Example #1
class Global:
    batch_size = 256
    epochs = 100
    group_size = 100_000
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("nlp_nn_sentiment_count")
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    regularizer_function = None
def run():
    indexStart = 0
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    for raw_url in adDb.selectAdData()[indexStart:]:
        global token
        token = getToken()
        url = modifyUrl(raw_url)
        post_number = get_page_id(url)
        if not facebookDb.isPageInDb(post_number):
            page = Page()
            page.metrics = getPageMetrics(url)
            page.posts = getPostData(url)
            if page.posts:
                for post in page.posts:
                    token = getToken()
                    StoreInFacebookData(post.id, post.image_url, post.message,
                                        post.share_count, post.comment_count,
                                        page.metrics.star_rating, -1)
                    print("Stored!", post.id)
Example #3
class MessageGetter:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()

    def get_columns(remove_columns=True):
        columns = MessageGetter.facebookDb.getColumnNames()
        columns = list(map(lambda x: x[1], columns))
        if remove_columns:
        return columns

    def __dict_factory(row, columns):
        d = {}
        for idx, col in enumerate(columns):
            d[col] = row[idx]
        return d

    def __get_post():
        number_of_posts_to_train_on = len(
        postData = MessageGetter.facebookDb.selectFacebookData()
        for i, post in enumerate(postData[:number_of_posts_to_train_on]):
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print("gather data percent: ", i / number_of_posts_to_train_on)
            post_obj = MessageGetter.__dict_factory(
                post, MessageGetter.get_columns(False))
            yield post_obj

    def get_post_generator():
        post_generator = MessageGetter.__get_post()
        return post_generator
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getShareCount  # Set this to change the model type
    group_size = 6000
    limit = 7000
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("combined_keras_model")
    batch_size = 1
    epochs = 20
Example #5
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getCommentCount  # Set this to change the model type
    limit = 80_000  # len(os.listdir("../Image_CNN/images"))
    group_size = limit
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("combined_keras_model_comment_count")
    batch_size = 512
    epochs = 100
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getShareCount  # Set this to change the model type
    limit = len(os.listdir("../Image_CNN/images"))
    group_size = limit
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("combined_keras_model")
    batch_size = 1
    epochs = 20
class Global:
    batch_size = 256
    epochs = 100
    group_size = 100_000
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("nlp_nn_comment_count")
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getCommentCount
    metric_name = "commentCount"
    regularizer_function = None
class Global:
    batch_size = 1
    epochs = 5
    group_size = 6000
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("nlp_nn")
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getSentiment
    metric_name = None
    regularizer_function = None
Example #9
def test_to_vector():
    import os
    all_files = os.listdir("../Image_CNN/images")
    ids = list(map(lambda x: x[:-4], all_files))
    from Notebooks.LinkDatabases.FacebookData import FacebookDataDatabase
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getCommentCount  # Set this to change the model type

    rows = list(
            lambda x: x[0],
            filter(lambda x: x if x else None,
                   map(lambda x: facebookDb.getRow(x), ids))))
    data = list(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[10], x[2], x[3]), rows))
    messages = list(map(lambda x: x[1], data))
    word_vectors = to_vector(messages)
    for word_vector in word_vectors[:100]:
Example #10
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime


from Notebooks.SearchFbData.GetKeyData import get_key_data
from Notebooks.Token.GenerateToken import getToken
from Notebooks.LinkDatabases.FacebookData import FacebookDataDatabase
from Notebooks.LinkDatabases.PostComments import PostDataDatabase
import requests

import ast
import unicodedata

facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
commentDb = PostDataDatabase()
global token
token = getToken()

# Get/Set post data.  These are person posts on the Ad in question
class Comment:
    def __init__(self):
        self.id = None
        self.message = None
        self.like_count = None

    def setId(self, id):
        self.id = id
from Notebooks.LinkDatabases.FacebookData import FacebookDataDatabase
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

fbDatabase = FacebookDataDatabase()
counts = list(map(lambda x: x[0] if x[0] > 0 else 0, fbDatabase.selectColumnData("commentCount")))
for x in counts[:100]:
df = pd.DataFrame(counts, columns=["commentCount"])
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getShareCount  # Set this to change the model type
    limit = 100000  # len(os.listdir("../Image_CNN/images"))
    group_size = limit
Example #13
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getSentiment  # Set this to change the model type
    group_size = 40000
    limit = 60000
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getCommentCount  # Set this to change the model type
    limit = 30000
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getShareCount  # Set this to change the model type
    group_size = 150000
    limit = 200000
class Static:
    facebookDb = FacebookDataDatabase()
    metric_getter = facebookDb.getCommentCount  # Set this to change the model type
    group_size = 10000
    limit = 10000
    plot_losses = PlotLearning("combined_keras_model")