Example #1
def Nystrom(k):
    Construct the k-step explicit Nystrom linear multistep method.
    The methods are explicit and have order k.
    They have the form:

    `y_{n+1} = y_{n-1} + h \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)`

    They are generated using equations (1.13) and (1.7) from
    [hairer1993]_ III.1, along with the binomial expansion
    and the relation in exercise 4 on p. 367.

    Note that the term "Nystrom method" is also commonly used to refer
    to a class of methods for second-order ODEs; those are NOT
    the methods generated by this function.


        >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
        >>> nys3=lm.Nystrom(6)
        >>> nys3.order()

            #. [hairer1993]_
    import sympy
    from sympy import Rational

    one = Rational(1, 1)

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    alpha[k] = one
    alpha[k - 2] = -one

    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    kappa = snp.zeros(k)
    gamma = snp.zeros(k)
    gamma[0] = one
    kappa[0] = 2 * one
    beta[k - 1] = 2 * one
    betaj = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    for j in range(1, k):
        gamma[j] = one - sum(gamma[:j] / snp.arange(j + 1, 1, -1))
        kappa[j] = 2 * gamma[j] - gamma[j - 1]
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            betaj[k - i -
                  1] = (-one)**i * sympy.combinatorial.factorials.binomial(
                      j, i) * kappa[j]
        beta = beta + betaj
    name = str(k) + '-step Nystrom'
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,
                                 shortname='Nys' + str(k))
Example #2
def Milne_Simpson(k):
        Construct the k-step, Milne-Simpson method.
        The methods are implicit and (for k>=3) have order k+1.
        They have the form:

        `y_{n+1} = y_{n-1} + h \sum_{j=0}^{k} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)`

        They are generated using equation (1.15), the equation in
        Exercise 3, and the relation in exercise 4, all from Hairer & Wanner
        III.1, along with the binomial expansion.


            >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
            >>> ms3=lm.Milne_Simpson(3)
            >>> ms3.order()

    import sympy

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    alpha[k] = 1
    alpha[k - 2] = -1
    gamma = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    kappa = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    gamma[0] = 1
    kappa[0] = 2
    beta[k] = 2
    betaj = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    for j in range(1, k + 1):
        gamma[j] = -sum(gamma[:j] / snp.arange(j + 1, 1, -1))
        kappa[j] = 2 * gamma[j] - gamma[j - 1]
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            betaj[k - i] = (-1)**i * sympy.combinatorial.factorials.binomial(
                j, i) * kappa[j]
        beta = beta + betaj
    name = str(k) + '-step Milne-Simpson'
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,
                                 shortname='MS' + str(k))
Example #3
def Adams_Bashforth(k):
    Construct the k-step, Adams-Bashforth method.
    The methods are explicit and have order k.
    They have the form:

    `y_{n+1} = y_n + h \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)`

    They are generated using equations (1.5) and (1.7) from
    [hairer1993]_ III.1, along with the binomial expansion.


        >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
        >>> ab3=lm.Adams_Bashforth(3)
        >>> ab3.order()

            #. [hairer1993]_
    import sympy
    from sympy import Rational

    one = Rational(1, 1)

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    alpha[k] = one
    alpha[k - 1] = -one
    gamma = snp.zeros(k)
    gamma[0] = one
    beta[k - 1] = one
    betaj = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    for j in range(1, k):
        gamma[j] = one - sum(gamma[:j] / snp.arange(j + 1, 1, -1))
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            betaj[k - i -
                  1] = (-one)**i * sympy.combinatorial.factorials.binomial(
                      j, i) * gamma[j]
        beta = beta + betaj
    name = str(k) + '-step Adams-Bashforth'
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,
                                 shortname='AB' + str(k))
Example #4
def Adams_Moulton(k):
        Construct the k-step, Adams-Moulton method.
        The methods are implicit and have order k+1.
        They have the form:

        `y_{n+1} = y_n + h \sum_{j=0}^{k} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)`

        They are generated using equation (1.9) and the equation in
        Exercise 3 from Hairer & Wanner III.1, along with the binomial


            >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
            >>> am3=lm.Adams_Moulton(3)
            >>> am3.order()

    import sympy

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    alpha[k] = 1
    alpha[k - 1] = -1
    gamma = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    gamma[0] = 1
    beta[k] = 1
    betaj = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    for j in range(1, k + 1):
        gamma[j] = -sum(gamma[:j] / snp.arange(j + 1, 1, -1))
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            betaj[k - i] = (-1)**i * sympy.combinatorial.factorials.binomial(
                j, i) * gamma[j]
        beta = beta + betaj
    name = str(k) + '-step Adams-Moulton'
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,
                                 shortname='AM' + str(k))
Example #5
def elm_ssp2(k):
    Returns the optimal SSP k-step linear multistep method of order 2.


