Example #1
    def build(self):
        topoWire = Topo(self.wire)

        #compute closest point on the wire
        brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape()

        result = brp.Perform()
        p1 = brp.PointOnShape2(1)
        wb = OCCUtil.WireBuilder()
        closestParam = None
        if brp.SupportTypeShape2(1) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
            #closest point is a point along an edge
            interSectingEdge = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1))
            closestParam = brp.ParOnEdgeS2(1)
            #closest point is a point on a vertex, here we'll shorten one edge
            #in this case closest point is a vertex, so we dont have a param on an edge
            vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1))
            edges = []
            for e in topoWire.edges_from_vertex(vertex):

                interSectingEdge = edges[0]

        #compute parameter along one curve
        #break the edge into two new edges. account for a split distance between them.
        ej = EdgeJoin(interSectingEdge, self.startPoint, self.trackWidth,

        #add lead-in edges
        for e in ej.connectingEdges:

        #now add all of the other edges in the wire except the original one that we split
        for e in topoWire.edges():
            if not e.IsSame(interSectingEdge):

        for e in ej.otherEdges:

        return wb.wire()
Example #2
	def build(self):
		topoWire = Topo(self.wire);
		#compute closest point on the wire
		brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape();

		result = brp.Perform();    
		p1 = brp.PointOnShape2(1);
		wb = OCCUtil.WireBuilder();
		closestParam = None;
		if brp.SupportTypeShape2(1) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
			#closest point is a point along an edge
			interSectingEdge = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
			closestParam = brp.ParOnEdgeS2(1);
			#closest point is a point on a vertex, here we'll shorten one edge
			#in this case closest point is a vertex, so we dont have a param on an edge
			vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
			edges = [];     
			for e in  topoWire.edges_from_vertex(vertex):
			    interSectingEdge = edges[0];
		#compute parameter along one curve
		#break the edge into two new edges. account for a split distance between them.
		ej = EdgeJoin(interSectingEdge,self.startPoint,self.trackWidth ,closestParam); 
		#add lead-in edges
		for e in ej.connectingEdges:       
		#now add all of the other edges in the wire except the original one that we split
		for e in topoWire.edges():
		    if not e.IsSame(interSectingEdge):
		for e in ej.otherEdges:
		return wb.wire();
Example #3
def makeExtrusionWire( shellWire, startPoint, trackWidth):
    topoWire = Topo(shellWire);
    #compute closest point on the wire
    brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape();
    result = brp.Perform();    
    p1 = brp.PointOnShape2(1);
    wb = WireBuilder();

    #make an edge from start point to located point.
    #wb.add ( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(startPoint, p1 ) );
    dist = p1.Distance(p2)
    if brp.SupportTypeShape2(1) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
        #closest point is a point along an edge
        interSectingEdge = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
        p = brp.ParOnEdgeS2(1);
        #compute parameter along one curve
        #break the edge into two new edges. account for a split distance between them.
        (e1,e2)= OCCUtil.splitEdge(interSectingEdge,p);
        #add second one shortened, on the end near the vertex
        wb.add ( OCCUtil.shortenEdge(e2,p1,trackWidth)); #hack, must find parameter closest to this end

        #now add all of the other edges in the wire except the original one that we split
        for e in topoWire.edges():
            if not e.IsSame(interSectingEdge):

        #closest point is a point on a vertex, here we'll shorten one edge
        vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));        
        edges = [];
        for e in  topoWire.edges_from_vertex(vertex):
        #shorten one, leave other intact
        #try to handle case where vertex is at end of a wire ( ie a non-closed wire )
        e1 = edges[0];
        wb.add( edges[0]);
        e2 = None;
        if len(edges) > 1:
            e2 = edges[1];            
            e3 = OCCUtil.shortenEdge(e2,p1,trackWidth); #hack-- find edges closest to this end
            wb.add ( e3); 
        for e in topoWire.edges():
            if e.IsSame(e1): continue;                
            if e2 and e.IsSame(e2): continue;            
            wb.add ( e );
    return wb.wire();
Example #4
    def compute(self):
        tw = Topo(self.request.wire)
        eL = list(tw.edges_from_vertex(self.vertex))

        if len(eL) > 2:
            raise Exception("Cannot trim wire at vertex with more than two edges")
        if len(eL) == 0:
            raise Exception("Vertex has no edges, cannot trim")

        allVertices = list(tw.vertices())

        # only one edge accessible from this vertex
        if len(eL) == 1:
            edgeWrapper = Wrappers.Edge(eL[0])
            pointObj = edgeWrapper.getPointAtVertex(self.vertex)
            self.solution = JointSolution(self.request, pointObj)
            self.solution.trimDistance = self.request.trackWidth
            # for a single edge, simply trim the path width
            return self.solution

