Example #1
File: run.py Project: j-faria/OPEN
	def do_replot():

		### RVs ============================
		time = PC.times
		rv = PC.vel_total
		errors = PC.noise

		### calculate periodogram
		TimeSer.time = PC.times
		TimeSer.vrad = PC.vel_total
		TimeSer.error = PC.noise
		per = gls(TimeSer)
		print per.power

		# teff = feh = feh_error = logg = logg_error = 0
		# l = w1.children()[1]
		# l.setText(label_text % (star, 0, 0,
		# 	                     'G2', 
		# 	                     teff, feh, feh_error, logg, logg_error,
		# 	                     100, 'HARPS')
		# 		   )

		# w1.addWidget(label, row=0, col=0)

		## dock 4, periodogram
		w4.plot(1./per.freq, per.power)

		## dock 6, data
		w6.plot(PC.times_full, PC.vel_full)
		w6.plot(time, rv, pen=None, symbolBrush=(255, 0, 0), symbolSize=10)
		errItem = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=time, y=rv, height=errors, beam=0.5)
Example #2
# 'run -i' this script:
magic = get_ipython().magic
from OPEN.periodograms import gls, bls
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

magic('read /home/joao/yorbit/data/rv_files/HD41248_omc_d1_harps_mean_set1.rdb --skip=2 -v -d')
per1a = gls(default, ofac=12)
per1b = bls(default)

magic('read /home/joao/yorbit/data/rv_files/HD41248_omc_d1_harps_mean_set2.rdb /home/joao/yorbit/data/rv_files/HD41248_omc_d1_harps_mean_set3.rdb --skip=2 -v -d')
per2 = gls(default, ofac=12)
per2a = bls(default)

# magic('read /home/joao/yorbit/data/rv_files/HD41248_omc_d1_harps_mean_set3.rdb --skip=2 -v -d')
# per3 = gls(default, ofac=12)

# for normalization
a1 = per1b.power.max()
a2 = per1a.power.max()

plt.semilogx(1./per1a.freq, per1a.power, 'b-', label='set1-gls')
plt.semilogx(1./per1b.freq, per1b.power, 'b:', label='set1-bls')
plt.semilogx(1./per2a.freq, per2a.power, 'r-', label='set2-gls')
plt.semilogx(1./per2b.freq, per2b.power/a1*a2, 'r:', label='set2-bls')
# plt.semilogx(1./per3.freq, per3.power, 'g-', label='set3')
Example #3
# 'run -i' this script:
magic = get_ipython().magic

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from OPEN.periodograms import gls

# two planets
magic('read /home/joao/HD41248_Kepler-88-2_2planets.dat -d')
real_periods = [10.95416, 70.18]

ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
p1 = gls(default, ofac=20)
p1._plot(verts=real_periods, color='k', doFAP=True, newFig=False, axes=ax1)
plt.title('Both planets')

magic('read /home/joao/HD41248_Kepler-88-2_planetXL.dat -d')

ax1 = plt.subplot(312)
p1 = gls(default, ofac=20)
p1._plot(verts=[real_periods[1],], color='k', doFAP=True, newFig=False, axes=ax1)
plt.title('Bigger planet')

magic('read /home/joao/HD41248_Kepler-88-2_planetXS.dat -d')

ax1 = plt.subplot(313)
p1 = gls(default, ofac=20)
Example #4
# 'run -i' this script:
magic = get_ipython().magic

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from OPEN.periodograms import gls
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

magic('read /home/joao/yorbit/data/rv_files/HD41248_harps_mean.rdb --skip=2 -v -d')

with PdfPages('consecutive_periodograms.pdf') as pdf:

	for i in reversed(range(155, len(default.time)+1)):
		per = gls(default)
		print 'gls %d points from beginning' % i
		per._plot(verts=[18, 25])
		plt.title('gls %d points from beginning' % i)
		plt.ylim([0, 30])
		plt.xlim([0.1, 1e4])
		default.time = np.delete(default.time, -1)
		default.vrad = np.delete(default.vrad, -1)
		default.error = np.delete(default.error, -1)
Example #5
File: run.py Project: j-faria/OPEN
def create_planet_widget(star, database, debug=True):

	this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
	data_relative_path = os.path.join(this_dir, '..', '..', 'data')
	available_sampling_files = {'random': [None, 0],
	                            '14Her': [os.path.join(data_relative_path, '14Her.times'), 203],
								'51Peg': [os.path.join(data_relative_path, '51Peg.times'), 409],
	sampling_options = {'1': 'random', '2': "14Her", '3': "51Peg"}

	class PlanetCreator:
		def __init__(self, sampling_file, nobs):
			self.sampling_file = sampling_file
			self.nobs = nobs

			self.nplanets = 0
			self.periods = None
			self.eccentricities = None
			self.semi_amplitudes = None
			self.omegas = None
			self.times_periastron = None
			self.types_noise = []

			self.update_sampling(sampling_file, nobs)
			self.update_noise([], force=True)

		def get_rv(self):
			self.vel_full = np.zeros_like(self.times_full)  # rv at oversampled times
			self.vel_full_each = np.zeros_like(self.times_full)  # rv at oversampled times for each planet
			self.vel_all = np.zeros((len(self.times), self.nplanets))  # rv at sample times for each planet
			self.vel_each = np.zeros_like(self.times)  # rv at sample times for each planet (temporary)
			self.vel_total = np.zeros_like(self.times)  # rv at sample times

