def draw(self, draw: ImageDraw): if not return horizontal_pad = self.width // 25 bottom_pad = self.height // 4 draw.line((self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad, self.abs_col + self.width - horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad), fill=self.foreground) text_w, text_h = self.font.getsize(' ') polygon_pts = ((self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad), (self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), (self.abs_col + horizontal_pad + text_w * 8, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), (self.abs_col + horizontal_pad + text_w * 9, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad)) date_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %b %d') draw.polygon(polygon_pts, fill=self.foreground) draw.text((self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), date_str, fill=self.background, font=self.font) event_max_chars = (self.width - 2 * horizontal_pad) * 4 // 5 // text_w if len(self.event) > event_max_chars: self.event = self.event[:event_max_chars - 3] + '...' draw.text( (self.abs_col + (self.width - 2 * horizontal_pad) // 5 + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), self.event, fill=self.foreground, font=self.font)
def draw(self, draw: ImageDraw): pen, brush = self._get_pen_brush() if hasattr(self, 'de') and > 0: brush_s1 = aggdraw.Brush(fade_color(self.fill, self.shade)) brush_s2 = aggdraw.Brush(fade_color(self.fill, 2 * self.shade)) draw.line([ self.x1 +, self.y1 -, self.x1 +, self.y2 - ], pen) draw.line([self.x1 +, self.y2 -, self.x1, self.y2], pen) draw.line([ self.x1 +, self.y2 -, self.x2 +, self.y2 - ], pen) draw.polygon([ self.x1, self.y1, self.x1 +, self.y1 -, self.x2 +, self.y1 -, self.x2, self.y1 ], pen, brush_s1) draw.polygon([ self.x2 +, self.y1 -, self.x2, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.x2 +, self.y2 - ], pen, brush_s2) draw.rectangle([self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2], pen, brush)
def draw_block(img: ImageDraw, points, x, y, block_size, color, angle): if angle > 0: # 0 角度不需要转换 # 中心坐标与 x、y 的距离,方便下面指定中心坐标(x+m, y+m), # 0.5 的偏移值不能少,否则坐标靠右,非正中央 m = block_size / 2 - 0.5 points = rotate(points, x + m, y + m, angle) img.polygon(points, fill=color)
def draw_tangram(draw: ImageDraw, x: int, y: int, tangram: str): for i, letter in enumerate(tangram): row = int(i / 3) col = i % 3 square_x_start = x + col*TANGRAM_SQUARE_SIZE square_y_start = y + row*TANGRAM_SQUARE_SIZE square_x_end = square_x_start+TANGRAM_SQUARE_SIZE square_y_end = square_y_start+TANGRAM_SQUARE_SIZE if is_color(letter): draw.rectangle([ square_x_start, square_y_start, square_x_end, square_y_end], fill=COLORS[letter], outline=(0, 0, 0), width=TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER ) else: draw.rectangle([ square_x_start, square_y_start, square_x_end, square_y_end], fill=(255, 255, 255), outline=(0, 0, 0), width=1 ) square_coords = [ (square_x_start+TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER, square_y_start+TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER), (square_x_start+TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER, square_y_end-TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER), (square_x_end-TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER, square_y_end-TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER), (square_x_end-TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER, square_y_start+TANGRAM_SQUARE_BORDER), ] if letter == "U": square_coords.pop(3) elif letter == "S": square_coords.pop(2) elif letter == "D": square_coords.pop(1) else: square_coords.pop(0) draw.polygon(square_coords, fill=(0, 0, 0))
def draw(self, draw: ImageDraw) -> None: super().draw(draw) if not return horizontal_pad = self.width // 25 bottom_pad = self.height // 4 draw.line((self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad, self.abs_col + self.width - horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad), fill=self.foreground) text_w, text_h = self.font.getsize(' ') # How many character's size the tab will take tab_width_char = 14 polygon_pts = ((self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad), (self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), (self.abs_col + horizontal_pad + text_w * (tab_width_char - 1), self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), (self.abs_col + horizontal_pad + text_w * tab_width_char, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad)) week_day_str = WEEK_DAYS[] date_str = '%s, %s' % (datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %b %d'), week_day_str) draw.polygon(polygon_pts, fill=self.foreground) draw.text((self.abs_col + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), date_str, fill=self.background, font=self.font) # We save three char's space between tab and event text event_max_chars = ((self.width - 2 * horizontal_pad) // text_w - tab_width_char - 3) if len(self.event) > event_max_chars: self.event = self.event[:event_max_chars - 3] + '...' draw.text( (self.abs_col + text_w * (tab_width_char + 3) + horizontal_pad, self.abs_row + self.height - bottom_pad - text_h), self.event, fill=self.foreground, font=self.font)
