Example #1
    def updateData(self, labels = None, setAnchors = 0, **args):
        self.removeDrawingCurves()  # my function, that doesn't delete selection curves
        self.tooltipMarkers = []

        if labels == None: labels = [anchor[2] for anchor in self.anchorData]
        self.shownAttributes = labels
        self.dataMap = {}   # dictionary with keys of form "x_i-y_i" with values (x_i, y_i, color, data)
        self.valueLineCurves = [{}, {}]    # dicts for x and y set of coordinates for unconnected lines

        if not self.haveData or len(labels) < 3:
            self.anchorData = []

        if setAnchors or (args.has_key("XAnchors") and args.has_key("YAnchors")):
            self.potentialsBmp = None
            self.setAnchors(args.get("XAnchors"), args.get("YAnchors"), labels)
            #self.anchorData = self.createAnchors(len(labels), labels)    # used for showing tooltips

        indices = [self.attributeNameIndex[anchor[2]] for anchor in self.anchorData]  # store indices to shown attributes

        # do we want to show anchors and their labels
        if self.showAnchors:
            if self.hideRadius > 0:
                xdata = self.createXAnchors(100)*(self.hideRadius / 10)
                ydata = self.createYAnchors(100)*(self.hideRadius / 10)
                self.addCurve("hidecircle", QColor(200,200,200), QColor(200,200,200), 1, style = QwtPlotCurve.Lines, symbol = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol, xData = xdata.tolist() + [xdata[0]], yData = ydata.tolist() + [ydata[0]])

            # draw dots at anchors
            shownAnchorData = filter(lambda p, r=self.hideRadius**2/100: p[0]**2+p[1]**2>r, self.anchorData)

            if not self.normalizeExamples:
                for i,(x,y,a) in enumerate(shownAnchorData):
                    self.addCurve("l%i" % i, QColor(160, 160, 160), QColor(160, 160, 160), 10, style = QwtPlotCurve.Lines, symbol = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol, xData = [0, x], yData = [0, y], showFilledSymbols = 1, lineWidth=2)
                    if self.showAttributeNames:
                        self.addMarker(a, x*1.07, y*1.04, Qt.AlignCenter, bold=1)
                XAnchors = [a[0] for a in shownAnchorData]
                YAnchors = [a[1] for a in shownAnchorData]
                self.addCurve("dots", QColor(160,160,160), QColor(160,160,160), 10, style = QwtPlotCurve.NoCurve, symbol = QwtSymbol.Ellipse, xData = XAnchors, yData = YAnchors, showFilledSymbols = 1)

                # draw text at anchors
                if self.showAttributeNames:
                    for x, y, a in shownAnchorData:
                        self.addMarker(a, x*1.07, y*1.04, Qt.AlignCenter, bold = 1)

        if self.showAnchors and self.normalizeExamples:
            # draw "circle"
            xdata = self.createXAnchors(100)
            ydata = self.createYAnchors(100)
            self.addCurve("circle", QColor(Qt.black), QColor(Qt.black), 1, style = QwtPlotCurve.Lines, symbol = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol, xData = xdata.tolist() + [xdata[0]], yData = ydata.tolist() + [ydata[0]])

        self.potentialsClassifier = None # remove the classifier so that repaint won't recompute it

        if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:

        useDifferentSymbols = self.useDifferentSymbols and self.dataHasDiscreteClass and len(self.dataDomain.classVar.values) < len(self.curveSymbols)
        dataSize = len(self.rawData)
        validData = self.getValidList(indices)
        transProjData = self.createProjectionAsNumericArray(indices, validData = validData, scaleFactor = self.scaleFactor, normalize = self.normalizeExamples, jitterSize = -1, useAnchorData = 1, removeMissingData = 0)
        if transProjData == None:
        projData = transProjData.T
        x_positions = projData[0]
        y_positions = projData[1]
        xPointsToAdd = {}
        yPointsToAdd = {}