			# if self.nplanets == 0:
			# 	self.get_noise(self.types_noise)
				# return

			for planet in range(self.nplanets):
				if self.periods is None: 
					P = np.random.rand()*998. + 2.  # random period, U(2, 998)
					P = self.periods[planet]  # user-provided period

				if self.eccentricities is None:
					ecc = np.random.beta(0.867, 3.03)  # from Kipping 2013
					ecc = self.eccentricities[planet]  # user-provided eccentricity

				if self.semi_amplitudes is None:
					K = np.random.rand()*50. + 2.
					K = self.semi_amplitudes[planet]  # user-provided semi-amplitude

				if self.omegas is None:
					omega = np.random.rand()*2.*np.pi 
					omega = self.omegas[planet]  # user-provided omega

				if self.times_periastron is None:
					# random starting at around 2010-01-01, ending 1000 days later
					time_periastron = np.random.randint(2455197, 2456197) 
					time_periastron = self.times_periastron[planet]  # user-provided time of periastron

				# log
				# temp.write(output % (planet+1, P, K, ecc, omega, 2452000))

				# get RVs for this planet
				get_rvn(self.times, P, K, ecc, omega, time_periastron, 0., self.vel_each)

				# get RVs for this planet at oversampled times
				get_rvn(self.times_full, P, K, ecc, omega, time_periastron, 0., self.vel_full_each)

				# store
				self.vel_all[:,planet] = self.vel_each
				self.vel_total += self.vel_each
				self.vel_full += self.vel_full_each

			# self.get_noise(self.types_noise)
			self.vel_total += self.noise  # add noise

		def get_noise(self, types_noise):
			Return the noise vector to be added to the RVs
			noise_vector = np.zeros_like(self.times)

			for noise in types_noise:
				if noise['type'] == 'white':
					noise_vector += np.random.randn(len(self.times)) * noise['std']

			self.noise = noise_vector

		def ouput_to_file(self, filename):
			print filename

		def update_planets(self, nplanets):
			self.nplanets = nplanets

		def update_noise(self, noise_dict, force=False):
			if (noise_dict == self.types_noise) and not force:
				self.types_noise = noise_dict

		def update_sampling(self, sampling_file, nobs):
			self.sampling_file = sampling_file
			self.nobs = nobs

			if sampling_file is not None:  # the sampling is set in the file
				times_sampled_from_file = np.loadtxt(sampling_file, usecols=(0,))
				print len(times_sampled_from_file)
				self.times = times_sampled_from_file
				self.times_full = np.linspace(min(times_sampled_from_file), max(times_sampled_from_file), 1000)
			else:  # the sampling is random
				self.times_full = np.linspace(2449460, 2452860, 1000)
				# sample (N points) randomly from the data to produce unevenly sampled time series
				rand_args = [i for i in sorted(random.sample(xrange(len(self.times_full)), nobs))]
				self.times = self.times_full[rand_args]

	PC = PlanetCreator(None, 10)
	TimeSer = BasicTimeSeries()
	TimeSer.time = PC.times
	TimeSer.vrad = PC.vel_total
	TimeSer.error = PC.noise
	per = gls(TimeSer)

	app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()  # checks if QApplication already exists
	if not app:  # create QApplication if it doesnt exist 
		app = QtGui.QApplication([])
	win = QtGui.QMainWindow()
	area = DockArea()

	## Create docks, place them into the window one at a time.
	## Note that size arguments are only a suggestion; docks will still have to
	## fill the entire dock area and obey the limits of their internal widgets.
	d1 = Dock("Info (d1)", size=(300, 100))     ## give this dock the minimum possible size
	d3 = Dock("Options (d3)", size=(300,400))
	d4 = Dock("per (d4)", size=(500,100))
	d6 = Dock("RV (d6)", size=(500,300))

	area.addDock(d1, 'left')      
	area.addDock(d3, 'bottom', d1)## place d3 at bottom edge of d1
	area.addDock(d4, 'bottom')     ## place d4 at right edge of dock area
	area.addDock(d6, 'right')   ## place d5 at top edge of d4

