def problem111a():
	# 9 digits the same
	# 1 digit is the same
	total = 0
	for digits in [str(i) for i in range(0,10)]:
		count = 0
		for index in range(0,10):
			for a in range(0,10):
				number = [digits]*9
				a = int(''.join(number))
				if len(str(a)) == 10 and isPrime(a):
					total += a
	for digits in ['2','8','0']:
		count = 0
		for index1,index2 in combinations([i for i in range(0,10)],2):
			for a,b in itertools.product(range(10),range(10)):
				number = [digits]*10
				number[index1] = str(a)
				number[index2] = str(b)
				a = int(''.join(number))
				if len(str(a)) == 10 and isPrime(a):
					total += a
	return total
def problem146():
    total = 0 
    for i in range(10, 150000000 + 1, 10):
        n = i ** 2
        if n % 3 != 1:
        if n % 7 != 2 and n % 7 != 3:
        if n % 9 == 0 or n % 13 == 0 or n % 27 == 0:
        if all(isPrime(n + j) for j in [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 27]) and not any(isPrime(n + j) for j in [19, 21]):
            total += i
    return total
def problem41():
	from itertools import permutations
	from PE_primes import isPrime
	# Let's just go over all the 7 digits pandigital numbers in reverse and find the first one that is prime
	for c in permutations(range(7,0,-1),7):
		if isPrime(numberFromList(c)):
			return numberFromList(c)
def isPrimeProofsqubeEven(p, q):
    n = p ** 2 * q ** 3
    if "200" not in str(n):
        return False
    for i in range(1, 10, 2): # the last digit is odd
        if isPrime(int(str(n)[:-1] + str(i))):
            return False
    return True
def problem249(): 
    primes = primesUpTo(5000)
    sums = defaultdict(int)
    sums[0] = 1
    for p,total in runningTotal(primes):
        for j in range(total,p-1,-1):
            sums[j] = sums[j] + sums[j-p]
    return sum([sums[k] for k in range(total+1) if isPrime(k)]) % 10**16
def primesInNbd(n, m):
    # Check the top and bottom row as the elements left and right cannot be primes
    # n,m is a prime number
    locations = []
    for j in [-1, 1]:
        for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
            if isPrime(a(n + j, m + i)):
                locations.append((n + j, m + i))
    return locations
def isPrimeProofsqubeOdd(p, q):
    n = p ** 2 * q ** 3
    if "200" not in str(n):
        return False
    for digit in range(len(str(n))):
        for i in range(0, 10):
            m = str(n)[:digit] + str(i) + str(n)[digit + 1:]
            if isPrime(int(m)):
                return False
    return True
def problem131a():
	count = 0
	for a in range(1,10**5):
		a3 = a**3
		factorsOfa = factorize(a)
		div = divisorsFromFactors( factorsOfa + factorsOfa + factorsOfa )
		for k in div:
			n = isSquare(a3 // k)
			if n and k-n >0 and isPrime(k - n):
def problem131():
	count = 0
	primes = set()
	for a in range(1,10**10):
		for n in range(1,a+1):
			if 0 < (a**3 - n**3) / n**2 < 10**6 and (a**3 - n**3) % n**2 == 0 and isPrime((a**3 - n**3) // n**2):
				count += 1
				print((a**3 - n**3) // n**2, len(primes), a,n)
				primes.add((a**3 - n**3) // n**2)
Example #10
	def allPrimes(digits,soFar=set()):
		if len(digits) == 0:
			for combi in powerset(digits):
				if combi == (): continue
				for perm in permutations(combi, len(combi)):
					number = int(''.join([str(s) for s in perm]))
					if isPrime(number):
						allPrimes(digits.difference(perm), soFar.union({number}))
Example #11
def S(n):
    total = 0
    previousIsPrime = False # A small optimization that doesn't do much
    for m in range(1, n + 1):
        if previousIsPrime:
            previousIsPrime = False
        if isPrime(a(n, m)):
            previousIsPrime = True
            if isPrimeTriplet(n, m):
                total += a(n, m)
    return total
Example #12
def problem146():
    total = 0
    # n % 210 = 10
    for n in range(10, 15 * 10 ** 7, 210):
        if all([isPrime(n ** 2 + i) for i in [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 27]]):
            total += n
    # n % 210 = 80
    for n in range(80, 15 * 10 ** 7, 210):
        if all([isPrime(n ** 2 + i) for i in [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 27]]):
            total += n
    # n % 210 = 130
    for n in range(130, 15 * 10 ** 7, 210):
        if all([isPrime(n ** 2 + i) for i in [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 27]]):
            total += n
    # n % 210 = 200
    for n in range(200, 15 * 10 ** 7, 210):
        if all([isPrime(n ** 2 + i) for i in [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 27]]):
            total += n
    return total
Example #13
def problem131():
	seen = 0
	for m in count(2):
		factors = set(factorize(m))
		n = m**3
		for k in range(0,n,product(factors)**2):
			if any( k % p != 0 for p in factors): continue
			if k % product(factors) != 0: print(k)
			if (n**3 - k**3) % n**2 == 0 and isPrime((n**3 - k**3) // n**2):
				p = (n**3 - k**3) // n**2
				if p > 10**6:
					return seen
				print(n, p, k)
				seen += 1
Example #14
def problem216():
	count = 0
	for p in iPrime():
		print(jacobi(( p + 1)//2, p))
		if p > 100: break
	for index, n in enumerate(t(100)):
		index += 2
		#print( 2*(index)**2 -1 , n, isPrime(n), jacobi(( index + 1)//2, index))
		if isPrime(n):
			count += 1
			print("gave a prime ", jacobi(( n + 1)//2, n))
			for p in factorize(n):
				print("Didn't give a prime", p,jacobi(( p + 1)//2, p))
	return count
Example #15
def problem293():
	GOAL = 10**9
	primes = []
	maximum = 1
	for p in iPrime():
		maximum *= p
		primes.append(p) # need one more beyond what is required
		if maximum > GOAL: break
	admissible = []
	total = 0
	num = 0
	for c in generateAdmissible(GOAL,primes):
		#print(c, sorted(factorize(c)))
		if c > GOAL: continue
		num += 1
		for d in count(3,2):
			if isPrime(c+d):
				total += d
	return num, total
Example #16
def problem128():
    count = 1
    limit = 2000
    n = 0
    number = 0
    while count < limit:
        n += 1
        if (isPrime(6 * n - 1) and isPrime(6 * n + 1) and isPrime(12 * n + 5)):
            count += 1;
            number = (3 * n * n - 3*n + 2)
            if (count >= limit):
        if (isPrime(6 * n + 5) and isPrime(6 * n - 1) and isPrime(12 * n - 7) and n != 1):
            count += 1
            number = (3 * n * n + 3*n + 1)
    return number