        if self.showProbabilities and self.haveData and self.dataHasClass:
            # construct potentialsClassifier from unscaled positions
            domain = orange.Domain([self.dataDomain[i].name for i in indices]+[self.dataDomain.classVar.name], self.dataDomain)
            offsets = [self.attrValues[self.attributeNames[i]][0] for i in indices]
            normalizers = [self.getMinMaxVal(i) for i in indices]
            selectedData = numpy.take(self.originalData, indices, axis = 0)
            averages = numpy.average(numpy.compress(validData, selectedData, axis=1), 1)
            classData = numpy.compress(validData, self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex])
            self.potentialsClassifier = orange.P2NN(domain, numpy.transpose(numpy.array([numpy.compress(validData, self.unscaled_x_positions), numpy.compress(validData, self.unscaled_y_positions), classData])), self.anchorData, offsets, normalizers, averages, self.normalizeExamples, law=1)

        # ##############################################################
        # show model quality
        # ##############################################################
        if self.insideColors != None or self.showKNN and self.haveData:
            # if we want to show knn classifications of the examples then turn the projection into example table and run knn
            if self.insideColors:
                insideData, stringData = self.insideColors
                shortData = self.createProjectionAsExampleTable([self.attributeNameIndex[attr] for attr in labels], useAnchorData = 1)
                predictions, probabilities = self.widget.vizrank.kNNClassifyData(shortData)
                if self.showKNN == 2: insideData, stringData = [1.0 - val for val in predictions], "Probability of wrong classification = %.2f%%"
                else:                 insideData, stringData = predictions, "Probability of correct classification = %.2f%%"

            if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:        classColors = self.discPalette
            elif self.dataHasContinuousClass:    classColors = self.contPalette

            if len(insideData) != len(self.rawData):
                j = 0
                for i in range(len(self.rawData)):
                    if not validData[i]: continue
                    if self.dataHasClass:
                        fillColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i], 255*insideData[j])
                        edgeColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                        fillColor = edgeColor = (0,0,0)
                    self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*fillColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*edgeColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, xData = [x_positions[i]], yData = [y_positions[i]])
                    if self.showValueLines:
                        self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], edgeColor, i, indices)
                    self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*edgeColor), i, stringData % (100*insideData[j]))
                    j+= 1
                for i in range(len(self.rawData)):
                    if not validData[i]: continue
                    if self.dataHasClass:
                        fillColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i], 255*insideData[i])
                        edgeColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                        fillColor = edgeColor = (0,0,0)
                    self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*fillColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*edgeColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, xData = [x_positions[i]], yData = [y_positions[i]])
                    if self.showValueLines:
                        self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], edgeColor, i, indices)
                    self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*edgeColor), i, stringData % (100*insideData[i]))

        # ##############################################################
        # do we have a subset data to show?
        # ##############################################################
        elif self.haveSubsetData:
            shownSubsetCount = 0
            subsetIdsToDraw = dict([(example.id,1) for example in self.rawSubsetData])

            # draw the rawData data set. examples that exist also in the subset data draw full, other empty
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                if subsetIdsToDraw.has_key(self.rawData[i].id):

                if self.dataHasDiscreteClass and self.useDifferentColors:
                    newColor = self.discPalette.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                elif self.dataHasContinuousClass and self.useDifferentColors:
                    newColor = self.contPalette.getRGB(self.noJitteringScaledData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                    newColor = (0,0,0)

                if self.useDifferentSymbols and self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[int(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])]
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]

                if not xPointsToAdd.has_key((newColor, curveSymbol,0)):
                    xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol,0)] = []
                    yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol,0)] = []
                xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol,0)].append(x_positions[i])
                yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol,0)].append(y_positions[i])
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], newColor, i, indices)

                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*newColor), i)

