def fileSave(request): #сохранение файла и ресайз #файл изображения вставляется из буфера и передается #как текст в base64 закодированном виде headerValues = headers.initGlobals(request) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) fileContent = request.POST.get('posted_image', '') #получаем из POST координаты квадрата, который будем вырезать из картинки x1, y1, x2, y2 = unicodeToInt(request.POST.get('posted_image_x1', 0)), \ unicodeToInt(request.POST.get('posted_image_y1', 0)), \ unicodeToInt(request.POST.get('posted_image_x2', 0)), \ unicodeToInt(request.POST.get('posted_image_y2', 0)) size_w, size_h = unicodeToInt(request.POST.get( 'posted_image_size_w', 0)), unicodeToInt(request.POST.get('posted_image_size_h', 0)) if fileContent.find('image/png'): #уберем артефакт из закодированного файла fileContent = fileContent.split('base64,')[1] #сохраним файл в базу file = PM_Files(projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], authorId=request.user) 'projects/' + str(int(headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'].id)) + '/pasted.png', ContentFile(base64.b64decode(fileContent))) #откроем картинку для изменений в PIL im = width, height = im.size if size_h and size_w and x1: k_w, k_h = float(width) / float(size_w), float(height) / float( size_h) im = im.crop( (int(x1 * k_w), int(y1 * k_h), int(x2 * k_w), int(y2 * k_h))) # todo: убрать все, что отвечало за обрезку изображения outfile = "tracker/media/tmp/cropped.png", "PNG") file.file.delete() #сохраняем картинку в базу 'projects/' + str(int(headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'].id)) + '/cropped.png', ContentFile(open(outfile, 'rb').read())) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({ 'path': str(file.file), 'fid':, 'type': file.type, 'thumbnail': protected(thumbnail(str(file), '200x200')) if file.isPicture else '' })) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': 'PNG expected'}))
def getFileList(queryset): from PManager.templatetags.thumbnail import thumbnail, protected return [{ 'id':, 'name':, 'url': file.src, 'viewUrl': '/docx/?f=' + str( if file.type in ['docx', 'xlsx'] else '', 'type': file.type, 'thumb100pxUrl': protected(thumbnail(str(file), '100x100')) if file.isPicture else '', 'is_picture': file.isPicture, 'date_create': templateTools.dateTime.convertToSite(file.date_create) } for file in queryset]
def ajaxFilesResponder(request): #ajax-респондер для обработки сигналов #от виджета file_list import re def deleteFile(oFile): path = oFile.file.path.encode('utf-8') if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) return oFile.delete() headerValues = headers.initGlobals(request) sectName = re.sub(' +', ' ', request.POST.get('name', '').strip()) sectId = request.POST.get('section_id', 0) parent = int(request.POST.get('parent', 0)) action = request.POST.get('action', '') if sectId == 'tasks': files_from_tasks = True sectId = 0 else: files_from_tasks = False sectId = int(sectId) if request.user.is_authenticated(): #добавление категории if action == 'addCategory' and sectName: category = PM_File_Category(name=sectName) if parent: try: category.parent = PM_File_Category.objects.get(id=parent) except PM_File_Category.DoesNotExist: pass category.projects.add(headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']) if return HttpResponse( json.dumps({ 'success': 'Y', 'id': })) elif action == 'renameCategory' and sectName and sectId: result = {} try: category = PM_File_Category.objects.get( id=sectId, projects=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']) = sectName result['success'] = 'Y' except PM_File_Category.DoesNotExist(): result['success'] = 'N' return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result)) #получение списка файлов категории elif action == 'getFileList': category = None if sectId: try: category = PM_File_Category.objects.get( pk=sectId, projects=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']) except PM_File_Category.DoesNotExist: pass files = PM_Files.objects.filter( projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']).exclude( is_old_version=True) if category: files = files.filter(category=category) else: files = files.filter(category__isnull=True) if not files_from_tasks and not category: files = files.filter(fileTasks__isnull=True, msgTasks__isnull=True) files = files.order_by('name') arFiles = [] for fileObject in files: fileJson = fileObject.getJson() fileJson.update({ 'thumbnail': protected(thumbnail(str(fileObject), '200x200')) if fileObject.isPicture else '', 'resolution': '' if fileObject.isPicture else '' }) arFiles.append(fileJson) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(arFiles)) #удаление файлов по массиву ID elif action == 'deleteFiles': fId = request.POST.getlist('files[]', None) if fId: print fId try: aDeletedFiles = [] files = PM_Files.objects.filter( projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], pk__in=fId) if request.user.get_profile().isManager( headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']): for oFile in files: aDeletedFiles.append( deleteFile(oFile) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(aDeletedFiles)) except PM_Files.DoesNotExist: pass #удаление дитректории по ID elif action == 'deleteDir': iDirId = request.POST.get('dirId', None) if iDirId: try: dir = PM_File_Category.objects.get( projects=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], pk=iDirId) if request.user.get_profile().isManager( headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']): files = dir.files.all() for file in files: if not file.fileTasks.all(): deleteFile(file) dir.delete() return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': 'Y'})) except PM_File_Category.DoesNotExist: pass #перенос файлов в директорию elif action == 'replaceFiles': iDirId = request.POST.get('section_id', None) aFilesId = request.POST.getlist('files[]', None) aReplacedFiles = [] dir = None if iDirId: try: dir = PM_File_Category.objects.get( projects=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], pk=iDirId) except PM_File_Category.DoesNotExist: pass files = PM_Files.objects.filter( projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], pk__in=aFilesId) if request.user.get_profile().isManager( headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']): for oFile in files: oFile.category = dir aReplacedFiles.append( return HttpResponse(json.dumps(aReplacedFiles)) elif action == 'getVersionsList': fileId = request.POST.get('file_id', None) if request.user.get_profile().isManager( headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']): try: file = PM_Files.objects.get( pk=fileId, projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']) versions = file.versions.all() aFiles = taskExtensions.getFileList(versions) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(aFiles)) except PM_Files.DoesNotExist: pass return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': 'N'}))
def _ajax_upload(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.method == "POST": filename = False headerValues = headers.initGlobals(request) if request.is_ajax() and False: # the file is stored raw in the request upload = request is_raw = True # AJAX Upload will pass the filename in the querystring if it # is the "advanced" ajax upload try: filename = request.POST['qqfilename'] except KeyError: return HttpResponseBadRequest("AJAX request not valid") # not an ajax upload, so it was the "basic" iframe version with # submission via form else: is_raw = False if len(request.FILES) == 1: # FILES is a dictionary in Django but Ajax Upload gives # the uploaded file an ID based on a random number, so it # cannot be guessed here in the code. Rather than editing # Ajax Upload to pass the ID in the querystring, observe # that each upload is a separate request, so FILES should # only have one entry. Thus, we can just grab the first # (and only) value in the dict. upload = request.FILES.values()[0] else: raise Http404("Bad Upload") if u'qqfilename' in request.POST: filename = request.POST[u'qqfilename'] else: filesReq = request.FILES.getlist('qqfile') if filesReq: filesReq = filesReq[0] filename = if not filename: return HttpResponse('Not filename found') backend = self.get_backend() # custom filename handler if u'qqpartindex' not in request.POST or request.POST[ u'qqpartindex'] == '0': kwargs['first_part'] = True else: kwargs['first_part'] = False filename_origin = filename project_id = headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'].id if headerValues[ 'CURRENT_PROJECT'] and headerValues[ 'CURRENT_PROJECT'].id else None if project_id: backend.UPLOAD_DIR = 'projects/' + str(project_id) filename = (backend.update_filename(request, filename, *args, ** kwargs) or filename) # save the file backend.setup(filename, *args, **kwargs) success = backend.upload(upload, filename, is_raw, *args, **kwargs) # callback extra_context = backend.upload_complete(request, filename, *args, **kwargs) # let Ajax Upload know whether we saved it or not ret_json = {'success': success, 'filename': filename} if extra_context is not None: ret_json.update(extra_context) if u'qqpartindex' in request.POST and int( request.POST[u'qqpartindex']) == int( request.POST[u'qqtotalparts']) - 1: fileNow = PM_Files(projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], authorId=request.user, name=filename_origin) try: sId = int(request.POST.get('section_id', 0)) except ValueError: sId = 0 version_of = int(request.POST.get('version_of', 0)) if sId: try: fileNow.category = PM_File_Category.objects.get(pk=sId) except PM_File_Category.DoesNotExist: pass = os.path.join(ret_json['path']) if version_of: try: fileOld = PM_Files.objects.get(pk=int(version_of)) fileOld.addNewVersion(fileNow) except PM_Files.DoesNotExist: pass ret_json.update({ 'id':, 'name':, 'src': fileNow.src, 'is_picture': fileNow.isPicture, 'type': fileNow.type, 'date_create': fileNow.date_create, 'size': fileNow.size, 'thumbnail': protected(thumbnail(str(fileNow), '167x167')) if fileNow.isPicture else '' }) # although "application/json" is the correct content type, IE throws a fit return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret_json, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder), content_type='text/html; charset=utf-8') else: response = HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST']) response.write("ERROR: Only POST allowed") return response
def widget(request, headerValues, ar, qargs): if not headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']: return {'redirect': '/'} files = PM_Files.objects.order_by('name').filter( fileTasks__isnull=True, msgTasks__isnull=True, projectId=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']).exclude(is_old_version=True) categories = PM_File_Category.objects.filter( projects=headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT']).order_by('name') categoriesArray = [] for category in categories: categoriesArray.append(category) def build_tree(categoriesArray): treeAll = build_tree_recursive(None, categoriesArray) return treeAll def build_tree_recursive(parent, nodes): tree = [] children = [] for n in nodes: if (parent and n.parent and parent == or (parent == None and not n.parent): children.append(n) # build a subtree for each child for child in children: # start new subtree obj = {'id':, 'name':} # call recursively to build a subtree for current node obj['children'] = build_tree_recursive(obj['id'], nodes) tree.append(obj) return tree with file( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/templates/file.html') as f: fileTpl = aFiles = [] for fileObject in files: fileJson = fileObject.getJson() fileJson.update({ 'resolution': '' if fileObject.isPicture else '', 'thumbnail': protected(thumbnail(str(fileObject), '200x200')) if fileObject.isPicture else '' }) aFiles.append(fileJson) return { 'files': aFiles, 'project': headerValues['CURRENT_PROJECT'], 'tree': build_tree(categoriesArray), 'fileTemplate': fileTpl }