['hostid']
                    n['host']     = service['hosts'][0]['host']
                    n['hostname'] = service['hosts'][0]['name']

                    key = n["hostname"] if len(n['hostname']) != 0 else n["host"];
                    #key = n["hostid"];

                    if self.new_hosts[key].scheduled_downtime == True:
                        n['scheduled_downtime'] = True

                    # after collection data in nagitems create objects of its informations
                    # host objects contain service objects
                    # if not created previously, host should be created with proper data
                    if key not in self.new_hosts:
                        # This should never happen, because we've stored all hosts in new_hosts array
                        print("Host " + key + "Not found in host cache")
                        if conf.debug_mode is True:
                            self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="Host not found [" + key + "]")

                    # if a service does not exist create its object
                    new_service = n["triggerid"]
                    if new_service not in self.new_hosts[key].services:
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service] = GenericService()
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].host       = n["hostname"] if len(n['hostname']) != 0 else n["host"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].name       = n["service"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].status     = n["status"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].last_check = n["last_check"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].duration   = n["duration"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].attempt    = n["attempt"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].status_information = n["status_information"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].passiveonly = n["passiveonly"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].notifications_disabled = n["notifications_disabled"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].flapping     = n["flapping"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].acknowledged = n["acknowledged"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].scheduled_downtime = n["scheduled_downtime"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].site         = n["site"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].address      = self.new_hosts[key].address
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].command      = n["command"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].hostid       = n["hostid"]
                        self.new_hosts[key].services[new_service].triggerid    = n["triggerid"]
                        if conf.debug_mode is True:
                            self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="Adding new service[" + new_service + "] **" + n['service'] + "**")

        except (ZabbixError, ZabbixAPIException):
            # set checking flag back to False
            self.isChecking = False
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)
        return ret

    def _open_browser(self, url):

        if conf.debug_mode is True:
            self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="Open web page " + url)

    def open_services(self):

    def open_hosts(self):

    def open_monitor(self, host, service=""):
            open monitor from treeview context menu

        if service == "":
            url = self.urls['human_host'] + urllib.parse.urlencode(
                {'x': 'site=' + self.hosts[host].site + '&host=' + host}).replace('x=', '%26')
            url = self.urls['human_service'] + urllib.parse.urlencode(
                {'x': 'site=' + self.hosts[host].site + '&host=' + host + '&service=' + service}).replace('x=', '%26')

        if conf.debug_mode is True:
            self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), host=host, service=service,
                       debug="Open host/service monitor web page " + url)

    # Disable set_recheck (nosense in Zabbix)
    def set_recheck(self, info_dict):

    def _set_acknowledge(self, host, service, author, comment, sticky, notify, persistent, all_services=[]):
        if conf.debug_mode is True:
            self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="Set Acknowledge Host: " + host + " Service: " + service + " Sticky: " + str(sticky) + " persistent:" + str(persistent) +  " All services: " + str(all_services))

        # Service column is storing current trigger id
        triggerids = []
        # acknowledge all problems (column services) on a host when told to do so
        for s in all_services:


        for triggerid in triggerids:
            events = []
            for e in self.zapi.event.get({'triggerids': [triggerid],
                                          # from zabbix 2.2 should be used "objectids" instead of "triggerids"
                                          'objectids': [triggerid],
#                                          'acknowledged': False,
                                          'sortfield': 'clock',
                                          'sortorder': 'DESC'}):
                # Get only current event status, but retrieving first row ordered by clock DESC
                # If event status is not "OK" (Still is an active problem), mark event to acknowledge/close
                if e['value'] != '0':
                # Only take care of newest event, discard all next
            # If events pending of acknowledge, execute ack
            if len(events) > 0:
                # If sticky is set then close only current event
                close = 1 if (triggerid == service and sticky is True) else 0
                if conf.debug_mode is True:
                    self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="Events to acknowledge: " + str(events) + " Close: " + str(close))
                self.zapi.event.acknowledge({'eventids': events, 'message': '%s: %s' % (author, comment), 'action': close})
    def _set_downtime(self, hostname, service, author, comment, fixed, start_time, end_time, hours, minutes):

        hostids = [ self.hosts[hostname].hostid ]
        date  = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
        stime = time.mktime(date.timetuple())

        date  = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
        etime = time.mktime(date.timetuple())
        if conf.debug_mode is True:
            self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), debug="Downtime for " + hostname + "[" + str(hostids[0]) + "] stime:" + str(stime) + " etime:" + str(etime))
        self.zapi.maintenance.create({'hostids': hostids, 'name': comment, 'description': author, 'active_since': stime, 'active_till': etime, 'maintenance_type' : 0, "timeperiods": [
            { "timeperiod_type": 0, "start_date": stime, "period": etime - stime }

    def get_start_end(self, host):
        return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime(time.time() + 7200))

    def GetHost(self, host):
            find out ip or hostname of given host to access hosts/devices which do not appear in DNS but
            have their ip saved in Nagios