        >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
        >>> lm10=lm.elm_ssp2(10)
        >>> lm10.ssp_coefficient()
    import sympy

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    alpha[-1] = sympy.Rational(1, 1)
    alpha[0] = sympy.Rational(-1, (k - 1)**2)
    alpha[k - 1] = sympy.Rational(-(k - 1)**2 + 1, (k - 1)**2)
    beta[k - 1] = sympy.Rational(k, k - 1)
    name = 'Optimal ' + str(k) + '-step, 2nd order SSP method.'
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha, beta, name=name)
Example #6
def sand_cc(s):
    r""" Construct Sand's circle-contractive method of order `p=2(s+1)`
         that uses `2^s + 1` steps.


        >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
        >>> cc4 = lm.sand_cc(4)
        >>> cc4.order()
        >>> cc4.ssp_coefficient()

        #. [sand1986]_
    import sympy

    one = sympy.Rational(1)
    zero = sympy.Rational(0)

    k = 2**s + 1

    Jn = [k, k - 1]
    for i in range(1, s + 1):
        Jn.append(k - 1 - 2**i)

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)

    # This is inefficient
    for j in Jn:
        tau_product = one
        tau_sum = zero
        tau = [one / (j - i) for i in Jn if i != j]
        tau_product = np.prod(tau)
        tau_sum = np.sum(tau)
        beta[j] = tau_product**2
        alpha[j] = 2 * beta[j] * tau_sum
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha, beta, 'Sand circle-contractive')
Example #7
def backward_difference_formula(k):
        Construct the k-step backward differentiation method.
        The methods are implicit and have order k.
        They have the form:

        `\sum_{j=0}^{k} \alpha_j y_{n+k-j+1} = h \beta_j f(y_{n+1})`

        They are generated using equation (1.22') from Hairer & Wanner III.1,
            along with the binomial expansion.


            >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
            >>> bdf4=lm.backward_difference_formula(4)
            >>> bdf4.A_alpha_stability()

            #.[hairer1993]_ pp. 364-365
    import sympy

    alpha = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    beta[k] = 1
    gamma = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    gamma[0] = 1
    alphaj = snp.zeros(k + 1)
    for j in range(1, k + 1):
        gamma[j] = sympy.Rational(1, j)
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            alphaj[k - i] = (-1)**i * sympy.combinatorial.factorials.binomial(
                j, i) * gamma[j]
        alpha = alpha + alphaj
    name = str(k) + '-step BDF'
    return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,
                                 shortname='BDF' + str(k))
Example #8
    def stability_matrix(self, z):
            Constructs the stability matrix of a two-step Runge-Kutta method.
            Right now just for a specific value of z.
            We ought to use Sage to do it symbolically.

                M -- stability matrix evaluated at z

            WARNING: This only works for Type I & Type II methods
            right now!!!
        s = self.Ahat.shape[1]
        if self.type == 'General':
            # J Y^n = K Y^{n-1}
            K1 = np.column_stack((z * self.Ahat, self.d, 1 - self.d))
            K2 = snp.zeros(s + 2)
            K2[-1] = 1
            K3 = np.concatenate(
                (z * self.bhat, np.array((self.theta, 1 - self.theta))))
            K = np.vstack((K1, K2, K3))

            J = snp.eye(s + 2)
            J[:s, :s] = J[:s, :s] - z * self.A
            J[-1, :s] = z * self.b

            M = snp.solve(J.astype('complex64'), K.astype('complex64'))
            #M = snp.solve(J, K) # This version is slower

            D = np.hstack([1. - self.d, self.d])
            thet = np.hstack([1. - self.theta, self.theta])
            A, b = self.A, self.b
            if self.type == 'Type II':
                ahat = np.zeros([self.s, 1])
                ahat[:, 0] = self.Ahat[:, 0]
                bh = np.zeros([1, 1])
                bh[0, 0] = self.bhat[0]
                A = np.hstack([ahat, self.A])
                A = np.vstack([np.zeros([1, self.s + 1]), A])
                b = np.vstack([bh, self.b])

            M1 = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.s) - z * self.A, D)
            L1 = thet + z * np.dot(self.b.T, M1)
            M = np.vstack([L1, [1., 0.]])
        return M