#!/usr/bin/python # # Tests the connectivity of the Wii nunchuck over I2C # import smbus import time from Nunchuck import Nunchuck nun = Nunchuck() while True: nun.update() print 'Jx: %s Jy: %s Ax: %s Ay: %s Az: %s Bc: %s Bz: %s' % (nun.joy_x, nun.joy_y, nun.accel_x, nun.accel_y, nun.accel_z, nun.button_c, nun.button_z)
pos += 1 # get mid positions and move arms to those locations midPositions = [] print '[#, min, max] mid' for i in range(0,6): midPositions.append((servoTable[i][2]-servoTable[i][1])/2+servoTable[i][1]) print servoTable[i], midPositions[i] #pwm.setPWM(i,0,midPositions[i]) currentPositions = [445,385,465,220,395,270] updatePos(currentPositions) nunchuck = Nunchuck() mode = 1 while (1): nunchuck.update() #change mode if button c pressed if (nunchuck.button_c==True): if (mode==1): mode = 2 else: mode =1 print mode time.sleep(1) #mode 1 if (mode==1 and nunchuck.button_z==False): if (nunchuck.joy_x < 60): currentPositions[0] -= 20 if (nunchuck.joy_x > 170): currentPositions[0] += 20 if (nunchuck.joy_y < 60):