            # if we have a data subset that contains examples that don't exist in the original dataset we show them here
            XAnchors = numpy.array([val[0] for val in self.anchorData])
            YAnchors = numpy.array([val[1] for val in self.anchorData])
            anchorRadius = numpy.sqrt(XAnchors*XAnchors + YAnchors*YAnchors)
            validSubData = self.getValidSubsetList(indices)
            projSubData = self.createProjectionAsNumericArray(indices, validData = validSubData, scaleFactor = self.scaleFactor, normalize = self.normalizeExamples, jitterSize = -1, useAnchorData = 1, removeMissingData = 0, useSubsetData = 1).T
            sub_x_positions = projSubData[0]
            sub_y_positions = projSubData[1]

            for i in range(len(self.rawSubsetData)):
                if not validSubData[i]: continue    # check if has missing values

                if not self.dataHasClass or self.rawSubsetData[i].getclass().isSpecial():
                    newColor = (0,0,0)
                    if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
                        newColor = self.discPalette.getRGB(self.originalSubsetData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                        newColor = self.contPalette.getRGB(self.noJitteringScaledSubsetData[self.dataClassIndex][i])

                if self.useDifferentSymbols and self.dataHasDiscreteClass and self.validSubsetDataArray[self.dataClassIndex][i]:
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[int(self.originalSubsetData[self.dataClassIndex][i])]
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]

                if not xPointsToAdd.has_key((newColor, curveSymbol, 1)):
                    xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)] = []
                    yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)] = []
                xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)].append(sub_x_positions[i])
                yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)].append(sub_y_positions[i])

        elif not self.dataHasClass:
            xs = []; ys = []
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(Qt.black), i)
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], (0,0,0), i, indices)
            self.addCurve(str(1), QColor(0,0,0,self.alphaValue), QColor(0,0,0,self.alphaValue), self.pointWidth, symbol = self.curveSymbols[0], xData = xs, yData = ys, penAlpha = self.alphaValue, brushAlpha = self.alphaValue)

        # ##############################################################
        # CONTINUOUS class
        # ##############################################################
        elif self.dataHasContinuousClass:
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                newColor = self.contPalette.getRGB(self.noJitteringScaledData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*newColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*newColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, symbol = QwtSymbol.Ellipse, xData = [x_positions[i]], yData = [y_positions[i]])
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], newColor, i, indices)
                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*newColor), i)

        # ##############################################################
        # DISCRETE class
        # ##############################################################
        elif self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                if self.useDifferentColors: newColor = self.discPalette.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                else:                       newColor = (0,0,0)
                if self.useDifferentSymbols: curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[int(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])]
                else:                        curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]
                if not xPointsToAdd.has_key((newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)):
                    xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)] = []
                    yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)] = []
                xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)].append(x_positions[i])
                yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)].append(y_positions[i])
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], newColor, i, indices)
                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*newColor), i)

        # first draw value lines
        if self.showValueLines:
            for i, color in enumerate(self.valueLineCurves[0].keys()):
                curve = UnconnectedLinesCurve("", QPen(QColor(*color + (self.alphaValue,))), self.valueLineCurves[0][color], self.valueLineCurves[1][color])

        # draw all the points with a small number of curves
        for i, (color, symbol, showFilled) in enumerate(xPointsToAdd.keys()):
            xData = xPointsToAdd[(color, symbol, showFilled)]
            yData = yPointsToAdd[(color, symbol, showFilled)]
            self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*color + (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*color + (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, symbol = symbol, xData = xData, yData = yData, showFilledSymbols = showFilled)

        # ##############################################################
        # draw the legend
        # ##############################################################
        if self.showLegend:
            # show legend for discrete class
            if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
                self.addMarker(self.dataDomain.classVar.name, 0.87, 1.05, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)

                classVariableValues = getVariableValuesSorted(self.dataDomain.classVar)
                for index in range(len(classVariableValues)):
                    if self.useDifferentColors: color = QColor(self.discPalette[index])
                    else:                       color = QColor(Qt.black)
                    y = 1.0 - index * 0.05

                    if not self.useDifferentSymbols:  curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]
                    else:                             curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[index]