        # the fasted method is taking hostname as used in monitor
        if conf.connect_by_host is True:
            return Result(result=host)

        ip = ""
        address = host;

            if host in self.hosts:
                ip = self.hosts[host].address
            if conf.debug_mode is True:
                self.Debug(server=self.get_name(), host=host, debug="IP of %s:" % host + " " + ip)

            if conf.connect_by_dns is True:
                    address = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
                except socket.herror:
                    address = ip
                address = ip
        except ZabbixError:
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)

        return Result(result=address)

    def nagiosify_service(self, service):
            next dirty workaround to get Zabbix events to look Nagios-esque
        if (" on " or " is ") in service:
            for separator in [" on ", " is "]:
                service = service.split(separator)[0]
Example #2
class ZabbixProblemBasedServer(GenericServer):

    TYPE = 'ZabbixProblemBased'
    zapi = None

    if conf.debug_mode is True:
        log_level = logging.DEBUG
        log_level = logging.WARNING

    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        GenericServer.__init__(self, **kwds)

        self.statemap = {
            '0': 'OK',
            '1': 'INFORMATION',
            '2': 'WARNING',
            '3': 'AVERAGE',
            '4': 'HIGH',
            '5': 'DISASTER'}

        # Entries for monitor default actions in context menu
        self.MENU_ACTIONS = []
        # URLs for browser shortlinks/buttons on popup window
        self.BROWSER_URLS = {'monitor': '$MONITOR$',
                             'hosts': '$MONITOR-CGI$/hosts.php?ddreset=1',
                             'services': '$MONITOR-CGI$/zabbix.php?action=problem.view&fullscreen=0&page=1&filter_show=3&filter_set=1',
                             'history':  '$MONITOR-CGI$/zabbix.php?action=problem.view&fullscreen=0&page=1&filter_show=2&filter_set=1'}

        self.username = conf.servers[self.get_name()].username
        self.password = conf.servers[self.get_name()].password
        self.ignore_cert = conf.servers[self.get_name()].ignore_cert
        self.validate_certs = not self.ignore_cert

    def _login(self):
            # create ZabbixAPI if not yet created
            if self.zapi is None:
                self.zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=self.monitor_url, path="", log_level=self.log_level, validate_certs=self.validate_certs)
            # login if not yet logged in, or if login was refused previously
            if not self.zapi.logged_in():
                self.zapi.login(self.username, self.password)
        except ZabbixAPIException:
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)

    def _get_status(self):
            Get status from Zabbix Server

        # Login to ZabbixAPI

        # =========================================
        # problems
        # =========================================
        problems = []
            #Get all current problems (trigger based)
            problems = self.zapi.problem.get({'recent': False})

            for problem in problems:

                #get trigger which rose current problem
                trigger = self.zapi.trigger.get({'triggerids': problem['objectid'],
                                                'monitored': True,
                                                'active': True,
                                                'skipDependent': True,
                                                'selectHosts': ['hostid', 'name', 'maintenance_status',
                                                                'available', 'error', 'errors_from',
                                                                'ipmi_available', 'ipmi_error', 'ipmi_errors_from',
                                                                'jmx_available', 'jmx_error', 'jmx_errors_from',
                                                                'snmp_available', 'snmp_error', 'snmp_errors_from'],
                                                'selectItems': ['key_', 'lastclock']})

                #problems on disabled/maintenance/deleted hosts don't have triggers
                #have to do that because of how zabbix housekeeping service work
                #API reports past problems for hosts that no longer exist
                if not trigger:

                service_id = problem['eventid']
                host_id = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['hostid']

                #new host to report, we only need to do that at first problem for that host
                if host_id not in self.new_hosts:
                    self.new_hosts[host_id] = GenericHost()
                    self.new_hosts[host_id].name = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['name']

                    #host has active maintenance period
                    if trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['maintenance_status'] == "1":
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].scheduled_downtime = True

                    #host not available via agent
                    if trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['available'] == "2":
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status = "DOWN"
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status_information = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['error']
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].duration = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['errors_from'])

                    #host not available via ipmi
                    if trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['ipmi_available'] == "2":
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status = "DOWN"
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status_information = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['ipmi_error']
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].duration = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['ipmi_errors_from'])

                    #host not available via jmx
                    if trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['jmx_available'] == "2":
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status = "DOWN"
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status_information = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['jmx_error']
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].duration = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['jmx_errors_from'])

                    #host not available via snmp
                    if trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['snmp_available'] == "2":
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status = "DOWN"
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].status_information = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['snmp_error']
                        self.new_hosts[host_id].duration = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['snmp_errors_from'])

                #service to report
                self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id] = GenericService()
                self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].host = trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['name']
                self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].status = self.statemap.get(problem['severity'], problem['severity'])
                self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].duration = HumanReadableDurationFromTimestamp(problem['clock'])
                self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].name = trigger[0]['items'][0]['key_']
                self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].last_check = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(trigger[0]['items'][0]['lastclock'])))

                #we add opdata to status information just like in zabbix GUI
                if problem["opdata"] != "":
                    self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].status_information = problem['name'] + " (" + problem["opdata"] + ")"
                    self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].status_information = problem['name']

                #service is acknowledged
                if problem['acknowledged'] == "1":
                    self.new_hosts[host_id].services[service_id].acknowledged = True

        except (ZabbixAPIException):
            # set checking flag back to False
            self.isChecking = False
            result, error = self.Error(sys.exc_info())
            return Result(result=result, error=error)

        return Result()

    # Disable set_recheck (nosense in Zabbix)
    def set_recheck(self, info_dict):