Example #1
def test_invalid_file():
    with open("Tests/images/flower.jpg", "rb") as fp:
        with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):
Example #2
 def test_invalid_file(self):
     with open("Tests/images/flower.jpg", "rb") as fp:
                           lambda: IcoImagePlugin.IcoImageFile(fp))
	def look_for_icon(self, icon_hash: str) -> Optional[Union['Image.Image', str]]:
		icon_hash = icon_hash.lower()
		for icon_path in self.icon_folder.iterdir():
			if icon_path.stem.lower() == icon_hash and icon_path.suffix in {'.ico', '.png', '.zip'}:
				is_zip = zipfile.is_zipfile(icon_path)
				#Can't just rely on the extension because some zip files like to hide and pretend to be .ico files for some reason

				with icon_path.open('rb') as test:
					magic = test.read(4)
					if magic == b'Rar!':
						raise IconError('icon {0} is secretly a RAR file and cannot be opened'.format(icon_hash))

				if icon_path.suffix == '.ico' and not is_zip:
					if have_pillow:
						#.ico files can be a bit flaky with Tumbler thumbnails and some other image-reading stuff, so if we can convert them, that might be a good idea just in case (well, there definitely are some icons that don't thumbnail properly so yeah)
							image = Image.open(icon_path)
							return image
						except (ValueError, OSError) as ex:
							#Try and handle the "This is not one of the allowed sizes of this image" error caused by .ico files having incorrect headers which I guess happens more often than I would have thought otherwise
							#This is gonna get ugly
							with icon_path.open('rb') as f:
									#Use BytesIO here to prevent "seeking a closed file" errors, which is probably a sign that I don't actually know what I'm doing
									ico = IcoImagePlugin.IcoFile(io.BytesIO(f.read()))
									biggest_size = (0, 0)
									for size in ico.sizes():
										if size[0] > biggest_size[0] and size[1] > biggest_size[1]:
											biggest_size = size
									if biggest_size == (0, 0):
										raise IconError('.ico file {0} has no valid sizes'.format(icon_path)) from ex
									return ico.getimage(biggest_size)
								except SyntaxError as syntax_error:
									#Of all the errors it throws, it throws this one? Well, okay fine whatever
									raise IconError('.ico file {0} is not actually an .ico file at all'.format(icon_path)) from syntax_error
						except Exception as ex:
							#Guess it's still broken
							raise IconError('.ico file {0} has some annoying error: {1}'.format(icon_path, str(ex))) from ex
					return icon_path

				if not is_zip:
					return icon_path

				with zipfile.ZipFile(icon_path, 'r') as zip_file:
					#TODO: Should just make this a comprehension I think, and for that matter could just be a generator since we are only passing it to max
					icon_files: set[zipfile.ZipInfo] = set()
					for zip_info in zip_file.infolist():
						if zip_info.is_dir():
						if zip_info.filename.startswith('__MACOSX'):
							#Yeah that happens with retail Linux games apparently
						if zip_info.filename.lower().endswith(('.ico', '.png')):

					#Get the biggest image file and assume that's the best icon we can have
					#extracted_icon_file = sorted(icon_files, key=lambda zip_info: zip_info.file_size, reverse=True)[0]
					extracted_icon_file = max(icon_files, key=attrgetter('file_size'))
					extracted_icon_folder = main_config.image_folder.joinpath('Icon', 'extracted_from_zip', icon_hash)
					return zip_file.extract(extracted_icon_file, path=extracted_icon_folder)

		raise IconNotFoundError('{0} not found'.format(icon_hash))