                    self.addCurve(str(index), color, color, self.pointWidth, symbol = curveSymbol, xData = [0.95], yData = [y], penAlpha = self.alphaValue, brushAlpha = self.alphaValue)
                    self.addMarker(classVariableValues[index], 0.90, y, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)
            # show legend for continuous class
            elif self.dataHasContinuousClass:
                xs = [1.15, 1.20, 1.20, 1.15]
                count = 200
                height = 2 / float(count)
                for i in range(count):
                    y = -1.0 + i*2.0/float(count)
                    col = self.contPalette[i/float(count)]
                    PolygonCurve(QPen(col), QBrush(col), xData = xs, yData = [y,y, y+height, y+height]).attach(self)

                # add markers for min and max value of color attribute
                [minVal, maxVal] = self.attrValues[self.dataDomain.classVar.name]
                self.addMarker("%s = %%.%df" % (self.dataDomain.classVar.name, self.dataDomain.classVar.numberOfDecimals) % (minVal), xs[0] - 0.02, -1.0 + 0.04, Qt.AlignLeft)
                self.addMarker("%s = %%.%df" % (self.dataDomain.classVar.name, self.dataDomain.classVar.numberOfDecimals) % (maxVal), xs[0] - 0.02, +1.0 - 0.04, Qt.AlignLeft)

    def updateData(self, labels = None, setAnchors = 0, **args):
        self.removeDrawingCurves()  # my function, that doesn't delete selection curves
        self.tooltipMarkers = []

        if labels == None: labels = [anchor[2] for anchor in self.anchorData]
        self.shownAttributes = labels
        self.dataMap = {}   # dictionary with keys of form "x_i-y_i" with values (x_i, y_i, color, data)
        self.valueLineCurves = [{}, {}]    # dicts for x and y set of coordinates for unconnected lines

        if not self.haveData or len(labels) < 3:
            self.anchorData = []

        if setAnchors or (args.has_key("XAnchors") and args.has_key("YAnchors")):
            self.potentialsBmp = None
            self.setAnchors(args.get("XAnchors"), args.get("YAnchors"), labels)
            #self.anchorData = self.createAnchors(len(labels), labels)    # used for showing tooltips

        indices = [self.attributeNameIndex[anchor[2]] for anchor in self.anchorData]  # store indices to shown attributes

        # do we want to show anchors and their labels
        if self.showAnchors:
            if self.hideRadius > 0:
                xdata = self.createXAnchors(100)*(self.hideRadius / 10)
                ydata = self.createYAnchors(100)*(self.hideRadius / 10)
                self.addCurve("hidecircle", QColor(200,200,200), QColor(200,200,200), 1, style = QwtPlotCurve.Lines, symbol = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol, xData = xdata.tolist() + [xdata[0]], yData = ydata.tolist() + [ydata[0]])

            # draw dots at anchors
            shownAnchorData = filter(lambda p, r=self.hideRadius**2/100: p[0]**2+p[1]**2>r, self.anchorData)

            if not self.normalizeExamples:
                for i,(x,y,a) in enumerate(shownAnchorData):
                    self.addCurve("l%i" % i, QColor(160, 160, 160), QColor(160, 160, 160), 10, style = QwtPlotCurve.Lines, symbol = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol, xData = [0, x], yData = [0, y], showFilledSymbols = 1, lineWidth=2)
                    if self.showAttributeNames:
                        self.addMarker(a, x*1.07, y*1.04, Qt.AlignCenter, bold=1)
                XAnchors = [a[0] for a in shownAnchorData]
                YAnchors = [a[1] for a in shownAnchorData]
                self.addCurve("dots", QColor(160,160,160), QColor(160,160,160), 10, style = QwtPlotCurve.NoCurve, symbol = QwtSymbol.Ellipse, xData = XAnchors, yData = YAnchors, showFilledSymbols = 1)

                # draw text at anchors
                if self.showAttributeNames:
                    for x, y, a in shownAnchorData:
                        self.addMarker(a, x*1.07, y*1.04, Qt.AlignCenter, bold = 1)

        if self.showAnchors and self.normalizeExamples:
            # draw "circle"
            xdata = self.createXAnchors(100)
            ydata = self.createYAnchors(100)
            self.addCurve("circle", QColor(Qt.black), QColor(Qt.black), 1, style = QwtPlotCurve.Lines, symbol = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol, xData = xdata.tolist() + [xdata[0]], yData = ydata.tolist() + [ydata[0]])

        self.potentialsClassifier = None # remove the classifier so that repaint won't recompute it

        if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:

        useDifferentSymbols = self.useDifferentSymbols and self.dataHasDiscreteClass and len(self.dataDomain.classVar.values) < len(self.curveSymbols)
        dataSize = len(self.rawData)
        validData = self.getValidList(indices)
        # jitter point if Radviz
        transProjData = self.createProjectionAsNumericArray(indices, validData = validData, scaleFactor = self.scaleFactor, normalize = self.normalizeExamples, jitterSize = self.jitter_size if self.normalizeExamples else -1, useAnchorData = 1, removeMissingData = 0)
        if transProjData == None:
        projData = transProjData.T
        x_positions = projData[0]
        y_positions = projData[1]
        xPointsToAdd = {}
        yPointsToAdd = {}

        if self.showProbabilities and self.haveData and self.dataHasClass:
            # construct potentialsClassifier from unscaled positions
            domain = orange.Domain([self.dataDomain[i].name for i in indices]+[self.dataDomain.classVar.name], self.dataDomain)
            offsets = [self.attrValues[self.attributeNames[i]][0] for i in indices]
            normalizers = [self.getMinMaxVal(i) for i in indices]
            selectedData = numpy.take(self.originalData, indices, axis = 0)
            averages = numpy.average(numpy.compress(validData, selectedData, axis=1), 1)
            classData = numpy.compress(validData, self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex])
            if classData.any():
                self.potentialsClassifier = orange.P2NN(domain, numpy.transpose(numpy.array([numpy.compress(validData, self.unscaled_x_positions), numpy.compress(validData, self.unscaled_y_positions), classData])), self.anchorData, offsets, normalizers, averages, self.normalizeExamples, law=1)
                self.potentialsClassifier = None
            self.potentialsImage = None

        # ##############################################################
        # show model quality
        # ##############################################################
        if self.insideColors != None or self.showKNN and self.haveData:
            # if we want to show knn classifications of the examples then turn the projection into example table and run knn
            if self.insideColors:
                insideData, stringData = self.insideColors
                shortData = self.createProjectionAsExampleTable([self.attributeNameIndex[attr] for attr in labels], useAnchorData = 1)
                predictions, probabilities = self.widget.vizrank.kNNClassifyData(shortData)
                if self.showKNN == 2: insideData, stringData = [1.0 - val for val in predictions], "Probability of wrong classification = %.2f%%"
                else:                 insideData, stringData = predictions, "Probability of correct classification = %.2f%%"

            if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:        classColors = self.discPalette
            elif self.dataHasContinuousClass:    classColors = self.contPalette

            if len(insideData) != len(self.rawData):
                j = 0
                for i in range(len(self.rawData)):
                    if not validData[i]: continue
                    if self.dataHasClass:
                        fillColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i], 255*insideData[j])
                        edgeColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                        fillColor = edgeColor = (0,0,0)
                    self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*fillColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*edgeColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, xData = [x_positions[i]], yData = [y_positions[i]])
                    if self.showValueLines:
                        self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], edgeColor, i, indices)
                    self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*edgeColor), i, stringData % (100*insideData[j]))
                    j+= 1
                for i in range(len(self.rawData)):
                    if not validData[i]: continue
                    if self.dataHasClass:
                        fillColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i], 255*insideData[i])
                        edgeColor = classColors.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                        fillColor = edgeColor = (0,0,0)
                    self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*fillColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*edgeColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, xData = [x_positions[i]], yData = [y_positions[i]])
                    if self.showValueLines:
                        self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], edgeColor, i, indices)
                    self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*edgeColor), i, stringData % (100*insideData[i]))

