zout[:] = [z[1], g - alpha*z[1]**2]
    return zout
# main program starts here

T = 10  # end of simulation
N = 20  # no of time steps
time = np.linspace(0, T, N+1)

z0[0] = 2.0

ze = euler(f, z0, time)     # compute response with constant CD using Euler's method
ze2 = euler(f2, z0, time)   # compute response with varying CD using Euler's method

zh = heun(f, z0, time)     # compute response with constant CD using Heun's method
zh2 = heun(f2, z0, time)   # compute response with varying CD using Heun's method

k1 = np.sqrt(g*4*rho_s*d/(3*rho_f*CD))
k2 = np.sqrt(3*rho_f*g*CD/(4*rho_s*d))
v_a = k1*np.tanh(k2*time)   # compute response with constant CD using analytical solution

# plotting


plot(time, v_a, line_type[0])
legends.append('Analytical (constant CD)')

plot(time, ze[:,1], line_type[1])
# main program starts here

T = 10  # end of simulation
N = 20  # no of time steps
time = np.linspace(0, T, N + 1)

z0 = np.zeros(2)
z0[0] = 2.0

# compute response with constant CD using Euler's method
ze = euler(f, z0, time)
# compute response with varying CD using Euler's method
ze2 = euler(f2, z0, time)

# compute response with constant CD using Heun's method
zh = heun(f, z0, time)
# compute response with varying CD using Heun's method
zh2 = heun(f2, z0, time)

zrk4 = rk4(f, z0, time)  # compute response with constant CD using RK4
zrk4_2 = rk4(f2, z0, time)  # compute response with varying CD using RK4

k1 = np.sqrt(g * 4 * rho_s * d / (3 * rho_f * CD))
k2 = np.sqrt(3 * rho_f * g * CD / (4 * rho_s * d))
# compute response with constant CD using analytical solution
v_a = k1 * np.tanh(k2 * time)

# plotting

legends = []
line_type = ['-', ':', '.', '-.', ':', '.', '-.']