	## Test ability to move docks programatically after they have been placed
	area.moveDock(d4, 'bottom', d6)   ## move d6 to stack on top of d4

	## this group includes a menu allowing the user to add new parameters into its child list
	class PlanetParametersGroup(pTypes.GroupParameter):
		def __init__(self, **opts):
			opts['type'] = 'group'
			opts['addText'] = "Add"
			opts['addList'] = ['planet']
			pTypes.GroupParameter.__init__(self, **opts)

		def addNew(self, typ):
			planet_group = [
            				{'name': 'period [d]', 'type': 'float', 'value': 10},
            				{'name': 'K [m/s]', 'type': 'float', 'value': 10},
            				{'name': 'eccentricity', 'type': 'float', 'value': 0.0, 'step': 0.01},
            				{'name': 'w [rad]', 'type': 'float', 'value': 0.0, 'step': 0.01},
            				{'name': 'Tp [d]', 'type': 'float', 'value': 2455197, 'step': 10},
            				{'name': 'Randomize', 'type': 'action'},
			self.addChild(dict(name="planet %d" % (len(self.childs)+1), 
				               type='group', children=planet_group, removable=True, renamable=False))

	## this group includes a menu allowing the user to add new parameters into its child list
	class NoiseParametersGroup(pTypes.GroupParameter):
		def __init__(self, **opts):
			opts['type'] = 'group'
			opts['addText'] = "Add"
			opts['addList'] = ['white', 'correlated']
			pTypes.GroupParameter.__init__(self, **opts)

		def addNew(self, typ):
			print typ
			white_noise_group = [{'name': 'variance', 'type': 'float', 'value': 1, 'step': 0.1}]

			if typ == 'white':
				self.addChild(dict(name="white noise %d" % (len(self.childs)+1), 
					               type='group', children=white_noise_group, removable=True))
			elif typ == 'correlated':

	## User-changeable parameters
	params = [
        	# number of points
        	{'name': 'Number of points', 'type': 'int', 'value': PC.nobs},
        	# parameters for planets
        	PlanetParametersGroup(name="Planet parameters", children=[]),
        	# choose sampling times
        	{'name': 'Sampling times', 'type': 'group', 'children': [
        		{'name': 'Sampling', 'type': 'list', 'values': {"Random": 1, "14Her": 2, "51Peg": 3}, 'value': 1},
        		{'name': 'Start (dw)', 'type': 'float', 'value': 2449460},
        		{'name': 'End (dw)', 'type': 'float', 'value': 2452860},
        	# parameters for noise
        	NoiseParametersGroup(name='Noise Parameters', children=[]),
        	# output to file
        	{'name': 'Save', 'type': 'group', 'children': [
        		{'name': 'Filename', 'type': 'str', 'value': "example.rdb"},
        		{'name': 'Save', 'type': 'action'},

	## Add widgets into each dock

	## first dock gets info
	w1 = pg.LayoutWidget()
	label_text = \
	""" OPEN -- %s	B: %.2f	  V: %.2f 
	%s	FeH		logg
	%dK	%.2f+-%.2f	%.2f+-%.2f
	Data: %d measurements	%s

	teff = feh = feh_error = logg = logg_error = 0

	label = QtGui.QLabel(label_text % (star, 0, 0,
		                               teff, feh, feh_error, logg, logg_error,
		                               100, 'HARPS')

	## Create tree of Parameter objects
	p = Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=params)

	def clear_plots():

	def do_replot():

		### RVs ============================
		time = PC.times
		rv = PC.vel_total
		errors = PC.noise

		### calculate periodogram
		TimeSer.time = PC.times
		TimeSer.vrad = PC.vel_total
		TimeSer.error = PC.noise
		per = gls(TimeSer)
		print per.power

		# teff = feh = feh_error = logg = logg_error = 0
		# l = w1.children()[1]
		# l.setText(label_text % (star, 0, 0,
		# 	                     'G2', 
		# 	                     teff, feh, feh_error, logg, logg_error,
		# 	                     100, 'HARPS')
		# 		   )

		# w1.addWidget(label, row=0, col=0)

		## dock 4, periodogram
		w4.plot(1./per.freq, per.power)

		## dock 6, data
		w6.plot(PC.times_full, PC.vel_full)
		w6.plot(time, rv, pen=None, symbolBrush=(255, 0, 0), symbolSize=10)
		errItem = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=time, y=rv, height=errors, beam=0.5)

	## If anything changes in the tree
	def change(param, changes):
		nobs = param['Number of points']
		signals = param.children()[1]
		noises = param.children()[3]

		nplanets = len(signals.children())
		# nnoises = len(noises.children())
		# print signals.children()
		print changes

		noise_dict = []
		for n in noises:
			if 'white noise' in n.name():
				noise_dict.append({'type': 'white', 'std': np.sqrt(n['variance'])})