        # ##############################################################
        # do we have a subset data to show?
        # ##############################################################
        elif self.haveSubsetData:
            shownSubsetCount = 0
            subsetIdsToDraw = dict([(example.id,1) for example in self.rawSubsetData])
            subsetIdsAlreadyDrawn = set()
            # draw the rawData data set. examples that exist also in the subset data draw full, other empty
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]:
                if subsetIdsToDraw.has_key(self.rawData[i].id):
                    instance_filled = 1
                    instance_filled = 0

                if self.dataHasDiscreteClass and self.useDifferentColors:
                    newColor = self.discPalette.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                elif self.dataHasContinuousClass and self.useDifferentColors:
                    newColor = self.contPalette.getRGB(self.noJitteringScaledData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                    newColor = (0,0,0)

                if self.useDifferentSymbols and self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[int(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])]
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]

                if not xPointsToAdd.has_key((newColor, curveSymbol, instance_filled)):
                    xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, instance_filled)] = []
                    yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, instance_filled)] = []
                xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, instance_filled)].append(x_positions[i])
                yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, instance_filled)].append(y_positions[i])
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], newColor, i, indices)

                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*newColor), i)

            # if we have a data subset that contains examples that don't exist in the original dataset we show them here
            XAnchors = numpy.array([val[0] for val in self.anchorData])
            YAnchors = numpy.array([val[1] for val in self.anchorData])
            anchorRadius = numpy.sqrt(XAnchors*XAnchors + YAnchors*YAnchors)
            validSubData = self.getValidSubsetList(indices)
            # jitter points if Radviz
            projSubData = self.createProjectionAsNumericArray(indices, validData = validSubData, scaleFactor = self.scaleFactor, normalize = self.normalizeExamples, jitterSize = self.jitter_size if self.normalizeExamples else -1, useAnchorData = 1, removeMissingData = 0, useSubsetData = 1).T
            sub_x_positions = projSubData[0]
            sub_y_positions = projSubData[1]

            for i in range(len(self.rawSubsetData)):
                if not validSubData[i]: # check if has missing values
                if self.rawSubsetData[i].id in subsetIdsAlreadyDrawn:

                if not self.dataHasClass or self.rawSubsetData[i].getclass().isSpecial():
                    newColor = (0,0,0)
                    if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
                        newColor = self.discPalette.getRGB(self.originalSubsetData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                        newColor = self.contPalette.getRGB(self.noJitteringScaledSubsetData[self.dataClassIndex][i])

                if self.useDifferentSymbols and self.dataHasDiscreteClass and self.validSubsetDataArray[self.dataClassIndex][i]:
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[int(self.originalSubsetData[self.dataClassIndex][i])]
                    curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]

                if not xPointsToAdd.has_key((newColor, curveSymbol, 1)):
                    xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)] = []
                    yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)] = []
                xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)].append(sub_x_positions[i])
                yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, 1)].append(sub_y_positions[i])

        elif not self.dataHasClass:
            xs = []; ys = []
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(Qt.black), i)
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], (0,0,0), i, indices)
            self.addCurve(str(1), QColor(0,0,0,self.alphaValue), QColor(0,0,0,self.alphaValue), self.pointWidth, symbol = self.curveSymbols[0], xData = xs, yData = ys, penAlpha = self.alphaValue, brushAlpha = self.alphaValue)

        # ##############################################################
        # CONTINUOUS class
        # ##############################################################
        elif self.dataHasContinuousClass:
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                newColor = self.contPalette.getRGB(self.noJitteringScaledData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*newColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*newColor+ (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, symbol = QwtSymbol.Ellipse, xData = [x_positions[i]], yData = [y_positions[i]])
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], newColor, i, indices)
                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*newColor), i)

        # ##############################################################
        # DISCRETE class
        # ##############################################################
        elif self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
            for i in range(dataSize):
                if not validData[i]: continue
                if self.useDifferentColors: newColor = self.discPalette.getRGB(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])
                else:                       newColor = (0,0,0)
                if self.useDifferentSymbols: curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[int(self.originalData[self.dataClassIndex][i])]
                else:                        curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]
                if not xPointsToAdd.has_key((newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)):
                    xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)] = []
                    yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)] = []
                xPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)].append(x_positions[i])
                yPointsToAdd[(newColor, curveSymbol, self.showFilledSymbols)].append(y_positions[i])
                if self.showValueLines:
                    self.addValueLineCurve(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], newColor, i, indices)
                self.addTooltipKey(x_positions[i], y_positions[i], QColor(*newColor), i)

        # first draw value lines
        if self.showValueLines:
            for i, color in enumerate(self.valueLineCurves[0].keys()):
                curve = UnconnectedLinesCurve("", QPen(QColor(*color + (self.alphaValue,))), self.valueLineCurves[0][color], self.valueLineCurves[1][color])

        # draw all the points with a small number of curves
        for i, (color, symbol, showFilled) in enumerate(xPointsToAdd.keys()):
            xData = xPointsToAdd[(color, symbol, showFilled)]
            yData = yPointsToAdd[(color, symbol, showFilled)]
            self.addCurve(str(i), QColor(*color + (self.alphaValue,)), QColor(*color + (self.alphaValue,)), self.pointWidth, symbol = symbol, xData = xData, yData = yData, showFilledSymbols = showFilled)

        # ##############################################################
        # draw the legend
        # ##############################################################
        if self.showLegend:
            # show legend for discrete class
            if self.dataHasDiscreteClass:
                self.addMarker(self.dataDomain.classVar.name, 0.87, 1.05, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)

                classVariableValues = getVariableValuesSorted(self.dataDomain.classVar)
                for index in range(len(classVariableValues)):
                    if self.useDifferentColors: color = QColor(self.discPalette[index])
                    else:                       color = QColor(Qt.black)
                    y = 1.0 - index * 0.05

                    if not self.useDifferentSymbols:  curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[0]
                    else:                             curveSymbol = self.curveSymbols[index]

                    self.addCurve(str(index), color, color, self.pointWidth, symbol = curveSymbol, xData = [0.95], yData = [y], penAlpha = self.alphaValue, brushAlpha = self.alphaValue)
                    self.addMarker(classVariableValues[index], 0.90, y, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)
            # show legend for continuous class
            elif self.dataHasContinuousClass:
                xs = [1.15, 1.20, 1.20, 1.15]
                count = 200
                height = 2 / float(count)
                for i in range(count):
                    y = -1.0 + i*2.0/float(count)
                    col = self.contPalette[i/float(count)]
                    PolygonCurve(QPen(col), QBrush(col), xData = xs, yData = [y,y, y+height, y+height]).attach(self)

                # add markers for min and max value of color attribute
                [minVal, maxVal] = self.attrValues[self.dataDomain.classVar.name]
                self.addMarker("%s = %%.%df" % (self.dataDomain.classVar.name, self.dataDomain.classVar.numberOfDecimals) % (minVal), xs[0] - 0.02, -1.0 + 0.04, Qt.AlignLeft)
                self.addMarker("%s = %%.%df" % (self.dataDomain.classVar.name, self.dataDomain.classVar.numberOfDecimals) % (maxVal), xs[0] - 0.02, +1.0 - 0.04, Qt.AlignLeft)

Example #3
 def showAnchorLines(self):
     for i, color in enumerate(self.xLinesToAdd.keys()):
         curve = UnconnectedLinesCurve("", QPen(QColor(*color)),
 def showAnchorLines(self):
     for i, color in enumerate(self.xLinesToAdd.keys()):
         curve = UnconnectedLinesCurve("", QPen(QColor(*color)), self.xLinesToAdd[color], self.yLinesToAdd[color])