            # else len(eL) == 2. this is the most common case.
        (edge1, edge2) = eL[:2]
        edgeWrapper1 = Wrappers.Edge(eL[0])
        edgeWrapper2 = Wrappers.Edge(eL[1])

        # compute solutions using both edges
        pointOnEdge1 = edgeWrapper1.getPointAtVertex(self.vertex)
        pointOnEdge2 = edgeWrapper2.getPointAtVertex(self.vertex)
        solution1 = JointSolution(self.request, pointOnEdge1)
        solution2 = JointSolution(self.request, pointOnEdge2)

        # choose the solution that is best. ideally, we want wide angles,
        # remember, these are direction vectors, so small angles means 'same direction' which is good,
        # while pi ( 180 ) angles are bad, becaues the paths switch back onto themselves.
        if solution1.isBetterThan(solution2):
            self.solution = solution1
            self.solution = solution2

            # compute the trim distance, which is based on the angles between the edges
            # edges with vectors pi apart overlap, and 0 degrees are aligned
            # TODO: this assumes all angles are between zero and 2pi
        angleAtVertex = pointOnEdge1.vector.Angle(pointOnEdge2.vector)
        angleDiff = abs(math.pi - angleAtVertex)

        trimWidth = self.request.trackWidth

        if angleDiff < 0.1:
            # print "Trimmed Wire: two edges are very close to each other!"
            # TODO: here, if one of the edges is a curve we can re-evaluate along the curve
            # to find a better location. If the cuves are lines, the two should be removed.
            # for now, though, we'll handle this in the shortening routine, which will
            # essentially never allow replacing an entire edge
            trimDistance = trimWidth * 5.0
        elif angleDiff < (math.pi / 2):
            # print "Trimmed Wire based on sin rule"
            trimDistance = trimWidth / 2 * (1 + (1 / math.sin(angleAtVertex)))
            # print "No Trim was necessary"
            trimDistance = trimWidth / 2

        solution1.trimDistance = trimDistance
        solution2.trimDistance = trimDistance

        if self.solution is None:
            raise Exception("No solution selected, this should not ever occur.")

        return self.solution
Example #5
    def compute(self):
        tw = Topo(self.request.wire)
        eL = list(tw.edges_from_vertex(self.vertex))

        if len(eL) > 2:
            raise Exception(
                "Cannot trim wire at vertex with more than two edges")
        if len(eL) == 0: raise Exception("Vertex has no edges, cannot trim")

        allVertices = list(tw.vertices())

        #only one edge accessible from this vertex
        if len(eL) == 1:
            edgeWrapper = Wrappers.Edge(eL[0])
            pointObj = edgeWrapper.getPointAtVertex(self.vertex)
            self.solution = JointSolution(self.request, pointObj)
            self.solution.trimDistance = self.request.trackWidth
            #for a single edge, simply trim the path width
            return self.solution

        #else len(eL) == 2. this is the most common case.
        (edge1, edge2) = eL[:2]
        edgeWrapper1 = Wrappers.Edge(eL[0])
        edgeWrapper2 = Wrappers.Edge(eL[1])

        #compute solutions using both edges
        pointOnEdge1 = edgeWrapper1.getPointAtVertex(self.vertex)
        pointOnEdge2 = edgeWrapper2.getPointAtVertex(self.vertex)
        solution1 = JointSolution(self.request, pointOnEdge1)
        solution2 = JointSolution(self.request, pointOnEdge2)

        #choose the solution that is best. ideally, we want wide angles,
        #remember, these are direction vectors, so small angles means 'same direction' which is good,
        #while pi ( 180 ) angles are bad, becaues the paths switch back onto themselves.
        if solution1.isBetterThan(solution2):
            self.solution = solution1
            self.solution = solution2

        #compute the trim distance, which is based on the angles between the edges
        #edges with vectors pi apart overlap, and 0 degrees are aligned
        #TODO: this assumes all angles are between zero and 2pi
        angleAtVertex = pointOnEdge1.vector.Angle(pointOnEdge2.vector)
        angleDiff = abs(math.pi - angleAtVertex)

        trimWidth = self.request.trackWidth

        if angleDiff < 0.1:
            #print "Trimmed Wire: two edges are very close to each other!"
            #TODO: here, if one of the edges is a curve we can re-evaluate along the curve
            #to find a better location. If the cuves are lines, the two should be removed.
            #for now, though, we'll handle this in the shortening routine, which will
            #essentially never allow replacing an entire edge
            trimDistance = trimWidth * 5.0
        elif angleDiff < (math.pi / 2):
            #print "Trimmed Wire based on sin rule"
            trimDistance = trimWidth / 2 * (1 + (1 / math.sin(angleAtVertex)))
            #print "No Trim was necessary"
            trimDistance = trimWidth / 2

        solution1.trimDistance = trimDistance
        solution2.trimDistance = trimDistance

        if self.solution is None:
            raise Exception(
                "No solution selected, this should not ever occur.")

        return self.solution