def display_shapefile(name, iwidth=500, iheight=500): import shapefile from PIL import Image, ImageDraw r = shapefile.Reader(name) mleft, mbottom, mright, mtop = r.bbox # map units mwidth = mright - mleft mheight = mtop - mbottom # scale map units to image units hscale = iwidth / mwidth vscale = iheight / mheight img ="RGB", (iwidth, iheight), "white") draw = ImageDraw(img) for shape in r.shapes(): pixels = [(int(iwidth - ((mright - x) * hscale)), int((mtop - y) * vscale)) for x, y, in shape.points] if shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYGON: draw.polygon(pixels, outline='black') elif shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYLINE: draw.line(pixels, fill='black')
def draw_starting_triangle(self, room: DungeonRoom, dungeon: Dungeon, paintableRooms: Dict[DungeonRoom, PaintableRoom], draw: ImageDraw) -> None: """ Internal function for rendering the starting triangle arrow. Parameters ---------- room: DungeonRoom The room to draw the arrow in. draw: ImageDraw The drawing handler. """ c = paintableRooms[room].center size = 8 points = [] next = dungeon.rooms[room.index + 1] d = room.direction_to(next) if d == 0: points.append((c[0] + size, c[1] - size)) points.append((c[0] + size, c[1] + size)) points.append((c[0] - size, c[1])) if d == 1: points.append((c[0] - size, c[1] + size)) points.append((c[0] + size, c[1] + size)) points.append((c[0], c[1] - size)) if d == 2: points.append((c[0] - size, c[1] + size)) points.append((c[0] - size, c[1] - size)) points.append((c[0] + size, c[1])) if d == 3: points.append((c[0] + size, c[1] - size)) points.append((c[0] - size, c[1] - size)) points.append((c[0], c[1] + size)) draw.polygon(points, fill=self.pathColor)
def draw_block_triangle(canvas: ImageDraw, vertices: FlatTriangle, weights: list[int], master: int) -> None: """Draw a flat triangle with (blocks of) lines inside it.""" weights_0 = [max(weight, 0) for weight in weights] sum_weights_0 = sum(weights_0) correction = min(min(sum_weights_0 - 2 * e for e in weights_0), 0) dual_weights = [ bigger.half(sum_weights_0 - 2 * e + correction) for e in weights_0 ] parallel_weights = [max(-weight, 0) for weight in weights] for i in range(3): # Dual arcs. if dual_weights[i] > 0: # We first do the edge to the left of the vertex. # Correction factor to take into account the weight on this edge. s_a = (1 - 2 * VERTEX_BUFFER) * weights_0[i - 2] / master # The fractions of the distance of the two points on this edge. scale_a = (1 - s_a) / 2 scale_a2 = scale_a + s_a * dual_weights[i] / weights_0[i - 2] # Now repeat for the other edge of the triangle. s_b = (1 - 2 * VERTEX_BUFFER) * weights_0[i - 1] / master scale_b = (1 - s_b) / 2 scale_b2 = scale_b + s_b * dual_weights[i] / weights_0[i - 1] S1 = interpolate(vertices[i - 2], vertices[i - 1], scale_a) E1 = interpolate(vertices[i - 0], vertices[i - 1], scale_b) S2 = interpolate(vertices[i - 2], vertices[i - 1], scale_a2) E2 = interpolate(vertices[i - 0], vertices[i - 1], scale_b2) canvas.polygon([S1, E1, E2, S2], fill=LAMINATION_COLOUR) elif dual_weights[i] < 0: # Terminal arc. s_0 = (1 - 2 * VERTEX_BUFFER) * weights_0[i] / master scale_a = (1 - s_0) / 2 + s_0 * dual_weights[i - 1] / weights_0[i] scale_a2 = scale_a + s_0 * (-dual_weights[i]) / weights_0[i] S1 = interpolate(vertices[i - 0], vertices[i - 2], scale_a) E1 = vertices[i - 1] S2 = interpolate(vertices[i - 0], vertices[i - 2], scale_a2) E2 = vertices[i - 1] canvas.polygon([S1, E1, E2, S2], fill=LAMINATION_COLOUR) else: # dual_weights[i] == 0: # Nothing to draw. pass # Parallel arcs. if parallel_weights[i]: S, O, E = vertices[i - 2], vertices[i - 1], vertices[i] SS = interpolate(O, S, VERTEX_BUFFER) EE = interpolate(O, E, VERTEX_BUFFER) M = interpolate(S, E) MM = interpolate(SS, EE) s = parallel_weights[i] / master P = interpolate(MM, M, s) canvas.polygon([S, P, E], fill=LAMINATION_COLOUR)
def draw_func(draw: ImageDraw): for area in areas: draw.polygon( area.to_img(image.dimensions).as_list(), fill, outline)
def draw(self, im: ImageDraw): im.polygon(self.coordinates, self.color_tuple, self.color_tuple)
def draw(self, draw: ImageDraw): draw.polygon(self.points, self.fill, self.outline)
def draw(self, draw: ImageDraw): draw.polygon(self.points, self.color)