		# status of "Sampling times" group
		sampling = str(param.children()[2].children()[0].value())
		sampling_file = available_sampling_files[sampling_options[sampling]][0]
		sampling_file_npoints = available_sampling_files[sampling_options[sampling]][1]
		if sampling_file_npoints > 0:
			param['Number of points'] = nobs = sampling_file_npoints

		# planet signals
		if nplanets > 0:
			PC.periods = []
			PC.eccentricities = []
			PC.semi_amplitudes = []
			PC.omegas = []
			PC.times_periastron = []

		for s in signals:
			# print s.children()
			PC.periods.append(s['period [d]'])
			PC.semi_amplitudes.append(s['K [m/s]'])
			PC.omegas.append(s['w [rad]'])
			PC.times_periastron.append(s['Tp [d]'])
			# print s.children()

		save = param.children()[4].children()[0]
		filename = save.value()

		# print("tree changes:")
		for param, change, data in changes:
			path = p.childPath(param)
			if path is not None:
				childName = '.'.join(path)
				childName = param.name()
			# print('  parameter: %s' % childName)
			# print('  change:    %s' % change)
			# print('  data:      %s' % str(data))
			# print('  ----------')

			if childName == 'Save.Save' and change == 'activated':

		if (nobs != PC.nobs) or (sampling_file != PC.sampling_file):
			PC.update_sampling(sampling_file, nobs)
			PC.update_noise(noise_dict, force=True)


	## Create ParameterTree widget
	tree = ParameterTree()
	tree.setParameters(p, showTop=False)

	w1.addWidget(label, row=0, col=0)
	# w1.addWidget(saveBtn, row=1, col=0)
	# w1.addWidget(restoreBtn, row=1, col=1)
	# w1.addWidget(tree, row=0, col=2, rowspan=1)

	# state = None
	# def save():
	#     global state
	#     state = area.saveState()
	#     restoreBtn.setEnabled(True)
	#     print state
	# def load():
	#     global state
	#     area.restoreState(state)
	# saveBtn.clicked.connect(save)
	# restoreBtn.clicked.connect(load)

	## Hide title bar on dock 3, the radial velocity data
	# d3.hideTitleBar()
	# w3 = pg.PlotWidget(title="RV data", name="PlotRV")
	# w3.plot(x, y, pen=None, symbol='o', symbolSize=5)
	# errItem = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=x, y=y, height=err, beam=0.5)
	# w3.addItem(errItem)
	# d3.addWidget(w3)

	w4 = pg.PlotWidget(title="periodogram ")
	# w4.plot(np.random.normal(size=100))
	w4.plot(1./per.freq, per.power)
	w4.plotItem.setLogMode(True, False)

	### RVs ============================
	time = PC.times
	rv = PC.vel_total
	errors = PC.noise

	w6 = pg.PlotWidget(name="perRV")
	w6.plot(PC.times_full, PC.vel_full)
	w6.plot(time, rv, pen=None, symbolBrush=(255,0,0), symbolSize=10)
	errItem = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=time, y=rv, height=errors, beam=0.5)

	# w6.plotItem.setLogMode(True, False)
	#cross hair
	# vLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False)
	# hLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False)
	# w6.addItem(vLine, ignoreBounds=True)
	# w6.addItem(hLine, ignoreBounds=True)
	# vb = w6.plotItem.vb

	# def mouseMoved(evt):
	# 	pos = evt[0]  ## using signal proxy turns original arguments into a tuple
	# 	if w6.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
	# 		mousePoint = vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
	# 		vLine.setPos(mousePoint.x())
	# 		hLine.setPos(mousePoint.y())

	# proxy = pg.SignalProxy(w6.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=mouseMoved)

	### periodogram RHK
	# w8 = pg.PlotWidget()
	# w8.plot(1./freq, power_rhk, title="Periodogram FWHM")
	# w8.plotItem.setLogMode(True, False)
	# w8.setXLink('perRV')  ## test linking by name
	# d8.addWidget(w8)

Example #6
all_files = glob.glob('/home/joao/phd/data/*mean*')
print 'Total: ', len(all_files), ' files'

with PdfPages('lp_data.pdf') as pdf:
	for filename in tqdm(all_files[0:10]):
		# print filename
		magic('read ' + filename + ' --skip=2 -d')

		N = len(default.time)
		if N < 5: 
			continue # skip this star

		per = gls(default) # calculate periodogram
		per1 = gls(default, quantity='fwhm')
		per2 = gls(default, quantity='rhk')

		tspan = max(default.time) - min(default.time)
		rms_over_err = rms(default.vrad - default.vrad.mean()) / default.error.mean()

		gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 2)

		# plot the data
		ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
		default.do_plot_obs(newFig=False, leg=False)