Example #1
    def _makeSlice(self, shapeToSlice, zLevel):

        s = Slice()

        #used to determine if a slice is identical to others.
        s.hatchDir = self.hatchReversed
        s.fillWidth = self.options.filling.fillWidth

        #change if layers are variable thickness
        s.sliceHeight = self.options.layerHeight
        s.zLevel = zLevel

        #make a cutting plane
        p = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, zLevel)

        origin = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, zLevel - 1)
        csys = gp.gp_Ax3(p, gp.gp().DZ())
        cuttingPlane = gp.gp_Pln(csys)
        bff = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(cuttingPlane)
        face = bff.Face()

        #odd, a halfspace is faster than a box?
        hs = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(face, origin)
        halfspace = hs.Solid()

        #make the cut
        bc = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(shapeToSlice, halfspace)
        cutShape = bc.Shape()

        foundFace = False
        for face in Topo(cutShape).faces():
            if self._isAtZLevel(zLevel, face):
                foundFace = True
                log.debug("Face is at zlevel" + str(zLevel))

                log.debug("Face" + str(face))

        if self.options.useSliceFactoring:
            mySum = s.getCheckSum()
            #print 'Slice Created, Checksum is',mySum;
            for otherSlice in self.slices:
                #print "Slice Checksum=",otherSlice.getCheckSum();
                if mySum == otherSlice.getCheckSum():
                        "This slice matches another one exactly. using that so we can save time."
                    return otherSlice.copyToZ(zLevel)

        if not foundFace:
            log.warn("No faces found after slicing at zLevel " + str(zLevel) +
                     " !. Skipping This layer completely")
            return None
            return s
    def _makeSlice(self, shapeToSlice, zLevel):
        s = Slice()

        #change if layers are variable thickness
        s.sliceHeight = self.sliceHeight
        s.zLevel = zLevel

        #make a cutting plane
        p = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, zLevel)

        origin = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, zLevel - 1)
        csys = gp.gp_Ax3(p, gp.gp().DZ())
        cuttingPlane = gp.gp_Pln(csys)
        bff = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(cuttingPlane)
        face = bff.Face()

        #odd, a halfspace is faster than a box?
        hs = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(face, origin)
        halfspace = hs.Solid()

        #make the cut
        bc = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(shapeToSlice, halfspace)
        cutShape = bc.Shape()

        #search the shape for faces at the specified zlevel
        texp = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer()
        texp.Init(cutShape, TopAbs.TopAbs_FACE)
        foundFace = False
        while (texp.More()):
            face = ts.Face(texp.Current())
            if self._isAtZLevel(zLevel, face):
                foundFace = True
                logging.debug("Face is at zlevel" + str(zLevel))
                s.addFace(face, self.saveSliceFaces)

        #free memory

        if not foundFace:
            logging.warn("No faces found after slicing at zLevel " +
                         str(zLevel) + " !. Skipping This layer completely")
            return None
            return s
Example #3
    def makeSection(self, cuttingPlane, shapeToSection, zLevel):
            Uses halfspaces to make a cut.
        bff = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(cuttingPlane)
        face = bff.Face()
        origin = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, zLevel - 1)

        #odd, a halfspace is faster than a box?
        hs = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(face, origin)
        halfspace = hs.Solid()

        #make the cut
        bc = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(self.solid.shape, halfspace)
        cutShape = bc.Shape()

        ff = []
        for face in Topo(cutShape).faces():
            if OCCUtil.isFaceAtZLevel(zLevel, face):
        return ff