Example #1
class OA(BaseObject):

    """ Implement the main OA processing


    def __init__(self, configfile):
        """ Constructor. """

        # Build configuration
        self.config = Configuration(configfile)

        # Create analyzer
        self.analyzer = Analyzer(self.config)

        # Default output function
        self.outfunc = lambda data, params: data

        # Load output function
            # Import module
            # Create object
            outclass = getattr(sys.modules[self.config.output["oa"]["module"]], self.config.output["oa"]["class"])
            self.out = outclass(self.config.output["oa"]["parameters"])
            self.outfunc = self.out.output

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error("[%s] Error loading the output function (Error: %s)", self.name(), e, exc_info=True)

    def process(self, filename):
        """ Take as input an HDF5 file name and return the preprocessed data. """
        data = self.analyzer.analyze(filename)

        # Purge from data all the raw data
        for k in tuple(data.keys()):
            if data[k].classtype() == "Raw":
                del data[k]

        # Output function parameters
        params = {"filename": filename}

        # Run output function
        return self.outfunc(data, params)