break # Relation elif inputfile.objType == objTypes.relation: if not resolve: continue relation_list.add(inputfile.objID) changeset_list.add(inputfile.objChangeset) node_list.update(relation_nodes) way_list.update(relation_ways) # while True: if show_stats: print 'Bytes read from OSM file: ' + str(inputfile.getBytesRead()) print 'Objects processed: ' + str(obj_count) print "Changeset list count: " + str(len(changeset_list)) print "Node list count: " + str(len(node_list)) print "Way list count: " + str(len(way_list)) print "Relation list count: " + str(len(relation_list)) del inputfile except Exception, ErrorDesc: print "Step 1 Failed : " + str(ErrorDesc) print "Line " + str(inputfile.line_count) + ":" + inputfile.getTag() print "Bytes read: " + str(inputfile.getBytesRead()) finish = time.clock() print "Extract incomplete in " + str(finish - start) + " seconds."
trow.SetValue("Way_ID",long(way[0])) for f in standardFields: trow.setValue(f, '') for sTag in ftags: trow.setValue(sTag[0], str(sTag[1].encode('utf-8'))) waytagcursor.insertrow(trow) hasvalidtags=False # if element==... AddMsgAndPrint( str(nodecount) +' Vertices ' +str(taggednodecount)+' Nodes '+str(waycount)+' Ways') AddMsgAndPrint( 'Bytes read from OSM file: ' + str(osmFile.getBytesRead())) #Close files that were written to. nodefile.close() #unbuiltsegments.close() unbuiltways.close() del osmFile # Clean up GP objects del nodepnt del waytagcursor del othernodetagcursor del otherwaytagcursor del nodecursor
# Relation elif inputfile.objType == objTypes.relation: if not resolve: continue relation_list.add(inputfile.objID) changeset_list.add(inputfile.objChangeset) node_list.update(relation_nodes) way_list.update(relation_ways) # while True: if show_stats: print 'Bytes read from OSM file: ' + str(inputfile.getBytesRead()) print 'Objects processed: ' + str(obj_count) print "Changeset list count: " + str(len(changeset_list)) print "Node list count: " + str(len(node_list)) print "Way list count: " + str(len(way_list)) print "Relation list count: " + str(len(relation_list)) del inputfile except Exception, ErrorDesc: print "Step 1 Failed : " + str(ErrorDesc) print "Line " + str(inputfile.line_count) + ":" + inputfile.getTag() print "Bytes read: " + str(inputfile.getBytesRead()) finish = time.clock() print "Extract incomplete in " + str(finish - start) + " seconds."
for f in standardFields: trow.setValue(f, '') for sTag in ftags: trow.setValue(sTag[0], str(sTag[1].encode('utf-8'))) waytagcursor.insertrow(trow) hasvalidtags = False # if element==... AddMsgAndPrint( str(nodecount) + ' Vertices ' + str(taggednodecount) + ' Nodes ' + str(waycount) + ' Ways') AddMsgAndPrint('Bytes read from OSM file: ' + str(osmFile.getBytesRead())) #Close files that were written to. nodefile.close() #unbuiltsegments.close() unbuiltways.close() del osmFile # Clean up GP objects del nodepnt del waytagcursor del othernodetagcursor del otherwaytagcursor del nodecursor