Example #1
def recognize_face(a_face):
    """ Takes a TopoDS shape and tries to identify its nature
    whether it is a plane a cylinder a torus etc.
    if a plane, returns the normal
    if a cylinder, returns the radius
    surf = BRepAdaptor_Surface(a_face, True)
    surf_type = surf.GetType()
    if  surf_type == GeomAbs_Plane:
        print("--> plane")
        # look for the properties of the plane
        # first get the related gp_Pln
        gp_pln = surf.Plane()
        location = gp_pln.Location()  # a point of the plane
        normal = gp_pln.Axis().Direction()  # the plane normal
        # then export location and normal to the console output
        print("--> Location (global coordinates)", location.X(), location.Y(), location.Z())
        print("--> Normal (global coordinates)", normal.X(), normal.Y(), normal.Z())
    elif surf_type == GeomAbs_Cylinder:
        print("--> cylinder")
        # look for the properties of the cylinder
        # first get the related gp_Cyl
        gp_cyl = surf.Cylinder()
        location = gp_cyl.Location()  # a point of the axis
        axis = gp_cyl.Axis().Direction()  # the cylinder axis
        # then export location and normal to the console output
        print("--> Location (global coordinates)", location.X(), location.Y(), location.Z())
        print("--> Axis (global coordinates)", axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z())
        # TODO there are plenty other type that can be checked
        # see documentation for the BRepAdaptor class
        # https://www.opencascade.com/doc/occt-6.9.1/refman/html/class_b_rep_adaptor___surface.html
        print("not implemented")
 def __init__(self, topods_shp, proj_pln=None):
     self.shp = topods_shp
     adaptor = BRepAdaptor_Surface(self.shp)
     if adaptor.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder:
         self.cyl = adaptor.Cylinder()
         self.axis = self.cyl.Axis()
         self.direction = self.axis.Direction()
         self.location = self.cyl.Location()
         self.neighborIsSet = False
         logging.warning('Wrong shape type, input should be cylinder')
     if proj_pln is not None: