def Your_Code(update,context): """ ---- imports ---- from Program.Send import Send as Send from Program.Button import Button as Button import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables import threading """ Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update,context]) # - Variables - # """ TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0] Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1] First_Name = Bot_Variables[2] UserName = Bot_Variables[3] Message = Bot_Variables[4] Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5] File_ID = Bot_Variables[6] Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7] User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8] User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9] Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10] Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11] Update = Bot_Variables[12] Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13] Context = Bot_Variables[14] """ """ --- Send Class --- Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here") Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here", Button.Markup("button 1"), Button.Markup(Button.Markup_Location("Send_Location")), Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6")) #NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax: # ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"] # the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" , Button.Inline( ["U","URL Button",""] , ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) , Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button",""]) ) # send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here", Button.Inline(["u","URL Button",""]) ) Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer") Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert") Send.Forword(Bot_Variables,from_chat_id,to_chat_id,message_id) # send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker Send.Any_File(Bot_Variables,file_id,caption) --- Buttons Types --- # regular markup button Button.Markup("button text1","button text2") # make button markup to send user location Button.Markup_Location("button text") # make button markup to send user phone number Button.Markup_Phone("button text") # regular inline button Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]) #syntax: * each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons #Markup synatx Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here", Button.Markup("button 1"), Button.Markup(Button.Markup_Location("Send_Location")), Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6")) #Inline synatx #NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax: # ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"] # the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" , Button.Inline( ["U","URL Button",""] , ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) , Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button",""]) ) """ Users = Bot_Variables[10][0] Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1] Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": {"random_chapter" : 92}}) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(92,Bot_Variables), Button.Inline( ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update,context), "add_random_chapter_to_favoeites"]), Button.Inline(["C", "🔴 סמן כנקרא 🔴", "mark_random_as_read"]) )
def deep_linked(cls, update, context): cls.start(update, context) cls.Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context]) deep_link = update["message"]["text"] seperator = "" for i in range(8, len(deep_link), 1): seperator = seperator + deep_link[i] if len(seperator) < 4: chapter = int(seperator) Users = cls.Bot_Variables[10][0] Users.update_one({"chat_id": cls.Bot_Variables[1]}, {"$set": { "random_chapter": chapter }}) Send.Inline_Keyboard( cls.Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, cls.Bot_Variables), Button.Inline([ "C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "add_random_chapter_to_favoeites" ]), Button.Inline([ "C", "🔴 סמן ×›× ×§×¨×� 🔴", "mark_random_as_read" ])) Users = cls.Bot_Variables[10][0] Names = cls.Bot_Variables[10][2] name = Names.find_one({"seperator": seperator}) men_name = name["name"] chat = name["chat_id"] to = name["for"] stats = name["chapters_stats"] Chapter = "" chapters_read = len(stats) if len(stats) < 150: for i in range(150): if (not i in stats): Chapter = i break Users.update_one( {"chat_id": cls.Bot_Variables[1]}, {"$set": { "read for": [men_name, Chapter] }}) Users.update_one({"chat_id": cls.Bot_Variables[1]}, {"$set": { "read for": chat }}) next = name["link"] llist = [Chapter, chapters_read, men_name, to, cls.Bot_Variables] t = SSend_chapter.Func(llist) Send.Inline_Keyboard( cls.Bot_Variables, t, Button.Inline([ "C", "â•ï¸� סמן ×›× ×§×¨×� â•ï¸�", "mark_as_read_for_name" ]), Button.Inline(["u", "âž• פרק × ×•×¡×£ âž•ï¸�", next])) else: text = " ✡✅ קרי×�ת פרקי ספר התהילי×� {} {} הסתיימה בהצלחה ✅ï¸�✡ï¸�ðŸ™�ðŸ™�ðŸ™�".format( to, men_name) Send.Message(cls.Bot_Variables, text)
def Func(update, context): """ ---- imports ---- import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables from Program.Send import Send as Send from Program.Button import Button as Button """ Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context]) # - Variables - # """ TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0] Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1] First_Name = Bot_Variables[2] UserName = Bot_Variables[3] Message = Bot_Variables[4] Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5] File_ID = Bot_Variables[6] Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7] User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8] User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9] Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10] Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11] Update = Bot_Variables[12] Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13] Context = Bot_Variables[14] """ """ --- Send Class --- Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here") Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here", Button.Markup("button 1"), Button.Markup(Button.Markup_Location("Send_Location")), Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6")) #NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax: # ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"] # the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" , Button.Inline( ["U","URL Button",""] , ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) , Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button",""]) ) # send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here", Button.Inline(["u","URL Button",""]) ) Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer") Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert") Send.Forword(Bot_Variables,from_chat_id,to_chat_id,message_id) # send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker Send.Any_File(Bot_Variables,file_id,caption) --- Buttons Types --- # regular markup button Button.Markup("button text1","button text2") # make button markup to send user location Button.Markup_Location("button text") # make button markup to send user phone number Button.Markup_Phone("button text") # regular inline button Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]) #syntax: * each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons #Markup synatx Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here", Button.Markup("button 1"), Button.Markup(Button.Markup_Location("Send_Location")), Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6")) #Inline synatx #NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax: # ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"] # the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" , Button.Inline( ["U","URL Button",""] , ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) , Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button",""]) ) """ Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1] Users = Bot_Variables[10][0] user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}) chapter = int(user["book"]["bookmark"]) book_chapters = user["book"]["chapters"] is_read_chapters = len(user["book"]["chapters"]) write_type = user["write_type"] if is_read_chapters == 0: Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": {"book.bookmark": 0}}) Send.Inline_Keyboard( Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(0, Bot_Variables), Button.Inline([ "C", "⬅️", rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [ "C", "➡️", rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ]), Button.Inline(["C", is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"])) else: Send.Inline_Keyboard( Bot_Variables, "כבר התחלת לקרוא כמה פרקים בתהילים מה ברצונך לעשות?", Button.Inline(["C", "🔵 להמשיך מאיפה שהפסקת 🔵", "start_bookmark"]), Button.Inline(["C", "♻️ לקרוא מחדש ♻️", "start_over"]))
def Your_Code(update, context): """ ---- imports ---- from Program.Send import Send as Send from Program.Button import Button as Button import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables import threading """ Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context]) # - Variables - # """ TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0] Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1] First_Name = Bot_Variables[2] UserName = Bot_Variables[3] Message = Bot_Variables[4] Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5] File_ID = Bot_Variables[6] Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7] User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8] User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9] Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10] Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11] Update = Bot_Variables[12] Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13] Context = Bot_Variables[14] """ """ --- Send Class --- Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here") Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here", Button.Markup("button 1"), Button.Markup(Button.Markup_Location("Send_Location")), Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6")) #NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax: # ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"] # the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" , Button.Inline( ["U","URL Button",""] , ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) , Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button",""]) ) # send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here", Button.Inline(["u","URL Button",""]) ) Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer") Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert") Send.Forword(Bot_Variables,from_chat_id,to_chat_id,message_id) # send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker Send.Any_File(Bot_Variables,file_id,caption) --- Buttons Types --- # regular markup button Button.Markup("button text1","button text2") # make button markup to send user location Button.Markup_Location("button text") # make button markup to send user phone number Button.Markup_Phone("button text") # regular inline button Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]) #syntax: * each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons #Markup synatx Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here", Button.Markup("button 1"), Button.Markup(Button.Markup_Location("Send_Location")), Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6")) #Inline synatx #NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax: # ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"] # the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction) Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" , Button.Inline( ["U","URL Button",""] , ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) , Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button",""]) ) """ Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1] Users = Bot_Variables[10][0] user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}) chapter = int(user["book"]["bookmark"]) book_chapters = user["book"]["chapters"] write_type = user["write_type"] if chapter not in book_chapters: book_chapters.append(chapter) Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": { "book.chapters": book_chapters }}) Send.Callback_Answer( Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" + str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כנקרא ✅") if chapter < 149: Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": { "book.bookmark": chapter + 1 }}) Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard( Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter + 1, Bot_Variables), Button.Inline([ "C", "⬅️", rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [ "C", "➡️", rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ]), Button.Inline( ["C", is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"])) try: chapter_count = Users.find_one( {"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"][str(chapter)] except: chapter_count = 0 Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, { "$set": { "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): int(chapter_count) + 1 } }) else: try: chapter_count = Users.find_one( {"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"][str(chapter)] except: chapter_count = 0 Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, { "$set": { "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): int(chapter_count) + 1 } }) #Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": {"book.bookmark": chapter+1}}) Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard( Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables), Button.Inline([ "C", "⬅️", rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [ "C", "➡️", rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ]), Button.Inline( ["C", is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"])) else: book_chapters.remove(chapter) Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": { "book.chapters": book_chapters }}) Send.Callback_Answer( Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" + str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כלא נקרא 🚫") chapter_count = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"] chapter_count = chapter_count[str(chapter)] - 1 Users.update_one( {"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": { "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): chapter_count }}) Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard( Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables), Button.Inline([ "C", "⬅️", rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [ "C", "➡️", rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type) ]), Button.Inline(["C", is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"])) if len(book_chapters) > 149: Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": {"book.chapters": []}}) Send.Message( Bot_Variables, "ברכותינו‼️ סיימתם את ספר התהילים בהצלחה ❗️💚📖📖 התווספה נקודה לסטטיסטיקה האישית שלכם!💚🥳🥳😇😇😇" )