def set_projection(self, vcenter, vout, vup): """Set the projection to a custom view given vcenter, the scene coordinates in the center of the window, vout, the vector from vcenter in scene coordinates out of the window, vup, the vector from vcenter in scene coordinates that show straight up Parameters ---------- vcenter vout vup """ projection = _Visual3d_ViewOrientation( _Graphic3d.Graphic3d_Vertex(vcenter[0], vcenter[1], vcenter[2]), _Graphic3d.Graphic3d_Vector(vout[0], vout[1], vout[2]), _Graphic3d.Graphic3d_Vector(vup[0], vup[1], vup[2])) self.glarea.occ_view.SetViewOrientation(projection)
def random_colored_material_aspect(): clrs = [i for i in dir(Graphic3d) if i.startswith('Graphic3d_NOM_')] color = random.sample(clrs, 1)[0] print("color", color) return Graphic3d.Graphic3d_MaterialAspect(getattr(Graphic3d, color))
def display_shape(shape, clr=None, viewer_handle=None): if viewer_handle is None: viewer_handle = handle if isinstance(shape, shape_tuple): shape, representation = shape.geometry, shape else: representation = None material = Graphic3d.Graphic3d_MaterialAspect( Graphic3d.Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTER) if representation and not clr: if len(set(representation.styles)) == 1: clr = representation.styles[0] if min(clr) < 0. or max(clr) > 1.: clr = DEFAULT_STYLES.get(, DEFAULT_STYLES["DEFAULT"]) if clr: ais = AIS.AIS_Shape(shape) ais.SetMaterial(material) if isinstance(clr, str): qclr = getattr( Quantity, "Quantity_NOC_%s" % clr.upper(), getattr(Quantity, "Quantity_NOC_%s1" % clr.upper(), None)) if qclr is None: raise Exception("No color named '%s'" % clr.upper()) elif isinstance(clr, Iterable): clr = tuple(clr) if len(clr) < 3 or len(clr) > 4: raise Exception("Need 3 or 4 color components. Got '%r'." % len(clr)) qclr = Quantity.Quantity_Color(clr[0], clr[1], clr[2], Quantity.Quantity_TOC_RGB) elif isinstance(clr, Quantity.Quantity_Color): qclr = clr else: raise Exception("Object of type %r cannot be used as a color." % type(clr)) ais.SetColor(qclr) if isinstance(clr, tuple) and len(clr) == 4 and clr[3] < 1.: ais.SetTransparency(1. - clr[3]) elif representation and hasattr(AIS, "AIS_MultipleConnectedShape"): default_style_applied = None ais = AIS.AIS_MultipleConnectedShape(shape) subshapes = list(yield_subshapes(shape)) lens = len(representation.styles), len(subshapes) if lens[0] != lens[1]: warnings.warn( "Unable to assign styles to subshapes. Encountered %d styles for %d shapes." % lens) else: for shp, stl in zip(subshapes, representation.styles): subshape = AIS.AIS_Shape(shp) if min(stl) < 0. or max(stl) > 1.: default_style_applied = stl = DEFAULT_STYLES.get(, DEFAULT_STYLES["DEFAULT"]) subshape.SetColor( Quantity.Quantity_Color(stl[0], stl[1], stl[2], Quantity.Quantity_TOC_RGB)) subshape.SetMaterial(material) if len(stl) == 4 and stl[3] < 1.: subshape.SetTransparency(1. - stl[3]) ais.Connect(subshape.GetHandle()) # For some reason it is necessary to set transparency here again # in order for transparency to be rendered on the subshape. applied_styles = representation.styles if default_style_applied: if len(default_style_applied) == 3: default_style_applied += (1., ) applied_styles += (default_style_applied, ) if len(applied_styles): # The only way for this not to be true if is the entire shape is NULL min_transp = min(map(operator.itemgetter(3), applied_styles)) if min_transp < 1.: ais.SetTransparency(1.) else: ais = AIS.AIS_Shape(shape) ais.SetMaterial(material) def r(): return random.random() * 0.3 + 0.7 clr = Quantity.Quantity_Color(r(), r(), r(), Quantity.Quantity_TOC_RGB) ais.SetColor(clr) ais_handle = ais.GetHandle() if USE_OCCT_HANDLE else ais viewer_handle.Context.Display(ais_handle, False) return ais_handle
from OCC.Core import TopoDS, Graphic3d, AIS, Bnd, BRepBndLib from OCC.Core.TopoDS import TopoDS_Wire import ifcopenshell.geom from OCCUtils import Topology import OCC material = Graphic3d.Graphic3d_MaterialAspect(Graphic3d.Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTER) settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) file ="Mur.ifc") walls = file.by_type("IfcWall") bbox = OCC.Core.Bnd.Bnd_Box() for wall in walls: product = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, wall) shape = TopoDS.TopoDS_Iterator(product.geometry).Value() occ_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.initialize_display() ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(shape) shape_gpXYZ = shape.Location().Transformation().TranslationPart() print(shape_gpXYZ.X(), shape_gpXYZ.Y(), shape_gpXYZ.Z()) break # wire = TopoDS.topods_Wire(product) # explorer = Topology.WireExplorer(wire) # vertices = explorer.ordered_vertices() # for vertex in vertices: # print vertex raw_input()